Bedrock and Gold: The mysteries . . .

Lanny in AB

Gold Member
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
Golden Thread
Detector(s) used
Various Minelabs(5000, 2100, X-Terra 705, Equinox 800, Gold Monster), Falcon MD20, Tesoro Sand Shark, Gold Bug Pro, Makro Gold Racer.
Primary Interest:
Do you love to chase the gold? Please join me--lots of gold hunting tips, stories of finds (successful and not), and prospecting poetry.

Nugget in the bedrock tip:

I had a visit with a mining buddy this past weekend, and he told me of an epic battle to get a nugget out of the bedrock, and of what he learned from the experience. I thought some of you might like to learn from his mistake.

While out detecting one day, he came across a large sheet of bare bedrock. The bedrock was exposed because the area had been blasted off with a water cannon (a monitor), by the old-timers! It was not fractured bedrock, in fact it was totally smooth.

He was not optimistic at all of the prospects of a nugget. But, for some reason (we've all been there) he decided to swing his detector over that bedrock. After a long time, just as he was about to give up on his crazy hunch, he got a signal, right out of that smooth bedrock.

There was no crevice, no sign of a crevice, nada! So, he had to go all the way back to camp to get a small sledge and a chisel. The signal in the rock intrigued him, but he still wasn't overly optimistic. For those of you that have chased signals in a similar situation, sometimes there's a patch of hot mineralization in the bedrock that sounds off, but this spot, according to him, was sharp and clear right in the middle of the signal, not just a general increase of the threshold like you get when you pass over a hot spot in the bedrock.

Anyway, he made it back to the spot and started to chisel his way into the bedrock. If any of you have tried this, it's an awful job, and you usually wind up with cut knuckles--at the least! Regardless, he kept fighting his way down, busting out chunks of bedrock. He kept checking the hole, and the signal remained very strong.

This only puzzled him all the more as he could clearly see that it was solid bedrock with no sign of any crevice. He finally quit at the end of the day, at a depth of about a foot, but still, nothing in the hole.

An experienced nugget shooting friend dropped by the next morning to see him, and asked him how the hunt was going. My buddy related his tale of the mysterious hole in the bedrock, and told the friend to go over and check it out, and see if he could solve the riddle.

Later in the day, the other nugget hunter returned. In his hand was a fine, fat, sassy nugget. It weighed in at about an ounce and a quarter! After my friend returned his eyeballs to their sockets and zapped his heart to start it again, he asked where the nugget had come from.

Imagine his surprise when he heard it came from the mystery hole!! He asked how deep the other guy had gone into the bedrock to get it. "Well, no deeper" was his reply.

So, here's the rest of the story as to what happened. When the successful nugget hunter got to the bedrock, he scanned the surface got the same strong signal as my buddy. He widened out the hole and scanned again. Still a solid tone. He widened the hole some more so he could get his coil in, and here's the key and the lesson in this story, he got a strong signal off the side of the hole, about six inches down, but set back another inch into the side of the bedrock!!

My unlucky friend, the true discoverer of the gorgeous nugget's resting place had gone deep past the signal while digging his hole!!

Now, of course, a good pinpointer would easily solve this problem. The problem was, my buddy didn't have one, so why would he widen the hole, right? Well, the other guy was the one with more experience, and that's why he did. It was a lot more work, but what a payoff!

So, my buddy's butt is still black and blue from where he kicked himself for the next week or so for having lost such an incredible prize.

Some nugget hunting lessons are harder than others to learn. . . .

All the best,


P.S. When in gold country--check the bedrock, regardless of whether it looks likely or not! Mother Nature likes to play games sometimes.


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Upvote 8
Hi Lanny,
At first I thought you meant the ground was "speaking" to you and I knew the winter up your way has been far to long and to hard, then I got the idea you'd intended.

Let's just say that your instructions on finding gold in bedrock have been settleing into my brain over a period of time. Well they settled enough to disturb some dust in the back corner of my brain right next to the trash bin and PooF I've a new summer activity to do. Here's how it goes.......

