Bering Sea Gold season 3 - 12/13/13


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Feb 8, 2013
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All Treasure Hunting
Ok, ep 1 is over.

* Emily has her own ship, Eroica. I thought it was supposed to be Eurotica. She took The Edge from Zeke in a deal they made but it needed a ton of work. An engine blew up and that set off more Emily drama.

* Her idiot dad has a skiff appropriately named Minnow. I guess that makes him Gilligan.

* Meisterheim is working for a Christine Rose clone, a ship with a backhoe, called Au Grabber. He's not the captain, he works for someone else for once. I can't remember the guy's name, except it was a very ethnic German name.

* Zeke made a late appearance and sounds like he's losing his mind. He said during the winter he didn't shower or change his clothes for 3 months. In addition to Bunce's death, another friend of his committed suicide. I think this kid is in trouble.

* There was another guy who built the underwater sluice, but he lost it. He claims it floated off on an iceberg. I wouldn't be surprised if it was stolen.

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i've watched the show, and like last season ,weather kicked their buts,i've wondered since they all are in nome,do any of them have contingency plans for bad weather days ,like a setup on land around nome to work,or whats the deal there? i would make use of ALL my time while up there if possible,instead of sitting around crying on the weather,a lil income on some rough sea days is better than ,no income days!that guy who lost his dredge, really? if i had thousands in equipment, i would make sure it diddnt (float away), or is this more tv drama?

Ak au diver
Does anybody rent dredges up there ?

As far as I know, no one reputable rents dredges to people they don't know. Even if they did, the weather is so hit or miss that it's not really a good business model for either the renter or owner. The regulations do allow for renting, so that is not an issue.

Anyone with a decent working dredge will be working it, or having a crew work it.

Best plan for a short timer is to try to find someone that will let you go out on their boat and see how things are done. When the weather is good, people are so exhausted that they don't have much time to humor tourists.

There might be a couple dredge operations that would let you visit, maybe even dive, if you do it for free. Maybe they'd even let you keep whatever pickers you find and a little bit of the flour.

The problem is that it takes a couple weeks just to get a new guy trained up, and it takes time to find a good spot to dredge. Walking in on a running setup with no training, you can't expect to get a normal cut.

August or September may be good times, if the weather is good. Typically the dredges are dialed in (or the failed ones are out of the water), and the crews start thinning out as they go back to school. Plus people are more burnt out, so they might be up for some fresh blood and variety.

that guy who lost his dredge, really? if i had thousands in equipment, i would make sure it diddnt (float away), or is this more tv drama?

Some guys do have inland claims to work during bad weather. It's not really worth it for most people to have double the equipment. Often the weather days are welcome repair times or rest days, or time to cleanup gold. it's only the long stretches of foul weather that really drag. The weather this year was so fantastic that we actually took a good weather day off, I had not done that in years.

That guy really did lose the underwater portion of his dredge. He only had weighted it down with a 5lb or 10lb anchor. It probably only had a rebuild value of $10k or less, not whatever crazy number he said. Several dredges had the side imaging sonar that would have quickly found it, but he didn't bother to ask any of them. I won't reveal if he ever recovered it, you'll have to watch the show.

As far as I know, no one reputable rents dredges to people they don't know. Even if they did, the weather is so hit or miss that it's not really a good business model for either the renter or owner. The regulations do allow for renting, so that is not an issue. Anyone with a decent working dredge will be working it, or having a crew work it. Best plan for a short timer is to try to find someone that will let you go out on their boat and see how things are done. When the weather is good, people are so exhausted that they don't have much time to humor tourists. There might be a couple dredge operations that would let you visit, maybe even dive, if you do it for free. Maybe they'd even let you keep whatever pickers you find and a little bit of the flour. The problem is that it takes a couple weeks just to get a new guy trained up, and it takes time to find a good spot to dredge. Walking in on a running setup with no training, you can't expect to get a normal cut. August or September may be good times, if the weather is good. Typically the dredges are dialed in (or the failed ones are out of the water), and the crews start thinning out as they go back to school. Plus people are more burnt out, so they might be up for some fresh blood and variety.

