Aztec, Cibola, Zuni, Estevan Quivara and related gold-like conjecture

Here's a link from another one of the Tesla groups someone posted a day-or-so ago you might enjoy:

Physicists have 'solved' mystery of levitation
By Roger Highfield, Science Editor
Last Updated: 2:10AM BST 07/08/2007'solved'-mystery-of-levitation.html

One of the weirder groups I belong to is comprised of men trying to build working flying saucers in their garages or backyards, trying all manner of methods for getting them to fly, swapping ideas, but mostly they're having problems with control signals being blocked off when they try to power them up by remote control and they have better sense than to try flying them from the inside until they've seen them fly from the outside.


Those guys trying to build flying saucers in their basements are exploring constantly for anything that might offer a clue toward a solution to in any of the countless problems standing in the way of what they're trying for:

Tesla CD Turbine With Scary Steampunk Laser PumpkinCutter Attachment

intro Tesla CD Turbine With Scary Steampunk Laser PumpkinCutter Attachment
If you wanna build something high tech, truly scary, cheap, and relatively easy for Halloween, this Steampunk Tesla CD Turbine is it! It uses recycled CD's, Neodymium magnets and a Magnetic Coupling to power tools and implements.

From experience, I can tell you that it's scary enough to be running a high-speed turbine made from recycled CD's, supermagnets and glue. But running it with a magnetically-coupled Skilsaw blade, now that's TRULY scary! I would not advise anyone to try this. I only did it to prove a point or two and they haven't quite made this alien technology safe yet.

This Tesla CD Turbine incorporates many subtle and amazing feaures, such as shaftless, bearingless, magnet-separated CD discs driving magnetically-coupled attachments to high speed.(huh?) More on that later.

The CD Turbine works on either compressed air or water pressure. It's cheap and easy to put together, lots of fun and makes cool sounds to boot.

Pumpkin Cuttin' Ceremony with the CD Turbine.

However, the PumpkinCutter Skilsaw Blade Attachment has a big element of danger ...for both people and pumpkins! Don't use it!!...I only use the Saw to draw attention to the wonderful attributes and power of this little CD Turbine device, and things got a little out of hand. I promise to never, hardly ever, do it again. (There was an unrehearsed Pumpkin Cuttin' Ceremony on Halloween, of course...hehe)

I have discovered that this is not a project to take lightly. (With humour, but not lightly.) Under water pressure the Tesla CD Turbine spins a couple of thousand rpm, but under air pressure it is a high-speed dangerous device that must be treated with utmost respect. Lets remember, folks, this thing is just a CD case, CD's, and magnets. And glue. Lots of glue. (...and keep telling yourself that when you see the magnetically-coupled PumpkinCutter Skilsaw Attachment smoothly wailing away at way-too-high rpm!!)

This device is built for working demonstration purposes; to prove ideas, not for longevity and everyday use. Hence the danger factor. (i.e. yes, things could self-destruct at any time...hehe)
I can really only recommend building one of these with the PumpkinCutter Attachment if you are a truly dedicated experimenter, and promise to wear your suit-of-armour and carry a shield, and cower behide a far-off wall.

We can, however, make a "point" to have some real fun with something a little less on the leading "edge", so to speak. So I suggest to perhaps substitute a Nerf disc for the sawblade! or use a Frisbee! maybe make a CD Turbine-powered Frisbee Impeller?

Laser cutter, start slicing stuff for under 50 dollars

The lady pictured below is building a scaled-down version of her own design powered by electro-magnetic 'kickers' she calls them. Current project pictured #2 as it was a couple of months ago.

She was forced to reduce the size of the 'kicker-field' generators because the one in the picture hadn't gotten the heavy-thinking up front it needed and she couldn't reduce the power to it or shut it down quickly. It sent the power cord flying through the front door [making a hole for itself to go through] with enough velocity remaining to almost take the leg off an acquaintance of hers in the front yard and put him into the hospital for a while.

She's scaled the whole thing down for her current project and is using several smaller 'kickers' instead of the big one she's pictured holding.


