Are you allowed to go through barb wire fencing to prospect an area?


Jr. Member
Apr 20, 2013
Primary Interest:
Ok. You driving through a pretty remote area and around you is nature. There are fences like this on the side of the road.


Now it's likely it could be ranch property or something similar, yet there isn't much around but nature. On road where there aren't many cars, possibly a dirt road. Say I go through one of these fences to access a creek or river and pan for gold there. Do you think anyone would care? Could I be harassed by park rangers or someone who owns the property? What if there aren't any signs? Maybe it's just to keep cattle or animals out of the road or from leaving a very large area of property? Please help because I'm looking at areas on google maps I want to prospect but there are these damned fences even though there is nothing around for miles.

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Aw I wish I could have seen the pictures. Lol @ how hopping fences turns into illegal immigrant debate.
Access definitely is a challenge. But you know what? I read a bob marely quote today that said "When one door is closed, don't you know another is open?"

@Fabrication Specialists- I am not the person to litter and leave a mess. I generally try to respect nature. Like I would maybe cut through some brush to access a place, but I try not hurt or disturb things if it isn't necessary. But I live in an apartment and there is a sort of trail that goes up to some hills and teenagers completely trash the area with garbage and bottles that go up there all the time and smoke weed. I don't have a problem with people smoking weed or hanging out but when cops show up alot because of it (also because of graffiti), and the place is trashed it gets really old.

Good evening,
Discordia, I never said anyone specifically, just mentioning some of the problems I've personally encountered on my own property. These days some folks (NOT ALL) are very much of the me, me, me mindset and don't care about anyone else or their property. I was just trying to say if I have 20 people come through nicely and not destroy anything, all it takes is one or two people trashing my stuff before I'm done with it and any trespasser will be treated "gruffly". I just wish people had more respect for each other these days.

If someone saw my wife and I up there and asked if they could hang out or camp every now and again, I wouldn't care. If folks are good enough to ask permission, they're typically good enough to not leave a mess.

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Yea it belongs to someone. Most land in this country is under some sort of control, private or otherwise, it's controlled land, and they're not making land anymore. Take some GPS readings, file a claim, and see what happens.

Oh sorry I thought briars might have been another word for a type of fence >_< Well I think I'll just avoid that area. There is alot of surrounding area that is public land and I've been back packing on before. There are creeks but many of them lead to this main sort of river area, (although most of the year it's probably dry or almost dry). I'm certain nobody would be there to see us it's just the whole leaving your car parked there thing that makes it oh so obvious you crossed the fence.


:icon_thumright: "Don't Do as I do" Isn't in my normal Vocabulary 8-)
If I were in the habit of crossing peoples Barb wire, I'd probably have said "Don't get caught" :laughing9:

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Jeff! Let's cut to the chase here [whatever that means] I only quoted part of your statement because that is the only part that some folks want to see!


I really don't want to Hijack his thread,
But I must respond.
I was not only Born to question authority.
(I probably asked the Dr. for Credentials before slapping My Butt)
I was also born with a sense of Humor
(and my first words may have been Woh! Dark in there :o )
So I'm not sure if your being Sarcastic, Or judgemental over the words I used.

Not judging. Not really sarcastic, either. Just my experience that sometimes people hear only what they want to hear.

All thread responders are confirming the same answer [barbed wire -- don't trespass, everything is owned by an individual; or is public property -- which has rules for useage]. I am not convinced that he gets it. He calls it wilderness, like that makes it ok; yet there is no place in the US that doesn't belong to someone. It does not matter if anyone else is around to see.

Seriously. Not safe to go through someone's barbed wire.

Sorry for any confusion!

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If theres public land around it it shouldn't be hard to find out if the land behind the fence is an inholding.Sometimes there is barbed wire on federal land for cattle leasing. what state are you in? One of the most important skills in prospecting nowadays is hunting open land to work on.Land status is easy to figure out when you know how to do your research.Landowners do not have to put up signs and most of them don't because some jerk normally comes along and removes it before he crosses the fence.

The fence is only one aspect of the land status. It is our responsability to research an area.

Often where open BLM land meets a road there may be fencing to keep wildlife off the highway.

The other side of the coin as we all know is a mining claim where there is no barbed wire but prospecting would clearly be off limits.

Do the research!

And I am not picking on dicordia. His sense of adventure is to be admired.


But, all thread responders are confirming the same answer [barbed wire -- don't trespass, everything is owned by an individual; or is public property, which has rules for useage]; and I am not convinced he gets it. He calls it wilderness, like that makes it ok; yet there is no place in the US that doesn't belong to someone. It does not matter if anyone is around to see.
Seriously not safe to go through someone's barbed wire.

