Maybe I'm weird... but to me, buying a claim would be akin to buying somebody's used underwear.
Now I know that, then I didn't.
My father and I knew it was a gamble to begin with. All the stuff I learned along the way has been fantastic though... If Raimund Green had
sent me some paperwork, I probably wouldn't have had a clue, but he didn't, and I got educated pretty fast... I've learned how to read all
kinds of cool maps, and I've found out that the folks down at the BLM office are pretty friendly, and the ladies at the county clerks office
are really nice too. I may have found a little bit of gold along the way also.
Paperwork doesn't make a valid claim. Could be another claim already there or the claim area could be closed to entry. There might be no minerals at all. There might be no stakes/monuments or access could be impossible. You can't know those things from paperwork.
I was messing around the other day, and looking at Victorysgold and Duoglbucks claim. It is in the north half of the SE quarter, and there are
4 active load claims(active for 25 years) that cross from the NE quarter into the SE quarter. I didn't pull the LN's of the lode claims, but simple math says it might
not have gone as smoothly as they think. The land is BLM, open to mineral entry,
And I guarantee there is at least some Gold there, you almost have to be brain dead to not find at least little bit of color out here.
Just for fun last week... Bunch of gopher or ground squirrel holes.. They leave these little tailings piles all over the place, so I took
a bucket of gopher tailings from the middle of the road (dirt track).. And sure enough... GOLD!!! Not a lot, but enough to make me smile.
This is interesting . all of his auctions have been pulled off of ebay . I guess I really did get lucky. I am somewhat taken back this. There is something amiss .
I'm moderately curious about this also.. His feedback is down in the 50's and 60's... Also about 2 weeks ago I contacted Themac.. The company
that bought out New Mexico Copper Corp, the ones trying to get the Copper Flats mine back up and running.. They own a ton of lode claims and
a ton of patented land up in the Hillsboro area, and Raimund Green was selling a claim that overlaid some of their stuff.. (and its not the first time)
I wonder if they had something to do with it..