Hero Member
I'll bet those folks in France are tickled by the Nox. I can see their Deus units shaking nervously. And they should be.
That sounds very confident for the defects found. I can only say that in german detector forum we have a more critical view of the Equinox, which has failed in many points for us.
By the way, the ring was found with the CTX 3030:
I'll bet those folks in France are tickled by the Nox. I can see their Deus units shaking nervously. And they should be.
What attributes does the NOX have that make it a better choice (in what hunting conditions) over the Deus you have so much understanding of?
Its a cost savings, I'm sure. Why send a file to the printer when they can send a file to the end-user and let you print it out at your expense if you want a hard copy? If you have, or get get use of a printer or copy machine with duplex printing, you can print that pdf out so it can be stapled together like a real manual. Or you can 3-hole punch it and put it into a binder.
Coil size for coil size Nox definitely a better modern trash hunter.
Also is a better mixed history site hunter where iron and nonferrous trash exist..........
I will keep my Deus, I will keep my Nox.
But I do know at least some of the strengths and weaknesses of both models.
Both models with time will be placed into the hall of fame for detector models.
Have you got a public library nearby? Or an office supply store like Office Depot?Of course you are right Iron, it's just that I myself do not have a printer etc, just a simple older laptop, the EQ does have a "Quick start" guide, OK, I'll take that, and I did read the whole thing on their PDF, just a little disappointing is all not having a full hard copy to take along with me in the field using a new detector. Oh well, will just have to pull up my big boy pants and deal with it.
Thanks for the detailed rundown. It has been reported that the NOX lacks "modulation" by at least one tester familiar with the Deus. By that I think he means the tone and amplitude does not well indicate relative size or depth of a target. Has your use so far also shown this to be true and a hindrance in any way?
Re: the VDI scale on the Equinox. I have spent about 6 to 7 hours with the EQX so far with yesterday's 4 hour beach marathon being very illuminating. See my post here: Anyway, I hit targets all up and down the spectrum including iron, brass, aluminum, gold, lead and high conductors (tho no silver). I never found the "compressed" 50 point VDI to be limiting me in any way. Even if it jumped around on a deep target, it combined with the audio gave me just enough information to be sure I was 90% digging a coin. Rock solid on nickels. I think over reliance on the VDI is dangerous (in that you will likely make a poor dig decision). I do not think any of the deep coins I found in the tide line I would dig with just the VDI or even just the audio I was receiving. The audio was more convincing but the VDI kind of sealed the deal that I should go ahead and dig and I was rewarded.
Bad point alert: I have not experienced this but there are reports of the charge cable connector at the detector end separating. Looks like a bad glue job or something wrong with the assembly process. Don't know how widespread it is, but there have been multiple reports. Minelab has been informed directly and is reportedly looking into it. What should you do? Inspect your charge cable for separation around the seam of the detector end connector. Call in for warranty repair if you have the problem. Otherwise, treat that cable with utmost care. Especially for 600 users it is the only way you can charge your machine and you cannot run to Walmart to get a replacement. In fact, I don't know anyone has replacements right now. For 800 users, at least you have 2 of them because one additional cable was provided to enable simultaneous charging of the WM08 module. Suggest you keep that second cable in its plastic and in a fire safe to be broken into in case of emergency. Why take chances by using them both and taking the backup somewhere where it can get lost. Hopefully, this is limited to a small batch of cables due to some QA glitch at the factory. In any event, treat your charge cable with care.
I wish I could be 90% certain on coins, but in my experience with the Equinox so far the average has been a lot lower. Only with some solid-sounding high-conductors do I feel 90% certain; otherwise, in the trashy places I have been hunting, it is just as likely if not more that I'll be finding a bent, rusty nail, alum. bottlecap or other trash. As for nickels, those are my pet peeve. I can get a 13, even one that's solid, and still it's more likely to be a pull tab. I know others are reporting much better results, but that's been my experience, to the point that I've generally stopped digging 13's. I still like the Equinox for its speed and better separation, but I don't find its TID or depth numbers reliable; and unless I get a lot better at using it, the Equinox won't come close to replacing my Etrac.