Back from our trip/ we have proof the Vikings were here before the Templars

Maybe you should look up the word "Acadian". Port Royal was not an Acadian settlement, the later Annapolis Royal was!

The drilled rocks FK found were drilled to be split and shaped, maybe you didn't in look the same place he did. The drilled rocks I mention are different, are on Oak Island and nobody has properly explained them.
Cheers, Loki

I sort of know what the word Acadian is since I am one . What an insult. To an Acadian it will always be Port Royal and is referred as thus today as an Acadian village. Aren't you the one referring to New Ross as Charing Cross. You should know better.


I sort of know what the word Acadian is since I am one . What an insult. To an Acadian it will always be Port Royal and is referred as thus today as an Acadian village. Aren't you the one referring to New Ross as Charing Cross. You should know better.


Again I say, look up the word Acadian. This isn't meant to insult, but I don't think the first French settlers were called acadians.

Cheers, Loki

We were on site for 5 years doing research and didn't see the drilled stones until our last trip. I have workers in New Ross doing research for us every day since we found the stones. Did you see them to. No. A lot of people in this town is helping with info now. Why should I post anything more. :dontknow: No matter what I post some one bashes it down. No matter what is said this town will find out who and what was here. There is no stopping this from happing now. On Monday July 17 we will be talking to Heritage to set a date to meet them in Halifax first then in New Ross. Until then:occasion14:

I didn't say that New Ross was an Acadian settlement. You were comparing it to an Acadian settlement at Port Royal.

I haven't read Ms. Leopold's book but would like to. What's the name of it and is still available. I've read two books on Lunenburg County which includes New Ross, "History of the County of Lunenburg by Desbrisay, Mather B. (Mather Byles), published in 1895" and
"The Foreign Protestants and the Settlement of Nova Scotia" by Winthrop Pickard Bell" The last book was of personal interest as it concerns my mother's family who were from Montbeliard. Both were excellent books.

Concerning the blacksmith shop. I was told by the current owners that there was blacksmith shop on the property or I should say the adjoining one. The property isn't very large, it has a small backyard. It butted right up to those foundations and today there's a barn there.

I walked and searched right back to the post office. I'm sorry to say that I didn't find or see much of anything. No Stonehenge, drilled rocks etc.

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We were on site for 5 years doing research and didn't see the drilled stones until our last trip. I have workers in New Ross doing research for us every day since we found the stones. Did you see them to. No. A lot of people in this town is helping with info now. Why should I post anything more. :dontknow: No matter what I post some one bashes it down. No matter what is said this town will find out who and what was here. There is no stopping this from happing now. On Monday July 17 we will be talking to Heritage to set a date to meet them in Halifax first then in New Ross. Until then:occasion14:

It seems the film company that told you not to post anymore info before is now ok with you posting all kinds of info.

"We just signed with a film company to do our own TV show in New Ross and they want us to stop posting info. Thank You ".....FK 4-21-17

Was this film company on location to film your crew when they discovered these Viking rocks?

You are supposed to be a mining company and once again post after post about what you are doing in NS is treasure/relic hunting which is not allowed in NS.Since Heritage is well aware of your posts on this site.They may not let you proceed much further.

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Still waiting for FK to post the PROOF backing his statement that a Templar Vault and Graves had been discovered at New Ross. Until then, nothing he says can be taken seriously.....

Thanks FK. I have no idea why you keep posting here, but thanks.

Who knew that treasure-hunting was such a bastion of anger and unhappiness.

Thanks FK. I have no idea why you keep posting here, but thanks.

Who knew that treasure-hunting was such a bastion of anger and unhappiness.

Treasure hunting is illegal in Nova Scotia, with the exception of Oak Island, and then only by special permit. FK knows this. It has been pointed out to him numerous times by the Ministry. If there is anger and unhappiness resulting from his activities at New Ross, maybe it has something to do with him being a foreigner and coming into this country to disrespect our history and ignore our laws all so he can get some TV show.

Treasure hunting is illegal in Nova Scotia, with the exception of Oak Island, and then only by special permit. FK knows this. It has been pointed out to him numerous times by the Ministry. If there is anger and unhappiness resulting from his activities at New Ross, maybe it has something to do with him being a foreigner and coming into this country to disrespect our history and ignore our laws all so he can get some TV show.

Still waiting for FK to post the PROOF backing his statement that a Templar Vault and Graves had been discovered at New Ross. Until then, nothing he says can be taken seriously.....

