Cache Found (Updated With New Photos)

Re: Cache Found

How about a pic of the pic of the person you found inside the locket...
Sounds like a tongue twister... ;D

Re: Cache Found

I resized your pics and adjusted the color a bit... hope you don't mind...

oops, hang on...? something isnt right


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Re: Cache Found

that cache is VERY cool we all wish to find something that cool someday yours came a little earlier than ours!not to pop your bubble but my guess is it was stolen and stashed many years back. y would someone hide some off this stuff that seems perfectlly fine in a jewelry box?just a thought but still a cool find,i found a ammo box(metal) buried at the base of a large lone tree. if you all could have seen my eyes, was on new years eve during a warm spell.took me 1/2 hour too dig it out frost frozen ground etc,the things running threw my mind, :o i was all over the page!!!!well it turned out to be some college kids time capsule so anti climatic,oh well way to JER you the man

Re: Cache Found

;D ;D way to go nice find have to disagree with dekalb though, a stolen cache would not have been in a soldered box. are there any markings on the stickpins? again nice find :::::drool::::

Re: Cache Found

Thats one of the coolest post ive seen in awhile-- :oThat musta been sumpin' else!! Could have easily have been full o J.S. Ormsby $5 gold pieces......Hey -could happen!! Still your find and whole soldered box thing and its contents each have a rich little story behind them.Thats what its all about!!!And your overall story really encompasses our coolest of cool hobby--Detecting !! Man, keep it up your next box could have your retirement in it !! ;D

Re: Cache Found

Wow, Jer! ?Just looking at your pics got my heart going! ?If a newbie has any doubts about really being able to find treasure out there, all they need to do is read this thread for inspiration!

WTG and HH!

Re: Cache Found

Thanks alot everyone. I am attachimng some picks of the stuff cleaned up. Hope you all like them. I am working on some coins and artifacts right now as we speak. As soon as I get them done I will post tonight or tommorow.

Good luck to all HH Jer


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Re: Cache Found

All you have to do it open the picture files with windows paint (start menu> programs> accessories) click "image" at the top, then "stretch-skew" then type something less than 100 in BOTH the horizontal and vertical boxes. Save as whatever and bam! smaller picture.

And/Or you can drag the blue dot at the edge of the pic to get rid of empty space at the edges while keeping the main part of the pic the same size. While doing this, you may have to rotate the pic also using the "image" tap at the top!

hehehe I found a gold-plated cufflink today...not quite as exciting as your box!!

Re: Cache Found

Thanks for the picture tips MD. I will look into that. They would be alot better to look at. Sometimes they turn out good and sometimes they don't. As much as I'm loading and scanning all the time I'm happy just to get the story write and up. But it does suck scrolling through them to see all the stuff. Thanks again man. I'll try and get them looking better.

HH Jer

Re: Cache Found

WTG Jeremy!! That is too cool. Got to love a Cache like that!!!


Re: Cache Found

JERFFX I am still in awe here. The Delegate Medal really has me wondering too. There may be some good history behind that.My thoughts just wander and I become speechless. Great job on the cleaning too.I,m going to take you up on that offer soon af the cleaning tips. HH

Re: Cache Found

Awesome cache find, what a great feeling to dig that up and discover! HH, Mike

Re: Cache Found

Are you a roofer in Massachusetts by chance? :D

Just joking of course! That is truly a wonderful find. Congratulations!

Re: Cache Found

Congrats ! Jer
It's sure Nice to see a real Cache Posted.

Even if it wasn't found with a Sovereign ;)


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Re: Cache Found

;D Very Cool?



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Re: Cache Found

Thanks guys, Sorry about the post above. I must have been logged in and my son made a post for me.

The rag actually isn't blood. From the moisture of the rag inside one of the cuff links was rusted to it. I just ripped it off of the towel and it looks like blood. I was up until 2:30 last night cleaning and finding a good display box to store it all in. Figured I would keep it all together.

Don't know anything about the coin or medal that was found. It was alot of fun to find. Hopefully I'll be able to find somemore in the future.

Good Luck Jer

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