Smee....Again I would NOT discount ANY of the bent trees without an inspection. There were many Indians involved with these guys.
Knights of the Golden Circle....Look up Stand Watie, and his war with the Pins. Look up "Order of American Knights" (also had Indian and outlaw members) Look up "Sons of Liberty" (also had patriots, Indians, and outlaws) before them Templars..
Petroglifs often disguised to look Spanish, or Indian are near these trees as are clues, and sometimes carvings.

This is near a Thong tree
(it's not Indian, and not Spanish...but pretend it is)


This also near the thong tree


Hi Clue: Those pieces are really interesting, I can see that you didn't outline everything in that last pic, I wouldn't either,, I see letters etc that aren't highlighted,, those Obviously are not indian,,
I know you don't have to ,but, can you tell me how far apart are the bent tree's in your area,,id like to know what to look for around here, Do you ever find these tree's close together in a group?


Les ......So far, when I have found them in a cluster of 40-60 yards apart, the experience was not profitable. I saw no thong marks, no carvings, no blazes, no clues, no evidence that the cluster was made by anything other than a storm, (MAYBE a person ) falling a tree down on several others.

In my instance as one backed away from the site, one could envision a tree falling and remaining on top of the bent tops of it's neighbors and naturally shaping them. If the trees are part of a layout, a pattern will become aparant to the experienced hunter as they follow the clues, carvings, and trees over the MANY MANY miles of the grid. you go out and hunt, be observant of patterns evolving ..
ENOUGH here. You have my e-mail. Are the bent trees near your guns?
Did you go back and photo the other carvings?
This clue found not far from a thong tree seems to tell you what you may find!


Hi Clue: I haven't been to take pic's of those gun carvings, the kids broke the back off of my good Camera,,,also,, I decided to just stay away from that sight, I don't know what if anything is there, Im kinda seeing the story as,,it may be true & may not be true,,Someone was going there looking for something,,but,, according to what ive been told they haven't been back for about two years now,maybe they found what they were looking for?


Hey all...I really know nothing about the things you are discussing here...
so I've got no dog in this hunt...I do believe some trees were shaped by man for whatever purposes... just thought you might like to see a picture of a tree taken on a recent hike, being shaped by nature... The tree that fell on this small one is pretty much rotted and I would expect in a few years there won't be any trace of it... and I suspect in the distant future the surviving tree will peak someones interest due to it's shape...again...not trying to make any point here..just felt you might enjoy it...HH


Hi Copperhead: That is a funny looking little tree & I can see how in the future it might get some attention from someone thinking it's a trail tree, thanks for the pic ,what area/State did you take that pic?


les said:
Hi Copperhead: That is a funny looking little tree & I can see how in the future it might get some attention from someone thinking it's a trail tree, thanks for the pic ,what area/State did you take that pic?

Taken in a state forest in Connecticut Les....glad you enjoyed it..



Got another question for you, because I have found 4 of these in my county, three of which (if my gps is right) are in a line, and the one in this picture is exactly 11 miles away from the last one in the line. All of the trees are formed similar to the thong trees, not natural. Are these trees related to what you are looking for?

I have 2 of them with 3 prongs, kinda like a pitchfork, and a large thong tree in the middle. There is also another tree on one side of the bent tree that looks like a snake had wrapped itself around the tree, but not sure it's related. All 4 trees form a line.

In this area there is also a smaller tree which has some interesting carvings on it, initials actually and numbers. Looks way too young and small to be Indian or even KGC, but thought I would ask anyways. The nose looks like a trail tree, no thong marks, but the upright was split into a v.

Any ideas?


Smee..........The bent trees are common in treasure layouts. I sent ML some pics a while back for her to see. The "Goal post " trees and trees with holes in them, or holes made by grafting are involved in surveying the treasure layout. Of course as with all thong, or trail trees, or hoot owl trees, or treasure trees, or whatever name one chooses, I would not say for sure, without a tree, and site examination.

I would be looking for carvings, clues, and other trees to see if the specific trail trees were involved. In almost every case I've seen , they have been involved in the grid.



Hello Everyone....I have been reading all your posts here and decided to make a comment of my own.
First of all, I was well acquainted with the man Orvus Lee Howk that some of you mention. I can tell you he wrote in riddles, the truth could not be told...He did give us some clues and if you know a few things about what went on in history, family relationships.., etc...You'll find what he was really talking about.

I noticed some of you seemed to have the opinion here that some of the markings discussed were ,"only Indian markings". What you fail to realize is, The Indians were the K G C.
It is true that some of the markings are for water sources. Some mean "It's safe to go this way" etc....Some even mark Clan Territory...Hunting grounds etc.
The KGC had stashes of food, ammo. and even knew what sighn meant a friendly place to stay and find fresh horses and help. There were "stations" all over ,closer in areas where they were needed more.
Have any of you ever read where any one got the Confederate Treasury at the end of the civil War? It was still in the Southern hands. It was hidden somewhere.
Historians make a big mistake when the refuse to admit there was a KGC connection in the Civil War. Playing Ostrich does not make it true. ,Lou


loukilgore said:
Have any of you ever read where any one got the Confederate Treasury at the end of the civil War? It was still in the Southern hands. It was hidden somewhere.

