"Beware" New Mexico Gold Claim on ebay by Allsgolden or Goldseekr77

I'm not worried a bit, I jumped into that claim as the price was right and it was near a campground I like with full hookups.. I've been busy this winter and have a claim near by that makes up for this mistake and then some.. That's life you live and you learn..

I'll tell you one thing I learned from the whole ordeal, a good understanding of the paperwork process associated to owning and claiming a mining claim. Made it easier and much quicker when I filled my new claim. Some people here have a lot to say about everything yet should probably stick to the public rec areas if there afraid to make a mistake in this game.

Everyone be like "claim this and claim that" and im down here in Georgia thinking "hmmm whats a claim" lol

Everyone be like "claim this and claim that" and im down here in Georgia thinking "hmmm whats a claim" lol

Pretty crazy, Its like watching old westerns... "Claim" what??? But you can still do it.


Hey, great idea...only buy a claim you've tested yourself. Even better, file your own!

A fool and his money are soon parted.

I did go, and I did test, and I still got screwed... I thought I knew what I was doing, and I was wrong... I have since learned a LOT... I know
I'm not the only one.

Here is a corner before......

And After.


All the "ground" work done properly and legally... All paperwork filed (my wife didn't notarize it) legally and properly.

Its been quite the education.

Raimund Green still needs some justice, he's selling 3-5 claims a week, $250 in fees a piece.. He's probably clearing $100k a year
just simply screwing people... E-bay doesn't care.. "its real estate", and they "claim"(no pun intended) they can't do anything.

Bob, hang in there. I hope you can figure a way to nail this SOB. May locate some of his other victims ,get together and hire an att.

I got scammed also.

Some quick research. Your auctions were in my little spreadsheet... And I just went to the county, and you are
fortunate that your county has online records, and VERY fortunate that you can search by township/range/section.

The first one you bought, nothing.
The second, location notice filed 11/10/14, location date 10/2/14 by Raimund Green.

LR2000, nothing on either claim.....

However, and I think this is interesting. There are 11 active load claims and a single placer in that quarter section. The single
placer claim is owned by Raimund Green, and isn't one of yours...

Thats 240 acres of active claim in the quarter section (which is only 160 acres total), and I'm not counting the ones that split quarters.
Somebody has over filed there


I sent you a PM, I would like to talk with you in a more private venue on this matter.


Thanks for the 411, i was gonna bid on one. many thanks for putting this out there, hope it comes back to you in some way.

Seems Mr Raimund Green is getting a little more honest...

His newest listing "no document transfer fees"... Which makes sense, since he has no intention of transferring any

New Mexico Land 20AC Placer Gold Mining Claim Hillsboro Area No Reserve Nuggets | eBay

relisted due to non-payment... Good.. Problem being he also sold this claim under Allsgolden (now rockhound1849)
from my spread sheet.
item # 231398984475 sold 12/1/14 $137.50
Claim Name: Ready Pay 11 Description: W1/2NE1/4SE1/4 Sect 10 T16S R7W

Also up for sale.
New Mexico Land Placer Mining Claim Caballo Mts Nuggets No Reserve | eBay

The west half of a 40 acre claim sold by Allsgolden (now rockhound1849)
item # 231389356737 sold 11/24/14 $341.00
Claim Name: Ready Pay IX Description: NW1/4SE1/4 Sect 10 T16S R7W

Just a few things that stood out to me like a sore thumb.... Hopefully somebody looking at those claims
comes across this.

Thanks for the 411, i was gonna bid on one. many thanks for putting this out there, hope it comes back to you in some way.


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This thread got me thinking here. I would never buy a claim as I would rather locate and file on my own, but got to looking through E-Bay and Craigs list at what was listed and every single one of them had MAJOR red flags popping up.

Many of the claims were not even listed in the LR2000 even when they had SUPPOSEDLY been "in the family" for many years.

Few if any of them offered to allow testing before paying for said claim.

Many of the claims that gave the township/range and section were again not showing up in the LR2000. One claim I found is located on private property and not in a BLM controlled area. That really makes me wonder here.....

