Bering Sea Gold season 3 - 12/13/13


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Feb 8, 2013
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All Treasure Hunting
Ok, ep 1 is over.

* Emily has her own ship, Eroica. I thought it was supposed to be Eurotica. She took The Edge from Zeke in a deal they made but it needed a ton of work. An engine blew up and that set off more Emily drama.

* Her idiot dad has a skiff appropriately named Minnow. I guess that makes him Gilligan.

* Meisterheim is working for a Christine Rose clone, a ship with a backhoe, called Au Grabber. He's not the captain, he works for someone else for once. I can't remember the guy's name, except it was a very ethnic German name.

* Zeke made a late appearance and sounds like he's losing his mind. He said during the winter he didn't shower or change his clothes for 3 months. In addition to Bunce's death, another friend of his committed suicide. I think this kid is in trouble.

* There was another guy who built the underwater sluice, but he lost it. He claims it floated off on an iceberg. I wouldn't be surprised if it was stolen.

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We r all our own kind of true! Just for example, for some irrational reason, I am willing to stand in ice cold water for hours to get a few bucks an hour worth of a mineral I don't really need. Hmm.

Hey Kevin if you really don't "need" that mineral send it to me, I'm sure I could find a use for it. Now if you have to much to fit into an envelope keep it and when I get a chance to come out i'll pick it up then.:wink:

Hey Kevin if you really don't "need" that mineral send it to me, I'm sure I could find a use for it. Now if you have to much to fit into an envelope keep it and when I get a chance to come out i'll pick it up then.:wink:
Keep dreamin' brotha

Hi to all on this thread, AK Au hi Rob and Andrew, we are yard mates in Nome. Read all the posts, seems most don't care for the show much but are still attracted for some reason. I can't believe how much Emily gets pounded in here. And the big nose rant, didn't know you had to have a certain look to be a miner. Looks to me like she is up there mining and getting gold and has been for several years now, more than most can say. Several others and myself have gladly given her a small hand from time to time just because she has spunk and is a good gal. Just wish some of you that trash talk people you don't know would take the time to come and visit so you would have a little more information than what Discovery chooses to show you. You have to remember a camera does strange things to people. Just look at some home films of yourself and see some of the stupid crap we do when the camera is on. Any of you that want to come to Nome and visit you will find a very helpful bunch of guys and gals and you will not be a stranger long around there. Well worth the time and cost to come up and see it yourself. It's been my experience that later in the season ( aug. and later ) like Rob said there is a demand for divers and tenders. I'm in the only blue shop building on the harbor and would be happy to help anyone, time permitting.

I don't think Rob posts here, I'm just Andrew.

As he said though, most miners in Nome are willing to help others, time permitting. Unless a person is a jerk, then I am usually even more busy than normal. I try to help people before they come to Nome, so that they will bring up the right equipment. That way when they fail I can buy good stuff for cheap from them during their fire sale.

I don't think Rob posts here, I'm just Andrew. As he said though, most miners in Nome are willing to help others, time permitting. Unless a person is a jerk, then I am usually even more busy than normal. I try to help people before they come to Nome, so that they will bring up the right equipment. That way when they fail I can buy good stuff for cheap from them during their fire sale.
That's wrong ! But funny !
Is ther a lot of fire sales up there

I can't believe how much Emily gets pounded in here. And the big nose rant, didn't know you had to have a certain look to be a miner. Looks to me like she is up there mining and getting gold and has been for several years now, more than most can say. Several others and myself have gladly given her a small hand from time to time just because she has spunk and is a good gal. Just wish some of you that trash talk people you don't know would take the time to come and visit so you would have a little more information than what Discovery chooses to show you.

I have no doubt whatsoever that Emily is doing the hard work needed
to get the gold. My criticism is about her personality (at least what
the editors leave in). I realize her dad's a bit of a nutcase as well,
but what really turned me off about Emily was all her whining and
emotional issues..not her mining skills.

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Both of these shows would be soo much better without all the drama. I guess that's what sells ad time though. UGH!

Hi to all on this thread, AK Au hi Rob and Andrew, we are yard mates in Nome. Read all the posts, seems most don't care for the show much but are still attracted for some reason. I can't believe how much Emily gets pounded in here. And the big nose rant, didn't know you had to have a certain look to be a miner. Looks to me like she is up there mining and getting gold and has been for several years now, more than most can say. Several others and myself have gladly given her a small hand from time to time just because she has spunk and is a good gal. Just wish some of you that trash talk people you don't know would take the time to come and visit so you would have a little more information than what Discovery chooses to show you. You have to remember a camera does strange things to people. Just look at some home films of yourself and see some of the stupid crap we do when the camera is on. Any of you that want to come to Nome and visit you will find a very helpful bunch of guys and gals and you will not be a stranger long around there. Well worth the time and cost to come up and see it yourself. It's been my experience that later in the season ( aug. and later ) like Rob said there is a demand for divers and tenders. I'm in the only blue shop building on the harbor and would be happy to help anyone, time permitting.

Personally I like the show less the drama esp that Meisterhiem dude. Can you explain how the whole beach mining thing works? Do you have claims or is it just first come first serve?

Can you explain how the whole beach mining thing works? Do you have claims or is it just first come first serve?

All of the beaches are owned, except for a narrow strip between the tides, which is public access and only about 3' wide.

One company owns most of West Beach, the first 7 miles or so. They are named something like "Nome Gold Alaska Company", and for traditional reasons they allow non-mechanized mining on their beach; meaning you can use a water pump to run your highbanker, but it can only be fed by at most a human powered shovel. But ownership and management has changed and they are not sure what policies they will keep or change.

