Asparagus -- Who knew?

Hey Deep! I knew of the antihypertensive effects, but this a very interesting point also. My Grandparents were BIG Advocates of Garlic, ate it with everything!! Kept anything Away-Vampires, Colds, People!! I read the article you referred me to concerning the Asparagus, quite mind stimulating!! I think you have convinced me to give it a try, in any event a cocktail of Asparagus and Garlic should be a killer!! I'll let you know if I survive!! Thanks very much!! I'm off to Wally World to get the juicer you rec'ed!! GOOD HUNTING!! VERDE!!

Thanks for referring me to this thread, Verde---8-)

Was the Kai Kit Wan an herbal formula you ran across? I'll talk to my TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) physician about it. I have a few tiny kidney stones that I think may still be causing me discomfort, and want to get rid of them. And a friend on this thread told me about the asparagus regimen in reference to cancer, which I've had (breast, in '06).

Yes, Kai Kit Wan is an herbal formula. But it's not for every kidney malady. Like BPH, my understanding is that it is of no help there. And it did not flush my stones. While I personally do believe it cured me of the many years of infections, I can't recommend it for you in your case. My recommendation is to do all the personal research you can fill your brain with. Keep record of how you feel, and how you react. You know your body, as I did mine. Try asparagus for a while and be honest with yourself. You can tell if it helps. Doctors can't, they'll just send you on the merry-go-round. Try Flax Seed Oil, the virgin pressed type. Try the healthy vegetarian purges - the broccoli purge is a good one. Just keep looking - and you will find. Trust nothing except what you see that actually helps, and keep a diary so you know your own progress. It is a day to day thing, and if in two weeks you do not feel any sort of "different", then think about whether you wish to continue that. Don't go mixing things up, do one thing at a time until you find what helps. We are all physiologically different, especially in your case, since you have already fought grave illness. Keep the faith, and keep thinking in front of you. Trust nothing except that which helps.

Open up to Traditional Chinese Medicine too!---

Yes, Kai Kit Wan is an herbal formula. But it's not for every kidney malady. Like BPH, my understanding is that it is of no help there. And it did not flush my stones. While I personally do believe it cured me of the many years of infections, I can't recommend it for you in your case. My recommendation is to do all the personal research you can fill your brain with. Keep record of how you feel, and how you react. You know your body, as I did mine. Try asparagus for a while and be honest with yourself. You can tell if it helps. Doctors can't, they'll just send you on the merry-go-round. Try Flax Seed Oil, the virgin pressed type. Try the healthy vegetarian purges - the broccoli purge is a good one. Just keep looking - and you will find. Trust nothing except what you see that actually helps, and keep a diary so you know your own progress. It is a day to day thing, and if in two weeks you do not feel any sort of "different", then think about whether you wish to continue that. Don't go mixing things up, do one thing at a time until you find what helps. We are all physiologically different, especially in your case, since you have already fought grave illness. Keep the faith, and keep thinking in front of you. Trust nothing except that which helps.

Point well taken, thanks, Deep. This thread's been so informative, I'm going to get myself
checked for worms, too, hahaa! There are so many of us who have a hard time accepting the allopathic approach of our medicine in this country (waiting till you're dying of thirst before you start digging a well). All of these old home and country remedies come from a ground of good experience, and instinct, that's indeed almost lost in the U.S. My family's only been here from Europe for two generations, one side from the city, one side peasant. So in my search for solutions, I've gravitated to TCM since 1995, had a lot of experience with acupuncture and their herbal medicine, punctuated by bouts of typical American-style abuse of my body with food and drink. I'll tell you I feel so much more secure being diagnosed and treated by a well-trained physician in that medicine than most anywheres else. The medicine is ONLY 6000 yrs old. And their Materia Medica is manuals and printed books that will break your foot if you drop one on yaself. Training is quite rigorous, and in this country, as long as
you see someone who's NCCAOM certified (National Commission for the Certification of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine), you can be reasonably assured you're going to get treatment by a reasonable physician with some skills. A Chinese Medicine physician can read your internal patterns (through pulse and tongue diagnosis) and, for example, prescribe herbs appropriate for your internal conditions, so you don't go off half-cocked and throw your body out of balance MORE by taking something that might not be right for you at all! It's another perspective and approach to our health management that deserves more notice and attention, and does so much less harm than lots of other methods. Just my experience and opinion, for whoever wants to consider it--thanks.......try to begin to familiarize yourself with the concepts, and google Dr. Mao Shing Ni, he's one of the true adepts here.....


