Best Bang for your Buck!

Hello all,

After 20 years away of being away from metal detecting.My background in MDing is about 10 years of experience. My wife and I are going to jump back into my favorite hobby.
Mind we are looking at keeping the cost of the 2 machines under $400. SO far my research has led me to several options. Would love everyones suggestions. I am not above buying used machines. Anyhow here is what I came up with.

Option 1.
Whites Coinmaster $180 and a Fisher F2 kit $215. : Whites Coinmaster vs Fisher F2
I am wondering since we will be hunting together if these will complament each other?

Option 2. F2 kit $215 and a used Coinmaster GT for $250: Whites Coinmaster GT vs Fisher F2

My wife is a total newbie to metal detecting, so I want to stay clear of Tone hunting for her at the moment. I grew up with GEB ringing in my ears. lol

Any feedback and suggestion would be greatly appreciated.

Living in southwest, Missouri so I have no idea what kind of minerals in the soil we will have to deal with.

Well, I would go for 2 F2 machines. 4 tones is really no big deal for a newbie. She can disc the iron for awhile, which will make it 3 tones. A few searches will verify the F2 is much more known for being a killer machine for the price, almost to cult status IMO. If she decides she really likes detecting, the Coinmaster will leave her wanting more, whereas the F2 will keep her from having to upgrade right away, especially with all the good coils available. Listen, that 4" sniper coil is really amazing for it's size. I think it would be advantageous for you both to have the F2. You can get the 2 coil package as you mentioned, & get her the F2 detector only which is $199. Then you can both use the extra sniper coil or just spend the $15 and get the 2 coil package for both of you. Check out the Digger27 posts. He has had huge success with the F2 & has some great tips

I will have to agree with if u have the same machine you will be able to help her to understand hers more. I still feel the Coinmaster is the bottom of the list of starter machines.

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I'd get them with the Double D coil in lieu of the 2 coil package. The concentric coils scan the ground in a cone shape. This means you need to overlap your swings more than with a Double D coil to fully cover an area.

I'd get them with the Double D coil in lieu of the 2 coil package. The concentric coils scan the ground in a cone shape. This means you need to overlap your swings more than with a Double D coil to fully cover an area.

Thats gonna push him waayyy past his $400 range for 2 machines. That's $299 just for the ONE F2 with DD coil. The 4" coil has found me some 1920's wheats, that the 6" coil on my X-terra missed! It finds coins in some very trashy spots that larger coils just mask.

Well, I'm going to toss in the towel on this one. I have used the F2 and the Coinmaster and the Ace 250. I own/owned the second two. From my own experiences, I found the best in the ground out of all three in {lighter} soil to come out of the Coinmaster, but not by much, with the F2 a close 2nd. However, the weight of the 9.5" Whites is a bit too much for most people and I don't like it either. In real high Fe soil the F2 gets the nod because even though it has a poorer air depth - its frequency helps to maintain it in ground, although its super-loe frequency makes it favor iron trash. The Ace 250 noise makes my want to wrap it around a tree. The F2 has the most toys and has the best balance too. We are talking a lot of variables, so that can be a problem - as we all know.

But for all-around use in (average) soil I'll concede to the F2 mostly because of its better balance. Larger or smaller coils are available for it too. Here on Oregon salt/black sand beaches [using discrimination] the F2 wins, but {in all-metal} the Coinmaster does. I wouldn't even think about bringing an Ace, it suffers under such adverse conditions. With the Coinmaster a 4x6 football coil is available for $116, but it gets horrible depth. Whites says it gets 8", but it doesn't, it gets 5" tops (I visited Whites two days ago). For a small frame woman the F2 wins. It again has the most toys and is better balanced, although it is somewhat less powerful than the Coinmaster, or at least that's what I discovered. Although again, each and every model (regardless of which manufacturer) is not quite the same as the exact same detector sitting right next to it.
F2 wins.

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Well, I'm going to toss in the towel on this one. I have used the F2 and the Coinmaster and the Ace 250. I own/owned the second two. From my own experiences, I found the best in the ground out of all three in {lighter} soil to come out of the Coinmaster, but not by much, with the F2 a close 2nd. However, the weight of the 9.5" Whites is a bit too much for most people and I don't like it either. In real high Fe soil the F2 gets the nod because even though it has a poorer air depth - its frequency helps to maintain it in ground, although its super-loe frequency makes it favor iron trash. The Ace 250 noise makes my want to wrap it around a tree. The F2 has the most toys and has the best balance too. We are talking a lot of variables, so that can be a problem - as we all know.

