
I had a mining partner that was often mistaken for Bigfoot. It was a distinct possibility. Size and smell were a match. I never asked figuring a person's specie is kind of a personal thing.

He could move big boulders with one hand - came in real handy when it was time to clear overburden. You had to watch him though. One day I left him with a six foot heavy duty breaker bar and asked him to find bedrock while I went into town for supplies. I don't think he knew what "bedrock" meant - when I returned he had dug to bedrock and was down several feet into the hard stuff.

One thing when you work with Bigfoot - bring way more food than you would think necessary. Them buggers can chow down.

I had a mining partner that was often mistaken for Bigfoot. It was a distinct possibility. Size and smell were a match. I never asked figuring a person's specie is kind of a personal thing.

He could move big boulders with one hand - came in real handy when it was time to clear overburden. You had to watch him though. One day I left him with a six foot heavy duty breaker bar and asked him to find bedrock while I went into town for supplies. I don't think he knew what "bedrock" meant - when I returned he had dug to bedrock and was down several feet into the hard stuff.

One thing when you work with Bigfoot - bring way more food than you would think necessary. Them buggers can chow down.

I used to work with a pacific islander called Toko. He was the nicest guy you could meet. A real gentle giant. He was a devote seventh day Adventist. Never dank or smoked. He was as tall as he was wide. A big barrel chested hairy beast. His hand was two of mine put together. Built like a brick sh--house. And strong. A real ape of man.

When he first started working with me. I was showing him around a stack drill rods. I went to get the crane to lift them into place. I came back he had picked them all up by hand and stacked them. He Just standing there blankly he said they was bit heavy.

Everyone else and even some big boys used the crane.The company had to get boots specially made for him. He was so strong he could almost close his fists and hammer you into the ground like a tent peg. That said he was intimating to look at, but the nicest person you could meet. But I would hate to ever get on the wrong side of him. His nickname was 'Tiny!'

He had black hair growing on the back of his hands all up his arms. Take his shirt off front and back was thick dark hair. if you saw him, naked in the bush you would swear you just saw Bigfoot.


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Quantum theory seems to have proven multiply dimensions. Maybe they are just huge people evolved in a separate dimension that occasionally find they’re way into ours for a short period of time.

I know a strange possibility but reality is often far more strange than most people care to recognize. I mean look at the things going on right in front of our eyes that people will deny to the bitter end. Humans are crazy. All of us.

In 2016 there was an attempt by group of interested individuals wanting to search for remains of hairy man like ape in Australia shot and buried in 1893. The property still existed and I actually found the location property and past it onto reporter who contacted a university. who got interest in a university to search the site for remains. At the first the university was all enthusiastic to use GPR as any remains either proving or disproving the alleged killing of strange creature. Might of solved 123 year old mystery. I had no part in the project but kept in contact with the reporter.

Then the project was OUT NOWHERE cancelled by the university. Via email to reporter who seemed baffled by it all. After several excuses Apparently if the university went ahead with project they was threatened with losing their funding from the department of education.

So to this day no search was made.


In 2016 there was an attempt by group of interested individuals wanting to search for remains of hairy man like ape in Australia shot and buried in 1893. The property still existed and I actually found the location property and past it onto reporter who contacted a university. who got interest in a university to search the site for remains. At the first the university was all enthusiastic to use GPR as any remains either proving or disproving the alleged killing of strange creature. Might of solved 123 year old mystery. I had no part in the project but kept in contact with the reporter.

Then the project was OUT NOWHERE cancelled by the university. Via email to reporter who seemed baffled by it all. After several excuses Apparently if the university went ahead with project they was threatened with losing their funding from the department of education.

So to this day no search was made.


That’s how the game is played. People fall in line real quick when their bills need paid.

That’s how the game is played. People fall in line real quick when their bills need paid.
It made the news but the university made zero searches of the property in question.

Search for a Yowie

I asked via email what happened to the reporter evasive as well? He replied Another excuse than a American film crew had visited there and university visited there and found nothing? I asked who? All got was stony silence.


I am not believer or disbeliever. yet I thought it would be interesting exercise for archaeology students to partake in as well as others to use their scientific skills especially if any bones still existed they could take possible DNA. The project had very little cost either the prove or disprove the story. But hash about turn reaction startled me.

Then all contact was severed immediately and abruptly. Some one wanted to put a stop to it and now one wanted to say who.


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The Legend of Boggy Creek (movie) is the closest I’ve come to seeing one.
Ol’ Herb Crabtree, from Texarkana area, saw it in the movie. That’s if my memory serves me on a movie I haven’t seen in about 50 years. 👍🏼👣

Quantum theory seems to have proven multiply dimensions. Maybe they are just huge people evolved in a separate dimension that occasionally find they’re way into ours for a short period of time.

I know a strange possibility but reality is often far more strange than most people care to recognize. I mean look at the things going on right in front of our eyes that people will deny to the bitter end. Humans are crazy. All of us.
I've read that the piled rocks have something to do with Demensional portal locations. They say that's how Mr. Foot can elude us all the time. They know the location of inter-dimensional portals. Only Mr. Foot knows for sure...

Coyote pups are red. You sure it was a fox?

You tell me. 🙂

Missus called, "He's back!" just as I was typing this. Sorry about the focus; I had to shoot fast through a screen at max. zoom. He's alone this morning.

We've lived here over 30 years; seen many of both species (and many many more).

When we lived in the city (not NYC) in the 80s, our whole back yard (postage stamp lot) was a vegetable garden. One morning we watched for an hour as a groundhog, raccoon, and possum traveled together through the neighborhood.

It happens. Wiki: interspecies friendship

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Gold, treasure hunters, Yowie, what's not to like?
(Spoiler alert, we are lousy at making monster movies here)

Quantum theory seems to have proven multiply dimensions.

Quantum Theory has not proven multiple dimensions.
No theory proves anything. That's the nature of a theory - it's not fact.

A theory is a statement of an opinion or an explanation of an idea that is believed to be true, but might be wrong.

You won't find any factual giants in any theory. Just an opinion or belief that there may be giants.


Quantum Theory has not proven multiple dimensions.
No theory proves anything. That's the nature of a theory - it's not fact.

A theory is a statement of an opinion or an explanation of an idea that is believed to be true, but might be wrong.

You won't find any factual giants in any theory. Just an opinion or belief that there may be giants.

So to try and be as accurate as possible.

People who study these things for a living feel differently that random internet guy and he’s found it highly important to be sure everyone knows that.

While we live in a world based solely on our individual perspectives some people perspectives are different. Actually given that our reality is nothing more that our individual brains doing their best to construct reality from incoming information that random internet guy takes issue with non of us are real or exist at all. Of course unless we exist in random internet guys brain. Then that’s the only true existence that matters.

Any closer?

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