It is up to the miner to do his due diligence either when locating or buying a claim. In either case, making sure that all the ducks line up in a row is important. If anything is out of line, DO NOT accept the sellers explanation! Rather look into the discrepancy yourself with the county or BLM office.

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bobw53 and others that have been scammed,

It seems to me that bobw53 now has more than enough information collected and I am sure he will continue to amass additional information as time goes on, to not only take this proof to the State's Attorney General in your State but also to the Attorney General of the United States. Your State's Attorney General may be able to get the ball a-rolling on each individuals behalf and then themselves may or should bring this to the Attorney General of the United States. Any emails concerning where the Seller says that you can send the payment via Money Order or Check via mail and payments sent in this manner, now includes the U.S. Postmaster as it now encompasses Mail Fraud and should get the FBI and/or Federal Marshall's Service involved. Hopefully there is a case in all of this to be pursued by each individuals State Attorney General, the Attorney General of the United States, the U.S. Postmaster and/or the FBI and/or Federal Marshall's Service. On another thought, by all of these scammed individuals banding together in a Class Action Suit, you may have enough evidence and proof to sue not only this or these individuals that are selling you all fraudulent Gold Claims but also to sue eBay as being complicit due to them turning a blind eye to these, all for collecting fees on sales.

Good luck to you all!


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As long as there are people that think they can make a fast buck off of those that have a case of "Gold Fever" there are going to be people running scams to relieve them of their money. It's sad but true. It's been going on since people started mining and will continue as long as man keeps mining the earth for valuable minerals.

A lot of greenhorns are impatient and are not willing to "Pay their dues" by learning the correct way to go about locating, staking and filing for a claim. Like so many in the world today, they want instant gratification. What they don't know is that in mining there is no such thing! The miners that have been at this for a long time know that it takes a lot of work and time to get the ropes down and there are a LOT of things to learn. Going from greenhorn to seasoned miner is a long process and will take years for most to accomplish. Some of us have been doing this for years and even then we're still learning new aspects of mining. Even if you happen to find a great teacher, you have to be willing to listen to them and set aside your natural human desires for an easy way to get rich. In mining there is no such thing as easy riches.

So to all those that are wanting to buy a claim and happen to be reading these words... Relax... Take a deep breath and slow down! Learn from the mistakes that others have made in the past instead of repeating them yourself! Learn how to do your "Due Diligence" correctly, how to locate, stake and file your own claim and end the long run you will save yourself a ton of money!!! Mining is NOT an easy way to make a living as it takes much more dedication, learning and time than the majority of people realize.

Basic things people NEED TO LEARN to be a successful miner include:

Techniques of mining that fit the area(s) you're working. Remembering that the land dictates what equipment needs to be used will save you $$$$! You're not going to have much luck with a Dry-washer in Nome but in the desert they work well. You can sluice in the desert but it requires a re-circ system do to so. Showing up with a stock Keene A52 isn't going to do yo much good if you know what I mean.

How to do your "Due Diligence" correctly. Is the land open to mineral entry? Is it claimed already?

How to read maps and use the PLSS system correctly. If you can't figure out your location to within 10 feet on a map you need more practice! GPS cords are NOT accepted for filing a claim!!!! Learning how to write up an aliquot description of where the claim is located is needed to correctly file a claim in most areas.

How to do proper sampling to make sure it's worth claiming.

How to locate claim boundaries, both existing and new ones for filing.

How to properly file a claim with your county recorders office and the BLM. This includes what type of claim do you need. Placer, Lode or Millsite?

Basic to advanced Geology and Hydrology. Where and how does gold form? What are the different types of deposits? How does water move it around? What other minerals is gold commonly associated with?

