TreasureTales said:
I have a fairly aggressive rheumatoid arthritis with rheumatoid nodules, contracted elbows, and always pain and stiffness despite taking 3 types of prescription medication. The meds are taking a toll on my liver and I know the anti-inflammatories will eventually ruin my eyesight and my stomach. I would love to get off the prescription meds, but I've tried home remedies before and they did nothing for me - my arthritis got to the point where I could barely move without great pain and my strength was nonexistant. Although I'd like to try this, I'm afraid my condition will worsen (the joint damage is permanent) and that this won't work for rheumatoid arthritis. Anybody know if this only works on osteoarthritis or if it works for other forms too?
My grandmother had real bad rhumatoid arthritus for years. The doc kept giving her different meds, nothing worked. The doc passed away, and she started going to a different doc. The new doc first thing gave her a couple batteries of allergy tests. At this point I'm thinking quack. Anyhow found out she was alergic to beets and a couple other things. She used to eat beets at least three nights a week. To make a long story short after she quit eating everything she was alergic to she started recovering. Joints started recovering lots less pain. Might be something to see if your doc can check for you!

I will definately tell my Aunt who is suffering from rheumatiod..But if your taking medication for this or any other illness, its never wise to suddenly stop your meds, especially if you have taken them for a long period of time, you have to wean your body from it, or you could get very sick.

Want to hear something really weird?

They have been watching me for high pressure in one eye, glaucoma suspect. I just had my first checkup since I started on the gin/raisin stuff & the pressure in that eye is now normal for the first time in 2 years. I have not changed any meds or changed any part of my lifestyle in that time.

Is that strange, or what? I told the Dr. the same & he just raised his eyebrows.

I always gotta laugh when you hear something the Chinese or American Indians have been using for a couple hundred years with excellent results gets poo pooed by the AMA or Pharmaceutical companies.

Maybe I look at things with a skewed point of view, but it seems you go to the doc with an ailement, and they introduce a chemical, doesn't really CURE, just masks the problem. Now we're treating the side effects from the first chemical, and on and on. I really get a kick out of the Drug commercials! The drug will fix a stuffy nose, but there's a good chance you'll go blind, you may pass out when you stand, your hair may fall out, and other unspecified body parts may fall off :o Hmm.... I can't stand up, got no hair, may have a heart attack going to the bathroom, may not be able to be intimate, got zits, but I can sure breathe a little easier Hmm......... ???

when you hear something the Chinese or American Indians have been using for a couple hundred years with excellent results gets poo pooed by the AMA or Pharmaceutical companies.

I agree. I have been interested in wild plant foods & 'green' medicines or healing
plants & herbs for many years. It's probably my favorite hobby. I've always believed that since so many of our drugs were found in nature & the drug companies have isolated the active ingredients & now make them chemically, if that is the reason for so many side effects. Perhaps in nature, if the plants alone are used, there may be natural buffers in that plant to reduce the effects. Like I read at one time, green healing is older than intelligence in man, the most ancient of people & even animals know what plants to seek out when needed. Most doctors today are pill pushers, they no longer want to cure you, they just want that steady customer coming back month after month. Notice I used the term customer not patient.

Doctors for sure don't like the homeopathic treatments (at least my specialist doesn't). AND I must admit I have been on the fence myself. With the success (for me) of the "Gin and Raisin" I will listen more with an open mind.

There are many things in life that you cannot explain, particularly connected to "old fashioned remedies". People may laugh at some of them, but I believe in approaching these things with an open receptive, and the more you are, the more you are likely to benefit from some of these "aids". Maybe it is mind over matter who know's, but if they help, then why not!!!!
Its like some people have what they describe as a "feeling" that something is going to happen.....the telephone is going to feel another persons thoughts, all sorts of things. I often sense what another person is thinking,... its weird. Its called ESP....extra sensory perception. I do think that you have to have that it what you will... nature to feel these thinks though.

I can say this, since starting on the gin and raisins feb. 3rd i have notice my joints dont hurt anymore , my wrist and shoulders aches and pains are gone for now , and the wife says she has notice her back does not hurt anymore, going to keep this up and see if its a long term thing and i hope it is ! havent been this long without joint pains for alongtime ;)

I have a question guys, and please dont laugh, (i said please :P) Im serious about this question.