Many years ago, like close to 35, a young friend and I, both of us being younger back then, took a weekend hike down a canyon wall to the beckoning river below. Bright sunshine, blue skys, light backpacks(35 - 40 lbs), the sparkling water all drew us into the canyon with dreams of being away from the city, going out into the outdoors or in other words we had no real plan to do much of anything except to be "out there". Once at the river we tested the water for temperature and its ability to remove the trail grit from our persons and clothing. That accomplished and enjoyed we went for a hike down the river "just because" it was there, besides whenever the heat would build up the water would be convenient for another dunking. We dropped into this high walled narrow section, like solid rock walls and quite high, cavorting and just being goofballs when around a corner we noticed this big hunk of rock sitting out in roughly the middle of the canyon. We climbed up onto it and being 20' or so closer to the Sun we naturally looked around for something to do. We noted that the rock had lots of places where one could use leverage to loosen a 'slab' of rock which was quickly thrown into the water so it made a big splash. I mean, we found anything could occupy our minds and entertain us for at least a half hour or 45 minutes like dropping big sheets of rock into the water to watch it splash, neither of our brains were on more than basic simmer. I suspect you've all ready said Uh-Oh and yes so have I. What if.........

Having learned about the gold that hides in bedrock crevices I've begun to wonder just what might be in that hunk of rock IF it is even still there. I mean where that rock sits Lots of Stuff slams into it and filters out onto it and in general things should collect in/on it and in all those near vertical cracks. That was a long time ago with lots of water having gone over, around and maybe through that rock so it could have been torn to bits. But one of this summers activities will include a bit of a wander down that same canyon gorge to see just what might be resting around a corner in the middle of the river. I will of course bring my GMT with me as well as my diving goggles incase I feel the need for a refreshing dip and while I'm in there I might just as well look around. Also of course that rock came from somewhere like up a little and back a little but there will be more rock like it that will be underwater during high flood season so options will exist even if That Rock is no longer sitting there. Maybe just Maybe that old detector will give out a sweet, loud Zip Zip.

And for current events - had an interview last week at a Medical Device Manufacturing Co. We've settled on an hourly rate (I'm used to a salary but hey hourly is OK), my references are being checked, my background is being checked (good thing only a few people know about the dynamite I used to keep in the chicken coop) and if all goes well I should soon be gainfully employed. That will cut into my time in the mountains BUT right now it is just a bit more important to have a regular paycheck. In this case it will be a good paycheck making it much easier to pay on/pay off some serious student loans. Now as for the High Banker I'm building, oh by the way the frame and adjustable legs from Keene showed up yesterday-a BIG YAHOO there, well it will get used some this year but not near as much as it was going to be as by the end of this summer I'd been anticipitating I'd have webbed toes. But I shant count my chickens till they've exploded, err, hatched so we will see if the job does happen. I will keep my fingers crossed for it!

I will keep you posted.....63bkpkr Should be a current mug shot on here........


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Geez have such an unmistakably honest countenance that I don't see how any potential employer could not want you on their staff. :wink:

Lanny...beautiful photos of your area...thought I'd pop by and say howdy. Here's a technical question. Your GPX 5000...can you differentiate elongated iron such as nails, spikes, or drill rods from non-ferrous targets? For example the TDI Pro will give a lo-hi-lo tone over the length of elongated iron whereas the Infinium will give a lo-hi tone both in zero and reverse discrimination. Don't know if you ever checked but thought I'd ask anyway...


Well folks, for those of you who have been listening to my comments about job hunting, it is now a thing of the past. I've been offered a position at Boston Scientific in Fremont BUT, I've also had a contact about starting another company. When it rains it just pours! The job will be welcome and in about 2 months when summer is truly here and the rivers have calmed down I will make some weekend excursions into the mountains and will post my trips....63bkpkr

Now if I could just find some of that around me would I ever be happy

Congratulations Herb!!!!! :icon_thumright: Had a good positive 'sense' about your likelihood with this opportunity, and now we know the rest of the story. WTG...


