Cache Found (Updated With New Photos)

Re: Cache Found

Wow, Can't wait till i get my first cache, right now i am GREEN with envy, but
Thats one of the best finds i have seen on the forum, and i've seen alot, congrats, and HH CS

Re: Cache Found

Way to go Jer, very impressive finds! Also, Happy Birthday :D :D Make sure you get out tomorrow too, since you have such a good history of finds on your BD! HH

Re: Cache Found

Thanks alot guys. Hey surfrat Thanks man, I didn't get out today because I feal I would have went to the same spot today as yesterday and found that cache. Would have been better today but I know it was a small gift from up above. I just got it a day early. This whole story has been crazy. The wife bought me this nice box to store finds in on Saturday right. Gave it to me early instead of on my b-day. And I guess there was a good reason for it all. I needed to have the box to store the cache in when I found it. There was a cycle to this whole matter.

I have been doing some thinking on this cache and there was a old wall built where I was that I think workers back in the day built. I think that possibly after they finished this wall they all took something they had and threw it into this box. Sort of like a time capsule. Then the rag looks exactly like one that a worker would carry to wipe sweat off. They then wrapped the stuff sealed it on site with a torch and solder or something and then buried it. I could be wrong but it is a thought.

Thanks for all the replies from everyone. Glad I was able to share a once in a long while find.

HH Jeremy

Re: Cache Found

Great job!? What kind of detector are you using??
Have you ever hunted this area before or was this a first?? I would think it might pay off to keep hunting there.? I would also get all the information I could about the immediate property and see what turns up.? It might be interesting to find out who owned the property at the time the cache was burried, and where they lived prior to and after this property.? Might be 2 great search locations.? They obviously liked to hide valuables in the ground, and my guess is that won't be the only "cache" they burried.
Just a thought.

Re: Cache Found

I have for words to say about your cache Jeremy, WOO HOO and HOLY @#$! That's the best cache find I've ever seen posted. My hands would have been shaking too! WTG!!! Now, go get another one!!!

Re: Cache Found

Wish ya could find out some more info on the cache jer,

would be nice to know how it got there, why, etc.

guess all ya can do is "take it as it comes" and be greatful!

Sure is a nice find, I'd be shaking too if I found it! lol

HH and keep us posted on any more finds from that area,


Re: Cache Found

Awesome finds!! I can't believe that you waited till you got home to open it though.. I would have ripped that baby open with my teeth if I would of had to.. HH WTG

Re: Cache Found

Thanks guys, I thought about it. I tried to open it in the Field but it was sealed solid. I don't know how I managed to go on with my hunt with that small treasure I didn't even know I had. All I was concerned was finding a few coins to add to my pouch. When I shook it if I would have heard coins I would have cleaned the hunt up at that minute and went to the car. Since it was wrapped in a cloth I couldn't here anything moving around inside. I knew there was something in there just didn't know what. I actually thought it may be filled with bullets Riffle bullets. I didn't want to get my hopes to high so I actually forgot about it and went on with my hunt.

The whole ride home I didn't even think about it. I actually forgot I even had it until I got home. That's when I started to get a little excited. I really doubted it's contents inside. It just didn't look like a treasure box. It had no design on the box or no lip for opening. It was just a solidly sealed up little box.

The first glance inside after cutting a few inches of metal revealed a rag. I was thrown off by it until I got more of it cut open. I then seen metal and out poped a cuff link. At that very moment I knew I had found some kind of cache. I got the whole thing open and couldn't believe how much stuff they where able to pack in that little box. The spoon was bent all up to fit it in the box. I was bending it back and it broke.

Althoe it wasn't filled with gold or silver it gave me more hope that these things are out there they do exist and you never know where there going to turn up. Hopefully this is just one of the caches I am going to find over my detecting life. There is alot of excitement to a cache.

Thanks for all the views and replies guys. I'm going to go back to this area and hit it really hard to make sure there is nothing else around.

Good Luck Jer

Re: Cache Found

Way to go, Jer. I'm happy for you. Keep it up.

Re: Cache Found

Very coll find..... I would love to find any one of those finds...they cleaned up quite nicely...congrats...

Re: Cache Found

great finds! makes me want to get out more! darn honey dew list......

Re: Cache Found

Thanks alot everyone. I am still kinda stunned I found it. It's kind of weird now in the Field. I'm walking around looking for that loud hit to come up again. I guess I'll get back to normal after a few hunts or so. It was exciting and something I hope others out there will experience on day for themselves. Even though it wasn't gold or silver coins it still was just as cool to find actually something hoarded away for some reason.

Thanks for all the replies HH Jer

Re: Cache Found

I would be sooooooo happy to find a cache like that.........Or ANY cache (Haven't found my first yet)...That is exceptional..................I am so happy for you tears are falling on my keyboard (Cause I'ts Not Mine) KOOOOOOL

Re: Cache Found

Your funny as hell man and thanks. I might wipe these picks out. And repost them in a much better looking picture. I have been working on learning how to cut and get the pictures sized and zoomed right. I had the wife take me through the steps. If you haven't noticed I never had nothing by my name. I just haven't played around on this site much. But I'm learning it fast. I actually was able to put one of my finds by my name like the rest of you have something. I did a test with it and it don't look to bad. I am on 2 web sites that I load up so much stuff all the time. It's time consuming when your loading this much stuff all the time. And I'm doing it twice. And rewriting stories twice. I'm always on the computer and the wife gets irritated.

So look forward to some better photos from me guys. I will play around this weekend and see if I can get this cache up looking better. And sized right so you guys can see them better. I'll get some detecting in this weekend. I work and I play in a baseball league. Trying to run a family and cram all this stuff in is brutal. I'm one of those people who just never stops.

Sorry to make this so long. It's late and I can't sleep. Take care Jer

Re: Cache Found

wow i dont have words to say is awesome & amazing finds

Re: Cache Found

Thanks brla, I appreciate it. Nothing like finding a cache.

Good Luck Jer

Re: Cache Found

Wow, that is really awesome!!!!

You must be thrilled. I'm glad for you. Happy Birthday.

Re: Cache Found

Thanks alot Frankie, and welcome to the forum. Great place to be if your in the hobby. Hope to see ya around more. Take advantage of the vast information you can receive from here.

Good Luck Jer

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