I should have been asleep for a while now, but I kept thinking about you and what I should say to you.

I am not an expert in medicine. I only know what works for me, and I've studied nutrition on a personal basis for more than 30 years, for me and my life. I've not experienced cancer, but to my knowledge it is devastating to the immune system. And you need to pay some serious attention to that - the key to your ability to conquer anything which ails you. Think GREEN, eat them, juice them, fill your system with them - spinach, broccoli, turnip greens - juice them if you can afford to. Start studying green vegetables. Get your immune system built up as a separate focus, along with your focus on the kidneys. Turn yourself into a green superman. Walk a lot, don't worry about running, jogging, walk through the pains it may bring - providing you're not injured such it would be prohibitive. Greens..... You know what the most nutritious, yet hated green there is? Dandelions, people don't want them in their yards, they poison them. The leaves make a great salad addition, and the roots - oh boy - you just about can't do better as far as the things your body needs. Plan your nutrition - now is the time when it matters most to you. Focus on building your body up. And carefully look at your kidney issues. Everyone gets stones, I still have plenty.

Commercially - most we buy is processed. Make your own juices. If you can afford it and have a selection available, go organic = no fertilizers or pesticides. If you can't, wash them thoroughly to get the poison off. Takes a lot of time, but your body and health are worth it. Get veggies and lot's of greens. Stay away from things which feed off the bottom = shrimp, catfish, etc = heavy metals. And stay away from things which grow in the dark = mushrooms, fungi and spores which might hurt you. Those two things courtesy of Maharishna Yoga - circa 2,000 years ago. Make sure everything meat is cooked completely - not raw, bleeding, etc. Stay with light meat as much as possible, which really is tough - I just wanted to kill something and drink the blood after two weeks vegetarian. It takes discipline, and you will slip and backslide. But remember that's okay, just go back to your focus on health.

There is too much available on the internet about all this, more than you can read, but get that plan going, and do focus on your immune system in addition to your kidney issues. Consider them separate issues, to be addressed simultaneously.

Replace soft drinks, beer, and alcohol with filtered water, all day long. That's a great flush all by itself. With your stones, you need to keep the urinary tract flushed, keep that water going, hydrate yourself - lessens the chance of stone creation and growth. Stay away from milk and ice cream - that hurts me :( Don't overdo calcium, get just what the body needs.

All these things listed above are practical sense items - I didn't invent them, I learned them for my own self healing. At one point I never expected to see age 50 - fully prepared for that, was told I wouldn't live to see it. Now I fully expect to see 90, unless the Lord sees otherwise.

Good Luck, and keep reading. We may get plenty more information here from others. A whole lot of years experience in the readers on this thread. And maybe in your studies for yourself, you'll share something which will help someone here.

I'm sure by the information being provided in these posts , you guys already know about Apple Cider Vinegar .

( Before you take it MAKE VERY SURE you don't have stomach ailments like Ulcer and such . If you do vinegar will put you in the hospital quickly . )

OK , I had indigestion 2 -3 times a month . Antacids did'nt work . My sister told me about Apple Cider Vinegar . I drank a cup and chased it with water so it did'nt take my breath away . Within 5 minutes my indigestion was gone .

Also , if you drink some when you feel that tickle in your throat just before you get a sore throat , it's antibacterial properties will clear you right up . I know it works because I have shown the crew I work with and they now swear by it for both ailments ......:thumbsup:

If you do some research , Apple Cider Vinegar can treat many ailments .

