Thank you for the post Number9. About a month ago, a co-worker's wife was diagnosed with breast cancer which had spread to her bones. Last Christmas I saw my cousin Earl for what I expected to be the last time. His cancer had started in his prostate and spread to his bones. He had no insurance, couldn't work, and was stalemated on disability (finally got it after nearly a year of battle). But no one in the meantime would treat him except removal of his testicles - they produced the testosterone which fed the cancer, speeded it up.
So he went essentially without treatment. He showed me his bone scans and from top of his skull to the ends of his toes. He walked with a walker.
And it was then too late for radiation and chemo. Coming home Christmas was his farewell tour.
A lot of things I didn't know about how he was doing during the 7 months we'd not communicated. I knew he was still alive though. So, I called him to ask about his treatments and progress so I could pass it on to my co-worker.
Cousin Earl lives in Oregon, and someone referred him to "Rick Simpson Oil", or RSO as he called it. He contacted them and they educated him.
I think he said the state gives him cannabis pills for the pain, and the organizations he contacted through RSO set him up to grow 6 plants, and he's allow to possess up to a pound at one time with his medical card.
That was around 6 months ago. Earl threw away all the medical communities pain pills - he'd stayed so drugged it was no existence. The cannabis pills take away his pain, and he sure giggled a lot while we were on the phone...
And he's gained over 50 lbs back, because he is eating. And I did not expect him to still be alive now after I saw him at Christmas.
So, there is certainly something to this.