How to do historical research into areas where gold has been found in the past. The old timers didn't get anywhere near all of the gold that was to be had. Now days we have the internet to help with research and it's a great tool that can really save you a lot of time and travel. Many (but far from all) county recorders now have their records on-line so they can be accessed. The BLM has the LR2000 on line, even if it is usually behind on updates. You can get free maps in PDF format from the USGS site for pretty much everywhere in the United States. Plus there's sites like LandMatters that have several truckloads of mining information available for free! (link in my signature below)

LAST but not least is patience!!!! Rome wasn't built in a day and neither are good miners! The only ones that are going to get rich quick are the scam artists that are "mining the NEW miners".

Today for sale we have...

Name: Ready Pay 14 Description:E1/2NW1/4SE1/4 Sect 10 T16S R7W
New Mexico Land 20AC Placer Gold Mining Claim Hillsboro Area No Reserve Nuggets | eBay

The east half of a 40 acre claim sold by Allsgolden, now rockhound1849... Also Raimund Green.
item # 231389356737 sold 11/24/14 $341.00
Claim Name: Ready Pay IX Description: NW1/4SE1/4 Sect 10 T16S R7W

40 AC New Mexico Placer Gold Mining Claim Sierra County Hillsboro | eBay

The only placer claim in that quadrant is the one that Victorysgold brother bought. The claim for sale doesn't exist and didn't
exist the first time Raimund Green sold it...

Victorysgold, mind if I ask how much your brother paid? And you might get lucky, he might actually transfer one... Maybe,
though I doubt it.

And just for fun, some legitimate claim gold... Its not big, but there were 28 pieces in that sample (it was a large sample,
8 buckets). Made me pretty happy, I wasn't expecting much from that area, but wanted to eliminate it.

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Hi Bob,
My brother and I are remaining optimistic at this point. The USPS tracking number shows the paper work is definitely on it's way. My feelings are that Mr Green jumped the gun on the Ebay listing you got burned on and because of the time involved in transferring the paper work, he got himself in a jam. Let's hope he learned his lesson, only time will tell.
I feel your pain as I have been burnt on Ebay several times.

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Hi Bob,
My brother and I are remaining optimistic at this point. The USPS tracking number shows the paper work is definitely on it's way. My feelings are that Mr Green jumped the gun on the Ebay listing you got burned on and because of the time involved in transferring the paper work, he got himself in a jam. Let's hope he learned his lesson, only time will tell.
I feel your pain as I have been burnt on Ebay several times.

Curious to see what your "paperwork" is. I've communicated with at least 5 others, that have been burnt on a total of at least 9 claims. At least 2 of them got paperwork... None of it
meant a hill of beans.. In my research, and I've mostly been concentrating on Sierra county.. Raimund Green has transferred a few things, but nothing that he has sold since October
when I started keeping track of it. He has actually only filed a few quit claim deeds since July of last year.

The Sierra county website has been down for a week and a half... So you can't check there... However, you can call Carlos Martinez, the BLM Land Law Officer in New Mexico. His # 505-954-2158,
you will get a voicemail saying he is doing "field" work or what not for the month, and they have you call the front desk.. 505-954-2000 ext 2161 and Roberta Sandoval will help you... Give them
the NMMC #, and they will be able to tell you if the claim has been transferred...

Here is the link to the Sierra County Clerk Lookup page.
Clerk Lookup
You can also get there by googling "sierra county" then going to the Clerks office... The Grantor and Grantee searches do not tend to
grab everything. The book and page... That gives you EVERYTHING. Book 124, page 2900 would probably be a good starting point,
it won't take you long to come current (if it ever works again), there are less people in the whole county than there are at an NBA game.

If Mr. Green tells you it takes "time", that is a bunch of crap... The land law officer has up to date info... And when I filed at the county
clerks office... They told me it would be a few minutes before I could get my fancy paperwork back, so I went to get gas and beer, I was
less than a mile from the clerks office, 4 minutes tops, and my Dad called me, and said the paperwork was online... Takes time.. Bunch
of crap from a lying thief.

Sierra county, unlike Grant county, doesn't allow you to search by township, range, and section online... But you can search by township, range,
and section when you go to the office. They may be able to search for you quickly if you call them (if the online stuff isn't fixed), they are really
nice and helpful people.