An old cure that works on bad indigestion is charcoal from the bark of a willow tree.. take a pinch as needed.

For inflamed prostate(prostatitis), take saw palmetto and pygeum.

And for cancer, cannabis oil. Do a search for "Rick Simpson Oil"... after all, it is a "green"!

Yes, Kai Kit Wan is an herbal formula. But it's not for every kidney malady. Like BPH, my understanding is that it is of no help there. And it did not flush my stones. While I personally do believe it cured me of the many years of infections, I can't recommend it for you in your case. My recommendation is to do all the personal research you can fill your brain with. Keep record of how you feel, and how you react. You know your body, as I did mine. Try asparagus for a while and be honest with yourself. You can tell if it helps. Doctors can't, they'll just send you on the merry-go-round. Try Flax Seed Oil, the virgin pressed type. Try the healthy vegetarian purges - the broccoli purge is a good one. Just keep looking - and you will find. Trust nothing except what you see that actually helps, and keep a diary so you know your own progress. It is a day to day thing, and if in two weeks you do not feel any sort of "different", then think about whether you wish to continue that. Don't go mixing things up, do one thing at a time until you find what helps. We are all physiologically different, especially in your case, since you have already fought grave illness. Keep the faith, and keep thinking in front of you. Trust nothing except that which helps.

After that event with my"liver induced" stone event, I did some checking for future reference. I found that they can analyze passed stones to determine the thing that you can not desolve and pass. I also found out that there is an ultrasonic treatment, non invasive, that can literly break up the stones that you can not pass. Hope this helps, Frank...

111-1 profile.webp

A quick note. Know what you are allergic to and keep it in mine. I found out the hard way that I have an allergic reaction to those small pear shaped red tomatoes. On a date with an Italian Beauty, she fixed an Italian dish of those large stuffed shells. Within minutes of eating the meal I broke out in big red blotches that itched. It killed what was to be a beautiful night and went on my list with liver as NO-NOs. Just a thought. Frank...

111-1 profilecracked.webp

And for cancer, cannabis oil. Do a search for "Rick Simpson Oil"... after all, it is a "green"!

Thank you for the post Number9. About a month ago, a co-worker's wife was diagnosed with breast cancer which had spread to her bones. Last Christmas I saw my cousin Earl for what I expected to be the last time. His cancer had started in his prostate and spread to his bones. He had no insurance, couldn't work, and was stalemated on disability (finally got it after nearly a year of battle). But no one in the meantime would treat him except removal of his testicles - they produced the testosterone which fed the cancer, speeded it up.

So he went essentially without treatment. He showed me his bone scans and from top of his skull to the ends of his toes. He walked with a walker.

And it was then too late for radiation and chemo. Coming home Christmas was his farewell tour.

A lot of things I didn't know about how he was doing during the 7 months we'd not communicated. I knew he was still alive though. So, I called him to ask about his treatments and progress so I could pass it on to my co-worker.

Cousin Earl lives in Oregon, and someone referred him to "Rick Simpson Oil", or RSO as he called it. He contacted them and they educated him.

I think he said the state gives him cannabis pills for the pain, and the organizations he contacted through RSO set him up to grow 6 plants, and he's allow to possess up to a pound at one time with his medical card.

That was around 6 months ago. Earl threw away all the medical communities pain pills - he'd stayed so drugged it was no existence. The cannabis pills take away his pain, and he sure giggled a lot while we were on the phone...

And he's gained over 50 lbs back, because he is eating. And I did not expect him to still be alive now after I saw him at Christmas.

So, there is certainly something to this.

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Thanks! And for your reminders about immune system, and GREENS. Turnips, collards and Kale are
my Southern favorites.

A daily drink is 1 T cider vinegar and 1 t honey in at least 8 oz. of water to balance
acid/alkaline internally. I came across that back in the 80s. I was surprised
that it tasted so good--kind of like cider.

Thanks! And for your reminders about immune system, and GREENS. Turnips, collards and Kale are
my Southern favorites.

