Hi Smee: Sorry to hear about your brother-in-law, that sounds terrible that the Law we depend on for protection would do such a thing,,who does a person trust these days,,,,,,
Now,, Im not trying to be a Smart _ss Here!! ,,but,,What is a Steward? I am Serious,,,I don't know? I feel like the Idiot because I don't know?? Maybe Illinois doesn't have them Here,, I mean other than a group of Volunteers What do they do? My guess would be Volunteer Forest Ranger?


les said:
Now,, Im not trying to be a Smart _ss Here!! ,,but,,What is a Steward? I am Serious,,,I don't know? I feel like the Idiot because I don't know?? Maybe Illinois doesn't have them Here,, I mean other than a group of Volunteers What do they do? My guess would be Volunteer Forest Ranger?

No offense Les.

Who are the "Stewards"? The Mountain Stewards are a non profit organization, working to make the Appalacian Trail more accesible in their part of the country. In the fall of 2003, the Mountain Stewards began to restore some of the traditional trails that meander throughout the Southern Appalachians. To date they've restored some of the trails in the Wildcat Tract of the Dawson Forest, improved the Interpretive Trail at the Amicalola River Access, and worked on walking trails on the campus of the Holy Family Church property. You can find out more at then click on the link "Mountain Stewards" on the left hand side of the page.

There is also a group of volunteers who are associated with the Mountain Stewards who search for the remaining Indian Trail Trees. The trees predate the KGC by several decades, some being older than the U.S. Constitution . . . and these are only the ones still standing.

There are differences between an Indian Trail Tree and an Owl Hoot tree. The process used to create the form is one of the biggest identifiers --- but some of these "educated" people will not take the time to learn the difference, and assume that every funny looking tree they see has to be some sort of treasure marker tree.

An Indian Trail Tree, despite what you will hear here, did not mark "treasures". They marked water. They marked caves. They warned of danger. They marked the trail, the location of tribes and clans within those tribes, boundaries, worship sites, etc. Not treasure.

The funniest part of all, when the Indians did bury something of value to them, they DID NOT bend those trees. They did, however, make them noticeable to other Indians. One of the treasures I know of, because of a story handed down, is the first pair of moccasins worn by a brave's firstborn which he made by hand. The memories were a treasure to him.

BTW: Clueman, you gotta get some of that rotted leather. I hear the market is booming this year!

Another one had a wooden owl that was hand carved. No GOLD, no SILVER, no coins, not even a paper dollar. Personal items. Things of no value except to the owner.


Les, I was not arguing whether clueman has actual bents trees with carvings on them, I was arguing whether or not they were KGC. Carvings on bent trees may just be carvings on bent trees. It may be the carvings that are important and the bent trees were just in the right spots for the carvings and have nothing to do with the trail. I haven’t seen clueman’s trees and if he can use a template and find “clues” then more power to him. It’s my opinion he won’t find treasure using a template but that’s just me. I would also not expect someone to broadcast on the internet that they found a treasure because that would be stupid. However; if a treasure of the magnitude of one of the alleged “depositories” was ever recovered I am pretty sure it wouldn’t stay a secret for very long. Things of that nature never do.

Lots of caches are already gone but there are still plenty out there to look for. I am talking about caches in general and not necessarily KGC stuff.

Smee, nice info on the trees. Most people don’t realize the Indians used trees like that and they also try to make naturally bent trees be something they are not.


Hi Smee: Thank's for the explaining Stewards,, When you say these are the only remaining Indian marker tree's still standing,you do mean in your area? Im asking because I do know we have them in our area also, There is one that ive been meaning to take a pic of which is at least 5 foot in Diameter, I think it is a marker tree,it is bent to perfect to not be one. The lower elbow on it points toward the mississippi river. this tree does not have any Carvings,or anything drawn on it.


Hi Alec: I understand what you mean & yeah there are treasures out there to be found, My Buddy found a one dollar Gold coin 1857 a month or so back, it is mint condition beautiful find, Wish I could find one, It is cold & windy ,raining here today, Im gonna try to get a pic of a huge Bent Tree to post here , ya gotta see this one it Dwarfs me standing by it. the first bend in it is over my head & im 6' 1" . Wish the rain would stop so a person could get outside,im getting cabin fever<G>,been raining here all week!!!!


