
Atlantis is not Antartica, too far for the ships that were available at the time, also does not conform to the directions. nor suggested size, way too large, nor does Santori, way too small -- joe

Don Jose,

If the story of Atlantis is a work of fiction, as many have suggested, directions, descriptions.....etc., may be useless.

Santorini may have been the impetus/model for Plato. Like many of the best works of fiction, the ones that seem to last, are mixed with true historical facts. Plato was not known for writing historical works. If Atlantis is ever found and it's not Santorini, like Roy, I believe it will be a grouping of mud huts with, perhaps, some stacks of flat rocks thrown in.

I believe the supposed destruction of Atlantis took place some 11,000 years before Plato was told the story. Not much civilization going on in that time period, certainly nothing approaching the sophistication of Plato's Atlantis. One of the questions that comes to mind is.....How many years did Atlantis have to exist to reach the grandeur described in Plato's story? Starts to get a little chilly.:icon_santa:

I am working from a troubled memory system here, so don't take any of my historical statements to the bank.

Take care,


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Amigo's, Only the nose,nose:notworthy:NP:cat:

Atlantis is not Antartica, too far for the ships that were available at the time, also does not conform to the directions. nor suggested size, way too large, nor does Santori, way too small -- joe
I may be inclined to disagree.
Hapgood proposed the theory of "crustal displacement" where instead of a gradual movement of the "plates" occurs.
A much faster movement takes place. Within hours or days.
This would explain some of the anomalies discovered in northern Canada, Siberia too.
As a side note I was told by an exploratory driller that up in Northern Canada and Alaska there was found while drilling.
A very thick layer of tropical material. IE trees and rotted animal remains.
Even some of the Wolly Mammoths found still had unchewed food in their mouths and only partially digested plant matter in their gut.
SOMETHING caused a "flash freeze" and SOMETHING caused this deep layer of tropical material in the northern latitudes.
Just food for thought

ladies ^ Gentlemen, you must READ the Bible and the Vedics. The Bible explains how the sky remained set for three days, then rotated the opposite. direction, Exactly as explained in the passing of Planet X. Planet X also sucked out eath's insulating atmosphere on the side nearest to her, which let the cold of outer space sweep in -- instant freeze.

The Vedics describe luuxrious cities which were destroyed by atomic eplosions, which were confirmed just recently by the residual radiation . Remember they were describing sub atomic construction long before microscopes wee invented, and so on ------------

This took place before10,000 yearago, so Atlantis wasn;t so impossible, It wa s probably more than just a group of mud wa ddles.

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Don Jose,

If the story of Atlantis is a work of fiction, as many have suggested, directions, descriptions.....etc., may be useless.

Santorini may have been the impetus/model for Plato. Like many of the best works of fiction, the ones that seem to last, are mixed with true historical facts. Plato was not known for writing historical works. If Atlantis is ever found and it's not Santorini, like Roy, I believe it will be a grouping of mud huts with, perhaps, some stacks of flat rocks thrown in.

I believe the supposed destruction of Atlantis took place some 11,000 years before Plato was told the story. Not much civilization going on in that time period, certainly nothing approaching the sophistication of Plato's Atlantis. One of the questions that comes to mind is.....How many years did Atlantis have to exist to reach the grandeur described in Plato's story? Starts to get a little chilly.:icon_santa:

I am working from a troubled memory system here, so don't take any of my historical statements to the bank.

Take care,


WOW and dang it all but I could not agree more. Now how can I argue with you? :tongue3: To support what Joe posted, we need only read Plutarch's statement in his biography about Solon, the source which Plato himself cited:

Plato, ambitious to elaborate and adorn the subject of the lost Atlantis, as if it were the soil of a fair estate unoccupied, but appropriately his by virtue of some kinship with Solon,61 began the work by laying out great porches, enclosures, and courtyards, such as no story, tale, or poesy ever had before.
<from the Life of Solon by Plutarch, available online at: >Plutarch ? Life of Solon >

It is clear from Plutarch that Plato had embellished the original story of Atlantis, and very probably incorporated details from the Minoans, Helike and other then-famous cities which were destroyed by floods. The fact that flood myths are virtually universal among cultures points to some epic natural disaster which caused massive flooding around the globe, which would have destroyed any budding civilization that existed at the time. The evidence points to this in fact too, right at the end of the last Ice Age and the correct time period for Plato's story. But for the fleets of triremes, armies of chariots etc all appear to have been taken from much later cultures that Plato had knowledge of. Not impossible to have been true for Atlantis but the evidence points to only very early forms of agriculture and civilization for the time of Atlantis, including cattle herding, perhaps primitive grain farming (einkorn) fishing etc. People were crossing the seas in that early age too, as has recently been proven by the finds in Cyprus and remote islands north of Britain.

Please do continue; :thumbsup: :notworthy:
:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:


So glad to have you back. Hope all is well with you, Beth and the pups.

For me, your post was brilliant. Not because you had some agreement with me, but because you backed up the theory. I'm afraid my research is too shallow for an intelligent conversation here, and I have serious doubts it will get any deeper. On the other hand, I look forward to more posts from my favorite historian.:notworthy:

Take care,



So glad to have you back. Hope all is well with you, Beth and the pups.

For me, your post was brilliant. Not because you had some agreement with me, but because you backed up the theory. I'm afraid my research is too shallow for an intelligent conversation here, and I have serious doubts it will get any deeper. On the other hand, I look forward to more posts from my favorite historian.:notworthy:

Take care,


Well now I find something to argue with you over, for I know you have done research on this topic, probably more than most people have. You have probably forgot more info on this than many know!

What is your opinion on the Bosnian "pyramids"? Natural or man-made?