Edit: Some of the photos of Ed Leedskalknin nobody ever paid a lot of attention to but pictured equipment he was using, combined with his studies of celestial bodies suggested to a number of people that two large overlapping magnet fields perpendicular to one another combined with a third, smaller field situated 45 degrees axial-tilt from the other two would produce an unusually powerful repelling force exponentially larger than the input power could account for. Emma's, pictured below with her holding it is a sort of 'first-try' among those pursuing the application possibilities.


  • 90 degree tilt axis 6x72.webp
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cactusjumper said:

I think Jack just morphed into the blindbowman. :)


Joe: My unruly curiosity led me to click the 'show' button on your posts above. I see you provided the info about BRS, in addition to that provided by Jose. Gracias for that.

I briefly was thinking I'd made an error about you, but then as I scrolled further down I came to this one, which brought a smile from me. Thanks for that one also.

At least with most of the members here I can attribute their hostility to the ill-advised attempted reasoning in opposition to gay-bashing I was doing on the RANT forum. Those folks do think they have reasons for believing as they do, even if I don't agree with them.

[Before you take off with this and run with it, No. I'm straight]

Thanks again for the info about BRS.


Jack, Peeps: I am posting a few pictures of the Tayopa zone. You can see why I am interested in his goodies, and also why a ballistic chute would be worthess snifff.

Don Jose de La Mancha (an angel without wings snifff)


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Real de Tayopa said:
Jack, Peeps: I am posting a few pictures of the Tayopa zone. You can see why I am interested in his goodies, and also why a ballistic chute would be worthess snifff.

Don Jose de La Mancha (an angel without wings snifff)

Rough country for a man of any age. How far up into that mess to you need to go?

Cross-winds, downdrafts etc ought to make anything I've posted here a non-solution to my way of thinking. If I come across anything that might help I'll post it, but after looking at those pics I'm not too hopeful of finding anything.


Edit: I think I'm seeing a few caves in that second pic but I hope they've got nothing to do with what you're after.. Getting there would be plenty tough but getting back down carrying a few pounds of something heavy would wear out the knees and boot toes pretty fast and cause a man to feel a hesitation about the value of going back for more.

Edit2: I wouldn't bet my life on it but I think Emma's 'kickers' [small variety] might provide a means of neutralizing unexpected air currents for a person on an Air Scooter.... one larger and vertical, three more mounted directional. If you're interested you might experiment around with making them. Something of a backup nature just to kick on in an emergency.

Edit3 afterthought: What she's doing requires gyro's for vertical, horizontal and directional stability, but just having something for an emergency backup system to keep from running into a cliff wall or an unwanted contact with the ground as a result of wind currents and downdrafts wouldn't. I don't know whether it would or not as a means of getting you to the ground in one piece in the event of mechanical failure.


Highmountain said:
cactusjumper said:

I think Jack just morphed into the blindbowman. :)


Joe: My unruly curiosity led me to click the 'show' button on your posts above. I see you provided the info about BRS, in addition to that provided by Jose. Gracias for that.

I briefly was thinking I'd made an error about you, but then as I scrolled further down I came to this one, which brought a smile from me. Thanks for that one also.

At least with most of the members here I can attribute their hostility to the ill-advised attempted reasoning in opposition to gay-bashing I was doing on the RANT forum. Those folks do think they have reasons for believing as they do, even if I don't agree with them.

[Before you take off with this and run with it, No. I'm straight]

Thanks again for the info about BRS.


Not sure where we went from having, what I thought was, an intelligent conversation to trading jabs.

I often rub people the wrong way, without even trying, but can do a really good job if I put my mind to it. I have not made that effort with you.

Any time you get two or more people with strong convictions discussing any subject(s), it pays to have thick skin. I have never put anyone on ignore for disagreeing with me. I believe the only thing that warrants that extreme sanction is personal attacks and threats of violence.

I enjoy the give and take of adversarial debate and often, unfortunately, will push the other side in order to learn all the facts. Some people will take take that opposing challenge as a personal insult. Others will find just find it a good excuse to talk about their favorite subject(s).

I always try to remain respectful, until the posts become personal attacks. I respect your history and knowledge but that does not mean I will nod my head to everything you write. Hopefully that will not get in the way of any future exchanges, should you decide there will be any.