The beach is not very good anymore, there are too many people working it every year, it doesn't have a change to build up. New gold only erodes out of the bank, and there have not been any huge storms since the last time the beach was cleaned. I think you can even still see the dig areas and tailing piles from the last couple years of beach mining. I've heard of a skilled beach miner getting 4 to 6 ozt in three months or 12 hour days, after covering all the good areas on the beach (meaning a 4th month won't do much good, because there is nothing left.

Middle beach is small, and owned by the city, and they have specific hours where mining is a tolerated. The city of Nome hates _ABSOLUTELY HATES_ miners, but they put up with them because all the business owners like the business.

The other beaches are owned by a Native Corporation, they have been known to send a helicopter to fly out and tell beach miners to leave their property. Which is fine, there is not much gold there anyways, from what I hear. Otherwise it would have been claimed up before the Native corporations were formed. They also don't allow any camping by white people or even parking equipment on their beaches. Luckily they are required to allow people to pass, since it is a right of way.

Thanks for the info.... I figured there was more to it than people make it seem. I am really wanting to go inland a ways anyway for like 3 to 4 weeks a summer. Sounds like the GPAA Expedition may be my best bet?

Thanks for the info.... I figured there was more to it than people make it seem. I am really wanting to go inland a ways anyway for like 3 to 4 weeks a summer. Sounds like the GPAA Expedition may be my best bet?

You could always go to a GPAA "Gold and Treasure Expo" and sign up to win a free trip. While there you can attend a free seminar that describes the adventure in detail.


You could always go to a GPAA "Gold and Treasure Expo" and sign up to win a free trip. While there you can attend a free seminar that describes the adventure in detail.


I have seen the DVD set called "Alaska" that GPAA put out of their old show. I could really get into staying in some of their more remote camps for a few weeks. It seems like there are also a lot of claims for sale in the Nome area. If you could get one at a decent price you could go up every summer and not have to pay GPAA... then again you would have to provide your own transportation, food , equip ect ect. I will make it happen one of these days.

AuAK Andrew good info to anyone that has not been to Nome. Not sure I totally agree that the City hates all miners. I have had a very good relationship with all of City management and they have often gone above and beyond. A lot of miners kinda bring there own special problems to town and are not well received. The local newspaper is another story. The editor is a full blown Communist that loves every Social programs from the gov. and can not stand anyone that wants to work for a living. They would rather see the gold lay there as see someone work their ass off and get some. The Native Corporations ( different Eskimo groups) get their money from Gov. Grants so they are totally disconnected from the reality of Capitalism. If you forget all that crap and just stay busy with the idea of gold mining there is a lot of it still up there. As far as the GPAA. seems some love it but some don't. Most I talk to don't get much gold and it's kinda like a high priced boarding house out there. We see a new truck load drive by us every few days on the way to camp down the beach. It's about a 15 mi ride from the airport. All in all it's a lot more pos. than neg. in Nome, well worth the time and expense to come up and visit or get involved and get some gold. IMO the only real problem you will have is housing and transportation once there. Hotel rooms are 125 and full most of the time so its important to plan ahead.

Thanks for the info.... I figured there was more to it than people make it seem. I am really wanting to go inland a ways anyway for like 3 to 4 weeks a summer. Sounds like the GPAA Expedition may be my best bet?
There are so many great places to mine up there. Spend your first trip on the road system traveling, plenty of places to go. Don't get land locked with a gazillion other Cheechako's, go where you can spread out, experience and enjoy what AK has to offer. There are also rivers in southwest that would be perfect for a prospecting float trip. Stay away from the Illiamna area quite the hub bub going on over the Pebble Mine. Although if you did venture that way you might get a chance at an autograph from one of the hollyweird actors they hired to oppose it. Wish I had the time and money, I'd volunteer to be your tour guide. Fair warning many a visit up there has turned into a permanent address change.

Sounds like the GPAA Expedition may be my best bet?

I do highly recommend GPAA for certain types of people. They take care of everything you need, but you won't get much gold your first time there. I don't really know much about how exactly everything works. I call it a "dude ranch for gold miners" but I guess that has a negative meaning to some, not my intention. As far as coming to Nome, having an adventure, not spending too much money, making friends, and spending time, then the GPAA Nome camp is a great fit for many.

Think of GPAA Nome like a gold mining themed cruise, except on land. Maybe it's more than that. For most people they would be money ahead and have a much better time doing the GPAA route vs trying it on their own.

Well you guys should be happy. We had an Emily-free episode tonight.

Not in a callous way, I don't care about the people. Maybe a better way to say I dislike the bullshit drama.

I liked this episode. Not because emily wasn't there. Not because her dad wasn't the feature. Not because of the hot head lying his appology.

I liked it because I saw some guys running material and hitting a spot that most of us can only dream of.

It's actually more enjoyable to watch it with the sound off....

Think of GPAA Nome like a gold mining themed cruise, except on land. Maybe it's more than that. For most people they would be money ahead and have a much better time doing the GPAA route vs trying it on their own.

It kinda has that "Disneyland" look on the DVD I saw. I would have to be guaranteed to be in one of the more remote areas away from the crow. With my social skills I would last about 10 min in the main camp. In the end it is probably the most economic. Your already on a claim so you don't have to worry your in the right area. You don't have to pack all your mining/camping gear, food, ect ect. To be honest it is really hard to get by the whole dude ranch image

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