And that would really suck, because being on a budget, I was hoping the Vanquish would punch above its weight in comparison to my ACE 400, which is a great field machine, but can't do well in high iron and really sucks on the beach. I needed something around old churches, where they have little nails everywhere for camp meetings, displays and stuff like that. I also wanted a good beach machine but it doesn't have to be waterproof because I can't swim anyway. Youtubers like Gigmaster and Iffy Signals have been indicating that the Vanquish 540 is great in both. Not perfect, as the latest Iffy Signals head to head with the Simplex vs. the Vanquish with iron close by targets shows, but still way above my yellow fellow. I went to an old (1820s) site with an 1870s church and a campground in the back and the first time I went, I got 3 large cents and a 2 reale. I bring my friend with the Nox and he got 9 silvers and over a dozen other coins. I got an IHP and a Buffalo nickle. I was hoping that the Vanquish could at least hold its own in high trash, but I guess I was expecting too much.