Bad points about the Equinox series

That sounds very confident for the defects found. I can only say that in german detector forum we have a more critical view of the Equinox, which has failed in many points for us.

By the way, the ring was found with the CTX 3030:

$899.00 vs $2.5k......not exactly an epic fail for the cheaper machine.

I'll bet those folks in France are tickled by the Nox. I can see their Deus units shaking nervously. And they should be.

What attributes does the NOX have that make it a better choice (in what hunting conditions) over the Deus you have so much understanding of?

What attributes does the NOX have that make it a better choice (in what hunting conditions) over the Deus you have so much understanding of?

Coil size for coil size Nox definitely a better modern trash hunter.
Also is a better mixed history site hunter where iron and nonferrous trash exist.
Nox gives more full tone on targets, on mid depths and deeper.
Nox when alerting tonally on nonferrous usually gives true or closer to true ID or actual target's conductivity as well as tone to match.
Nox unmask better in higher mineral soil vs any Deus LF coil application.
Nox can unmask better than even the deus wearing HF coils when the lower freq band and middle freq bands are utilized.
Nox also has the ability on some nonferrous targets detected to do so, and even the Deus HF coils (neither will detect)
Nox runs quieter generally, no chirping.
Nox is overall easier to operate, setup, and interpret the tones as well as the ID.

Now, what I have said here is purely conditional, you can tell by my wording used.
I have witnessed all facets talked about above in either or a testing scenario or on real live undisturbed targets in the wild comparing the 2 models of detectors.
I have posted some info that relates to the above in the head to head section of the forum.

I will keep my Deus, I will keep my Nox.
But I do know at least some of the strengths and weaknesses of both models.
Both models with time will be placed into the hall of fame for detector models.

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Its a cost savings, I'm sure. Why send a file to the printer when they can send a file to the end-user and let you print it out at your expense if you want a hard copy? If you have, or get get use of a printer or copy machine with duplex printing, you can print that pdf out so it can be stapled together like a real manual. Or you can 3-hole punch it and put it into a binder.

Of course you are right Iron, it's just that I myself do not have a printer etc, just a simple older laptop, the EQ does have a "Quick start" guide, OK, I'll take that, and I did read the whole thing on their PDF, just a little disappointing is all not having a full hard copy to take along with me in the field using a new detector. Oh well, will just have to pull up my big boy pants and deal with it.

Yes, we all know the Equinox is a cheaper (less expensive) machine. Yes, it finds metals. Guys, just go play with the things. Dig something. The my machine kicks your machine stuff is getting real old. And other manufacturers are not shaking in their boots. If anything the Equinox will push some manufacturers into more R & D and we'll all win.

Coil size for coil size Nox definitely a better modern trash hunter.
Also is a better mixed history site hunter where iron and nonferrous trash exist..........
I will keep my Deus, I will keep my Nox.
But I do know at least some of the strengths and weaknesses of both models.
Both models with time will be placed into the hall of fame for detector models.


Thanks for the detailed rundown. It has been reported that the NOX lacks "modulation" by at least one tester familiar with the Deus. By that I think he means the tone and amplitude does not well indicate relative size or depth of a target. Has your use so far also shown this to be true and a hindrance in any way?

Of course you are right Iron, it's just that I myself do not have a printer etc, just a simple older laptop, the EQ does have a "Quick start" guide, OK, I'll take that, and I did read the whole thing on their PDF, just a little disappointing is all not having a full hard copy to take along with me in the field using a new detector. Oh well, will just have to pull up my big boy pants and deal with it.
Have you got a public library nearby? Or an office supply store like Office Depot?


Thanks for the detailed rundown. It has been reported that the NOX lacks "modulation" by at least one tester familiar with the Deus. By that I think he means the tone and amplitude does not well indicate relative size or depth of a target. Has your use so far also shown this to be true and a hindrance in any way?

TN responded to Calabash directly in Calabash's EQX relic Hunt video thread. You can see what he suggested there. Basically, it was use the pinpoint function.

