Thanks, High Plains. I got your message but events overtook me in the meantime. My wife called and has a way of getting to the bottom of matters. Kellyco received their first batch, fullfilled the first pre-orders and expect another batch this Friday, which contains my pre-order. I should (emphasis should) have it in hand next week some time. The fact that they are getting weekly shipments means that folks who did not pre-order should have a chance soon. I will note, though, that My pre-order was done in mid-December, so if you ordered later than that, there might be a longer lag. I can't wait to try it out in some heavy iron spots and on the beach! If you haven't watched the latest Iffy Signals video where he compares the Nox and the Vanquish for depth and ID numbers. Guess what -- the same for his soil. Down south here below Dixie, the Nox might do better. Happy Hunting guys!