Hi Bob,
My brother and I are remaining optimistic at this point. The USPS tracking number shows the paper work is definitely on it's way. My feelings are that Mr Green jumped the gun on the Ebay listing you got burned on and because of the time involved in transferring the paper work, he got himself in a jam. Let's hope he learned his lesson, only time will tell.
I feel your pain as I have been burnt on Ebay several times.
Curious to see what your "paperwork" is. I've communicated with at least 5 others, that have been burnt on a total of at least 9 claims. At least 2 of them got paperwork... None of it
meant a hill of beans.. In my research, and I've mostly been concentrating on Sierra county.. Raimund Green has transferred a few things, but nothing that he has sold since October
when I started keeping track of it. He has actually only filed a few quit claim deeds since July of last year.
The Sierra county website has been down for a week and a half... So you can't check there... However, you can call Carlos Martinez, the BLM Land Law Officer in New Mexico. His # 505-954-2158,
you will get a voicemail saying he is doing "field" work or what not for the month, and they have you call the front desk.. 505-954-2000 ext 2161 and Roberta Sandoval will help you... Give them
the NMMC #, and they will be able to tell you if the claim has been transferred...
Here is the link to the Sierra County Clerk Lookup page.
Clerk Lookup
You can also get there by googling "sierra county" then going to the Clerks office... The Grantor and Grantee searches do not tend to
grab everything. The book and page... That gives you EVERYTHING. Book 124, page 2900 would probably be a good starting point,
it won't take you long to come current (if it ever works again), there are less people in the whole county than there are at an NBA game.
If Mr. Green tells you it takes "time", that is a bunch of crap... The land law officer has up to date info... And when I filed at the county
clerks office... They told me it would be a few minutes before I could get my fancy paperwork back, so I went to get gas and beer, I was
less than a mile from the clerks office, 4 minutes tops, and my Dad called me, and said the paperwork was online... Takes time.. Bunch
of crap from a lying thief.
Sierra county, unlike Grant county, doesn't allow you to search by township, range, and section online... But you can search by township, range,
and section when you go to the office. They may be able to search for you quickly if you call them (if the online stuff isn't fixed), they are really
nice and helpful people.
I'll probably be up there in the next couple of weeks doing some more research.. I can check for you if you would like.
Another thing you may have to worry about, your brother's claim is most likely not staked.. All of the Raimund Green claims I've checked out haven't been.
And per state law...
69-3-10. [Boundary posts.]
The surface boundaries of mining claims heerafter [hereafter] located shall be marked by four substantial posts or monuments, one at each corner of such claim, so as to distinctly mark the claim on the ground, so that its boundaries can be readily traced, and shall otherwise conform to Section 69-3-1 NMSA 1978.
Funny how you can get paperwork in the mail pretty quick, but Raimund Green's response to negative feedback is "it takes time". What a scum bag thief.