Rick (Nova Scotia)

Silver Member
May 8, 2008
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Golden Thread
🥇 Banner finds
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Omega, F75, AT Pro
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All Treasure Hunting
Biggest, Oldest Silver French Coin, and what a surprise.

EDIT; Just figured out what appears to be damage on the obverse is not, turns out it is an overstrike of a previous (1720) type and you should be able to see it quite well in the zoomed pic.

EDIT added a dirty pic.
Here's a dirty pic., a frame taken from the video clip.
and the whole "find" story is on page 2 or 3.



  • find13-61-1.webp
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  • find13-61-5.webp
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  • find13-61-6.webp
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  • find13-61-7.webp
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Upvote 47
In the words of Yoda "The Banner, I have nominated you for. An excellent find this is."

Rick that is one monster beauty of a silver man:headbang:

Those big guys in that shape just aint poppin out the ground often man..

This will look good on the Banner!!

My vote is in:icon_thumright:


Somehow i missed this one. Exceptional find! Very nice Big Silver. Based on the fact where this one was found my vote is in too. :occasion14:

WOW ! Thanks Westfromt from where ever you are for a banner vote, Thanks ZDD for your zealous effort ( I appreaciate it)
Steve sure you can vote twice :laughing7:
OX Bow ...love your spelling...Thanks a lot.
Johnny B. thanks..Be Goode...Eh

##% ^&^%&$ wow

Man this looks good up top!:thumbsup:

Congrats Rick,on making the banner once again Rick. God knows and I do, you work for your finds they don't just drop into your pouch.:hello2:
Banner twice this year, wow...you are the real deal my friend. :notworthy:

Congrats Rick,on making the banner once again Rick. God knows and I do, you work for your finds they don't just drop into your pouch.:hello2:
Banner twice this year, wow...you are the real deal my friend. :notworthy:

I'll second that!
One of the hardest digging guys out there
Big congratulations

Amazing find! How long did it take for your hands to stop shaking?? Lol. So glad you got BANNER on this incredible piece. Bravo!!

Congrats on finding that big old Silver with a very interesting history.
The overstrike will make for great conversation whenever the coin comes out for 'Show & Tell'.
One of the nicest examples I've seen, Looks great up top!

Congrats on the banner Rick.:icon_thumright:

I have never seen one of these before killer find and congrats on the banner.

Here's a dirty pic., a frame taken from the video clip. Maybe you can see why I was at first thinking Mex 2R.

Thanks again everyone.


  • find13-61-9.webp
    33.1 KB · Views: 229
Here's a dirty pic., a frame taken from the video clip. Maybe you can see why I was at first thinking Mex 2R.

Thanks again everyone.

Yup! Can see that clearly and that's a great photo of how it would get the blood pumping.

Darn Rick, that's a beauty. Congrats................Rich

Wow! Congratulations on finding a great BANNER find! Way to go!!:icon_thumleft: Breezie

WOW ! Thanks Westfromt from where ever you are for a banner vote,

Hi Rick! Looking good on the Banner, nah? :thumbsup:
I'm sitting in Germany so french silver is not that rare. Other than that this one is a really beautiful piece even over here. Probably not banner worthy when found here but a no brainer with colonial history!

You are a Banner Bandit my friend! Congratulations!

Congrats on the banner Rick:thumbsup:

All your efforts and determination it is starting to pay off..


Hey Rick,
Great job on the banner find and a huge thank you for taking the time to answer all of my questions. I truly appreciate that. Still haven't figured out how to vote banner from my iphone but luckily you made it. I would've felt pretty bad if you had needed one more vote and I wasn't smart enough to figure it out :-)

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