Best PI detector and why


Dec 1, 2013
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Golden Thread
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
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This ought to be a hoot! :pain10:

Haha , Terry already knows what I'm gonna say, and I know what Terry is thinking lol , ok here it goes for me , myself and I , sea hunter mk2 it's simple to use interchangeable coils/ headphones , I'm not saying it's the best or worst, it does have a good track record , but all man made products are subject to failure, so that's my thought, tiderider

Thank you so much for replying, your opinion is valued to me.

What's your opinion on the best?

Hard question Read the reviews on PI detectors and choose what suits you and go with it, they are a different animal than vlf detectors , get the book pulse power by Clive clynick it will help you, GL

That's a tough one, but Mel Fisher still uses a Garrett SH Mk II. If nobody knows who Mel is, they are new at this hobby.. :icon_thumleft:

I know who Mel is, I applied to work with him before but didn't get the job because I didn't have my certification for diving yet.

My problem with all of the reviews are that I feel like a lot of companies post reviews to try and sell their product. I would much rather hear word from you guys who have used the products and have no connection to making money from what you say.

I know who Mel is, I applied to work with him before but didn't get the job because I didn't have my certification for diving yet.

My problem with all of the reviews are that I feel like a lot of companies post reviews to try and sell their product. I would much rather hear word from you guys who have used the products and have no connection to making money from what you say.
I totally agree on companies posting reviews. Another funny one are reviews in magazines I've never read a bad one. Almost like they are getting paid or something.

The SHMK2 is a great detector, the 8" coils slides through the water with ease, I would hip mount it, and throw away the nylon bolts and add SS bolts , and order the headphone adapter , and get the 10x14 coil , I absolutely love it, it's just fun to use and learn the tones it gives and it will surprise you, GL

Bit heavy - but new Garrett ATX is considered by some to be the best PI available.

PI machines for diving and PI machines for land hunting are two different animals. There is no one machine that does it all - period. Serious SCUBA hunters need a true water machine rated to a depth of 200-feet (industry standard). The best dry land PI is made by Minelab, the GPX 5000.

I like this guy, he's logical, kinda funny, and a straight-shooter:

Is the GPX really worth the extra $4,000? With the ATX you could almost buy two and (possibly?) outdo a GPX's with both. Or, buy an ATX and an Infinium (or a TDI) too!

I would chose the ATX, Garrett has a real winner here:

That's the best 'splainin' I can do...:icon_thumleft:

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I'm still waiting for the Hoot Nanny to start :)

I would add; decide what your main priorities are with it, compare specs of different machines for your application, narrow your choices, search web for all the reviews you can find, watch YouTube videos and ask any questions to the poster of the video, and formulate in your own mine what is true and what would best suite your needs. You may even need two machines depending on where you travel to with it and how serious you are about metal detecting.

PI machines for diving and PI machines for land hunting are two different animals. There is no one machine that does it all - period. Serious SCUBA hunters need a true water machine rated to a depth of 200-feet (industry standard). The best dry land PI is made by Minelab, the GPX 5000.

Could you be so kind as to explain why they are two different animals? Does the depth rating of the scuba diving PI detectors mess with the accuracy of the PI land abilities?

If weight is the issue, I have no problem swinging around a heavy detector.

Could you be so kind as to explain why they are two different animals? Does the depth rating of the scuba diving PI detectors mess with the accuracy of the PI land abilities?

If weight is the issue, I have no problem swinging around a heavy detector.

Very, very simple. The GPX 5000 is not waterproof. No other "Waterproof" PI that can "dive" can even come close to its performance. Diving PI machines like the Seahunter, SandShark, Infinium, Dual Field, etc. - can't touch it.

Unfortunately Terry, and although I value your opinions, have great respect for you, concur with most of your statements, and am not normally very fond of Garretts, the new Garrett ATX appears to whip the GPX 5000 on land. And flipping knobs to get one size target and back again to get another size target is not necessary, but it is with the GPX 5000.

In short, Garrett seems to have kicked it's butex on small gold. Now Minelab will tackle playing catchup again.. The videos show that there is at least a slight advantage for the ATX on land, an so do other videos and other comparisons. As you well know by now Terry, I have no brand favorites, and no brand loyalties either, I tell it like it is with no BS and as straight up as I can, and so do you, but we now have a new kid on the block to consider, a real powerhouse with at least some iron discrimination, the ATX.. :icon_thumleft:


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Don't believe everything you see. There is no way I, or any other experienced GPX user is going to switch to the ATX. It is all about knowing how to use your machine. I think the ATX is VERY impressive, but it has no "advantage" over the GPX 5000 on small, or any other type or size of gold. I think we can agree to disagree on this particular subject without malice. :occasion14:

Absolutely agree to disagree Terry. However, I am rather surprised at the improvements Garrett has made in PI detectors. Now if both companies could get the weight down some more I'd be even more pleased. :occasion14:

Looking at Garrett only, 1. Seahunter 2. Infinium 3. ATX
Sea hunter and Infinium are waterproof to 200 feet, ATX to 10 feet
Seahunter is considered preferred for diving and cheaper than the Infinium.
The infinium is way better than the Seahunter for nuggets on land and also is a better nugget machine than any other diving (200 foot)
PI machine. Also the Infinium is more expensive than the Seahunter.
The ATX is twice the price of the Infinium but a much better nugget machine than any other non waterproof PI machine. but is only
waterproof to 10 feet.
Like most of us, you probably want at least two machines, expecially if price is no object and you need a backup. I use an Infinium
as my PI machine.
Welcome to the hobby.


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