When it comes to the Deus, I would have to imagine that the Equinox should have more to offer at a lower price point. With the Deus a lot of your cost is paying for the wireless technology. A lot of R+D went into that, as well as a patent infringement lawsuit if I understand it correctly. I do know from Geotech that XP bought a wireless patent from Whites, where Whites had abandoned their development wireless technology for the V3i and TRX pinpointer. To this day hardware exists in the V3i to communicate with other machines and a PC dongle. Space exists in the TRX for a wireless module that would adopt V3i disc etc. settings. Minelab threatened suit for a similar patent. Whites extracted the software from the V3 in the i update, and abandoned the PC dongle and TRX module. XP bought patents from Whites and decided it was worth the fight. Sounds like they are winning. I digress, but anyway, that's a lot of the cost for the XP. Development and defense of their wireless tech for the Deus and Mi6. Minelab's investment is all hardware and software.

I would imagine the Equinox would be better on the beach, and harsher ground. It appears to be a draw on depth in mild to moderate conditions. Speed seems close. Both updatable via internet. Equinox is natively waterproof. Equinox natively runs higher frequency without an expensive HF coil. Equinox runs 5 frequencies natively. Deus runs 4 natively. Equinox runs specialized multifrequency for each mode. Deus can only run one frequency at a time. Deus may eventually release a multi coil, but each coil you buy for a Deus is in essence a whole new metal detector as that is where the serious hardware is located. The remote contains no processing or transmit/receive hardware that I'm aware of. The remote is just an information and command hub. That's why the coils are so pricey, but it also makes the setup kinda future proof. For the moment I'd take the Equinox hands down.

And how long has Deus been on the market?.....since 2009....2013 is when 3.0 hit the market. The Deus is due for a hardware refresh and since the Equinox has been released it may speed up their cycle. The Equinox through software changes could be better by getting rid of the very compressed VID ID range. Also hitting the pinpoint button on every large target you suspect isn't a fix....Minelab just needs to fix their audio modulation for discrimination mode.

So what to buy right now? Nothing as the market is due for a large correction after this next year when First Texas and possibly others enter the market with their multi Frequency competing machines. I'm looking on getting a cheaper F70 or CZ machine to tide me over til then. Wished FT could have improved and expanded on the great CZ line but instead they have focused on the lower end mass market for their sales.

I`v been doing this metal detecting thing for some time now, and i don`t believe that i`v seen a more exciting time as to the future of this hobby.
I was looking at a High Freq. coil for my Deus...then the New Minelab roomers hit the net so i waited.
The Equinox`s quality and price is pressing the other manufactures to evaluate all aspects of their future machines .
Three new Marko Kruzer come out all waterproof and one choose able Frequency, and First Texas,and Whites threatening new machines.
Well i`m just going to hang out in the fields and woods and swing my Low Freq. Deus 11" and i got a T2 5" and 11" coil...and see what the future brings ...looks good to me .

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I agree with timecop67. Let the scrambling and price wars begin. If you don't NEED a machine, I'd wait just a bit to see what's out for Christmas. Seems a long time away, but it is really not that far off. You might be surprised. You might have a lot more to choose from. I am going to wait for another machine until at least then. Always looking, but nothing strikes my fancy right now.

And Ciper, Minelab comes nowhere close to the 74khz the Deus can run. That highest frequency is awesome, 28 to 40 won't cut nearly as deep in the ground as the 74khz will. Have rescued a lot of items with it.

Each machine has it's ups and downs. Nothing is perfect. Like today me sitting on the couch waiting for my hip to quiet down so I can go dig. I fell down and went boom.

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Actually the higher in frequency you go the more shallow and weaker the signal, but more sensitive to smaller low conductors near the surface. 40 will cut deeper depending on other factors like gain and transmit power, how aggressive the tracking is etc. The higher up in frequency, particularly after 30, the less difference there is between signals. The difference between 40 and 70 is a lot less than the difference between 1 and 30. But that is what I mean by native. The original native coil for the Deus runs up to 18. Then one of the HF coil runs from 13 up to whatever it is, I forget, but misses important Lower frequencies for deep silver. Either way there's a different balance between each Deus coil and I believe the Equinox strikes a better balance. But like I say, the Deus has the whole future proof thing going on, the way they distribute key hardware to the coil. It just becomes a very expensive system for the common guy. I was fortunate enough to run it for a while, but got on much better with my V3i.

