BLM turns into muscle for the greenies

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Feb 4, 2012
Prather CA
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This is a highly emotional confrontation between supporters of Cliven Bundy the Nevada rancher that has been fighting the BlM since 1993. They have his house surrounded including snipers, armoured vehicles, automatic weapons and body armour. It used to be that BlM and the forrest service who helped served the interests of ranching timber and mining, now they do all they can to keep the people off of their land, and make legal commerce a crime. This is being done by a Sue and Settle agreement with you guessed it, Center for Biodiversity, under the guise of critical habitat for the Desert Tortise. The second link below shows a sanctuary in LV has lost their funding and are going to close, and will euthanize around half of the 14,000 turtles in their inventory. Apparently if the greenies can't get money to save the endangered species, they just KILL THEM.

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After reading this stuff I have an overwhelming feeling I need to take a dump on a Prius...

sent from a potato...

This is a highly emotional confrontation between supporters of Cliven Bundy the Nevada rancher that has been fighting the BlM since 1993. They have his house surrounded including snipers, armoured vehicles, automatic weapons and body armour. It used to be that BlM and the forrest service who helped served the interests of ranching timber and mining, now they do all they can to keep the people off of their land, and make legal commerce a crime. This is being done by a Sue and Settle agreement with you guessed it, Center for Biodiversity, under the guise of critical habitat for the Desert Tortise. The second link below shows a sanctuary in LV has lost their funding and are going to close, and will euthanize around half of the 14,000 turtles in their inventory. Apparently if the greenies can't get money to save the endangered species, they just KILL THEM.
Thanks for this post Oakview2!! I've been following the plight of the Bundys for several months. And, from the news report I read yesterday, it's getting pretty "hairy". Now, they're (snipers) not only pointing their guns at the Bundys, but also at the supporters lined up along the highway.

And if all of this isn't enough to frost your preserves, take the time to read this article. If anyone reading this thinks that the gov. is watching out for your best interests, once you've read it, come back and tell us if you think the gov. gives a s**t about the best interests of you or America the Beautiful.
50+ MPG Cars "Not Allowed" in USA

sic sic sic sad state of affairs as invasions continue in New Mexico with a 91 year old rancher with some arrowheads. Any excuse is good now especially in kalif as fish/wildlife need no court order for searches....John--these nutz are worse than Al Keida

I wish i was closer to these socalled "American public servants" pulling this cr8p! id try to get about 1000 Americans to surround these jerks and have TV coverage to show their communistic ways of bulling us Americans into submission!and id get every socalled "representative" a invited to try to stop these nazis! if any of the "representatives" fail to show or refuse to try to stop this, it would get published in EVERY news paper in the world to show their contempt for the American people! DAM then jerks!

Yeah... It's pretty sad when it's getting to the point that the people have to be afraid of the government. Groups like the Center for biodiversity, and every other group that uses the "Sue and Settle" tactic need to be sued themselves for stealing from the people of this country!

Any time that a suite is filed by them it ends up costing the people money. That most of these cases are never tried in court is just wrong! It's a scam and it undermines the American justice system by doing an end around. All cases should be heard in a public forum and all of the science should have to be proven by independent parties. Any group found to be using unsound scientific facts should be banned from filing suites in the future.

These people are costing all of us not only money, but our rights and freedom to use and enjoy public lands. They've got to go!!!!

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I live in NV. And consider it a blessing of freedom. I am allowed to pursue happiness with very little restrictions. Homeschooling, offroading, prospecting, camping. The Feds are the only one who would dare to take these things from me through unreasonable restrictions.
The last I checked we eat cows not turtles.

Arrest cows but not illegal aliens....?

American by birth, Patriot by choice.

I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......

Isn't it ironic, that the Feds, the only ones who should support us with the 1872 Mining Act are doing just the opposite?

This could turn into another Ruby Ridge bloodbath! I hope not.But I recall a similar incident back in the 90's with another Nevada rancher which turned into a shootout!

The seizure laws in this nation are just like Nazi brown shirts. They better not take his cattle! Every year, 1000's of SWAT teams, raid, destroy, injure, and kill people, by mistaken addresses, and Nazi snitches fingering anyone they don't like!

Its downright SCARY!

yep it sure looks like its turning out this way! them violating our Constitutional rights,they ought to get fired! each and everyone of them!all the way UP the chain to where the buck stops!!!!!

Just to be the Devil's Advocate..

"..The trouble started when Bundy stopped paying grazing fees in 1993. He said he didn't have to because his Mormon ancestors worked the land since the 1880s, giving him rights to the land..."

Why do I have the song "I fought the law, and the law won," ringing in my head?

Do more research, problem started when red river which was his land bountry changed course over time and BLM claimed the land that used to belong to their family. They were paying taxes and tilling land for a 100 years on land BLM claimed....

" Since 1993, Cliven Bundy has been battling the agency, as well as the National Park Service, the Center for Biological Diversity and the courts, to graze his cattle on 150 square miles of Gold Butte scrub land in the Lake Mead National Recreation Area. He stopped paying his grazing fees back then, saying he “fired” the Bureau of Land Management as land manager. His Mormon ancestors had tilled the unforgiving soil since 1887, long before the 1934 Taylor Grazing Act allowed the federal government to seize control.."

I have a different song in my head....

American by birth, Patriot by choice.

I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......

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All those that paid grazing fees have been run out by the CBD under a sue and settlement agreement that now lists the land as critical habitat for the desert tortise, the same tortise that BLM sanctuary is about to euthanize half of the 14000 they have in their possesion as they say they do not have enough funding, over a million a year to operate.

Let me get this straight!!! They are making it harder for a working farmer? And they are making it easier on the non working? And were worried about a stupid turtle? I say make turtle soup!

I would say the gooberment has him dead to rights without a "legal" leg to stand on. As far as the feds are concerned Bundy is a "freeloader" ripping off taxpayers to make a profit. This is a classic "He said, She said" case with the truth caught somewhere in the middle.

As is every other citizen in the USA I am the landlord of every square inch that is owned by the government...So I am giving my permission to him too raise his cattle ...Art

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