Hi Clue: What all kinds of activities do you have at your resort, a vacation sounds good,, are you in a Rual area? are you close to a town? Hey I hate Cooking,only thing worse than cooking,, is eating my cooking<G>.


les said:
Hi Smee: Thank's for the explaining Stewards,, When you say these are the only remaining Indian marker tree's still standing,you do mean in your area? Im asking because I do know we have them in our area also, There is one that ive been meaning to take a pic of which is at least 5 foot in Diameter, I think it is a marker tree,it is bent to perfect to not be one. The lower elbow on it points toward the mississippi river. this tree does not have any Carvings,or anything drawn on it.

The Algonquin tribes (Cherokee, Miami, Osage and many others) did bend the trees. There are trees in New York ( and most of the eastern states. All of the Woodland culture had them. They have been found in Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, etc.

Post a good pic of your tree so I can take a look at it, but be sure not to give its location. Some who lurk here would have no qualms about destroying a piece of history on the outside chance that it might make them a dollar or two.


Smee...I never said YOU were a government agent. I did say you know about the trees, and the $$. In previous post I did say I feel government folks were watching .I am not out to disprove your beliefs. They just are different from mine. I have seen PROOF of treasure (MASON jars of1890's coins)at, near, and "in line" with clues from your NON KGC bent thong trees. You seem to want EVERYONE to believe the trees are not involved. They ARE! You state they are not related to non Indian treasure.... you are wrong. They can be, and HAVE BEEN involved in numerous cases. MAYBE there are some that are not involved. Maybe others simply used the trees the Indians bent.

I can't discount ANY bent trees without examination of the site. You say you can completely discount, and IGNORE the "Indian " bent tree when treasure hunting. (My dog tree is thonged, would have discounted it) $$$ for you....Yet you also say you are not a treasure hunter. I BELIEVE YOU. I believe you don't know how the trees can take you to NON INDIAN treasure. (Since you've studied the trees for a while, and consider yourself an expert...doesn't that make you less than the name you called me?)

I have not degraded you, insulted you , or called you names, yet you feel the need to attack me, my sucess with your trees, as well as my beliefs. You are the IDIOT... I know you are Indian, but this is now America, and I'm free to be successful even if you wish failure on me.

With your close minded attitutide you will continue getting the same results youve had ...........But that shouldn't matter since you are NOT treasure hunting.......Right?

Does it bother you that others have been sucessful treasure hunting around the Thong trees? Or does it simply bother you that others have been successful.

I can accept that I'm not perfect, and have, at least once, been wrong.

Can you accept that you HAVE been wrong? Maybe someday you will grow to be accepting of others rights, beliefs, and successes.
I pray the Great Spirit allows this for you!


Clueman said:
Smee...I never said YOU were a government agent.

Quote from: Clueman on Yesterday at 10:50:30 AM
By the way, the Stewards, and others active in our government know.

When you say "and others active in our government", the use of "others" implies that I am part of some kind of group that lurks in here trying to get the goods on someone. If this was the first time you said it, I would overlook it. You made the same accusation in a previous thread, which you deleted. Fortunately, I had already turned it into a PDF file for my entertainment.

You are wrong for making that accusation, and you are wrong about a lot of things.

You really should make sure of what and whom you are accusing before posting it here.

You assert that:

Clueman said:
I have seen PROOF of treasure (MASON jars of1890's coins)at, near, and "in line" with clues from your NON KGC bent thong trees. You seem to want EVERYONE to believe the trees are not involved. They ARE! You state they are not related to non Indian treasure.... you are wrong. They can be, and HAVE BEEN involved in numerous cases. MAYBE there are some that are not involved. Maybe others simply used the trees the Indians bent.

Some of the trees that you find are probably marker trees for KGC, or others, to mark things other than trails. Perhaps they mark treasures, perhaps not. Maybe they were just made by copycats who liked the way the trees looked.

I assert that the mere NUMBER of the trees which existed at one time blasts a hole a mile wide through your theory that they all mark treasure. The trees which remain, after natural attrition, after logging, after clearing of land for farming and urban sprawl, are now few in number. The belief that all these trees could or should mark treasure is inaccurate at best.

Some of the trees marked trails in Georgia, like the Old Federal Road. It was originally an Indian trail, but the govt paid for passage along this trail. You can still follow the trail, in fact you can map the route by following the trail trees that remain.

