Dane, I commend you for such a great find and also for calling an archeologist. Where I live (Tennessee) I would never call an archeologist. I hope that you guys have a better relationship with them than we do here in the states. We are mostly looked upon as looters and robbers. Tennessee digger
We are in the same boat here as well mate, the archeologists hate detectorists here to, contry to what you might here.

What a beautiful find :headbang: Congrats on the Banner Jim

is it just me or would anyone else here want to keep the big bracelet and actually wear it the rest of their life?

Wow - Nice stuff:icon_thumright:

Without a doubt one of the coolest things I've seen found on this site!!! (I'm partial to Viking stuff! LOL!) How are the laws in your country? Do you get to keep any of it? Is it like the UK where you are given an amount equal in value to the find? I'm just very curious about it, I wish here in the U.S. they had simular laws, here they want to take everything away from you without any kind of reimbursement for it. And they might even punish you if you find something very old by accident if it is on public land. Here we pretty much are only able to hunt old things on private land, but I bet you already know that! Anyway, thanks for sharing the awesome find!

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Without a doubt one of the coolest things I've seen found on this site!!! (I'm partial to Viking stuff! LOL!) How are the laws in your country? Do you get to keep any of it? Is it like the UK where you are given an amount equal in value to the find? I'm just very curious about it, I wish here in the U.S. they had simular laws, here they want to take everything away from you without any kind of reimbursement for it. And they might even punish you if you find something very old by accident if it is on public land. Here we pretty much are only able to hunt old things on private land, but I bet you already know that! Anyway, thanks for sharing the awesome find!

As mentioned earlier, all finds older than 1536 must be delivered to the museum. It is called "danefae", an is a very old law reaching back to the 13th century, saying that all goods found in the soil, and which no one can clame to own, belongs to the king (today to the State). We get a finders fee for our finds. (Selling finds older than 1536 is not allowed, they have to be delivered to the National Museum).
This ancient law has made the collection in the National Museum in Copenhagen one of the best in the world.

Incredible!! well done!

OUTSTANDING Finds my friend. Banner for sure. Please keep us posted on your ongoing adventure!

Totally awesome finds! congrats on the definite banner. Keep us posted on rest of the story.

Fantastic find TheDane ! Congrats :notworthy:

Excellent find, congrats !!!

Congratulations on your banner!! Well done!! :icon_thumleft:

That is an amazing find, congratulations

Thats the most awesome stuff I've seen come out of one hole.:4leafclover:

That is a truly amazing find Dane!
Congratulations on making the BANNER!!!


Congratulations on a FANTASTIC hunt and BANNER finds! Way to go!!! :) Breezie

It is truly an honor to be able to see photos of museum-quality finds such as these.

Congratulations on a spectacular recovery.



Thank you all for the nice words !! :icon_thumright:

WoW!! Incredible find, we don't get to see Viking treasure very often!


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