A) Grab a phone book, select thirty names at random, and you can just about always fit at least half of them into C3. You can do this because of the absence of repeated code, or the presence of unduplicated code, however you wish to look at it. This test has been performed many times and the results are nearly always the same.
B) Again, there is no proof whatsoever, that a "Thomas Jefferson Beale" as spelled out in the Pamphlet ever existed. There are Thomas Beale, Thomas Beall, etc., but "NO" Thomas Jefferson Beale. Was Morriss really Morris? When we start changing names we start changing, "complete identities." The name, or proposed identity, is spelled out very clearly in the pamphlet, and it is spelled, "Thomas Jefferson Beale" and it has never been found despite all efforts.
C) The Beale Story leaves open so many unknowns it allows for a "filling in of the numerous blanks" so that entire conclusions can be somewhat comfortablly fashioned into it. For instance, to date there have been many claims of final solution, but I have yet to see a "clean" or even "fairly clean" completed clear text for either C1 & C3. Examine C2, it is crisp, clear, very clean and straight to the point, so if C1 & C3 were penned by the same man then why would we expect anything less in them? And if we claim that someone else penned them to explain all these solution errors and inaccuracies, then it certainly wasn't the well bread, well spoken, and well educated leader of the party as described in the pamphlet and related letters.
Just my own opinions and I mean no disrespect, and I certainly could be wrong in these opinions, but I simply can't buy into all these claims of solution for the reasons above.