Prior to the Civil war, the antebellum south enjoyed one of the lightest tax burdens of ALL contemporary societies. In the first four years of the civil war, the Confederate Treasure was able to obtain a total of 3.5 million dollars through tariff and taxation. BIG cache!!!

In 1861, the Treasury earned $15 million selling out their first bond issue. The second issue, however, consisting of $100 million in 8 percent yield bonds, sold slowly. Why? 12% inflation, and a lack of wealth among the general population. Remember, only a small percentage of even whites were plantation owners. Many were out working along with the slaves trying to eak out a living. But you won't see that in the "politically correct" movies. My family DID own a plantation in Magnolia, MS and I know about the white workers through records handed down.

Again, the foundation of Confederate war financing consisted of over $1.5 billion in paper dollars that began depreciating before the ink had a chance to dry. They were NOT backed by actual gold, and therefore worthless by the waning days of the war. Suppliers would not accept the scrip/fiat money. So, why didn't they break out the gold? BECAUSE IT WAS NOT THERE.


The Indians were the KGC? Very funny. A few may have been, but most were not.


Hi Guys: Those of you that don't believe the Eleven States of the South had Any Money Should read this Diary,it isn't a Trumped up Book written after the war, it was written During the war by one of Jefferson Davis Clerks,one that Opened his mail,, SWR Posted this in the KGC Thread, I had already read part of it at it Does appear that the common man Suffered a Great Deal During the Civil War, Some to the Point Of almost Starving ,but, This Diary Shows that there was Millions of Dollars Floating back & Forth, It seems that some of thier money/Gold was sent overseas,hidden Etc. This Diary is a Long read ,,If you decide to read it grab some Coffee<G>.'s+diary&as_brr=1


Les.....It is obvious that you are learning and accepting the possibilities of burried
KGC/ Outlaw/ Rebel/ Indian/ treasure.

Lets tell the truth though, as we're following the trees, and clues near the thong, or hoot -owl trees, will we care tremendously who's trail were following? As you analyzes the "Spanish" carvings, will you be happy to know you are following the money trail correctly?

Do you think most would be content to find, and remove the goodies, or will they want to argue with others about the validity of the South's $$. Maybe they will want to show Smee the clues near the bent trees, and argue with Rennwaggen about the validity of burried treasure. The dates on coins will aid in answering the basic questions...when it was "put down". But who did it?

I'm pretty sure even if you show proof to most of these folks, it would be easier for the pig-headed, lazy, naysaying wannabes to believe that treasure finders probably burried their own stash to then dig up. Some folks just can't believe that they don't know everything. I might be successful, but I'm learning still.

It's nice to become aware of others that welcome research and learning.


Hi Clue: Yes Im learning more everyday even at my old age,I'll probably get chewed on for this ,but, oh well,,, That Diary was a very interesting Read for me, I finished reading it last night, The Fellow that wrote it Seemed to be worried,aggervated,sometimes doing without food etc. ticked off about the things going on in the Confederate Goverment,,it's Obvious that he knew what was going on, no one could lie about all of what he wrote,, when I started reading about the Civil war At first I doubted that there could be large Caches hidden anywhere,,but,, now I think there probably is,, All of that money had to go somewhere,,The South didn't have time to go broke during the war,they were just out numbered, I can't see myself how Eleven States could go Completely Broke in just Four Years,It's pretty Obvious that Some of the Higher up Goverment Officials Had to hide thier gold somewhere,They didn't just stand by & let it all get captured,, Gold is heavy,not something you can pack around,The Common Man,alot of the Troops, Probably were Broke,,this is also Obvbious,, I do know that anytime I see one of those Bent tree's from now on,, I will take a Closer look<G>.


les said:
no one could lie about all of what he wrote

Les, glad to hear you've led a sheltered life. The fact of the matter is anyone can lie about anything. And yes, there are some discrepancies in the writer's story. Those could be attributed to "interpretation", or they could be lies. Take your pick.

les said:
All of that money had to go somewhere,,The South didn't have time to go broke during the war,they were just out numbered

Sorry son, this old southerner isn't going to fall prey to that. The truth of the matter is, our leaders should have fought a war of attrition and made the Yankees come after us. That would have played to our strengths and allowed the south to stockpile resources for war including gold and weapons. Instead, we went into their home field and tried to win the war. The south had neither the monetary, military, nor human resources to win that kind of war. Our soldiers fought valiantly, but the planning of the war is where they lost.

les said:
I can't see myself how Eleven States could go Completely Broke in just Four Years

Easy. The southern leadership mismanaged the resources at their disposal as noted in the previous statement.

les said:
It's pretty Obvious that Some of the Higher up Goverment Officials Had to hide thier gold somewhere

What little there was, yes. Kinda like rats leaving a sinking ship. When they finally realized that they screwed up, they took off and hid whatever valuables they could from the conquering armies.