Now...just say if you were taking prescription drugs and you suddenly stopped, of course your body is going to go into withdrawls. Like and Alcaholic does when he or she trys to quit drinking. What im wondering, if you were to do this 'gin' and raisin thing everyday, for a long period of time, it seems to me your body would become addicted to the alcahol, even though it may not be 6 raisins a day, your still putting alcahol into your system everyday. I'd be afraid of turning into an alcaholic!
Im being serious, what do yall think? (no funny remarks :P)

I want to tell my Aunt about this but i just had this image of going to see her and not being able to keep her out of the raisins! ROTFL! omg!

Trish, you have a point. As trusty said, the alcohol itself is evaporated. I'd think it would only cause a potential problem to a recovering alcoholic with the flavor still there. Most of them wouldn't be going into a liquor store anyway.

Trish...... That is a good question, and one I certainly wouldn't laugh at. In fact I had thought of it myself. But as has been said,the alcholol evaporates, although I am not as wise to this gin/raisin as some of the others are. In fact I had never heard of it. But it seems to me that the amount of alcholol used is very small. I do think it is certainly worth giving it a try. I have already had two knee replacements, so I know that I am a likely candidate for more arthritis, and it is certainly helping me after taking it for about a month now.

I'm not much of a drinker and don't know too much about liquor. However I did a Google search (Isn't GOOGLE Great!) and the main ingredient in gin is the flavor of the JUNIPER BERRY. Also, different manufacturers add other flavorings in small amounts.

I'm not one to experiment, but, it might be interesting if someone could make juniper berry jam (is it possible?) and add raisins to the jam. I might be wrong but I don't believe the alcohol is actually evaporates and any amount that remains is small enough to ignore.

Regards, Joe

DrJoePrime said:
I'm not much of a drinker and don't know too much about liquor. However I did a Google search (Isn't GOOGLE Great!) and the main ingredient in gin is the flavor of the JUNIPER BERRY. Also, different manufacturers add other flavorings in small amounts.

I'm not one to experiment, but, it might be interesting if someone could make juniper berry jam (is it possible?) and add raisins to the jam. I might be wrong but I don't believe the alcohol is actually evaporates and any amount that remains is small enough to ignore.

Regards, Joe
Hmm, very good point Joe!

Too much trouble to make the jam, I can do the raisins and gin quick and easy.

I fifth of gin and 2 boxes of golden raisins made 6 cups of it.

It works for me, (Hic_up :o) oops, excuse me...... ;)

stefen said:
A secretary was visiting an Aunt in the desert and had told her that she suffered from piles...the Aunt mixed her a drink of Vodka and Sour kraut juice...its called a pile driver...

After literally sitting on the porcelain throne for two days, she never had a recurrence of the roids after that...

I thought a pile driver was vodka & prune juice ??? GRandpa used to drink the juice out of the kraut, used to piss Grandma off!

Hey Everyone,
My hunting partner Indasurf told me about this thread and I have to say I was a little more than skeptical about the idea until I actually read the results everyone had. Then I was just a little skeptical :icon_biggrin:.

My wife has been having terrible pain in both knees for the last year which has gotten worse and worse. I told her about everyones results and she said "sounds crazy but I'll give it a shot".

I went out and bought a box of sun maid golden raisins and a 750mil bottle of Bombay Gin, "the original". Put the raisins in a Tupperware, covered with the gin and put it in the cupboard for a week.

After a one week soak, she ate 9 the first day around lunch time and surprisingly woke up the next day with no pain. Second day, another 9 raisins in the morning at breakfast which is now her normal routine.

My wife has been eating the raisins for about a week and a half now and has been totally pain free since the day after she ate the first nine raisins. Needless to say we are totally amazed.

My wife was in a lot of pain too, she would take Tylenol or Motrin ahead of time if she had plans to be out somewhere, a lot of times the pills never even worked and she would dread going out sometimes. She would also have to soak in a hot bath a few days a week, none of that anymore

I can not stress enough that when I say "she has no pain" I do not mean she had a lot of pain before but now it's not that bad. She is totally pain free. No more Tylenol or Motrin either.

Thank you for starting this thread DrJoePrime, and thanks to everyone else who posted their results.
Good Luck!


just to add , the wife and i have been doing this since feb 3rd ! and her back has not hurt any and my wrist and other joints still have no pain :thumbsup: it is our daily routine now for sure :icon_king:

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