Bottle caps and compressed vid's are my issues with the equinox. Interested in knowing how the Kruzer compares in these areas.
I had the exact same experience first time out. I was surprised at the difference just one more hunt made. I have adjusted tones and tone break in 5 tones park2 program and had much better luck. I also use recovery speed of at least 6 at all times in trashy areas. My coin to trash ratio was doubled on my second hunt. I also use all metal mode to double check iffy targets which helps too. You really do have to start putting the whole picture together with tone and VDI to get a good idea what to dig. I am still struggling with 13 VDI and nickels. I find that if it doesn't at least hit 12 once or twice it is a pop tab. Solid 13-15 has been trash 100% of the time for me. I did notice VDI and tone in other stock programs like field are different and may help sniff out nickel vs pull tab but I have not tested that theory too much yet.I wish I could be 90% certain on coins, but in my experience with the Equinox so far the average has been a lot lower. Only with some solid-sounding high-conductors do I feel 90% certain; otherwise, in the trashy places I have been hunting, it is just as likely if not more that I'll be finding a bent, rusty nail, alum. bottlecap or other trash. As for nickels, those are my pet peeve. I can get a 13, even one that's solid, and still it's more likely to be a pull tab. I know others are reporting much better results, but that's been my experience, to the point that I've generally stopped digging 13's. I still like the Equinox for its speed and better separation, but I don't find its TID or depth numbers reliable; and unless I get a lot better at using it, the Equinox won't come close to replacing my Etrac.
Smokey, did you get the Equinox 600 or the 800 model? I am considering a little down the road getting the 600 as going wireless isn't a big deal to me. I'd rather have the advantage of using different headphones of my choice. Have you found the Equinox to be good on CW relics thus far?
Nickels not ID'ing correctly......c'mon guys this is nothing new!
Smokey, did you get the Equinox 600 or the 800 model? I am considering a little down the road getting the 600 as going wireless isn't a big deal to me. I'd rather have the advantage of using different headphones of my choice. Have you found the Equinox to be good on CW relics thus far?
Smokey did join the Minelab dark side. Smokey can tell you why.
Regarding plugging in your favorite headphones or having a choice, that’s why Minelab includes the WM08 module with the 800, so you can use the headphones of your choice and go wireless at the same time. Being untethered to the detector is great, especially if you are doing some backwoods detecting.
Yes, it is true! I have turned to the dark side. Not really a dark side. I got up way too early yesterday. I got bored. There were no Revolutionary War buttons on Ebay to buy. I read Vferrari's report on the beach. Well, the closest beach is not very good for shallow water hunting, it drops off too quickly there, so the EQ would not be suitable there. I had decided just to wait for awhile. I am NOT standing in line to buy any stupid metal detector. I do very well with what I have. HOWEVER, I was thinking of the recent storms and some summer beach digs, as I don't go in the woods in the summer due to bee allergy. That will ruin your whole day.
So, being bored, and V, this is your fault. I accidentally checked the Cabella's website and the 600 was in stock so I bought one on a whim. Quick and simple. A whim. It has been shipped.
Somewhere in the thought process I figured there were three places I could go about 150 miles from here with salt water tidal pools and shallow beaches I could use it at. The Deus will still be my primary machine for everything else. So this is a special use machine. If it does not live up to expectations I will sell it before the end of the spring. When I swung one I STILL found it to be nose heavy, and with the cat arthritis, and a pound heavier than the Deus, it will be the special use machine. The Deus sucks gold and silver from the dry and upper wet sand deeper than perdition, so this will be one of my two special use machines. Wet gently sloping salt water beaches only.
A whim. Pure and simple. And next year when the competition ramps up, who knows?