Jr. Member
Looking for some advice if possible. I found out from the local news that the Boulder County Sheriff is shutting down access to Boulder Creek for flood repair that includes dredging the bottom of the river. I have approximately 25 acres of claimed river in the exact area that the county plans to dredge. My claims are on BLM land managed by the forest service and NOT part of Boulder County. Is the county allowed to close my access and dredge my claim? Doesn't seem right. I went to the BLM office in Golden CO and spoke with them. They said call the Ranger Office in Boulder. The Ranger Office said call the Boulder Sheriff and I am waiting to get a call back from them.
Looking for some advice and insight into the legality. Maybe I can get the dredge tailings
Thank you!
Looking for some advice if possible. I found out from the local news that the Boulder County Sheriff is shutting down access to Boulder Creek for flood repair that includes dredging the bottom of the river. I have approximately 25 acres of claimed river in the exact area that the county plans to dredge. My claims are on BLM land managed by the forest service and NOT part of Boulder County. Is the county allowed to close my access and dredge my claim? Doesn't seem right. I went to the BLM office in Golden CO and spoke with them. They said call the Ranger Office in Boulder. The Ranger Office said call the Boulder Sheriff and I am waiting to get a call back from them.
Looking for some advice and insight into the legality. Maybe I can get the dredge tailings
Thank you!
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