Bengal, Bracelet, Pendant and Ring #20 - YEEEEE!


Hero Member
Mar 15, 2010
🥇 Banner finds
Detector(s) used
Whites MXT Pro
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Well the morning hunt went dandy. Pulled a heart shaped pendant right off the bat. It's not marked, but with a +14 VDI and no sign of corrosion, I believe it to be gold. I will check tommorow with a test kit that Pl8man has. Dug up this small Bengal, it rang in the 50's if I remember. It has some Japanese righting inside. After I cleaned it, I saw a part reading "Comfort magnetis Bengal 24K....." an then some serial numbers and the word "NIPPON" Not sure what to make of this. I think it might be plated gold maybe. A few dust of flakes came of when I cleaned it. Anyways, I went for a quick hunt and brought my boys to play at the park. Hit a junk ring, then hit a gold ring with a nice fat pink stone on it right before I was going to leave. I cant make out the markings on it yet. It had a 10-12 VDI and came out of the dirt clean so I'm sure its gold. The stone almost fell out but I fixed it. Thanks for peeping out my finds. :icon_pirat:


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eagleforce said:
Update: We did a test on the pendant and its at least 18K. :) The Ring with the pink stone turned out to be 14K.

Here is a picture of all the gold items I have found with my MXT since March '10 when I bought it. (Except for the class ring, which I found in tin box in my garage. No one at my house claims to own it so I'll keep it as a find) :wink:

I have had an MXT for 8 years only found 1 gold item?? :icon_scratch: What VDI #'s are you digging, how are you hunting are you using the pulltab notch or whatever.... :icon_scratch: :dontknow:

Great Job !!! :icon_thumleft: :notworthy:

Keep @ it and HH !! :laughing7:

@MUD swat: since about a few weeks ago I decided to stop cherry picking, andcit has paid off. I will dig almost any consistent tone, especially if the VDI is like 8 to about 24. Most of my gold rings were at like 14 or 12.

@knight hunter: I'm not too sure what that canada coin is. You may be right.

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