Sorry for any confusion!

:' (

Well people might say they own the land and but trespassing rules don't apply to animals they are free! Unless they are considered pests or someone decides to hunt them.

Yes it's a dumb argument and it doesn't make crossing the property illegally any more legal or safe but that's just how I feel about it.

Hello all, I have not been on much lately, been busy with writing my books and doing several other projects. I really have to admire some of you guys taking your time and trying answer this fellows question in as nice a way as you can.

I must be getting old or maybe it is just me. There is a fence. Period. More periods.

You do research to see who has the ground, whether it be public or private. If any one is able to log onto this forum then that same person has access to the same internet I do. Every state has some sort of program that will give you land onwership, again, whether it is public or private. This is very easy to find out on the internet.

If it is determined to be public then call that entity.

If it is determined to be private then call that entity and seek permission.

I will not accept an answer that you cannot find out who owns the land. I research and talk to private property owners all the time. The internet offers this information at no cost other than your time.

This question irritates me to no end. I have been shut out of so many parcels because of stupid, uneducated, dont care people that have just went ahead onto someones land past a fence. I cannot blame the landowners for their denial of allowing me to go on their land after a continuing history of stupid people.

If it is fenced, that probably means something, no brainer to me. Wake up!


I agree trinity. Where I grew up, we had permission to fish, hunt, and trap all the private land in the valley. The land owners actually like having us around, because we would notify them if we came across sick or injured livestock. Now all the land is locked up, because of vandals and trespassers.

We've got 80 acres here in S.E. Arizona and it's right in the middle of nowhere. We have illegals come through on a regular basis and every time we spot them we call Border Patrol. It's not a matter of not liking someone that is only trying to make a better life for their self and their family, but we have no way of knowing which group is running drugs and which are just looking for work. It's a matter of being safe instead of sorry. We have our 6 year old grand daughter to think about which is why we keep three VERY LARGE Rottweilers as well as guns here. The dogs are very protective of their turf and let us know if anything is out of the ordinary.

In answer to your question, It's best to try to contact the land owner and get permission BEFORE you cross any fence lines! Depending on that area, it could save your life!!!!! As long as you have permission, then all is good with the world. Respect the rights of others and for the most part they'll be much easier to get along with.

If nine said don't tresspass, and one said go ahead, is that the green light you need to justify it? Think about it! TTC

A toothless old homeless mexican man once told me, in mexico the drug cartels give you two options. They give you gold or they give you lead.

Fences don't grow out of the ground by them selves if there is a fence it was put up by someone to keep others out get permission first.

Lol bamboo on the other hand is a natural fence lol ever see how it grows in straight lines surprisingly in NJ we have a lot bc bamboo is so hardy it can grow almost everywhere except the desert

Except the bamboo does not have barbed wire attached to it.I grew up in the mountains and I don't know how many fatal auto accidents were caused because someone cut a fence and let the cattle out as they were not respectful enough to realize the fence was there for a reason and a fence in and by itself is a DO NOT TRESPASS sign.

I really don't want to Hijack his thread,
But I must respond.
I was not only Born to question authority.
(I probably asked the Dr. for Credentials before slapping My Butt)
I was also born with a sense of Humor
(and my first words may have been Woh! Dark in there :o )
So I'm not sure if your being Sarcastic, Or judgemental over the words I used.[
nothign wrong with questioning authority i do it all the time with parents government, did you see that one lady on the news questioning obama? she has my fool support if we dont keep these politician on there toes and honest who knows what could happen you should never be afraid to ask for a reason for rejection just be prepared for a answer thats unfriendly

There's one exception to this rule - the USFS has in recent years tried to limit access by illegally erecting locked gates with no justification. They are bowing
to pressure from enviros to avoid being sued. The enviros are using the "precautionary principle" which says all human activity (except hiking trails!) is
harmful to the environment. If a "deranged welder" went around at night and destroyed these steel gates, I wouldn't lose sleep over it.

There's one exception to this rule - the USFS has in recent years tried to limit access by illegally erecting locked gates with no justification. They are bowing
to pressure from enviros to avoid being sued. The enviros are using the "precautionary principle" which says all human activity (except hiking trails!) is
harmful to the environment. If a "deranged welder" went around at night and destroyed these steel gates, I wouldn't lose sleep over it.

Same thing happening here. Some camping areas failed to reopen this year. When asked why, budget cuts. WTF are we paying for then?

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