

So to try and be as accurate as possible.

People who study these things for a living feel differently that random internet guy and he’s found it highly important to be sure everyone knows that.

While we live in a world based solely on our individual perspectives some people perspectives are different. Actually given that our reality is nothing more that our individual brains doing their best to construct reality from incoming information that random internet guy takes issue with non of us are real or exist at all. Of course unless we exist in random internet guys brain. Then that’s the only true existence that matters.

Any closer?
No you missed by a mile.

I was correcting a common misunderstanding about the use of the term scientific theory. If an individual doesn't understand the distinction they may spend their life believing in "science" that has never existed.

I see that you took this simple well established fact about language use and communication personally. I certainly didn't mean it to be personal. If you actually read the words I wrote you will discover there were only facts and definitions.

If you really believe
we live in a world based solely on our individual perspectives
then you will be unable grasp the concepts of the existence of actual verifiable reproducible fact and scientific method. I suspect that won't be a problem from your individual perspective.

Belief is a funny thing. It's changeable with the weather and your mood. I also have beliefs but I prefer to ground my beliefs in actual reality that doesn't shift and change with the weather or my mood.

Different strokes for different folks. Enjoy your individual perspective. I'll enjoy my facts and science. No harm no foul. :thumbsup:

No you missed by a mile.

I was correcting a common misunderstanding about the use of the term scientific theory. If an individual doesn't understand the distinction they may spend their life believing in "science" that has never existed.

I see that you took this simple well established fact about language use and communication personally. I certainly didn't mean it to be personal. If you actually read the words I wrote you will discover there were only facts and definitions.

If you really believe

then you will be unable grasp the concepts of the existence of actual verifiable reproducible fact and scientific method. I suspect that won't be a problem from your individual perspective.

Belief is a funny thing. It's changeable with the weather and your mood. I also have beliefs but I prefer to ground my beliefs in actual reality that doesn't shift and change with the weather or my mood.

Different strokes for different folks. Enjoy your individual perspective. I'll enjoy my facts and science. No harm no foul. :thumbsup:

I didn’t take it personal man. I’m pretty rarely invested in anything internet related and in fact I agree with you, even if I was feeling a bit silly while preparing my response. You’ll notice what you quoted said that it “seems”.

I’m not someone who really believes in big foot or most of the crazy stuff people get all twisted up about. I do however believe in the viability of science that isn’t directly related to powerful psychopaths manipulating the world to their benefit.

The idea of multiple dimensions is a fun curiosity that may explain a ton of crazy things that happen in our insane world. Maybe some day we’ll know.

Bigfoot - no
my nutty niece said she saw a werewolf. I am skeptical about her mental capacity.

I live close to Cuchara, Colorado where the person who was interviewed lives. I have seen some unusual things like tracks in the snow that are 6’ feet apart and the individual track is 16” long. I have asked several of the local residents who have grown up here and hunted here what the tracks were and the first thing out of their mouth was Bigfoot. The gait (Distance between steps) of this two legged critter was 6’ feet and compared to the wooden guardrail those are 8’ feet between posts. It came down off a hill, crossed the road went on for over 50 yards and then stepped over the wooden guardrail and into a deep thicket?

Believe what you will, you won’t be judged on what they could be? Because I don’t know?
The photographs were taken in November, 30, 2021 and the tracks were about 3 days old.


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Why hasn't anyone ever shot and killed one to show us? Why are all video's grainy and blurry? Why can't someone who see's OBVIOUS tracks in the snow go follow them to see what's standing in them?

Now I did see / witness (along with my girlfriend) my 1st and only "ghost wild turkey" in a flock in my front yard last fall. But it walked into the woods before we could get a pic. But I can't prove it.

I live close to Cuchara, Colorado where the person who was interviewed lives. I have seen some unusual things like tracks in the snow that are 6’ feet apart and the individual track is 16” long. I have asked several of the local residents who have grown up here and hunted here what the tracks were and the first thing out of their mouth was Bigfoot. The gait (Distance between steps) of this two legged critter was 6’ feet and compared to the wooden guardrail those are 8’ feet between posts. It came down off a hill, crossed the road went on for over 50 yards and then stepped over the wooden guardrail and into a deep thicket?

Believe what you will, you won’t be judged on what they could be? Because I don’t know?
The photographs were taken in November, 30, 2021 and the tracks were about 3 days old.
A deer or some such running.