This is the most exciting time for this hobby, I agree. The Equinox is just the beginning. Before Geotech left Whites he had a working prototype hybrid pulse/VLF. FTP swears up and down they have tech we've never even thought of before, plus their own pulse thing going on. The pulse game is their to lose. Probably by next season we'll be crazy over whatever they come up with. I know I'll feel better going back to Solely US made product.

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Also does anyone know why Minelab does run such a compact VDI system? There must be some advantage they think they gain from it, but I can't think of what it would be. Counterintuitive for sure. That would seem to be a negative, but then many things Minelab does seem counterintuitive until they put it in context.

I getcha. The one field I'm hunting has been hit before. I am now looking for deep, smaller objects and the 74khz does an excellent job. I sometimes switch to the 28khz, but right now I'm digging so many small targets the cherrypickers missed, it's just plain not funny. Now they aren't big $$$ items but, I don't care, it's the chase and the fun. To elaborate, small musket balls and buckshot, pieces of colonial brass, a farthing almost a foot deep, that was tiring, and some buttons, a few of which were on edge.

The secret as usual is to just go out and give it a shot.

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Re: the VDI scale on the Equinox. I have spent about 6 to 7 hours with the EQX so far with yesterday's 4 hour beach marathon being very illuminating. See my post here: Anyway, I hit targets all up and down the spectrum including iron, brass, aluminum, gold, lead and high conductors (tho no silver). I never found the "compressed" 50 point VDI to be limiting me in any way. Even if it jumped around on a deep target, it combined with the audio gave me just enough information to be sure I was 90% digging a coin. Rock solid on nickels. I think over reliance on the VDI is dangerous (in that you will likely make a poor dig decision). I do not think any of the deep coins I found in the tide line I would dig with just the VDI or even just the audio I was receiving. The audio was more convincing but the VDI kind of sealed the deal that I should go ahead and dig and I was rewarded.

Bad point alert: I have not experienced this but there are reports of the charge cable connector at the detector end separating. Looks like a bad glue job or something wrong with the assembly process. Don't know how widespread it is, but there have been multiple reports. Minelab has been informed directly and is reportedly looking into it. What should you do? Inspect your charge cable for separation around the seam of the detector end connector. Call in for warranty repair if you have the problem. Otherwise, treat that cable with utmost care. Especially for 600 users it is the only way you can charge your machine and you cannot run to Walmart to get a replacement. In fact, I don't know anyone has replacements right now. For 800 users, at least you have 2 of them because one additional cable was provided to enable simultaneous charging of the WM08 module. Suggest you keep that second cable in its plastic and in a fire safe to be broken into in case of emergency. Why take chances by using them both and taking the backup somewhere where it can get lost. Hopefully, this is limited to a small batch of cables due to some QA glitch at the factory. In any event, treat your charge cable with care.

Let's wait until the elation and hype is over. I think as long as a dectector is new, alot is seen through rose-colored glasses. Time will tell, how good the detector really is. 8-)

Re: the VDI scale on the Equinox. I have spent about 6 to 7 hours with the EQX so far with yesterday's 4 hour beach marathon being very illuminating. See my post here: Anyway, I hit targets all up and down the spectrum including iron, brass, aluminum, gold, lead and high conductors (tho no silver). I never found the "compressed" 50 point VDI to be limiting me in any way. Even if it jumped around on a deep target, it combined with the audio gave me just enough information to be sure I was 90% digging a coin. Rock solid on nickels. I think over reliance on the VDI is dangerous (in that you will likely make a poor dig decision). I do not think any of the deep coins I found in the tide line I would dig with just the VDI or even just the audio I was receiving. The audio was more convincing but the VDI kind of sealed the deal that I should go ahead and dig and I was rewarded.