Side thing here but in my opinion Plato's description of the island Atlantis was also describing a place he knew existed, and very probably IS Atlantis. In his own time the inhabitants of this place were also using chariots, which were already obsolete and anachronistic by his time. I think this is why he was able to reel off the details of how large the island was, the number of assigned plots of land as relates to war production and so on. Spartel island is another real possibility, if a bit too small it may have been a part of the island empire. What is your opinion on Spartel as possibly being linked to Atlantis? Thanks in advance.

Interesting link Don Jose, thank you for sharing it!

Please do continue;
:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:

Side thing here but in my opinion Plato's description of the island Atlantis was also describing a place he knew existed, and very probably IS Atlantis.

"We may liken the false to the true for the purpose of moral instruction."

That's what myths are. It's quite likely that Plato - a moral philosopher who championed an ordered universe - was using "Atlantis" as an allegory, observing that great cultures that become too avarice eventually fall, and sometimes fall hard. Being a natural law of sort, these turns of events for him would not only apply in his time and later in history as we know it, but presumably to antediluvian times too.

I suspect there was an advanced worldwide culture that left its ruins and colonies in multiple locations after the cataclysm. If actual source documents of an historical nature ever surface, perhaps we'll have a better idea where its core location was.

But SDC, you already KNOW where it is :laughing7: and what happened to it. :dontknow: The Bosnian pyramids are not alone, in every continent they appear. I remember flying over the Shensi pyramide in Ole China in 47---- incidentally that is the only way the free standing', fill, Pramids could remain standing, steeper angle and it would fall apart. Course the later pyramides simply followeed the prior design. using masosary, instead of eath fill.

But SDC, you already KNOW where it is :laughing7: and what happened to it. :dontknow: The Bosnian pyramids are not alone, in every continent they appear. I remember flying over the Shensi pyramide in Ole China in 47---- incidentally that is the only way the free standing', fill, Pramids could remain standing, steeper angle and it would fall apart. Course the later pyramides simply followeed the prior design. using masosary, instead of eath fill.

The problem is, nobody knows that it existed or where it was - at least nobody has verified Plato's story. As far as pyramids are concerned, there are likely plenty in the world that we are unaware of.

The largest one in the world today is Cholula, and it just looks like a big hill for the most part, like the alleged one in Bosnia. I think Bandelier was the first guy to show any serious interest in Cholula, and that was only in the late 19th century.

AH,but WE do SDC the oracles have spoken -- through 'me' :laughing7:. Seriouly that location is the only one that fulfills all requirments for location, size, period, and descritpion of it's end.

And yes we probably do have colonies of Atlantis, but we are delving into fantasy by describing a super sociiety, they were probably so similar to their neighbors that no one noticed any radical difference. and so any evidence was swallowed up as their neighbors culture.s

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AH,but WE do SDC the oracles have spoken -- through 'me' :laughing7:. Seriouly that location is the only one that fulfills all requirments for location, size, period, and descritpion of it's end.

And yes we probably do have colonies of Atlantis, but we are delving into fantasy by describing a super , they were probably so similar to their neighbors that no one noticed any radical difference. and so any evidence was wallowed up as their neighbors culture.[/QUOTE Amigo,:coffee2: Maybe,but, what about their Enemies? and the other colonies?np:hello::cat:

G'd morning NP. Coffee? An event such as what happened to Atlantis probably caused enough problems throughout the ancient world that her enemies had thiir own problems and then later the Remnents of Atlantis' colonies were integrated into the surrounding culture

The Aztecs * and Mexicans" have a legend that they came from AZtlan, the place of the reeds, white sands, Herons, the shallows off of the coast of Spain, across the huge seas, and were a large. bearded race, which gave a decided edge when the bearded Spaniards. arrived, Although they now claim it is in the western states of the US, ignoring the part of the legend that states the large body of water.

Just another verification on the existance of Atlantis

One cannot help but to notice the similarity betwen AZTLAN and ATLANTIS. The words are almost identical, and when you put the descriptios of both together, we find the history of some of the survivors of Atlantis.

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G'd morning NP. Coffee? An event such as what hapened to Atlantis probably caused enough problems throughout the ancient world that her enemies had thier own problems and then later the Remnents of Atlantis' colonies were integrated into the surrounding culture

The Aztecs * and Mexicans" have a legend that they came from AZtlan, the place of the reeds, white sands, Herons, off of the coast of Spain, across the huge seas, and were a large. bearded race, which gave a decided edge when the bearded Spaniards. arrived, Although they now claim it is in the western states of the US, ignoring the part of the legend that states the large body of water.

Just another verification on the existance of Atlantis

One cannot help but to notice the similarity betwen AZTLAN and ATLANTIS. The words are almost identical, and when you put the descriptios of both together, we find the history of some of the survivors of Atlantis.[/QUOTE Amigo:coffee2 Yes, but, the truth and the proof is out there, what about the lost Jewish colonies, and how did someone figure out they were did they end up in mexico and the southwest. np:cat:

Don Jose,

I still believe the Aztecs came from White Sands NM. Their route took them alongside the Gila River and eventually they turned south into Mexico. For the evidence of how and when that might have happened, read "Gila: The Life and Death of an American River" by Gregory McNamee. Mr. McNamee does not mention the Aztec in his book, that's purely a Joe Ribaudo theory.

Take care,


NP, they migrated across the Med basin and on to the continental limits of America, with possibly some of them remaining to form Atlantis From the US they migrated down into Mexico. They were conidered lost since no records of them were redilly available at that time in history.

could be JOe, but they mention crossing a huge body of water. Crossed the Atlantic while Atlantis was still above water

The Gila river was too far back in time to be a basis , although it may have been a stopover for them..

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