Hey, I was thinking about what you said about getting yourself checked out for worms. Why get a doctor bill involved? Black Walnut Extract is harmless to you, and it makes them critters turn loose of their bite on your intestines!!!

Southern favorites? I was lucky on that, one of my grandmothers loved polk salad. I loved all cooked greens, but polk salad was my favorite - and much better with country corn bread!!!!

Matter of fact, I believe I'll insert my grandmother's corn bread recipe here:

Use your little hand mixer or a wire whisk.

Beat 1 egg and 1/3 cup cooking oil until light and creamy. Slowly beat in 1 ½ cups buttermilk, then gradually add 1½ cups of corn meal mix beating until well mixed,. Use either White Lily or Martha White Self-rising.if you can find it.

Pour into greased baking pan and bake in 450º 0ven for 20-30 min. Time varies according to altitude.

Thank you for the post Number9. About a month ago, a co-worker's wife was diagnosed with breast cancer which had spread to her bones. Last Christmas I saw my cousin Earl for what I expected to be the last time. His cancer had started in his prostate and spread to his bones. He had no insurance, couldn't work, and was stalemated on disability (finally got it after nearly a year of battle). But no one in the meantime would treat him except removal of his testicles - they produced the testosterone which fed the cancer, speeded it up.

So he went essentially without treatment. He showed me his bone scans and from top of his skull to the ends of his toes. He walked with a walker.

And it was then too late for radiation and chemo. Coming home Christmas was his farewell tour.

A lot of things I didn't know about how he was doing during the 7 months we'd not communicated. I knew he was still alive though. So, I called him to ask about his treatments and progress so I could pass it on to my co-worker.

Cousin Earl lives in Oregon, and someone referred him to "Rick Simpson Oil", or RSO as he called it. He contacted them and they educated him.

I think he said the state gives him cannabis pills for the pain, and the organizations he contacted through RSO set him up to grow 6 plants, and he's allow to possess up to a pound at one time with his medical card.

That was around 6 months ago. Earl threw away all the medical communities pain pills - he'd stayed so drugged it was no existence. The cannabis pills take away his pain, and he sure giggled a lot while we were on the phone...

And he's gained over 50 lbs back, because he is eating. And I did not expect him to still be alive now after I saw him at Christmas.

So, there is certainly something to this.

Rick Simpson Oil is easy to make... IF you have the cannabis and IF you can legally possess the plant!?
If you have to buy the oil it comes at a high price from $50 to $100 a gram! Then you can't be sure of what you're getting.
Rick stated a person with most cancers should take 60 grams over a three month period. It takes about one pound of dried buds to make 60 grams of oil.

When I first read about the oil, the first thing I thought was "snake oil". After doing a lot of research about cannabis, I find much that was being told by our government was not true!
If I tell you cannabis has no medical benefits.. then I turn around and obtain a U. S. Patent on the medical benefits of cannabis...
could my word be trusted!?
Since one part of the government applied for the patent of medical marijuana, and another part of the government approved that patent, it seems logical to conclude that the federal government knows that marijuana has some valid medical properties.

As stated in their claims on U.S. Patent # 6630507...
"“Cannabinoids have been found to have antioxidant properties, unrelated to NMDA receptor antagonism. This new found property makes cannabinoids useful in the treatment and prophylaxis of wide variety of oxidation associated diseases, such as ischemic, age-related, inflammatory and autoimmune diseases.The cannabinoids are found to have particular application as neuroprotectants, for example in limiting neurological damage following ischemic insults, such as stroke and trauma, or in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and HIV dementia.”

I'm going to get myself checked for worms, too, hahaa!

Crookedhook, I'm going to amend my advice about telling you to avoid the doctors and just do the Black Walnut Extract yourself.

I should not say that to you, I think about that, and it's the same thing as me telling you to ignore your concerns, and I should never deliver that kind of advice.

