California miner needs help after USFS employee steals his property from claim


Bronze Member
Dec 5, 2010
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Golden Thread
California miner needs help after USFS employee steals his property from claim without any notice. Please spread the word.

Kerby Jackson
Chairman - Jefferson Mining District

When will we finally, as a group, stand together against this criminal assault on a fellow miner?

Oh, so you're too busy huh?

I'll venture to guess that if it was your property stolen in an illegal act, you'd make the time to be involved...

There is power in numbers.. why can't most of you understand that?

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Sure would like to have been a fly on the wall when he recieved that letter....:laughing7:

Way to go Hefty!!!! I bet that idiot isn't sleeping very well and wishes he had answered you in the time given. Follow through now, these people aren't use to being held accountable. They figure they can lie their way out or just say sorry and all will be forgoten. Time to start calling them out and fight back!! Thank you Hefty for a great fight.

Good Luck!

BH Prospector

Congrats Hefty1 : ) It was a real pleasure reading the entire post and most off all that you have been triumphant thus far in your quest for justice. I must admit that I pumped my fists in the air and cheered throughout your updates as I read on. I love it when the little guy wins over the abuse of the powers that be or in this case the abuse of the powers that shouldn't be. It is of great importance to all citizens that when someone stands up for their rights that we stand together as it’s an automatic fight for the rights of us all.

Bravo Mr. Hepfner, BRAVO!!!!!

Thanks All!
I am not done with them yet!

Wow I just read through 20 pages. Glad you got "most" of your stuff back. Can't wait to see the outcome of this. I haven't had Any issues with LEO's because I know moat of them in my county but people I metal detect with have told me some horror stories of there runins that would make your hair turn grey from the abuse of power.

Best wishes on your mining claim and your ongoing case with the USFS.


The whole problem with the USFS is the government has given them to much leanancey in there endeavors. If that ashole did that to me Well never mind we need to patition the government to stop all the BS towards us miners and let us get back to work.... How many miner have to loose their job due to the government USFS, the EPA, Go get the legit.. pollutors of our rivers let us all bee

Hey Hefty

Any updates? Thanks in advance

Hefty maybe its time for a news paper story,and i hope (if you do)youll post a link of it so we can send it to our local news paper to spread the word on this abuseof "power" these people have. we need to find a way to stop these jerks in their tracks once and for all! Goodluck on your situation!

I just read all 100 of these posts. This is terrible, but seems to be typical in the current political environment. I submitted a link to this blog to Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Neal Bortz. I do not know if they will read it, but they are certainly able to get the word out to people who will care to hear more and do something about it.

Now that they are all sponsored by Twitter maybe that is the best way to get a message to them. I do not use Twitter.

I totally do not like what has happened to our fellow prospector but the BLM (Bureau of Land Management) branch of our government has rights to all minerals and or metals on any land public or private.This law has been in action for many years now.

Here locally we have been fighting them and the USFS on letting big oil companies buy leases in our National forests/wilderness areas other wise normally protected areas. They are using a new way to get shale oil from the ground through a drilling process called "fracking" we have fought them off temporarily but we are not out of the woods yet.

Hefty1 you can only get anything done by strength in numbers in your local state and/or area. The way we have done this is by contacting our local state representatives and state congressmen. You have to get a petition going as well to present to them do not give up badger them weekly the more people ringing those phone lines to your local elected officials the more they are prone to help you out. Here in my state the USFS doesn't agree with what they are doing but they can't do anything but what they are told by their employer which is BLM/US government. Most likely the BLM is behind the whole deal. Also we contacted all local newspapers and TV stations and the word got out really fast and they put off the deal for now. a web site im affiliated with has an article/petition set up on the fracking debate, maybe looking at this it may help give you guys some ideas and firepower. it is Wild South if there is anything i can help with or send any more info please do not hesitate to ask.


I totally do not like what has happened to our fellow prospector but the BLM (Bureau of Land Management) branch of our government has rights to all minerals and or metals on any land public or private.This law has been in action for many years now.

Here locally we have been fighting them and the USFS on letting big prospectors buy leases {claims} in our National forests/wilderness areas other wise normally protected areas. They are using a new way to get gold from the ground through a drilling process called "blasting" we have fought them off temporarily but we are not out of the woods yet.

Hefty1 you can only get anything done by strength in numbers in your local state and/or area. The way we have done this is by contacting our local state representatives and state congressmen. You have to get a petition going as well to present to them do not give up badger them weekly the more people ringing those phone lines to your local elected officials the more they are prone to help you out. Here in my state the USFS doesn't agree with what they are doing but they can't do anything but what they are told by their employer which is BLM/US government. Most likely the BLM is behind the whole deal. Also we contacted all local newspapers and TV stations and the word got out really fast and they put off the deal for now. a web site im affiliated with has an article/petition set up on the fracking debate, maybe looking at this it may help give you guys some ideas and firepower. it is Wild South if there is anything i can help with or send any more info please do not hesitate to ask.

So that's how I read that post...

You totally re worded what I said there. I said big oil and never mentioned blasting what gives?

I changed 4 words, not a total rewrite. I rather thought what gives was obvious.

Ban big oil from national lands
Ban logging from national lands
Ban mining from national lands
Ban fishing from national lands
Ban off roading from nation lands

Ban prospectors from nation lands


Yeah but I think you missed the point.

Im only against the BLM fracking (drilling) our national forests. There's a huge difference in the environmental impact from that to mining for say gold or silver. The thing is big oil is always going to push our gas prices through the roof no matter where they mine. And yes what I was saying was taken the wrong way and my words were changed around. Read up on areas in this country now that are having dire consequences due to the fracking mining and the harmful chemicals they use that wind up in your drinking water just to name one impact. I guess we differ in opinion about where they should do it I most definitely would rather they drill for oil in the gulf or that dump they call the middle east. At least we would be breathing cleaner air. If its prices that are your concern wake up and stop believing what you see on tv our own petroleum companies are driving the prices up. We went into Iraq for oil that's it we control it I know I was there I know what our mission was. Anyway I was just trying to help a fellow miner out that had a claim taken from him. The laws should be changed on the situation I think. Its like this if u had a large pay streak in your very own back yard of whatever valuable mineral you can come up with if the BLM decides they want it and dig your yard apart they can nothing you can do.

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