Well it is not a "perhaps" anything that Plutarch stated Plato had EMBELLISHED the original history of Atlantis, which he also stated that Solon had attempted to write. It is also not "perhaps" that Pliny stated the Atlantians and Athenians fought with fire-hardened sharpened sticks for weapons. This would certainly support the contention of Atlantis as an Ice Age civilization, but not so advanced after all.
SDCFIA also wrote
Who or whom is trying to "match" the two ages?
Plato is guilty of that. I am contending that a real Atlantis is far more likely to have been only a few steps advanced from the primitive hunter-gatherer peoples of the late Ice Age. We have great flood myths in virtually every culture world wide, yet only in Atlantis story do we find reference to advanced technologies at all, and even in Plato, those advanced technologies are not really SO advanced.
Perhaps a parallel may be found in the flood of Noah; here we have ten 'kings' or leaders as is common in many flood myths, pre-flood. No one would contend that the people of Noah were greatly advanced in technology. If they may be called a civilization at all, it was a pastoral, livestock-herding and largely nomadic culture, not one of great cities, high technologies etc. If these people had high tech devices of any kind, surely some of these devices must have been preserved as being rare and valuable, right? This brings me to the last point.
SDCFIA also wrote
This would be to contend that ALL traces of high tech 'power' devices were utterly destroyed in the same cataclysm. Also, it would mean that NO trading of any kind of high tech devices must have occurred, or these devices would turn up among those barbarian/savage cultures that survived the cataclysm. A vast trading empire as Plato described Atlantis, would be leaving SOME of its trade items among those barbarians.
We DO have evidence of some kind of far-reaching trade occurring in that very time period (late Ice Age) but of things which were necessary to life, like particular types of stone that could be made into weapons and tools, certain food items including cattle, for one example. These things are not high tech by any means.
Marticus wrote
Well I would point out that the Antikythera device, which is a type of mechanical computer, dates to thousands of years
AFTER the time of Atlantis and thus is almost certainly not a relic of that culture. <for those not familiar with this enigma, here is the Wiki article>
As amazing as this device is, it represents the flower of the technological advances which were being made in the Classical or late Hellenistic age. Other complex devices were also being made in this time period, such as automatic doors, vending machines and even a type of steam engine, not to mention the amazing inventions of Archimedes.
I do not think any ingots of orichalcum were found in this same shipwreck, you may be thinking of another ancient shipwreck found at Uluburun? This also does not have orichalcum as cargo but MIGHT be what you are thinking of?
Please do continue;