FK stated very clearly that there is nothing there on 4-13-2017

"I don't know were you get your info but I just told you there is only the well on Tims land and that's it" FK

There are numerous threads claiming fantastic finds on the Harris/Tim's property but the above quote seems to completely contradict that.
There are sketches of the grave on her property that Joan Harris herself drew that were posted in these threads.
There was also a TV show done on the Harris/Tim's property about the vault that possibly held the Holy Grail.
I am confused how we went from post after post about great things being found on the Harris/Tim property to there being nothing there except the well.But that seems to be where we are at now.

This is the first post by FK that implies problems with the new land owner were happening on 8-1-2016

"...... the new land owner is trying to take over the New Ross site for his own. He is not making any new friends there. He knows nothing about treasure hunting but thinks he can dig up any treasure under his land and keep it. Ya we got a New Bee and that is a pain in the xxx....." FK

This is FK admitting to no longer having access to Tim's property 2-27-2017
" .....Ya he said keep off and we are OK with that , BIG DEAL ......." FK

Now sometime soon after 8-1-2016 FK lost access to the Harris/Tim property and is it a coincidence this was posted on 9-26-2016?
It could a pure coincidence but the timing does raise some serious questions for a critical thinker.

"We are done with our research at New Ross and we have the proof that the Knights Templar did build a castle at this site. The Minick Indians or the Vikings could of been at this site way before the Templars but the Templars did build the castle at this site. It is possible that a circle of stones around a Vortex was here before the Templars. The circle would of looked like Stonehenge in Europe. There is a lot more going on at this site and its a great story. Check out our other post for new updates." FK

Shortly after losing the rights to explore the Harris/Tim property FK discovered a new Stonehenge on a different property.

If I was wanting to make a TV show I couldn't film it on property I wasn't allowed on.
So that leaves us with nothing on the Harris/Tim property worth looking for if a TV show was the ultimate goal and FK has stated that here

"....We want a major find in New Ross that will get us our own TV series...." FK 10-6-2016

So he went from "Templar Vault and graves found" to "nothing there but a well". Continuing evidence of trying to remain relevant by making things up...

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Someone try to hide something ...?


Something will be revealed soon ?


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Thanks FK. I have no idea why you keep posting here, but thanks.

Who knew that treasure-hunting was such a bastion of anger and unhappiness.
Hi Nostra Danis , You are right , why should I post anything NEW :dontknow: but I do it for the members that want to see history unfold . This is how its done in the real world, it takes time to get governments moving. I don't do it for the few that bash everything :BangHead: they would like for me to stop posting so they look good :laughing7: . Well here I go again. We just made our BIGGEST FIND EVER in New Ross . WE have given Heritage our info and they will have their experts look at it, if its what we think it is , this will go World Wide. Will I post it here :dontknow:

Here won't do. It would have to be in something like Archeology, Smithsonian, National Geographic or Scientific American.

So I have read through these posts and have a few comments to make. First of all, I would strongly suggest to those who are not of Acadian ancestry, it would be better served if they did not make any comments telling those who are just what constitutes an "Acadian". We up here in Nova Scotia are proud of our heritage, as I'm sure others are as well; therefore, I fail to see how telling us who we are serves any purpose other than bringing emotions into the equation, which undermines any sensible conversations that may be had.

For those of you who have not had the pleasure to have travelled here, let me say that if the Norse wanted to choose a site to build any sort of lasting habitation, it makes no sense to me that they would have chosen what is now New Ross. I have racked my brain over this and just can't see it. I just can't. If we suppose that the Norse travelled further south, then they would have come across far more navigable rivers than the Gold River. The Mersey puts the Gold to shame for example. There are bigger bays and a better climate further south. Why would the Norse decide to travel up the Gold and build a site in the wilderness there of all places? As to the pictures of stones, I'd like to know what the chiselled marks are, as I confess I am curious on that score. It should be noted that stones were used as boundary markers all over the place in Nova Scotia, however, and also as bridges. Heck, there is a chiselled stone bridge across a creek on the homestead I grew up on and the old house itself has a stone basement. Chiselled stones do not always equate to something being very old, and stones cannot be dated accurately if someone decides to remove them from their immediate environment.