It is important to know the difference between shinola and the other stuff.


Remember this thread?,106363.0.htm

Reply #3 on: Sep 08, 2007, 06:16:22 PM

Clueman said:
I'm certain the wildlife officers that requested people send in, or
post pictures of the "Thong" trees with gps, are alltogether to happy to
have others do the work for them, and assist in building the government
database of "hoot- owl " trees..., carvings, and metal clues.


Smee, I stand by what I said. I would not discount a bent tree without a site examination, this would include the tree, carvings on rocks in the vicinity, and an analysis of the metal clues. I maintain that to discount a potential clue without checking is not thorough. $$ has been found using your thong trees. $$ you say should not be there.

I am NOT SAYING ALL thong trees are markers to existing treasures. However, it would be foolish to exclude them ALL.

You say you know about the hoot owl trees and the trail to treasure. (in the amusing post you refer to ) You are a steward ....therefore.....Stewards know. You said thong marked, and thong made trees were NOT KGC you can't have it both ways.... It is a fact that our government also knows of bent trees and treasure.

I stand by my comments, and will still pray the Great Spirit allows you to be accepting of others rights, beliefs, and successes. (even when it means you are wrong to call people names)

Peace be with you!



Clueman, do not show me a whole tree, do not give me a location.

Do, please, post a picture showing the thong scar(s) on one of your "thong trees". Just make sure you crop out anything which might disclose its location.

I would like to see what you are calling "thong marks", and compare them to the real thing.

This tree has what some have mistakenly called "thong marks"


There are NO thong marks on the tree. Normally, the bend is where the pointer would be on a genuine trail tree (and it would be larger and older, but . . . ). On this tree, though, there is a second pointer:


One more thing. This is neither a trail tree nor a treasure tree, but rather a casualty tree with a vaguely similar shape. It is just the best example I had on hand of what most mistake for a thong mark.


Here, I hope , are the trees.


Here's another tree, Smee


One last pic for Smee, my dog in a thong?


Sorry, I forgot the tree that was 200 yards from the pistol
Butler Hoot 200 yds from pistol.webp



Thanks. The first two trees definitely have thong marks of the same sort as the Indian trail trees. I'm not sure the second one is old enough to be an Indian trail tree, although the first one would "appear" to be old enough. However appearances do not tell the true age of a tree.

Almost every other treasure hunter I have talked to about these trees does not know what a thong mark is. They usually assume that what the Indians called a thong is the same thing we call a leather thong or strap today. They usually look for what appear to be cuts in the bark.

The dog is made very similar, though much smaller, to the man I saw with the spines down his back. I did not see thong marks on your dog tree, but I will look again later when my eyes are rested. It is, though, man made as you said.

The last tree does not appear to have any thong marks either. Again, I will look later. I can, however, show you several examples of trees like this which are only a few years old, and the top of the top bend is no more than 10 inches from the ground. This appears to be a common deformity among some oaks. Some grow out to have the bend higher, and some have an appearance close to that of a pistol handle as this one does. How did you come to relate the tree to the pistol, other than the pistol shape?

I see that you do know what the Indian trees looked like. The questions I have, without giving anything away, are: Why do you think that these particular trees are treasure trees . . . and not Indian trees? Is there something you look for on the tree, or do you follow the nose or look under the nose or all of the above?

In my research --- and I have talked to other Native Americans with knowledge of the trees --- some of them gave me the names of certain of the trees I have shown them. I know that other tribes bent the trees to mark trails, although mine did not . . . kinda hard to do in the swamps.

That brings me to one last question: Do you really believe that ALL of the trees are "treasure trees", or do you admit that some are actually not involved in your searches?


Hi Clue: Nice Pic's, Those are some dandy trees, That Dog Thong is awesome looking, I have for sure seen bent trees like those here in the backwoods of Southern Illinois,but for some reason ive seen several on top of ridges, but then again some in the Mississippi bottom land/Valley. That last tree in the pics ,,it looks like something was tied around the base, it has a mark/slight groove around the bottom close to the ground.


You showed your dog . . . Is he this guy's best friend?



Hi Smee: I have to say that is a strange tree, I have never seen one that looks like that,,the profile that is,that is a amazing find.,


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