Rick (Nova Scotia)
Silver Member
Biggest, Oldest Silver French Coin, and what a surprise.
EDIT; Just figured out what appears to be damage on the obverse is not, turns out it is an overstrike of a previous (1720) type and you should be able to see it quite well in the zoomed pic.
EDIT added a dirty pic.
Here's a dirty pic., a frame taken from the video clip.
and the whole "find" story is on page 2 or 3.

EDIT; Just figured out what appears to be damage on the obverse is not, turns out it is an overstrike of a previous (1720) type and you should be able to see it quite well in the zoomed pic.
EDIT added a dirty pic.
Here's a dirty pic., a frame taken from the video clip.
and the whole "find" story is on page 2 or 3.

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