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And I have just one more simple question. Finder Keeper, you referenced that you have a mineral permit to the location you are working. Is that the only type of permit that you have? Do you have a permit that enables you to conduct a search of historical value or for treasure? No, I'm not taking a dig at you, but I am genuinely curious as to how the correct process works. Thank you

And I have just one more simple question. Finder Keeper, you referenced that you have a mineral permit to the location you are working. Is that the only type of permit that you have? Do you have a permit that enables you to conduct a search of historical value or for treasure? No, I'm not taking a dig at you, but I am genuinely curious as to how the correct process works. Thank you

Hi rowanns, We have a mining permit to dig for minerals, we do not have a Heritage permit. We do not need one YET. We are not looking for historical artifacts but as we drill or dig to get dirt samples we find artifacts. The more we do the more we find at each dig or drill hole . Its all over this area. We work with Heritage and give them info when we find anything. BUT as a mine company we do not need a heritage permit as long as we are not hunting for artifacts. Most of what we find is on top of the land just setting there . Our scans for gold tell us whats under the ground but when our scans read tunnels or rooms we need to check it out . If gold digging was here we need to know why. what did they find. who did it. yet no one can tell us anything about digs in New Ross that go deep. The tunnels run straight they are man made. the rooms are at the right areas for a castle or village site. everything we find fits . We filed paper work for our first gold dig and we plan to file more paper work to dig for gold. Now we have so much info on this historical site we want Heritage to work with us. We have worked out a deal and they will meet us on site soon , I hope. We want to be able to keep digging for gold but save what is there to. We only dig for glory holes of gold deposits. Not into strip mines. Not into gold dust. We want to help Heritage with our info and show them were everything is. We want to be part of this historical find and help them dig up history BUT we need to make money to. So if we help them we can dig in the area for gold but not in historical areas unless they are on site with us. So if all goes well , we will have a mine permit and a Heritage Permit to. I hope this helps

You know everyone is looking at what we do and we are working with in the laws. We follow all the rules and want to save this site. We can not remove anything historical, besides we fly and nothing gets through customs. What about Tim the new land owner of Joan Hopes house. With in 6 months after buying the house he removes the most religious stone the Herm Stone from New Ross and its gone. Then he evicts all the renters and gets ready to dig up the Holy Well. This is the person everyone should be looking for to find out what did he did with the Herm Stone. This was the most important historical artifact in New Ross and its gone. So when everyone thinks I am the bad person here , I am doing everything to save this town and get the Herm Stone back. Tim is the person who is not doing things by permits or the law.

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Hi rowanns, We have a mining permit to dig for minerals, we do not have a Heritage permit. We do not need one YET. We are not looking for historical artifacts but as we drill or dig to get dirt samples we find artifacts. The more we do the more we find at each dig or drill hole . Its all over this area. We work with Heritage and give them info when we find anything. BUT as a mine company we do not need a heritage permit as long as we are not hunting for artifacts.

Seems like this same approach resulted in the Ministry issuing you a cease and desist order for your operations last year.

We have worked out a deal and they will meet us on site soon , I hope.

You have said here a couple times that the Ministry was going to visit you in 'a few weeks'. Now you are just hoping that they will meet you. Another contradiction to your own claims? Regardless. Considering that you are obviously treasure hunting, you probably shouldn't hope that they do show up.

. This is the person everyone should be looking for to find out what did he did with the Herm Stone. This was the most important historical artifact in New Ross and its gone.

How is this stone that you allege that Tim has removed so important? Hopefully you have more than Joan's say-so. I have also noticed that you have called it a 'herm' stone. Maybe you should find out what a Herm stone really is.

What no mention of the blacksmith shop. Your not really trying to equate the supposed settlement of New Ross with the Acadian settlements are you? There's a reason why the Acadian's settled where they did and New Ross wasn't settled until 1816 Read a bit of history.

I agree with you on the Chinese thing, ridiculous isn't it, sort of like oh never mind.

Historian Brian Cuthbertson offers a reasonable alternate explanation for the foundations and presence of iron tools. Cuthbertson, in "Voyages to North America Before John Cabot: Separating Fact from Fiction," asserts that the Harris property was once the site of a blacksmith shop, which handily explains both the stone ruins and the iron implements found there (1944: 136). In the spring of 1817, a letter from Charles Morris, Surveyor General of Nova Scotia, requested that Lieutenant Ross find a suitable location for Daniel McKay, blacksmith (Cuthbertson 1994: 143). The 1860 survey map by John Lawson shows a property allotted to a Daniel McKay, one property up from the cross roads, in approximately the same location as the present day property (Lawson 1860). The presence of blacksmithing at the site could also offer an explanation for the charcoal/ash pit found by both the Harris and Keddy/Dickie excavations (Hope 1997:80 and Finnan 1999:15).

From Saint Mary's University (Vanessa Smith)

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