I'd love to think that things were otherwise, I might take some time to try a little clue following. I'm better at map reading though, and dealing with facts.

As for the trees, they look pretty neat. Don't know much about them yet, but they are interesting. Glad to see that the whizzing contest was put on hold.


Hi Rennwaggen: Im glad to see your Comments, But, As for me leading a Sheltered Life,,Sorry,, I know this is Not true, Ive always been to Busy Busting my a** Ironworking /Helping to build this Country, other than to Stop take time to read about what really happened during the Civil War,if this is what you mean by living a sheltered life ,,where,, civil war knowledge is concerned ,,guess I have,,one reason im here is that I was looking for some serious help to locate a Cache,,another is I fell On a Job messed my neck & left arm up, then had a heart attack just after,actually Ive had Five Heart attacks now,,So I have to kinda take it easy for just a little while ,,then,, I will be Right back out there Busting my A** again,,Hey I love working & my Job,,im not a Treasure hunter actually,, Ive spent some of my time Off reading about the Civil War,that doesn't make me a Pro on the Civil war I know this,, im also researching a cache Location I know of. it's Boring to sit home all the time,,I'm glad to read all of your comments,agree or disagree, you have right to your Opinion, as I do too!! (Civil War Facts) interest me,
I agree some of that Diary Is Spectulation,interpted, but I believe to some of it are true facts,,,I did read that Diary close enough to see that it was tampered with, as I have read two other Copies of it also, the tampered with part being the Flight from the Confederate State Captial By Jefferson Davis & his cabinet, one Copy clearly states that the train was waiting treasure loaded,no one could get passage it was so loaded,, the other copy I read ,makes no mention of it,,,that is interesting,,,If you see any of those Bent tree's ya might wanna stop & look Close just for fun,, enjoy yourself here I have,,but soon I will be back at living my Sheltered life 75 foot in the air! Come up on a Beam & have lunch someday<G>!!!! ;D ;D


les said:
I agree some of that Diary Is Spectulation,interpted, but I believe to some of it are true facts,,,I did read that Diary close enough to see that it was tampered with, as I have read two other Copies of it also, the tampered with part being the Flight from the Confederate State Captial By Jefferson Davis & his cabinet, one Copy clearly states that the train was waiting treasure loaded,no one could get passage it was so loaded,, the other copy I read ,makes no mention of it

My comment was directed at the statement you made insinuating that it must be true: "no one could lie about all of what he wrote." If one believes that everything they read in a book must be true, they have had little experience with real life, hence the "lived a sheltered life" comment. It was not meant as an insult but was a tool to get to the truth.

The question becomes which account is true and agrees with FACT. The FACT that the south was BROKE is somehow important in answering that question. Anything which does not agree with the facts must then be conjecture at the very least, and an outright lie at the worst.

Fiction does not lead to treasure, regardless of how much we want it to be true.


Hi Guys: Thank's for the response Rennwaggen, I agree with you in the statement you made concerning " Fiction does not lead to treasure, regardless of how much we want it to be true." I believe this!! I also believe it would be very hard to locate a KGC Cache/Civil War Cache after so many years have passed,,where do you look?? That is why I kinda stick to things I know more about,,hunting for KGC stuff, Civil War Treasure is kinda out of my League,,but,, I enjoy reading about it & the thought of treasure will get just about anyones Blood pumping,, I don't believe everything I read,,this is why I choose not to get into some of the Books out there,,I try to stick with Facts,,The Civil War is interesting & does Concern our ancestors, I do find it Odd in The Rebel War Clerk's Diary,that, not once did I see where he even mentioned KGC,, Other than Messages sent in Cipher,,that does not mean those messages were From KGC Either,Although the KGC did exist,,maybe he was Ordered Not to mention it,, I do feel like I am kindof getting off tract in this thread ,since we were discussing Bent tree's,carvings, Clues,So, If I post here again it will be about Bent Tree's,Carvings, Or Pics Of tree's I have found here in my area!!


les said:
I do feel like I am kindof getting off tract in this thread ,since we were discussing Bent tree's,carvings, Clues,So, If I post here again it will be about Bent Tree's,Carvings, Or Pics Of tree's I have found here in my area!!

Somehow I have gotten confused along the path I have been following here. I thought one person was saying all the trees were related to KGC treasures, and the other one was saying they weren't. Now, it comes to me that if the trees are related to KGC treasures, then this is the place to discuss both and how they relate to each other.

Now, IF (and its' a BIG if) the KGC were able to bury some caches, how could these trees be part of the puzzle? Surely after 140 years and a bunch of logging, most of them trees are gone. Would that mean that the treasure is forever lost? Did the loggers find it?

Also DOCUMENTATION, not conjecture by some Johnny come lately, of their use by the KGC or any other group of TREASURE HIDERS would be helpful.

What about evidence that the trees were something else? One person says they were trail markers. Is there evidence of this? Now we're talking about over 200 years.

PROOF. Need some on one side or the other. Otherwise, they're just freaks of nature.

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