
"They" tried to de-monetize this guy's channel, but he's back. Highly recommended food for thought.

Not sure who made the video took into account solar precession vs constellation precession and continental drift. Continental drift on africa would account for much less compass deviance than north america as they are going opposite directions in drift. A compass alignment may be 5 degrees off in america and be 12000 years old, whereas the same 12000 years only accounts for a half degree variance in africa. Since the true north was not a magnetic, or constellational measurement but rather solar/ equinox position, and one continent went the same direction as the equinox variance , one went opposite the solar / equinox precession variances.

Not sure who made the video took into account solar precession vs constellation precession and continental drift. Continental drift on africa would account for much less compass deviance than north america as they are going opposite directions in drift. A compass alignment may be 5 degrees off in america and be 12000 years old, whereas the same 12000 years only accounts for a half degree variance in africa. Since the true north was not a magnetic, or constellational measurement but rather solar/ equinox position, and one continent went the same direction as the equinox variance , one went opposite the solar / equinox precession variances.

A compass is only useful for approximating north. You can adjust it for true north (celestial north), but the magnetic pole is constantly moving, and is different everywhere on the globe. So you need to calibrate it to your position - more frequently nowadays as the magnetic pole shift is accelerating. You can calibrate a compass to the north star and get pretty accurate results, but longterm, the north star moves too. The best way is use the sun's path.

Yes, but the variances I am speaking of are solar positions, or rather equinox azimuths that will vary slighly over 1000's of years, relative to a fixed position on land. That is why the sun doesn't hit the tomb at Newgrange perfectly anymore on the winter solstice, as well as some other ancient solar alignments. Eventually, it won't hit it at all. It can likely be used as a way to age the site.

Yes, but the variances I am speaking of are solar positions, or rather equinox azimuths that will vary slighly over 1000's of years, relative to a fixed position on land. That is why the sun doesn't hit the tomb at Newgrange perfectly anymore on the winter solstice, as well as some other ancient solar alignments. Eventually, it won't hit it at all. It can likely be used as a way to age the site.

Sure, that's called the Precession of the Equinoxes, caused by the earth's wobble on its axis, a 26,000-year cycle. The old temples and henges that are aligned to solstices and equinoxes were used as calendars and served well, but as you say, over time there will be accumulating variances. Even so, the Newgrange tomb winter solstice sunrise continues to light up the chamber for a few days - even though the first rays are now slightly off where they were originally.

That said, True North is determined by the geometry of the globe and is constant based only on the planet's rotation around its own axis, regardless of the wobble. The location of the poles is always constant - well, to within a very few meters anyway, which is essentially immeasurable. That's why maps are created on a true north basis. Even after thousands of years, north will be exactly the same direction from a position on the globe. The Pyramid of Giza was not aligned to seasonal markers such as solstice sunrises, but to true north. It's accurate to 0.06 degrees after 12,000 plus years.

Something is messed up in the equinox/ solstice precession theories. I learned many years ago from information I cannot find again stating solar precession (sun position relative to a fixed point) was much different than constellational (star constellations relative to a fixed point moving one degree every 72 years). It seems they are lumping all into one now..

You see here's the problem, the solstices do not move one degree every 72 years, otherwise Newgrange would not even be close to working on the winter solstice calendar date. The sun would not hit the back of the tomb at the winter solstice sunrise. They move about a degree ever couple thousand years, it's a different cycle and it's being lumped in the same cycle erroneously. Short exerpt on "tomb building 101" -

Historical Solstice Considerations

Your tomb will get out of date. After about 72 years, the Solstice Sun will no longer shine down the entranceway on your chosen date without calendar adjustments. This is an unavoidable side-effect of the Earth's continual change in where the North Pole points (precession) and the changing tilt of the Earth's axis (obliquity). There is nothing you can do to prevent it other than build your Tomb on a rotating platform. The only way to make your tomb consistent over the centuries is to align it "due north" i.e. parallel to the rotation axis of the Earth. This does not mean aligning it to Polaris. Polaris just happens to be where the Earth's axis points (nearly) today. In historical and future times it will point towards other stars. Therein lies the problem of choosing a "true north" axis - if the Earth's axis does not point exactly at a star, then you have no easy way of constructing it (other than at right angles to the Equinox line). The equinoxes are still the best bet.