Hi williamsingr in the UP,
My Uncle lived in Newberry MI back in the day. I was up there about every other summer as I lived in and around Detroit for 13+ years, Newberry was a lot nicer and smaller than D. Bay Plastics, Bay City MI, makes plastic processing equipment and it is possible they are busy as the plastics processing equipment indurstry seems to be busy. How's the hunting going up there now? Birds, Deer, Bear, Fish and with that V3i you should be able to find some nice old coins. My brother and I spent many a great day out in the fields with our Dad, he had a Belgium made Browning Humpy 12 ga, what a beast!....63bkpkr

Thanks Jim,
I was talking with a friend of mine after I'd gotten the job, he helps people find work, and he told me that I was lucky to have gotten a job as Employers in general do not like to hire anyone 68 years of age like me. I think they hired some of the appearance in that picture I posted which, is a current photo of me. Now I've been looking since late 2008, had a few side jobs doing handyman work and recently did really well with that, had a job last for 2.5 months, that was another blessing! Now to just hunker down and save money to pay on debts!

With winter having arrived in NorCal my early season romp in the woods has been put off due to weather and the job BUT - I will be working 10hrs a day for 4 days a week and will have to take 3 day weekends, darn. I expect to take advantage of all three main holidays in May, July and August and I might just luck out to have 4 or 5 day long holidays. Once the water goes down to safe levels the GMT and I WILL go out to several historical places I've not been to in a long time and have never detected. I hope it is interesting!! It will be enjoyable regardless of any detector finds, that is prospecting finds.

Today I returned the high banking system to the storage shed to wait till later in the year. I returned with the straps off of my backpack and a sewing awl with heavy duty thread. While I'm working and waiting for good weather I figured I might just as well make the pack straps solid. After all it has been ~25 years since I bought the pack so a little TLC is warranted.

More when I have some.......Herb/63bkpkr

Geez have such an unmistakably honest countenance that I don't see how any potential employer could not want you on their staff. :wink:

Lanny...beautiful photos of your area...thought I'd pop by and say howdy. Here's a technical question. Your GPX 5000...can you differentiate elongated iron such as nails, spikes, or drill rods from non-ferrous targets? For example the TDI Pro will give a lo-hi-lo tone over the length of elongated iron whereas the Infinium will give a lo-hi tone both in zero and reverse discrimination. Don't know if you ever checked but thought I'd ask anyway...



It's always nice to hear from you. To answer your question, I've never really tested specifically for what you're describing. I hear great things about the TDI Pro, and you certainly seem to be having great success with yours.

All the best,


Well folks, for those of you who have been listening to my comments about job hunting, it is now a thing of the past. I've been offered a position at Boston Scientific in Fremont BUT, I've also had a contact about starting another company. When it rains it just pours! The job will be welcome and in about 2 months when summer is truly here and the rivers have calmed down I will make some weekend excursions into the mountains and will post my trips....63bkpkr

Herb--that is fantastic and welcome news! Nicely done. I trust all will work out well for you--including finding some nice gold this summer.

All the best,


Now if I could just find some of that around me would I ever be happy

Are you referring to larger gold or mountain scenery?

Thanks for dropping in, and all the best,


Thanks Jim,
I was talking with a friend of mine after I'd gotten the job, he helps people find work, and he told me that I was lucky to have gotten a job as Employers in general do not like to hire anyone 68 years of age like me. I think they hired some of the appearance in that picture I posted which, is a current photo of me. Now I've been looking since late 2008, had a few side jobs doing handyman work and recently did really well with that, had a job last for 2.5 months, that was another blessing! Now to just hunker down and save money to pay on debts!

With winter having arrived in NorCal my early season romp in the woods has been put off due to weather and the job BUT - I will be working 10hrs a day for 4 days a week and will have to take 3 day weekends, darn. I expect to take advantage of all three main holidays in May, July and August and I might just luck out to have 4 or 5 day long holidays. Once the water goes down to safe levels the GMT and I WILL go out to several historical places I've not been to in a long time and have never detected. I hope it is interesting!! It will be enjoyable regardless of any detector finds, that is prospecting finds.

Today I returned the high banking system to the storage shed to wait till later in the year. I returned with the straps off of my backpack and a sewing awl with heavy duty thread. While I'm working and waiting for good weather I figured I might just as well make the pack straps solid. After all it has been ~25 years since I bought the pack so a little TLC is warranted.