I do believe there is a good chance the doctor might crack a giggle in your direction if you ask him about it. There's no money in it for him, and reviewing the MedRx article, it looks like the testing can be quite expensive if the results are negative and you take that to the next level of testing.

But I should never suggest to you that you forget your concerns. What didn't bother me should not be a measuring stick to advise you.

Oh yeah, asparagus on the grill is one of my favorite things to eat during the summer. So, so good! I didn't know they helped with these kinds of health problems though. I always heart that tomatoes were good, but I am starting to develop a serious allergy to them (I'm weird these things happen randomly) so I guess I will move on to asparagus. Thanks for sharing!

I was going to get asparagus yesterday, but that stuff is $6.00 a pound and flown in from Peru!
NO WAY, am I paying for veggies to take flights and vacations that I can't even afford! Not a fan of importing Mexican or S Americas' food.
I want Peruvian asparagus, I'll go to Peru, thank you.
I thought we grew that stuffs here, too! I settled for a $2.00 can of tips and pieces. At least till it goes on sale, and comes from this country.
Even the canned stuff had like 11% and 13% sodium! I'll have to figure on stocking up and check on freezing methods for it, when I can get it fresh. I like this thread........ bump.

I love fresh asparagus! Chop it into a pan of butter (or olive oil), put in sliced mushrooms and lots of garlic! yum yum yum! I do the same thing to yellow squash, too.

eta: thanks frankn, yes, I forgot to mention the onions, too!

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I love fresh asparagus! Chop it into a pan of butter (or olive oil), put in sliced mushrooms and lots of garlic! yum yum yum! I do the same thing to yellow squash, too.
Sounds like a recipe I got from an elderly lady that came over from Italy, but she added onions and the mushrooms had to be portabello . Frank...111-1 profile.webp

One of the spring foraging plants that are found all over here in Vt. is wild asperagas that is growing wild along many of the road sides. In the sring it is easy to find as it is up and growing before the grass and weeds take over, and once that happens it insures that another crop will appear next year because the plants are hiden and protected for another year....I usually get 2-3 meals from the spots I have marked on my maps.

Would also like to state that the bark of the willow tree is the source of salycitic acid....asperin, and has many uses when out in nature. I have chewed the twigs many times to quell a headache while in the woods working.....Gary

Pharmaceutical Strength Marijuana

Legal for Cancer Patients & Those with Other Diseases

The practice of oncology in the United States is in need of a host of reforms and initiatives to mitigate the problem of over diagnosis and overtreatment of cancer, according to a working group sanctioned by the National Cancer Institute. Using natural chemotherapy agents like medical marijuana needs to be part of that reform. The mainstream press is embracing medical marijuana, openly acknowledging that it is more effective and certainly safer than most pharmaceutical drugs.

Pharmaceutical strength marijuana is now available legally to the four corners of the globe because Cannabidiol (CBD) has no illegal THC. No longer do people need to sneak around to obtain one of the most useful plants on the planet and the medicines that can be made from them.

The American College of Physicians (ACP) issued a policy statement years ago endorsing medical marijuana use. The group has urged the government to reverse its ban on medical treatments using marijuana. "ACP encourages the use of non-smoked forms of THC (the main psychoactive element in marijuana) that have proven therapeutic value." The Philadelphia-based organization, the second largest doctor’s group in the United States, cited studies into marijuana’s medical applications such as treating severe weight loss associated with illnesses such as AIDS, and treating nausea and vomiting associated with chemotherapy for cancer patients.[1]

Cannabinoids offer cancer patients a therapeutic option in the treatment of highly invasive cancers. The medical science is strongly in favor of hemp oil as a primary cancer therapy, not just in a supportive role to control the side effects of chemotherapy. According to Dr. Robert Ramer and Dr. Burkhard Hinz of the University of Rostock in Germany medical marijuana can be an effective treatment for cancer.[2] Their research was published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute Advance Access on December 25th of 2007 in a paper entitled Inhibition of Cancer Cell Invasion by Cannabinoids via Increased Expression of Tissue Inhibitor of Matrix Metalloproteinases-1.[3]

Marijuana cuts lung cancer tumor growth in half, a 2007 Harvard Medical School study shows.[4].The active ingredient in marijuana cuts tumor growth in common lung cancer in half and significantly reduces the ability of the cancer to spread, say researchers at Harvard University who tested the chemical in both lab and mouse studies. "The beauty of this study is that we are showing that a substance of abuse, if used prudently, may offer a new road to therapy against lung cancer," said Anju Preet, Ph.D., a researcher in the Division of Experimental Medicine.