However, future generations will not only be able to tell what day you chose for your celebration (even if they no longer use your ancient calendar), but they will also be able to tell fairly accurately when you constructed the tomb. By analyzing the angle your entranceway way makes with the equinoxes or solstices and then modeling this in a computer, they can reverse the effects of precession and obliquity for past centuries and determine the period when the most logical alignment worked.

Even they appear misinformed. Because Newgrange still works fine, although a little off.

Now if the ancients who worshipped the sun were using sun positions vs a star to determine N,S,E,W, there would be a slight variation over the course of 1000's of years of where they considered true north to be. The older crypts/temples in egypt vary off cardinals by more than the Giza pyramids.

Also no-one is calculating continental drift, in which Africa/europe and North/south america are moving away from each other at a rate of about 1 inch per year. Which amounts to about 800 feet of separation of a fixed point placed on each continent over about 10,000 years. Depending on which continent is moving from the other, or which is moving faster , and what specific direction each is going, this would account for move deviation in azimuths, although the different precession theories would have to factor in as well.

Something is messed up in the equinox/ solstice precession theories. I learned many years ago from information I cannot find again stating solar precession (sun position relative to a fixed point) was much different than constellational (star constellations relative to a fixed point moving one degree every 72 years). It seems they are lumping all into one now..

You see here's the problem, the solstices do not move one degree every 72 years, otherwise Newgrange would not even be close to working on the winter solstice calendar date. The sun would not hit the back of the tomb at the winter solstice sunrise. They move about a degree ever couple thousand years, it's a different cycle and it's being lumped in the same cycle erroneously. Short exerpt on "tomb building 101" -

Historical Solstice Considerations

Your tomb will get out of date. After about 72 years, the Solstice Sun will no longer shine down the entranceway on your chosen date without calendar adjustments. This is an unavoidable side-effect of the Earth's continual change in where the North Pole points (precession) and the changing tilt of the Earth's axis (obliquity). There is nothing you can do to prevent it other than build your Tomb on a rotating platform. The only way to make your tomb consistent over the centuries is to align it "due north" i.e. parallel to the rotation axis of the Earth. This does not mean aligning it to Polaris. Polaris just happens to be where the Earth's axis points (nearly) today. In historical and future times it will point towards other stars. Therein lies the problem of choosing a "true north" axis - if the Earth's axis does not point exactly at a star, then you have no easy way of constructing it (other than at right angles to the Equinox line). The equinoxes are still the best bet.

However, future generations will not only be able to tell what day you chose for your celebration (even if they no longer use your ancient calendar), but they will also be able to tell fairly accurately when you constructed the tomb. By analyzing the angle your entranceway way makes with the equinoxes or solstices and then modeling this in a computer, they can reverse the effects of precession and obliquity for past centuries and determine the period when the most logical alignment worked.

Even they appear misinformed. Because Newgrange still works fine, although a little off.

Now if the ancients who worshipped the sun were using sun positions vs a star to determine N,S,E,W, there would be a slight variation over the course of 1000's of years of where they considered true north to be. The older crypts/temples in egypt vary off cardinals by more than the Giza pyramids.

Also no-one is calculating continental drift, in which Africa/europe and North/south america are moving away from each other at a rate of about 1 inch per year. Which amounts to about 800 feet of separation of a fixed point placed on each continent over about 10,000 years. Depending on which continent is moving from the other, or which is moving faster , and what specific direction each is going, this would account for move deviation in azimuths, although the different precession theories would have to factor in as well.

Yeah, there's plenty of reasons, actual and theoretical, for variations in solstice and equinox alignment drift. One thing's for sure though - True North is always based on the geometry of the earth's rotational axis vs its rotational path around the sun. And it can be determined any day with simple equipment and solar observation. That's why, to me, an alignment on cardinal directions is "permanent", whereas the various seasonal alignments, while damned accurate for long periods of time, isn't permanent.

True, since the earth is a sphere, and longitude/latitude lines do not vary from true north-south / east-west and any lateral movement of a fixed true north line stays trues north unless it's rotated. It would have be an axial drift of the spin of the earth or the continent would have to be rotating slightly as it drifts.

It has been said that the reason there are 360 degrees in a circle is because the original Egyptian year was 360 days. They worshiped the sun , which was also a circle and had circular path around the earth of 360 days at the time period..
In the old texts, perhaps considered Egyptian mythology, they stated that everything was perfect, 360 days in a year, the moon was on a 30 day cycle, 12 cycles a year. Then a cataclysm happened, they don't say what it was. The Nile starting flooding earlier. The moon went on a 29 day cycle. They dedicated and added 5 days on each year to the Gods to make up for the discrepancy. These 5 days belonged to Osiris , Isis, Horus the elder, Set , and Nephthys...