I met Bigfoot on three separate occasions. The first time was in the summer of 1999 when I was gathering mushrooms in the mountains of PA's Sasquatch country. I saw Bigfoot having a picnic in a sunny clearing with his family, his wife Mediumfoot and son Tinyfoot. They invited me to join their picnic and we had tea and ate this type of pudding Bigfoot made from tree sap and acorns.

The second time I met Bigfoot was in 2002 while on the Island of Guernsey off the coast of France. He was their for vacation. I just waved because I didn't want to interrupt his vacation and he waved back happy to see me.

The third and final time I met Bigfoot was in 2019 while at the National Bigfoot Museum in Montgomery Alabama. Bigfoot was in the tour group wearing a disguise of glasses and a false mustache. Nobody realized it was him but me because I had met him before. We went to the food court together and he told me the new generation of human children were starting to believe in him less and less and he feared soon his magic would disappear once they stopped believing entirety. So I made a vow to Bigfoot to raise awareness of his existence through song. One Broadway style musical number later we had the museum crowds roaring with applause and Bigfoot's magic was strengthened. With a wave of his mighty foot he disappeared into a cloud of sparkles as the children watched in amazement. Now he is hiding again so people look for him and keep the spirit of his existence alive in both their hearts and minds.
How many oz. did you purchase each time?

In 2016 there was an attempt by group of interested individuals wanting to search for remains of hairy man like ape in Australia shot and buried in 1893. The property still existed and I actually found the location property and past it onto reporter who contacted a university. who got interest in a university to search the site for remains. At the first the university was all enthusiastic to use GPR as any remains either proving or disproving the alleged killing of strange creature. Might of solved 123 year old mystery. I had no part in the project but kept in contact with the reporter.

Then the project was OUT NOWHERE cancelled by the university. Via email to reporter who seemed baffled by it all. After several excuses Apparently if the university went ahead with project they was threatened with losing their funding from the department of education.

So to this day no search was made.

Inform the Oak Il guys ASAP, they need new material :D


Quantum Theory has not proven multiple dimensions.
No theory proves anything. That's the nature of a theory - it's not fact.

A theory is a statement of an opinion or an explanation of an idea that is believed to be true, but might be wrong.

You won't find any factual giants in any theory. Just an opinion or belief that there may be giants.
Not to mention his notion would better describe parallel universes not additional dimensions :D

But seriously, get a grip man! Bringing science into a Bigfoot thread is almost as bad as into a religious thread

I live close to Cuchara, Colorado where the person who was interviewed lives. I have seen some unusual things like tracks in the snow that are 6’ feet apart and the individual track is 16” long. I have asked several of the local residents who have grown up here and hunted here what the tracks were and the first thing out of their mouth was Bigfoot. The gait (Distance between steps) of this two legged critter was 6’ feet and compared to the wooden guardrail those are 8’ feet between posts. It came down off a hill, crossed the road went on for over 50 yards and then stepped over the wooden guardrail and into a deep thicket?

Believe what you will, you won’t be judged on what they could be? Because I don’t know?
The photographs were taken in November, 30, 2021 and the tracks were about 3 days old.

Those tracks are considerably smaller than the boot track in the picture. I'd also say a deer running, or something similar.

Does anybody know the population it takes to support a species here on earth with our known mammal biology as is...? It's got to be ALL b.s.............. OR, if you believe in aliens being here on earth NOW in that form then they can obviously come and go. If aliens are here... "bigfoots" do not seem to be in a user friendly body...? So no... just using "logic" as I see it.

So.... bigfoots... NO. Possible aliens.... YOU DAMN RIGHT.... and we're all naive to think we're alone or WE'RE the intelligent life... you / we /us / them all assume that... Why? Again, Bigfoot's... NO!
The question would be more appropriately asked “Have you encountered the unexplainable while in the woods?” Because there really isn’t any other social reference other than ghosts, Bigfoot, and aliens that folks typically attempt to explain the unexplainable with.

I’ve personally experienced the unexplainable in broad daylight while panning along the river.

Not “Big Foot” but unexplainable to a sober intelligent person. The double down is that when I relayed the story to my father he said he had the same exact thing occurred to him just around the bend in the river the year earlier. Weird. Multiple cantaloupe sized rocks landing in the middle of the river. No physical possibility that I could determine. Very odd and raised the hair in my neck.

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