But for all-around use in (average) soil I'll concede to the F2 mostly because of its better balance. Larger or smaller coils are available for it too. Here on Oregon salt/black sand beaches [using discrimination] the F2 wins, but {in all-metal} the Coinmaster does. I wouldn't even think about bringing an Ace, it suffers under such adverse conditions. With the Coinscanner a 4x6 football coil is available for $116, but it gets horrible depth. For a small frame woman the F2 wins. It again has the most toys, is better balanced, although it is somewhat less powerful than the Coinmaster. Or at least that's what I discovered, although again, each and every model (regardless of which manufacturer) is not quite the same as the exact same detector sitting right next to it.
F2 wins.

Larry a buddy of mine has the Coinmaster, he is a total newbie "hey scott it says it's a horseshoe!" It would ID everything my F2 did, But the machine is not quite to the level of the F2 IMO. For the extra 10 bucks, I would think the F2 steals it. The Coinmaster shaft is on the short side, I am not thrilled with the burgundy plastic either. It just looks a bit cheaper. The Fisher 2 coil package for the little extra cash really seals the deal. I respect what you say, and have nowhere near the wealth of knowledge that you posess, just my 2 cents not having actually used the CM.

Well, every person on here has a different agenda. I do like the Coinmaster, but I don't like Whites coil weight, and I never have. Most people don't rely on screen ID, although many use it for awhile at first. Screen ID and too much sensitivity really do rob us of a lot of gold jewelry. I own a BMW 330ci, not so much because of its looks but because it drives like it has cat claws gripping concrete. But it is not ideal for city driving, its 1st gear is too high, but my GMC Suburban is great with its huge tires and high-lift that makes people leave me alone so they won't get hit by me. All these detectors have a different use, and some are a pain in the rash, we just need to find the right ones for our own selves, that's all. I knew a man from another country who dug every signal he heard in all-metal, and he also found more goodies than anyone else I ever met too. When he was done with a place the only thing left was the trash in the garbage can next to the park lawn there and the floor sweepings :) . Some days he brought in more rings than some people do in an lifetime of searching. All-metal is the Coinmaster's best attribute, but in disc I give it to the F2, it simply does better. I own about 20 different hammers, one works nice here, and another works better there. Same thing with detectors, motorcycles, guns, and fishing outfits, cars trucks, and work boots too. :icon_thumleft:

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I'd get them with the Double D coil in lieu of the 2 coil package. The concentric coils scan the ground in a cone shape. This means you need to overlap your swings more than with a Double D coil to fully cover an area.

I am a huge fan of DD coils also, but they need to have swings overlapped also, especially if targets are deep...

I prefer DD coils too Digger. Compass Electronics invented them. I think it was George Payne and Steve Goss who did it.

Well, I'm going to toss in the towel on this one. I have used the F2 and the Coinmaster and the Ace 250. I own/owned the second two. From my own experiences, I found the best in the ground out of all three in {lighter} soil to come out of the Coinmaster, but not by much, with the F2 a close 2nd. However, the weight of the 9.5" Whites is a bit too much for most people and I don't like it either. In real high Fe soil the F2 gets the nod because even though it has a poorer air depth - its frequency helps to maintain it in ground, although its super-loe frequency makes it favor iron trash. The Ace 250 noise makes my want to wrap it around a tree. The F2 has the most toys and has the best balance too. We are talking a lot of variables, so that can be a problem - as we all know.

But for all-around use in (average) soil I'll concede to the F2 mostly because of its better balance. Larger or smaller coils are available for it too. Here on Oregon salt/black sand beaches [using discrimination] the F2 wins, but {in all-metal} the Coinmaster does. I wouldn't even think about bringing an Ace, it suffers under such adverse conditions. With the Coinmaster a 4x6 football coil is available for $116, but it gets horrible depth. Whites says it gets 8", but it doesn't, it gets 5" tops (I visited Whites two days ago). For a small frame woman the F2 wins. It again has the most toys and is better balanced, although it is somewhat less powerful than the Coinmaster, or at least that's what I discovered. Although again, each and every model (regardless of which manufacturer) is not quite the same as the exact same detector sitting right next to it.
F2 wins.

How would you feel about a coinmaster GT vs. a F2? Weight really is much of a issues for me. Im in shape over 6 ft tall and weigh 230 with very little body fat. Anyways, after reading quite a bitof your post I trust your judgemet, as well as the others that have offered quilalty information.

The 4 inch coil for the F2 seems like a no brainer for coin hunting in trash filled areas.

Im thinking if I searched in front of her with a coinmaster GT, and have her follow me up with the spots I marked with heavy trash, we could knock an area out pretty quick. What are your thoughts?

Anyone else I welcome to add your suggestions.