I'll probably be up there in the next couple of weeks doing some more research.. I can check for you if you would like.

Another thing you may have to worry about, your brother's claim is most likely not staked.. All of the Raimund Green claims I've checked out haven't been.
And per state law...
69-3-10. [Boundary posts.]

The surface boundaries of mining claims heerafter [hereafter] located shall be marked by four substantial posts or monuments, one at each corner of such claim, so as to distinctly mark the claim on the ground, so that its boundaries can be readily traced, and shall otherwise conform to Section 69-3-1 NMSA 1978.

Funny how you can get paperwork in the mail pretty quick, but Raimund Green's response to negative feedback is "it takes time". What a scum bag thief.

I found out this joker is messing around in Grant County, New Mexico. NOT a good idea. The people over there tend to get a little testy about their claims and if he is caught there.......

I have apparently been screwed by mr green as well. I bought a claim back in September when his feedback was fairly good. He giving me the medical issue crap and he has told me several times paperwork was on the way. I have also been doing the same research on this guy and have found many of the same things as ya'll. I have also figured out the LR2000 and geo communicator, now I am going to file for a claim myself. A friend of mine bought Cuchillo 1 and has received his paperwork, blm says his is legit. I told him I wanted a refund and haven't heard from him since. I am thinking about going and checking out his apt.

Bodine, are you local? Sorry you got stiffed... Which county? and which area? did you buy(or thought you bought) a claim in?

And today we have for sale, with a buy it now.... NO TRANSFER FEES, because Mr. Scumbag Raimund Green won't transfer it....

New Mexico Land Placer Gold Mining Claim Sierra County Nuggets No Reserve | eBay

It even has an NMMC #, most likely paid for by the guy who bought this a month ago.

New Mexico Land Placer Gold Mining Claim Sierra County Nuggets No Reserve | eBay

And even more funny, is this quote...
Please read my feedbacks so that you may bid with confidence.

When I *thought* I bought my claim, his feedback was in the high 90's, with only a few complaints of taking too long... Now its 72% with lots of Red and Grey.

And just for fun, a few pics taken today...

A lot of gold... At least A LOT for me...

And a little bit of gold... 53 pieces(not nuggets, not pickers, some not even visible to the naked eye). Guess which pic I worked harder for?

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I thought I was buying a claim in Sierra county NM. My father and I have prospected their for several years and it looked like a good spot to get a little more serious about. Crazy that this is what my first post here is about. Mr. Green lives in (says he does) San Antonio. I know where his apartment complex is located, if I can't get an answer, I will visit him personally. BLM says he is old and senile. I used to live in San Antonio, now I live very close to Galveston (yes, a long darn drive to Sierra county). Nice pans, I bet that was a lot of dirt to go through.

I thought I was buying a claim in Sierra county NM. My father and I have prospected their for several years and it looked like a good spot to get a little more serious about. Crazy that this is what my first post here is about. Mr. Green lives in (says he does) San Antonio. I know where his apartment complex is located, if I can't get an answer, I will visit him personally. BLM says he is old and senile. I used to live in San Antonio, now I live very close to Galveston (yes, a long darn drive to Sierra county). Nice pans, I bet that was a lot of dirt to go through.

One of those pans was easy, it came in the mail, but it sure was pretty... The 53 pieces was from 6 buckets, and it wasn't all of it, that was just about a 1/3 of the concentrate from the Gold Cube.
I'm pretty happy with that for a sample.

As for finding Mr. Green.. I've found addresses for him in Peoria AZ also..... So.. Who knows? If I was a con artist scum bag thief like Raimund Green, I wouldn't put my real address on anything.

And today we have for sale.....
New Mexico Land 20AC Placer Gold Mining Claim Hillsboro Area No Reserve Nuggets | eBay
Gold Queen Description:E1/2SW1/4SE1/4 Sect 2 T16S R7W

Besides the fact that Mr. Green doesn't own it(nobody does), and has sold it before....
It overlays an active load claim, the Crescent 101...
And the good looking pictures on that listing.. The ones that make you drool and want to dig... Not there.

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