Sure, that's called the Precession of the Equinoxes, caused by the earth's wobble on its axis, a 26,000-year cycle. The old temples and henges that are aligned to solstices and equinoxes were used as calendars and served well, but as you say, over time there will be accumulating variances. Even so, the Newgrange tomb winter solstice sunrise continues to light up the chamber for a few days - even though the first rays are now slightly off where they were originally.
View attachment 1784442

That said, True North is determined by the geometry of the globe and is constant based only on the planet's rotation around its own axis, regardless of the wobble. The location of the poles is always constant - well, to within a very few meters anyway, which is essentially immeasurable. That's why maps are created on a true north basis. Even after thousands of years, north will be exactly the same direction from a position on the globe. The Pyramid of Giza was not aligned to seasonal markers such as solstice sunrises, but to true north. It's accurate to 0.06 degrees after 12,000 plus years.

This article helps understand the change of "North Stars" positions through the 26,000 cycle.

I've changed my working model of the Atlantis legend. I now support Plato's writings as fact.

Did you ever questioned what Plato said? Why? Because most archeologists and historians do it in that case?

Even if Plato has given enough hints for the exact location, do you know the temple texts from the inner sanctuary of the Edfu Temple?

There is exactly written where the Atlantians came from, what happened and that they build egypt and the great pyramids.

Let me know if you want the translation. Just translated it from Egyptian some time ago.

Here is the translated text in english.

The homeland of the primeval in the north was destroyed by a great flood and the gods came to Kemet (Egypt) and established religion and culture and they build the mounts (Pyramids) all over egypt.

A snake - the great leaping one (Asteroid with tail /Phaeton) is the biggest enemy of the primeval gods and she attacked them before the great flood swallowed them. But first their area was hit by the great leaping one and split their homeland.

If you compare this now with the Meteor theory of Graham Hancock and Randall Carlson and you follow what they found out, you will see that it hits the nail on the head.
So far they found out that a series of Comets hit the earth about 12800 years ago. One hit the 2 miles high ice sheet in north America, an other Island, and an other the northern sea, near east and down to the Polynesian area. That makes it also clear why you found descriptions of the great flood on every single corner of the world.

Did you ever seen this?

Here you see how Plato described Atlantis and on the other site you see the so called Herzsprung shields, found in west Denmark. Even if archeologists date them to the early bronze age, it is a nice coincident not?!


Here i the latest copy of the Atlantic sea floor. Cactus, noice how the floor is tllted down to the right from the interection with the ridge and depresing down in the Vicinity of Spain, further showing a shearing just off the coast of Spain, yet still leaving a shallows connected with Span.This shearing explains why Atlantis was submerged and is now reposing some 12,000 under water.

It also shows the Azores connection, and part of the Caldera.


And where is the sea that can not been shipped because the massive tides and where the BLACK MUD appears when the tide comes?
And where are the huge resources of Amber/Orichalcum? This Orichalcum has nothing to do with metal! It is described in other sources from egypt etc. as a lacquer that can be cooked in oil to use it as a finish, as well as it has electrical and medical characteristics. It was also called in ancient time glass and it is the source where the name "glass" comes from.

There is only one place on earth which fits the description perfectly!

HERE: 8-)


You have all this unic characteristics:
massive tide
Black mud
Amber like on no other place on earth
Founds like the shields with the exact depiction of Atlantis as Plato has described it.
Edfu text which says the primeval cam from the north after their Isle was split.
You find a long comet impact crater right under Heligoland with a direction north west to south east.
You find huge megalith structures in north and east sea which are not allowed to research.
We have the Bock Saga which talks about the Ring land of the primeval.

If you make a chart of every single place and theory of Atlantis, on EVERY other theory, not one single of this evidences fit! :headbang: NOT ONE :occasion14:
But if people like Hancock, Carlson and others present new evidences, you will see companies with huge amount of money, who will fake history again and locate Atlantis in the south or Africa just to keep the official narrative and they call the Series "we found Atlantis"....!

If you follow now the confirmed impact craters which Hancock and Carlson and their team discovered, you will see that the are all lined up like a chain and that it fits with the destruction of Atlantis. And it was not one single hit but a series of impacts which destroyed a huge amount of ancient cultures like the Clovis etc. and which formed the USA how it is today!

