Bluetooth Headphone Pairing

Sometimes it takes a few seconds to pair, but works better if the ear buds are on then turn on the nox.. I used them most of the weekend.. worked great..

Yeah, but I'm not talking about a few seconds. I'm talking about nothing after a minute or two.

One thing that I'm keeping an eye on... too early to say for sure, but it looks as though my On button on the phones may be getting stuck. I flick it with my thumbnail and I think it seems to be popping back out, but the movement is so small that Im not even sure that's what is happening. Still, if you're someone that is having the pairing issue, check that button.

If that button is actually getting stuck then it will put your phones in pairing mode or even reset your phones and that could be the issue. But yeah, those buttons are not good (no tactile feedback because they don't move much) and the tiny LEDs are invisible in the sunlight.

If that button is actually getting stuck then it will put your phones in pairing mode or even reset your phones and that could be the issue. But yeah, those buttons are not good (no tactile feedback because they don't move much) and the tiny LEDs are invisible in the sunlight.
I'm beginning to believe that this is indeed the problem. The last three times out, I made sure the button was out after turning the phones on, then turned on the detector, and was connected in mere seconds.

If that button is hosed, have ML send you a replacement pair under warranty.

If that button is hosed, have ML send you a replacement pair under warranty.
I think its just poor design and could happen to any set. The difference between the stuck position and the fully released position is hardly noticeable by eye. ML should have designed their own headsets. I think they would have done a better job (at least, I hope so). I suppose I should return them just to make them aware of the problem, though.

not sure what all the hubbub is about...all headphones have a pair of speakers,one for each ear. do people really have that much dif·fi·cul·ty placing headphones on...
just rem its one per can't go wrong

Just bought the miccus BT stealth s71 headphones for my equinox 600 and they work beautifully. Thanks Vferrari.

I don't know if it makes a difference which is turned off 1st, but I always allow the 800 to completely boot up before powering up the wireless headphones. I haven't had connection issues since I started doing this.... Hope this helps.

This is what I do and never had a problem.... yet.

not sure what all the hubbub is about...all headphones have a pair of speakers,one for each ear. do people really have that much dif·fi·cul·ty placing headphones on...
just rem its one per can't go wrong

Really? If you do not have anything worth while to bring to the table please just stay away.
Do you understand what I am saying?

not sure what all the hubbub is about...all headphones have a pair of speakers,one for each ear. do people really have that much dif·fi·cul·ty placing headphones on...
just rem its one per can't go wrong

Not all headphones are the same, nor do all HPs fit the same. Some have pezio speakers and no resonating chambers and others have real speakers with resonating chambers.
Some HPs fit over entire ear others barely cover the ears.
Some HPs have small head bands others have large, different HPs fit differently, not really that

Highly recommend you follow TnMnts suggestion.

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Well, I now have no doubt whatsoever that the on/off switch sticking when turning the headphones on is the problem. It is almost impossible to see when it has stuck, but there is a small difference in the position of the switch when it is stuck vs when it isn't. As I said above, flicking it with my thumbnail frees it up. The edge of the button snags on the edge of the hole.

I was out with my buddy yesterday and he was having the exact issue, and getting very frustrated with him what I've learned, and that helped him out a lot. I don't know what Minelab could do to fix this, especially since they don't make the danged things themselves.

Yeah, I've moved on to a water resistant pair of backphones which are more comfortable at the beach and during the summer. Extra expense, I know, but no sticking switch either.

You can also try plugging the stock BT headphones with their included cable or a pair of wired phones into the WM08 module and stay untethered to the detector.

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Yeah, I've moved on to a water resistant pair of backphones which are more comfortable at the beach and during the summer. Extra expense, I know, but no sticking switch either.

You can also try plugging the stock BT headphones with their included cable or a pair of wired phones into the WM08 module and stay untethered to the detector.

I whittled away a bit of the black rubber cover on a 1/4"->3.5mm audio adapter tonight so it would fit the WM08, allowing me to use my unused Gray Ghosts. At least it gives me an option.

The way I whittled it away (Dremelled it, actually), I was able to actually screw it into the threaded jack, making for a very secure fit.

I just did the same thing, filed down the end on a headphone adapter so it fits in the WM O8 and I can now use my Killer Bs or GG Rattler or Nugget Busters I have for my Safari. It would be nice to have a real screw-in adapter though. I think there are also regular adapters that have a small enough OD to fit without filing or modifying. I like the idea of the factory BT phones better, just haven't had time to try all the options I have. I have to admit I was a bit dismayed when I discovered one cannot have the WM08 and BT phones paired at the same time.

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Definitely use what you have, but if you don't already own an adapter, getting one that has a pigtail like the one here:

vs. one that is integral like this:

Prevents you from having to file down the housing.

Just a suggestion...
Actually, I'd take the filed down housing because it is much more secure than just that delicate 1/8" plug.

Definitely use what you have, but if you don't already own an adapter, getting one that has a pigtail like the one here:

vs. one that is integral like this:

Prevents you from having to file down the housing.

Just a suggestion...

VF, the pigtail you show is mono, not stereo, and the plug in adapter you show is one of the ones that needs to be filed down to fit in the WM08 and it too is mono. I have seen a smaller one that would not need filing down but it was in a kit at Best Buy and the kit had a lot of unnecessary stuff in it.

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VF, the pigtail you show is mono, not stereo, and the plug in adapter you show is one of the ones that needs to be filed down to fit in the WM08 and it too is mono. I have seen a smaller one that would not need filing down but it was in a kit at Best Buy and the kit had a lot of unnecessary stuff in it.

I use mono plug to stereo jack adapter because a stereo-to-stereo adapter does not cut out the external speaker on the Equinox with my Gray Ghosts plugged into it (that doesn't matter if you are just using it for the WM08 which doesn't have the cutout circuit) so the pigtail adapter I show above works perfectly whether I have the GG's plugged into the WM08 or the Equinox control head. Like I said, I wouldn't get an integral adapter anyway as the pigtail adapter allows you to tie wrap the pigtail to the stem so you can provide strain relief on the Equinox jack. ML's adapter is also a pigtail but is longer and has the advantage of having the proper integral stereo screw in plug for the Equinox or WM08 jack, but it will also set you back $40. As far as the WM08 is concerned, the adapter I show works great for that too and the plug is plenty secure especially since it is typically tucked away in my detecting vest out of the elements and is not subject to tugging at all. I just showed the integral adapter picture to give people an idea of the difference, didn't look closely at the specs, but again, to be sure all third party 1/4" jack headphones work to cut out the Equinox speaker, you need to have a mono plug to stereo jack. I have also plugged in third party phones with just the 1/8" stereo plug some work and some don't and of course ML wired phones should also work with a stereo plug. Just what I use. To each his own. But the mono-to-stereo part is important if you want to ensure compatibility with a third party headphone plugged into the Equinox control head.

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Very interesting, thank you!! I didn't pay attention to see if the speaker shut off when I had my Killer Bs hooked up, will have to check. Your instructional posts are superb, by the way, thanks for them too.

I just tried my Killer Bs and when I turn on the WM08 the speaker on the 800 shuts off instantly and the sound comes through the phones and not from the control head. This is with both the adapter and the Killer Bs with stereo connections. I do like headphones with separate volume controls as it seems my hearing in my right ear has gotten weaker as I age. I'll have to try a couple of my GG phones later.

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