I have to admit I don't know how to break in a virgin (it's been a while) .... OH, you mean the pan!!!!
I still like my little black pan.. The slick trap pan they sent will take some gettin' use to.
I may use it as a catch pan, the stuff dumps out easy enough.
cpt bill,
If you spend money you expect something in return, I'd be pissed. You're like a stockholder in a company
that IPO'd and you still hold your original investment. In an organization that went from nothing to 50,000 members, I'd think they be
kissin' butt to the old timers.. If I don't see a benefit of belonging to the organization, or can't get to the claims often enough, I will probably let my membership lapse.
However, if I can get to AK , WY or CO more often as I get older it might be worth it to have places to go, without staking and maintaining my own claims. I'm not much of a joiner, I prefer to be off on my own away from the crowds. Some people enjoy the camaraderie of a group, I'd don't mind being around a couple of people but a swap meet atmosphere is not my style, that is my concern about the GPAA claims. I think my Lab, and I will enjoy our trip away from momma and the kids in May, I will have to make it an annual event. Wyoming this summer, AK next!!