More when I have some.......Herb/63bkpkr

Great update Herb--I certainly hope you make good use of those long weekends, and super-weekends to find some of that gorgeous California gold, and perhaps you'll find some fascinating artifacts as well.

All the best,


Just a note to those of you that are dropping in on the end of this thread.

By way of orientation, the early parts of this thread are dedicated to stories of finding gold, and then it evolves to include techniques, but still continues to embrace more stories of finding the gold. As well, there are a few prospecting poems, if you like poetry.

Many fine people have dropped in to comment and ad tips over the years, and detecting comments and mining tips are most welcome.

I would suggest that you snack on this thread in bites, or its sheer size may intimidate you. Chew on some of the stories at the beginning for a while, and browse through the menu looking for appetizers, main courses, and desserts that appeal to you.

All in all, it's been a lot of fun putting these pages together, and the process has provided me with many ideas for my book (which is still in progress, by the way, for those that are wondering). However, the greatest benefit from this thread for me has been all of the wonderful people I've met (those that have dropped in to read and then comment) while I've been telling my gold tales.

All the best, and I hope you enjoy a few of the stories and tips,


Moreover, if you enjoy great gold tales, read through Eagle's thread:

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Lanny, how long before the weather thaws enough for you to hit the hills? Happy Hunting:thumbsup:

Halito Lanny,

I just wanted to thank you for posting the link to Eagle's thread! I'm really enjoying reading in.........Oh, wait, I'm Eagle. So, I guess I should say that I enjoy sharing my experiences in my thread. :laughing7:

I'm hoping to make another trip to the Merced River in a few days. If I do, I'll have more photos and experiences to share with you and our wonderful readers. Maybe I'll be able to pin-point the gold readings I was getting on the last trip. I've been practicing with the MXT a whole bunch.


Halito Lanny,

I just wanted to thank you for posting the link to Eagle's thread! I'm really enjoying reading in.........Oh, wait, I'm Eagle. So, I guess I should say that I enjoy sharing my experiences in my thread. :laughing7:

I'm hoping to make another trip to the Merced River in a few days. If I do, I'll have more photos and experiences to share with you and our wonderful readers. Maybe I'll be able to pin-point the gold readings I was getting on the last trip. I've been practicing with the MXT a whole bunch.


My son and I are dying to get up that way to try out our newly aquired GMT. We will possibly be up that way on Saturday. Would love to meet you...

Lanny, how long before the weather thaws enough for you to hit the hills? Happy Hunting:thumbsup:


It shouldn't be too much longer before I'll get a crack at it up here. I'm planning on trying to get some time to hunt some nuggets in Nevada or Arizona in the next little while, if everything works out. At least I know the weather there is more cooperative than it is here this time of year. The weather just can't seem to make up its mind. Some days we get all four seasons in the same day!

All the best,


The same weather conditions exist here except we also have a 5th season, its the political season and it is the ugliest one of all and we will all be glad when it is Gone!

The job is super and so needed. A few other things going on that need to be run through a classifier to see if anything of value is there and that will happen soon, I'm talking here about 'prospecting' in the business world.

The best of success to you wherever you travel......63bkpkr

The same weather conditions exist here except we also have a 5th season, its the political season and it is the ugliest one of all and we will all be glad when it is Gone!

The job is super and so needed. A few other things going on that need to be run through a classifier to see if anything of value is there and that will happen soon, I'm talking here about 'prospecting' in the business world.

The best of success to you wherever you travel......63bkpkr

My son and I are dying to get up that way to try out our newly aquired GMT. We will possibly be up that way on Saturday. Would love to meet you...

I know that I'd enjoy meet both of you also. I'll probably head up that way Thursday or Friday of next week. (Weather permitting). The way the weather is right now, it's hard to plan for any outings. :laughing7:


The problem with communism is, eventually the slaves revolt!!

The same weather conditions exist here except we also have a 5th season, its the political season and it is the ugliest one of all and we will all be glad when it is Gone!

The job is super and so needed. A few other things going on that need to be run through a classifier to see if anything of value is there and that will happen soon, I'm talking here about 'prospecting' in the business world.

The best of success to you wherever you travel......63bkpkr

Good luck Herb. Nice joke about the political season, by the way. Nice metaphor about the job market too.

All the best,


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