Thanks for the info !
Not what I was hoping for but it is what it is ...
That may be a good idea ... I do dive and dredge now but would love to have a couple weeks to wear myself out in nome and get it out of my system and off the bucket list ...
Is there a place these folks look for divers or do they just look for boots on the ground when in need...?
I think I would make a pretty good hand for a dredge owner as I have great work ethic and I'm not interested in making any changes for them just want to work ..usally when I dive with my dredge I run sun up to sun down ... Might be weird but there's just something about it I love.... Most of the folks I take give out after about 6 hours .... Also I'm not looking for anything but some work time the experience more than anything .. Ideally I would love to bring home stuff iv dredged up not for the monetary value but just something to remember the trip...
Really I would love to work a summer up there but I own and run a small business with too much time away I'm afraid something might go wrong.... But I think my experience running a business kind of changes the way I work and would make me a better employee, as I'm not going to complain or try to change the way they run ...
Just dive as much as they will let me ...
Any how thanks for the info .....

Maybe the season will turn around with out as much drama and we will see some gold come up. You would think their were other areas similar to Nome to dredge?

Maybe the season will turn around with out as much drama and we will see some gold come up. You would think their were other areas similar to Nome to dredge?[/QUOTE I doubt that ! Probably a lot worse than we think .... My favorite piece was watching Emily talk about how all the other miners would be in awe of her operation right before the bang and the fire... Reminded me of her dad diving and screaming about all the gold they were on befor he fired up the dredge and surfaced and called it aday befor any work.was done But then the apple don't fall far from the tree!!!!!! Kind of makes ya think they may have been payed just to show up and dredge under the ice..... Sometime I wonder why I watch... But I always do ..... Wow howed I mess this up everything's in the qoute box?

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Think we need to send a group of psychiatrists & psychoanalysts on a mercy mission up there for these folks.

They'd go crazy! For sure and there's already enough crazzys there. !!!! Iv always wondered how a gene pool steve,s even made it this far?
Could you imagine a shrink talking with steve Ridell that would be more than funny

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Maybe the season will turn around with out as much drama and we will see some gold come up. You would think their were other areas similar to Nome to dredge?
i agree tn,its been my experience in this world,that very little is (unique) , i definiatly think there are other places where the circumstances are right. i've personaly wonder about the hudson bay in canada, goldfields all around it,just as glaciated historicly .

There was a post in the dredging forum for inland dredging opportunities/help outta Nome for anyone interested in REAL mining experience. John

So what do you think, is Zeke losing his mind or just putting in a good performance?

So what do you think, is Zeke losing his mind or just putting in a good performance?

performance ! yep :icon_thumleft: ...but "Good performance " ? I'm not so sure :tongue3:

Scott is on the wagon, so someone has to pick up the slack on Drama :laughing7:

by the way, Scott reminded me so much of Steve Riedel last night,
when he showed up late, & acted like it was no Big deal.

Was good to see the Christine Rose have problems and
Old man Pomrenke admit he ain't no God.
He always acted like he knew everything & his son was a screw-up :(

was also nice to see someone else pull in some gold for once.
even if it turns out to be a fluke

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why hasent the Christine Rose ever fixed thier drives on that barge to get it out to the claim?? now the excavator needs to be replaced>>>>>

why hasent the Christine Rose ever fixed thier drives on that barge to get it out to the claim?? now the excavator needs to be replaced>>>>>
Think he did but the thrusters aren't much .. He Needs a lot more than a new excavator, new barge as he's patching thru the rust holes in the barge ...
All the money he's making seems like he would start building all over while running that one !!!

I'm in love with Emily's nostrils!

The show does not interest me anymore. If they would show them dredging, diggin', sluicin', and recoverin' gold...then it would have a fan here. But, Zeke's, Emily's and Steve's idiocy is too much for me to handle.

They'd go crazy! For sure and there's already enough crazzys there. !!!! Iv always wondered how a gene pool steve,s even made it this far?
Could you imagine a shrink talking with steve Ridell that would be more than funny

The Reidells are from Homer, not Nome. Same for Zeke. Homer is also the home of the Hillstrands from Deadliest Catch. So if any town is full of nutbags, it's Homer. :)

I'm in love with Emily's nostrils!

The show does not interest me anymore. If they would show them dredging, diggin', sluicin', and recoverin' gold...then it would have a fan here. But, Zeke's, Emily's and Steve's idiocy is too much for me to handle.

here are some ideas for her nose at the beginning of this :laughing7:


With the housing crunch in Nome...Emily could rent out her nostrils. 200 square feet each and room for the car AND dredge!

It must make for a lot of lonely nights if Emily is the best that Nome has to offer. :laughing7:

With that nose I would guess a couple ounces of nose gold daily. You would need a 10" dredge at least.

You have to wonder if she even know the only reason she on the show.....
It simply amazes me how good of a miner she thinks she is and she never done anything right anyway!

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