Researchers reported in the August 15, 2004 issue of Cancer Research, the journal of the American Association for Cancer Research, that marijuana's constituents inhibited the spread of brain cancer in human tumor biopsies.[5]

Researchers at the University of Milan in Naples, Italy, reported in the Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics that non-psychoactive compounds in marijuana inhibited the growth of glioma cells in a dose-dependent manner, and selectively targeted and killed malignant cells through apoptosis. “Non-psychoactive CBD produce a significant anti-tumor activity both in vitro and in vivo, thus suggesting a possible application of CBD as an antineoplastic agent.”[6]

Cannabidiol (CBD)

According to Dr. Allan Frankel, “Cannabidiol will be used to treat chronic pain, anxiety and other mood disorders, as well as being a neuro-protectant and a very helpful anti-cancer drug.” CBD is an extremely powerful anti-inflammatory. While inflammation is normally treated with corticosteroids and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), the improvements in quality and understanding of CBD content increases the opportunity for inflammation and associated pain to be treated with Cannabidiol.

Dr. Frankel goes on to say, “CBD works against pain primarily in the peripheral nervous system. It does not work like typical pain meds by affecting the central nervous system; it works at the neuro-synapse. When we sustain injuries, often the pain is acute and disappears completely. Other times we have persistent or intermittent pain, but it is still not that big of a deal. However, with many disorders the pain is either part of the underlying problem itself (multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.) or the pain becomes a syndrome of its own. In other words, the pain takes on a life of its own and is now crippling the patient.”

CBD has no side effects and becomes very effective as an anti-psychotic when given in larger doses. With more antioxidant potency than either vitamin C or E, CBD has consistently demonstrated neuro-protective effects.

For Addiction

Researchers believe they’ve found a substance that might help fight cocaine addiction—marijuana. Doctors from the National Institute on Drug Abuse found that the brain has receptors for many drug compounds, including marijuana compounds such as Cannabidiol, which has a synthetic form called JWH133.

Using synthetic compounds of Cannabidiol works but natural marijuana does not have the side effects that come from all things synthetic. But we can learn a lot about how natural marijuana works when we study synthetics in action.

When scientists gave samples of JWH133 to mice that were trained to be regular users of cocaine, the mice’s use of cocaine decreased. The more JWH133 the mice got, the less coke they wanted. “The researchers deduced that the reason the mice dialed back their cocaine habits was that the drug no longer made them feel so good,” says Karen Kaplan in the Los Angeles Times.

The receptors for drug compounds work by stimulating the brain’s reward system. JWH133 apparently eliminates the rewarding effect that comes from taking cocaine. In one experiment, mice given cocaine ran wildly on a treadmill—until they were given JWH133, which dampened cocaine’s effects and caused them to run more slowly.

Dr. Antonello Bonci of the NIDA, as quoted in TIME, is extremely excited and says that studies of Alzheimer’s disease and psychosis have found that JWH133 may have therapeutic uses against those conditions, too: “It’s extremely exciting.”

CBD turns the debate about illicit-drugs-as-medicine on its head—medical marijuana that does not get the user high. One woman with Parkinson’s disease, who Dr. Michael Callton treats, told him she ingests an oral marijuana candy, a medicine that doesn’t make her intoxicated in order to calm her tremors enough so she can sleep. “She doesn’t want to get high,” said Dr. Callton (also Michigan Republican Representative). “She just wants to sleep.”