Thank all of you for insight and time.

hello larry,do you think the coinmaster 6db will be any good?just picked one up and it seems to function ok

Folks, automatic Ground Balance machines are not going to match the capabilities of a manual GB one. That control/function was put there for a very good reason. Don't buy a [new] detector unless you have that adjustment available on demand.. Unless you are a techie and know how to install one, or are willing to pay extra $$ to have one installed

Wevus, I don't "feel" when it comes to facts, I feel when I'm out with my GF.. (just kidding). But, an F2 is {NOT} a deep machine, and a 4" coil will leave you disgruntled, it's almost embarrassing to even own or use one. If you want a serious detector just get an F4 or even better, get a GB Pro, those are a lot better than the f2. FT gives us all a lot better deal for the money right now. Fisher is #1, Teknetics #2, and Bounty Hunter #3. A Fisher GB Pro w a 5" coil will air test a dime at 10", a 4in one won't even get close to it. . If we pay less than $250 for a new detector, we simply will not be getting much of a detector, most of those cheapest Bounty Hunters stay in the closet after a few days.

I'll add this: F2 vs Coinmaster GT; The Coinmasters all have the same basic circuit, but the GT has extra toys. I'd get the F4, and maybe a Vaquero, it goes deeper than either one of those, by far. And for a few extra bucks, I'd get a GBP and even be happier. To me, it and the cd3d are the two best multi=purpose machines made now.

Jamey a 6db is an old one, REAL old. The all-metal mode works pretty well in high magnetite soils, but it is a heavy beast. If you body-build as a hobby, the weight may not bother you, but a 20 ounce can of Bud is a better thing to lift repeatedly. All I could ever get out of disc from mine was 3" IN THE GROUND. Remember folks that your soil type (where you live, where you search) matters more than any thing else - along with how high you search off of the ground. All detector engineers will tell you the same thing about that too, search 1/2 to 1" off of the ground, 1" is ideal. If you search too high off the ground from them you will be losing depth. "Scrubbing" the ground was scientifically abandoned when TR's went out with the rest of the trash decades ago.

My all-around preferences in a (new) detector would be, and in this order too; The first 3 also make wet good salt water beach machines.

#1 Fisher cz3d
#2 Fisher Gold Bug Pro
#3 Teknetics G2
#4 Fisher F5
#5 Teknetics Omega
#6 Tesoro Vaquero
#7 Whites TDI
#8 Garrett ATX

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Info is above..

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what about the coin master GT. It has ground balance, beach mode, 192 vdi segments, backlight,etc. This for 350$

larry,was that 3 foot in the ground or three inches thanks

ok larry im going to get the cz3d in a couple of weeks,thank you for your posts,im only getting it because you said you like it,as i think your pretty smart.but ill probally ask a few questions after i get it if thats ok.who should i get it from?

3 inches, not 3 feet.

The Coinmaster GT is not something I would consider for my uses, primarily because I don't like the heavy Whites coils, and I especially don't like the 9", it is a poor cherry-picker. I like the regular Coinmaster because of its value for the money and very functional for most of the USA. The other Coinmasters don't interest me. The GT has (no manual) ground balance, no salt beach mode, and it would need both for better depth, especially if the soil is high in Fe. I personally have no use for notching, it cancels too many goodies, it steals my freedom to chose and think about whether to dig or not, and it robs me of small gold items. . . I'm posting part of the GT's listing here..

Product Features

  • 9" Waterproof Spider Search Coil
  • Total Weight: 2.5 lbs. (1.13 kgs.)
  • Frequency: 8.192 kHz
  • 2 Year Limited Warranty
  • Water resistant Control Box
  • Adjustable Arm Rest Cuff
  • VCO Audio and All Metal Audio Array.
  • Low battery (indicator) warning
  • Automatic Ground Balance:
    • Self adjusts to different soils while you are detecting and "on the move".
  • Adjustable Notch Discrimination:
    • Allows you to tune out junk and trash while finding valuable targets.
  • Smart Notch Discrimination:
    • Be selective, tune out nails, foil, pull tabs, etc.
  • Five Range Discrimination:
    • Large visual indication. Know what’s in the ground before you dig!
  • Pinpoint selection:
    • Zero in on your find for quick target recovery.
  • All Metals Selection:
    • Goes deep for targets including relics and artifacts.
  • Sensitivity Adjustment :
    • For signal depth control.
  • Beach Mode:
    • For beach and shallow water searching

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This is a very good and informative thread. I would like to add to it, though it may not be accepted.

I have owned a lot of the detectors discussed. In my own "personal" view, I have found my QDP to outperform my F2. The way I have my arsenal, I can quickly change my 11" dd on my LRP to my QDP and vice versa. The QDP gets 3" deeper than my F2 with the 8" coil. 4" with the DD. That is quite a bit. If I need GB, of course I use the LRP. Now, as Larry said, this is an air test comparison, and in the ground the 7.8 khz may lose a bit more than 5.9 khz. But I don't believe 3" worth.

Truly, the BH line has some negativity to overcome. But the newer Pros are the Fratbros design process used in the Teknetics Greeks (Including the Eurotek Pro) and Fisher F5.

I'm not challenging the others as much as justifying my own selection by proof positive of comparing most through actual usage. These BH Pro's are sleepers and there are some waking up to their potential at a very good price.

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