Still waiting for FK to post the PROOF backing his statement that a Templar Vault and Graves had been discovered at New Ross. Until then, nothing he says can be taken seriously.....
FK stated very clearly that there is nothing there on 4-13-2017
"I don't know were you get your info but I just told you there is only the well on Tims land and that's it" FK
There are numerous threads claiming fantastic finds on the Harris/Tim's property but the above quote seems to completely contradict that.
There are sketches of the grave on her property that Joan Harris herself drew that were posted in these threads.
There was also a TV show done on the Harris/Tim's property about the vault that possibly held the Holy Grail.
I am confused how we went from post after post about great things being found on the Harris/Tim property to there being nothing there except the well.But that seems to be where we are at now.
This is the first post by FK that implies problems with the new land owner were happening on 8-1-2016
"...... the new land owner is trying to take over the New Ross site for his own. He is not making any new friends there. He knows nothing about treasure hunting but thinks he can dig up any treasure under his land and keep it. Ya we got a New Bee and that is a pain in the xxx....." FK
This is FK admitting to no longer having access to Tim's property 2-27-2017
" .....Ya he said keep off and we are OK with that , BIG DEAL ......." FK
Now sometime soon after 8-1-2016 FK lost access to the Harris/Tim property and is it a coincidence this was posted on 9-26-2016?
It could a pure coincidence but the timing does raise some serious questions for a critical thinker.
"We are done with our research at New Ross and we have the proof that the Knights Templar did build a castle at this site. The Minick Indians or the Vikings could of been at this site way before the Templars but the Templars did build the castle at this site. It is possible that a circle of stones around a Vortex was here before the Templars. The circle would of looked like Stonehenge in Europe. There is a lot more going on at this site and its a great story. Check out our other post for new updates." FK
Shortly after losing the rights to explore the Harris/Tim property FK discovered a new Stonehenge on a different property.
If I was wanting to make a TV show I couldn't film it on property I wasn't allowed on.
So that leaves us with nothing on the Harris/Tim property worth looking for if a TV show was the ultimate goal and FK has stated that here
"....We want a major find in New Ross that will get us our own TV series...." FK 10-6-2016