Bad point alert: I have not experienced this but there are reports of the charge cable connector at the detector end separating. Looks like a bad glue job or something wrong with the assembly process. Don't know how widespread it is, but there have been multiple reports. Minelab has been informed directly and is reportedly looking into it. What should you do? Inspect your charge cable for separation around the seam of the detector end connector. Call in for warranty repair if you have the problem. Otherwise, treat that cable with utmost care. Especially for 600 users it is the only way you can charge your machine and you cannot run to Walmart to get a replacement. In fact, I don't know anyone has replacements right now. For 800 users, at least you have 2 of them because one additional cable was provided to enable simultaneous charging of the WM08 module. Suggest you keep that second cable in its plastic and in a fire safe to be broken into in case of emergency. Why take chances by using them both and taking the backup somewhere where it can get lost. Hopefully, this is limited to a small batch of cables due to some QA glitch at the factory. In any event, treat your charge cable with care.

I wish I could be 90% certain on coins, but in my experience with the Equinox so far the average has been a lot lower. Only with some solid-sounding high-conductors do I feel 90% certain; otherwise, in the trashy places I have been hunting, it is just as likely if not more that I'll be finding a bent, rusty nail, alum. bottlecap or other trash. As for nickels, those are my pet peeve. I can get a 13, even one that's solid, and still it's more likely to be a pull tab. I know others are reporting much better results, but that's been my experience, to the point that I've generally stopped digging 13's. I still like the Equinox for its speed and better separation, but I don't find its TID or depth numbers reliable; and unless I get a lot better at using it, the Equinox won't come close to replacing my Etrac.

I wish I could be 90% certain on coins, but in my experience with the Equinox so far the average has been a lot lower. Only with some solid-sounding high-conductors do I feel 90% certain; otherwise, in the trashy places I have been hunting, it is just as likely if not more that I'll be finding a bent, rusty nail, alum. bottlecap or other trash. As for nickels, those are my pet peeve. I can get a 13, even one that's solid, and still it's more likely to be a pull tab. I know others are reporting much better results, but that's been my experience, to the point that I've generally stopped digging 13's. I still like the Equinox for its speed and better separation, but I don't find its TID or depth numbers reliable; and unless I get a lot better at using it, the Equinox won't come close to replacing my Etrac.

I felt the the same at the beginning, but I am just now starting to feel comfortable with the Nox and confidence is quickly growing. You might find the same after you learn the nuances (and boy there are a lot of them). The Nox reveals ALOT of information in the ground - perhaps almost too much. I get a ton of iffy/glitchy signals and they have all turned out to be either little scraps of wire or bent rusty nails. I have yet to dig something good that was iffy. That tells me that I can probably start to ignore a lot of iffy/glitchy stuff or do some tricks with All Metal Mode, etc.. Regarding bent nails - All of the bent nails I have dug have had certain characteristics. Either the tones were "glitchy" or the target seemed to move around when I swung over it. Switch to All Metal Mode and, much like a rusty bottlecap, the edges of your swing will be iron-tones, and you can be fairly certain it is iron. This also works with a lot of big iron that shows up as high tones. On some of the bent nails I dug, when I switched swing directions, they disappeared (with iron disc'd out). Iron Bias of 5 or higher seems to eliminate them entirely, though a higher iron bias may also make some good positive tones harder to hear in heavy iron trash. I like switching to All Metal on iffy signals vs setting a positive iron bias.

Nickels - Not sure what to tell you there. They are a crap shoot so far. But they have always been a crap shoot on every machine I have owned. Not sure how they are on the E-Trac.

Regarding depth meter - It has a learning curve but I am feeling confident with it. Each bar certainly does not mean 2 inches per bar on every target. I dig a few modern coins first to see what they come in as on depth meter/pinpoint and that gives me a sort of gauge for the area I'm working. Then I base it off of the tone, not the volume, which is what the manual states. However, since the machine adjusts volume with each pass, I've found that if the first pass over the target with pinpoint is quiet, it will probably be deep. But I like to simply focus on the tone. They made the pinpoint almost too smart for us, but it is pretty nice once you master it. Surely room for improvement though.

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