Btw. did you ever questioned why so many Egyptian king and queen mummies have red or blond hair? The color of the hair don´t change, even after mummification. Black or dark brown hair stays in that color. And as we all know, this family bloodlines never got cut of. There are always family members who survive a "intermediate period" where foreigners has taken over the country. I bet everything that from the beginning always someone from the same family tree has sit on the throne. The PRIMEVAL ONES!

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You still find also red and blond hair and blue or green eyes in upper India in the highest Caste and their OWN history says that they came from the north after the cataclysm happened. An other coincidence 8-) Research the Haplo groups to get a surprise :icon_thumleft::icon_thumright:

Part of greeks - the helenistic tribe - came also from north and they was white! In this case it is a good idea to listen to the Bock Saga (to find on YT)

Btw. if you look on this fantastic Greek life size bronze figures, do you see a white "germanic" typ of human there or a greek and how they look today?! Look at them and think about!

History needs to be rewritten in future :icon_thumright: Everything we learned is WRONG to the core!

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Did you ever questioned what Plato said? Why? Because most archeologists and historians do it in that case?

Even if Plato has given enough hints for the exact location, do you know the temple texts from the inner sanctuary of the Edfu Temple?

There is exactly written where the Atlantians came from, what happened and that they build egypt and the great pyramids.

Let me know if you want the translation. Just translated it from Egyptian some time ago.

Generally speaking, I have limited regard for archaeologists and historians. Same goes for earth scientists and cosmetologists.

I changed my view of Plato's material after finding and following extensive research that has exposed the sun-controlled 12,000-year earth cycles that has affected the planet on cataclysmic ways. This vindicated Plato and the circumstantial evidence supporting the existence of a worldwide advanced civilization that was mostly destroyed ca 10,000 BCE.

Not only about Atlantis but also about this cataclysm which destroyed and changed the USA!

There are more Joe Rogan shows to find with Hancock and Carlson. WORTH to watch and to understand the real history. I can´t count how often I watched them :tongue3:

This is real great stuff guys and they are 100% on the right track!!! :icon_thumleft::icon_thumright:


Some more stuff that helps to understand the history of Atlantis and that helps to connecting the dots.

Here is a great channel about ancient high technology and Culture before the official history


An other good one from Brian Foerster / Even I don´t like his other theory about an Solar storm which caused that cataclysm. But his work and analysis on the elongated skulls etc. is fantastic!!

Some more stuff that helps to understand the history of Atlantis and that helps to connecting the dots.

Here is a great channel about ancient high technology and Culture before the official history


An other good one from Brian Foerster / Even I don´t like his other theory about an Solar storm which caused that cataclysm. But his work and analysis on the elongated skulls etc. is fantastic!!

It was a nova. The sun novas every 12,000 years.

Generally speaking, I have limited regard for archaeologists and historians. Same goes for earth scientists and cosmetologists.

I changed my view of Plato's material after finding and following extensive research that has exposed the sun-controlled 12,000-year earth cycles that has affected the planet on cataclysmic ways. This vindicated Plato and the circumstantial evidence supporting the existence of a worldwide advanced civilization that was mostly destroyed ca 10,000 BCE.

Me too Buddy! Better said since they tell us now "germans never existed", they can kiss my ****! I believe NOTHING anymore which comes from this self declared "Experts" with a CLEAR political left agenda and who permanently fake our history to cut off our roots! You see clearly what happen when new evidences showing up. They do ANYTHING to keep up their B/S "out of Africa" theory.
Hey, did you heard about the new theory about the Nebra Disc? It can not be germanic because in germany the weather is to bad to watch the stars so it must be brought from a Mesopotamian lord!!! Again this "Ex Oriente Lux" B/S :angry4: And this comes from "academics" without providing any evidence and which makes no sense at all because scientist from other fields has clearly proven that the disc could only been made in our region!

And so it goes on an on... But the funny thing is, that they cut off the branch they sit on! The people who don´t believe anymore grows and grows :icon_thumleft::icon_thumright:

It was a nova. The sun novas every 12,000 years.

But do you believe it can do such a damage? If you look as example at Tanis and how far stone fragments was thrown away and that stones are burned from just one side, it speaks more for an impact and heat and shock waves from one direction. You find also in this area Desert glass which is clearly connected to meteorites.

PS The Sun should never "nova" directly over my head! I would react very angry! :laughing7: :icon_scratch: :headbang:

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