Researchers at the California Pacific Medical Center Research Institute (CPMCRI) combined the non-psychoactive cannabis compound, Cannabidiol (CBD), with Δ9-tetrahyrdocannabinol (Δ9-THC), the primary psychoactive active ingredient in cannabis. They found the combination boosts the inhibitory effects of Δ9-THC on glioblastoma, the most common and aggressive form of brain tumour and the cancer that claimed the life of Sen. Ted Kennedy.[7]

Real Scientific Hemp Oil (RSHO)

Real Scientific Hemp Oil, an associated company of Dixie Botanicals, just came out with a two month supply of highly concentrated CBD (legal) medical marijuana. Each batch of CBD-rich oil is tested for potency and is marked and sold in concentrations of 10% to 25%. A Certificate of Analysis (COA) is included with every purchase.[8]

The one gram a day dosage of sublingual CBD in this new formula is at five times the concentration that is necessary to throw cancer on its back. People have rightfully complained about the low concentration levels of other products because high dosages are necessary for full pharmaceutical effect.

The cost on their site is $3,600 (After introductory instant rebate) for a two month supply of the highest concentrated CBD on the planet. The normal price is 4,995 and that is inexpensive for a truly natural chemotherapy agent. IMVA Members receive an even higher discount.

Another exciting product for California residents is exceptionally pure extract/marijuana oil with extremely high levels of THC, which will get the patient high as a kite whereas the CBD will not. It is also, in one gram dosages, $60 dollars a day but people should not expect to function to well while under the influence.

CBD-rich oil is best absorbed through sublingual application, and provides the highest available CBD content without a psychotropic effect (meaning, there is less than 1% THC). When taken sublingually, the CBD is absorbed via the oral mucosa. The oral mucosa contains small micro-capillaries that allow the CBD to be absorbed directly into the bloodstream. Absorption directly into the bloodstream allows for an almost immediate effect and bypasses “first pass” liver metabolism, allowing for the full strength of the CBD to be experienced.

As the remaining CBD-rich oil is swallowed, it enters the digestive system and is directed to the liver by the hepatic portal system. The liver will then metabolize the remaining CBD, which then later enters the bloodstream to provide a delayed but longer-lasting effect.

This secondary longer-lasting effect from the RSHO provides pain relief for several hours. There have been stories of patients suffering from Parkinson’s disease whose tremors ceased for several hours after taking RSHO. Even those suffering from sleep disorders have been known to not need to take their sleep medications because of the sustained delivery of the CBD-rich oil.


CBD spells bad news for the pharmaceutical industry because, when combined with other strong medicinals like magnesium, sodium bicarbonate, iodine and selenium they offer an alternative approach to cancer treatment that is safe and effective.

CBD is an all-purpose general medicine which has anti-inflammatory, anti-anxiety, anti-epileptic, sedative and neuro-protective actions. It is also a potent anti-oxidant, protecting against chemical damage due to oxidation. Studies have suggested that CBD protects against the development of diabetes, certain kinds of cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, brain and nerve damage due to stroke, alcoholism, nausea, inflammatory bowel disease and Huntington’s disease. Medicine just does not get any better.

Mieko Hester-Perez went public on television about giving her autistic son Joey medical marijuana. She says it saved his life! “It seems to me if one is going to need to use drugs, one ought to consider a relatively safe drug, like marijuana,” said Bernard Rimland, Ph.D. of the Autism Research Institute. “The reports we are seeing from parents indicate that medical marijuana often works when no other treatments, drug or non-drug, have helped.”

Dr. Ester Fride strongly recommends the use of cannabinoids in pediatric medicine. She notes that “excellent clinical results” have been reported in pediatric oncology and in case studies of children with severe neurological diseases or brain trauma, and suggests that cannabis-derived medicines could also play a role in the treatment of other childhood syndromes, including the pain and gastrointestinal inflammation associated with cystic fibrosis.

I wonder if they make asparagus dipped in dark chocolate .. dark chocolate is my cure-all!

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