Are You Leading The Life You Intended?

How many of you are leading the life you set out to live?

  • Yes I am

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 50/50

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Not even close

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm not even sure who I am anymore

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I was thinking about posting the same exact thing an hour ago, but since I was here debating myself over a true answer I never got around to it. Judging from the votes, it looks like we're in the same boat :laughing7:

I guess the good half is that I am still alive and kicking.. The bad half is that times are too uncertain. Overall I guess we have to accept where we are until we can make a change.

I'm just curious as to the many reasons why we give up pursuing our dreams. It seems we step out into this world with a pretty clear idea of the life we're going to pursue and yet we always seem to end up getting derailed along the way. Kids, jobs, events, etc. When I first stepped out into the world on my own I wanted to live in warm climate near the ocean, but right away I took a good paying job and ended up spending the next 30 years in Indiana, about as far away from the ocean and a stable climate as you can get. :laughing7:

bigscoop said:
I'm just curious as to the many reasons why we give up pursuing our dreams.

You know I was up all night waiting for you to reply :laughing9: Sometimes the reason we give up pursuing our dreams is because they are nightmares. I had many dreams, like most people I guess. At the end of the day it boiled down to having a wife, kids, good job, a house and living in a decent area.

Today I live in the middle of nowhere, have no job, can't afford to pay the taxes on my house, an ex-wife, and 2 kids I can't return. Not quite a nightmare, but close enough for me :laughing7:

I always wanted to make a living playing in a band. I did for awhile when I was younger so I guess I can say 50/50. I can't complain about what I do now and I still get to play whenever I want, I just don't do it for a living anymore.

Digger said:
I always wanted to make a living playing in a band.

I was always up in the air about pursuing a living in a band, or being a stand-up comic. Thought about both, but never fully pursued either. So here's a music question for you Digger

Q- what do you call a drummer?

A- A person who loves to hang out with musicians.

Now you see why my career in stand-up failed :laughing9:

A couple of weeks ago I was kicking a new job offer around, same thing I'd always done and the money was good, but as soon as I walked inside the place I saw that there were no windows and no people, just a bunch of robots. The first thing that hit me was, "Hey, you've spent the last three years of your life doing outside, socializing with real people, doing things you enjoy, don't give it up for something you don't really want to do just for the money." That's the first time I've ever turned around and walked away from a good job and I'm glad I did. Wish I would have done the same thing 30 years ago!

I never thought I would live this long! I planned to retire with an adequate income to do some of the things I wanted to do when I was younger. I did retire with a fairly good income but have spent most of it on bailing my kids out of debts. I don't regret helping them however because times have changed since I was younger. There are no more career jobs and nowdays a young person is just lucky to be employed at all. A college degree doesn't mean squat anymore and it was once the key to a successful life for most people albeit there were some exceptions. I found that my retirement income level is just at the breaking point between being comfortable and being in poverty. The IRS takes a huge bite of my income now because the government has gradually eroded all the tax exemptions I use to be able to claim. Tax cuts my foot, the infamous Bush tax cuts did nothing to help me. And now Yomamma Obama is talking about increasing our taxes. Health care is also another income killer. I have all the illnesses and need the medication that Medicare doesn't cover and I have ungodly monthly premiums to contend with. And it looks like the new Obamacare health plan is going to increase my costs by about another 25% although he claims it is a cost cut! So, most of my problems at my age and status is financial. Sometimes I think I would be better off just to give everything away and get on the government dole but I can't stomache income redistribution or socialism in any form. I made this political statement and I approve of it. Monty

First off : Spart I think you would work out well on TV in a show like Leno's. A kind of a spicier version.

Now for me! I've done everything I set out to do in life, so if I checked out tomorrow, I would go out happy. For now, I am working on the iceing on the cake. I lived a series of small dreams. I would dream of an adventure and go for it. Most dreams came true, but like all dreams they came to an end. that was time for the next dream. etc. etc. etc.
Did I have any set backs? oh yes ,big ones. After 16 years of marrage my wife died leaving me 5 children to raise. 11 years ago my house burned down with me in it. I was left with my skivvies and bedroom slippers, no home, no truck,no motorhome, no house contents. I was 62 when this happened.
and retired. I had to sell part of the farm and spend my retirement, but I designed and built a new house with some help from my sons.
Today I am just getting along but still dreaming!