Take care,


Real de Tayopa said:
Jack, Peeps: I am posting a few pictures of the Tayopa zone. You can see why I am interested in his goodies, and also why a ballistic chute would be worthess snifff.

Don Jose de La Mancha (an angel without wings snifff)

Real - I'll say one thing about your Tayopa... It's no surprise why something could remain hidden in that terrain for as long as it has! Those canyons and mountains almost look like something from South America - lots of vegetation. I can't even begin to imagine how many times one could spend days trying to get somewhere only to find their path blocked by some vertical drop or rise that can't be traversed.

Of course none of that would dissuade me from joining you on an adventure out there :)

cactusjumper said:

Highmountain said:
cactusjumper said:

I think Jack just morphed into the blindbowman. :)


Joe: My unruly curiosity led me to click the 'show' button on your posts above. I see you provided the info about BRS, in addition to that provided by Jose. Gracias for that.

I briefly was thinking I'd made an error about you, but then as I scrolled further down I came to this one, which brought a smile from me. Thanks for that one also.

At least with most of the members here I can attribute their hostility to the ill-advised attempted reasoning in opposition to gay-bashing I was doing on the RANT forum. Those folks do think they have reasons for believing as they do, even if I don't agree with them.

[Before you take off with this and run with it, No. I'm straight]

Thanks again for the info about BRS.


Not sure where we went from having, what I thought was, an intelligent conversation to trading jabs.

I often rub people the wrong way, without even trying, but can do a really good job if I put my mind to it. I have not made that effort with you.

Any time you get two or more people with strong convictions discussing any subject(s), it pays to have thick skin. I have never put anyone on ignore for disagreeing with me. I believe the only thing that warrants that extreme sanction is personal attacks and threats of violence.

I enjoy the give and take of adversarial debate and often, unfortunately, will push the other side in order to learn all the facts. Some people will take take that opposing challenge as a personal insult. Others will find just find it a good excuse to talk about their favorite subject(s).

I always try to remain respectful, until the posts become personal attacks. I respect your history and knowledge but that does not mean I will nod my head to everything you write. Hopefully that will not get in the way of any future exchanges, should you decide there will be any.

Take care,


Joe: Not a problem. I didn't put you on ignore because you disagreed with me. Plenty of people here have done that. I put you on ignore for repeatedly implying I was lying, which is an entirely different matter than disagreeing with me. I figured if I didn't put you on ignore there'd be more and I'd be giving it more attention than it could ever be worth.

But it ain't a big enough matter to give any thought to. I've already overstayed my original reasons for coming back to post here a month or so ago. I think I've sufficiently alienated enough people on TN to last me another few years, given out a bit of helpful info to the few who were interested, gotten into a urinating contest with a few bigots.... kicked a few interesting ideas around with Jose, and managed to get shuffled into the same deck as BB by one of the few people I can think of who'd do it, or say it if he was doing it in his mind.

I don't expect I'll be hanging around more than another few days, or a week, and you and I can happily forget one another exists. At least, I will.

Best to you,

Cubber: You posted -->

Of course none of that would dissuade me from joining you on an adventure out there

As was quoted to me by the Indians down south, and as in one of Dobie's books, "no one has seen tomorrows sun", so there remains a distinct probability that you may join others from TN here. HOWEVER NO GOLD BARS AS Souvenirs!

Don Jose de La Mancha


"I don't expect I'll be hanging around more than another few days, or a week, and you and I can happily forget one another exists. At least, I will."

I doubt I will be forgetting you exist. I have a couple of your books to keep my memory fresh. :)

Does this mean I won't be able to get you to sign my books at the next Dutch Hunter's Rendezvous?

Sorry to read you are thinking of leaving us behind.

Take care,


Jack: Yer a chicken, coward, narcissistic detectorist, a lousy pilot, and whatever else I can think of after posting this. Running away, sniff, we have just gotten started, I intend to pick your innermost thoughts on para-scientific data and beliefs.

Remember, I am a certified master of Voodoo and a specialist on symbolic figurines and pins, rusty ones at that.

