Gold Member
Atlantis is not Antartica, too far for the ships that were available at the time, also does not conform to the directions. nor suggested size, way too large, nor does Santori, way too small -- joe
Don Jose,
If the story of Atlantis is a work of fiction, as many have suggested, directions, descriptions.....etc., may be useless.
Santorini may have been the impetus/model for Plato. Like many of the best works of fiction, the ones that seem to last, are mixed with true historical facts. Plato was not known for writing historical works. If Atlantis is ever found and it's not Santorini, like Roy, I believe it will be a grouping of mud huts with, perhaps, some stacks of flat rocks thrown in.
I believe the supposed destruction of Atlantis took place some 11,000 years before Plato was told the story. Not much civilization going on in that time period, certainly nothing approaching the sophistication of Plato's Atlantis. One of the questions that comes to mind is.....How many years did Atlantis have to exist to reach the grandeur described in Plato's story? Starts to get a little chilly.

I am working from a troubled memory system here, so don't take any of my historical statements to the bank.
Take care,
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