When I was younger my dad told me that, "Son, you have two choices in life, you can either take control of your life or you can let life take control of you." Now when you're young you don't exactly get the drift to what he was saying, at least I didn't. But looking back I think he was really saying, "If you're not careful life can steal you away from yourself a tiny piece at a time until and end up living it in the body of a stranger."

Like my dad once told me," We all make our own bed in life and have to lay in it."

Frankn said:
Like my dad once told me," We all make our own bed in life and have to lay in it."

Or you could rent out that bed and run a motel/hotel :headbang: I guess we have more options than we originally thought.

10 yrs. ago I figured by now at the rate I was going my net worth would be Very good.
I had accomplished most of what I had set out to do when graduating high school.
Had 3 very healthy and good kids, mortgage half paid on a very nice home worth twice what I bought it for, was at the top of my trade as a toolmaker, climbed a mountain, learned to snow ski very well, sailed my own boat, (almost got an aircraft pilots licence but got vertigo and quit).

Now have nothing but memories. And the healthy young sons.
Still have some guitars and guns to sell.
Someone said you could get good money for body parts.
How does that work?

As for me, I'm keeping all my body parts! It seems to come down to a choice for most people. Money or happiness. Many people do find both, but many do not. I always wanted to fly planes. My mother stepped in once and a job got in the way the last time. Then I got too old to make it as a living. Took a medium paying job that I still love to this day 14 years later. Don't get me started on relationships, however. Can't win 'em all, but I keep fighting. I think when the dust settles, I'll be where I need to be. My advice is simple: Don't quit trying to improve on your life. There's always someone out there in worse shape.

I think Hank Williams once said,"No need to worry. It ain't gonna' be alright nohow"....or something like that. Who knew he was a philosopher? Looking back I don't think anyone's life turned out exactly like they thought when they were kids, or even young adults. Sometimes you just have to toss the dice and live with snake eyes. I said that. Monty

Never really had an idea of what I wanted to be. It might be nice to fool em all and get out of this world alive. It seems though that I've set a pattern and have been 're-inventing' myself every ten years. So I been there 10 years, so I think this Monday I shall walk in and tell the largest retailer in the world 'KMA, AMF YOYO'. (you can figure it out) After that, well, I spect the Stones will always be hirin.

So far over half of the voters are not even living a portion of the life they intended. I think it just goes to show how easily we can lose touch with ourselves. :dontknow:

I'm only playing the hand i got dealt. Not living anywhere close to expectation. I'm 40 my hair is all but grey. My kids are all but grown. My parents are dying in a moldy shanty and i can't even help myself, little own them. But....I have my metal detector, I love my family, and i do what i want every day. I md, ginseng hunt, arrowhead hunt, work for myself, mushroom hunt. Just wish my parents didn'y have to suffer as bad as they do at the end. Oh and i got the treasure net. :hello2:

100 percent the way I want to live. I'm 53, no kids and never been married. Living in a paradise. I owe no money and have more than I need. I work for 18 months then take 6 months off. I planned this existence in my 20s.

I feel the biggest error a lad can make is getting married. So many options leave you when you take on another person's ideas of what constitutes a happy life. I grew up on an island with so many pretty and constantly changing women I cannot imagine only taking one. (then releasing it - good conservation practice, like fishing)

Alone you can truly do what you want. I started a boat building business at 30 after working for another man in the same trade since I was 13 and sweeping floors when not in school. I work the hours I want and have all kinds of time to play. I windsurf, sail, free dive and shoot guns when not building boats. Around me are all the pals I grew up with and many others who came to the island.

Have had a chance to sail to just about every island in the Caribbean and off South America. Could not have done this married. This is the key. Stay single you young fellows. You will accumulate money and never have to worry about a doggone thing as you get older.

Old Town

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