Don Jose de La Mancha


"a lousy pilot" ??? :icon_scratch: ???

I have yet to see the picture of Jack standing beside a plane with the rubber side up. ;D

Take care,


Real de Tayopa said:
Jack: Yer a chicken, coward, narcissistic detectorist, a lousy pilot, and whatever else I can think of after posting this. Running away, sniff, we have just gotten started, I intend to pick your innermost thoughts on para-scientific data and beliefs.

Remember, I am a certified master of Voodoo and a specialist on symbolic figurines and pins, rusty ones at that.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Jose: You're too old to be thinking of such matters. Come the end of the summer, if you wish, I'll come back on here long enough to PM you with a couple of photos you might find head-scratchable enough to justify my doing it.

Good luck with Mexico.


Real de Tayopa said:
Cubber: You posted -->

Of course none of that would dissuade me from joining you on an adventure out there

As was quoted to me by the Indians down south, and as in one of Dobie's books, "no one has seen tomorrows sun", so there remains a distinct probability that you may join others from TN here. HOWEVER NO GOLD BARS AS Souvenirs!

Don Jose de La Mancha

In all seriousness Real, trust me when I say the experience itself would be all the "souvenir" I'd need. I look forward to the opportunity.


Some interesting reading and photos from another of the members of the group trying to build flying saucers in their spare time:


Interference Disc Generator and the Multiphase Permanent Magnet Dynamo [www_freeenergynews_com] [web_archive_org]

The Permanent Magnet Dynamo [web_archive_org]


cactusjumper said:

Don't confuse yourself with the talented bb. While the personalties of you two are like Siamese twins......separated at birth, bb's posts are at least entertaining. Despite your own high opinion of yourself, I doubt your leaving will cause much more concern than a fly rushing off into oblivion. We will all know you are gone, by the silence, but the relief from your constant buzzing will be palpable.

Defragging seems like a prudent thing to do......once you are no longer posting, but I will probably use a good disinfectant on my monitor, as well. :)

Glad we had this little talk,

Joe Ribaudo

Win/win situation then Joe. Next time someone you don't approve of shows up consider using your ignore button.

We understand one another and that's what's important.


Gentlemen: Sheehs, you both are beginning to sound like Oro or Djuicy.

While Cubber thinks along these lines, he is too much of a gentleman to express them (I suppose that is going to cost me 200 intense prayers)

Am I the ONLY Saint in here? Line up gals for yer heavenly benediction in the form of a juicy --- :-*

Sorry oro, you are excluded, no smelly cowboy will ever touch my lips!

Don Jose de La Mancha (the holy one)

p.s. since my wings haven't regrown enough feathers for their last molt,I still need one of Jack's flying machines.

Real de Tayopa said:
Gentlemen: Sheehs, you both are beginning to sound like Oro or Djuicy.

While Cubber thinks along these lines, he is too much of a gentleman to express them (I suppose that is going to cost me 200 intense prayers)

Am I the ONLY Saint in here? Line up gals for yer heavenly benediction in the form of a juicy --- :-*

Sorry oro, you are excluded, no smelly cowboy will ever touch my lips!

Don Jose de La Mancha (the holy one)

p.s. since my wings haven't regrown enough feathers for their last molt,I still need one of Jack's flying machines.

Jose: Yeah, I agree.

I should have left him on ignore and not clicked the 'SHOW' button. Gonna have to slap down that lousy curiosity of mine sooner if I'm ever on another forum and come across one of that sort.

Apologies to all who were exposed to that trash talk and didn't want to be.



"Gonna have to slap down that lousy curiosity of mine sooner if I'm ever on another forum and come across one of that sort."

Excellent idea! Of course you could always just start your own site, where you could cull out the undesirables when they questioned your fuzzy photos.

If you are looking for nothing but nodding heads to your pearls of wisdom, might I suggest you find a venue less public.......say your kitchen table.

One last thing: Why not just post the links to your flights of fantasy, rather than mucking up this forum with all of the technical blah.....blah....blah? Even you should realize that there is little interest in all the details of what you personally find so fascinating.

Joe Ribaudo

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