Are you a member of GPAA


Full Member
May 25, 2004
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Golden Thread
Detector(s) used
Minelab E-Trac, with sunray probe,Minelab SE,Eureka Gold
Hi all, are you aware of a good organization called Gold Prospectors of America? If so are you a member? They have places to mine,metal detect for gold nuggets sponsor outings and protect our land rights just to name a few things going on with them. Check it out you will be pleasantly suprised at what they do and it will help our sport out. Hardrock ;D

Upvote 0
I bought a membership and didnt get a chance to go out so I renewed and again didnt get to go out did this for three years then figured might as well get the lifetime membership. It ended up being cheaper, now I go regularly there are many places in my area and I always bring home color. I receive there mag and pick & shovel on time everytime, been so for about 2 years.

Well!? :)
I can only reiterate.. :(
I even sent them a message explaining that I haven't rec'd anything.
Then for a couple of months, I starting getting the magazine but no maps or etc..!
That other "Charter members" got!
I have three charter membership cards!
Really doesn't matter, as I said, the whole west is still open for anyone to prospect in!
I don't limit myself to any one area!
Meaning, GPAA Areas!
I did go to Stanton, Az. once!
It was so full of RV's,? :(? that I sure didn't want to stay, in such a crowded camp area!
Looked like more like Commercial Camp ground/RV Park !~
Than a Prospecting meet!

HI ALL: Intereresting to see the inputs for this poll. Reading the yay's and nay's. I enjoy GPAA/LDMA very much but do not make outings, I use the claims and go to Alaska. I am in the midwest and travel to and from claims is long in all directions but the new claims in Mich. now open are only a few hours away. As far as the magazines, never had a problem , ever :D
I have met and gotten to know Perry well, met Tom and his wife last year, great people. Not to say I have may own claims to work but I do and I use the mining guide and have had success. My question is to you miners out there who do not belong is , how are you protecting your land rights? GPAA/LDMA do that for us all, they are watchdogs for our hobby/business. That alone is worth the membership. We have to fight for it if we do not the huggers will win and GPAA is a great way to protect our rights.
Perry is a NUTS/BOLTS guy for sure, Tom is more promo than Perry but he is willing to take time to teach anyone who wants to learn at all levels.So for the price,the instruction for novice's,land rights lobby,claims to use and all else they are the best going in my book.As far as a local club, GPAA is always looking for new chapters,lots to work with to start a great local group. Just a short note, I have been prospecting/treasure hunting on the professional side for 35 years from Wy. to Alaska and elswhere,not much in the South yet but will check that all out soon,short timer till retirement,also a long time firefighter. Will gladly entertain all questions and comments on this poll.Hardrock ;D

Just joined. Got bit by the gold bug pretty bad last year after visiting my sis in Wyoming and visiting an old abandoned mine area in the Shoshone NF. Found some small flakes and pickers in the stream below the mine and in the tailings. Wishing I had a detector then. My kids and wife got my first detector this past Christmas (a Bounty Hunter Quick Draw II) So it's not a Mine Lab 3000, it'll do for a start.

This winter I was active on ebay and picked up some other goodies, I had a pan already, but I picked up a grizzly pan, some hand tools, and some "paydirt" to play with.
I did join GPAA for the first time this weekend.. I have been picking up the Magazine the newstand and decide to bit the bullet with the Buzzard's special.
I am heading back to Wyoming in May to help my sis and family move back to the flatlands in May, I will spend a day or so checking out the Southpass area as there is a GPAA claim there and again go the the SHoshone NF, but this time run the detector around the tailing piles.


? ? :)? Instead of a gold pan, which I am sure you found out, is hard back breaking work,? ?:P? for such small returns!
I would see about investing in a "Bac Pac" Dredge!
I say " investing" ,? ?because if you can/are find gold in your pan, you'll pay for the "Bac Pac" dredge, very quickly!
A Bac Pac Dredge is small, takes up very litle room, is easy to carry and produces a HECK!? ?:D? of a lot more gold!
If the situation shows, you can invest in a larger unit!

? ;D? Success story;? ;D
I have a friend in CA. (full story upon request) who actually Bac Pacs into fairly remote areas and makes a good FT living ? ?:D with his!

Capt Bill,

I've been toying around with that exact idea, I've built a couple classifiers already. My concern is the plastic jobs might not hold up too well. There is an aluminum shop near my house I've thought about having them build a portable sluice. or I could build one in the garage. I could probably put a comparable size to the smaller Keene together for under $50.00. The aluminum shop already quoted me 1/16" aluminum 42" x 6" U for around $22, then all I'd need to do is have them build a flair and get mat, moss and build riffles..

Your statement confirms my line of thinking.. Thanks!!


I am a member of the GPAA. Getting ready to renew. I haven't done any prospecting yet, but this summer I will. Getting info and equipment lined out and hope to see lots of yellow this summer.



:D Nebr...:
? ? ?With a Bac Pac Dredge, you have a small, light wt. two cycle engine driving a small pump!
This is hooked to suction nozzle.
All you have to do, is to research a good gold bearing area,
Go there, camp, find the stream, move a few larger rocks out of the way, fire up! the engine,? ;D? and vacuum up the sand/gravel,
AND! Hopefully, gold?
This, sand&gravel, is where you are going to find the gold...The sand and gravel is in the creaves of the stream!
Where, You can't get it with a pick and shovel, you have to use your vacuum/suction nozzle to get it out! ::)
This is all sent to the sluice box in a continuous stream!
You then stop!? :P
Pick up the gold,? ::)? from behind the riffles, load up the family,? 8)? head into town.
Where you sell the gold? ? ;D? and pay off your mortage!? ?::)
? ?:o? A GREAT INVESTMENT!! $$$? ;D
Just ask my friend!
BUT! ? ? You have to?take that first?step.... :P
That being...
FIRST! Deciding that you are going to be serious about this.. >:(
Because a manufactured BAC PAC is going to cost you? ?:-\? a few hundred $$$$$!!? :-\

Nebr... :)
I can actually, take you to a couple of spots in CA., fairly remote, of course!? 8)
Where you can dredge up some really nice GOLD!? :o
AND! With a nugget or two thrown in? ?::)? for good measure!
What are you driving?? ???

Capt Bill,

I saw the Backpack Dredge in the Gold Prospector. In the Shoshone NF where I am going this summer there is power equipment allowed.. Gravity or pan only. If I can talk Momma into letting me take a week or away from her and the kids I'd love to head to California or AK! Thought about the GPAA Nome trip but it is out of the question this year. To busy at work to take more then a few days off at a time.

Do you have your own claims or do you dredge on open or GPAA claims?

I saw a claim on in California for around $3000.00

I've got about a grand of it, but no way or time to get to it :(

I drive an F150 Ford 4x2 extended cab.. It'll get most places if I baby it..

No! I don't visit the GPAA Cliams any more!
The one time I did go, it was so full on RVs, "Snow Birds" ,That there was no way, I was going to stay!
You might as well have been in a regular RV Park!
I have Three "Charter" memberships to the GPAA...
I get/got Nothing! from them!
AND! This STATEMENT is absolutely TRUE!
Once in a while, if I write, they'll rememeber and sent a magazine or two..Then Nothing!
That's A REAL Trustworthy Organization,? ?::)? wouldn't you say!

Capt Bill,

Since I don't get to California or AZ and being a flatlander, my guess is the Wyoming claims are generally the locals..
I tend to not be much of a joiner either.. I will see what GPAA is like for a year. If I don't get any bennies from it I will let it lapse.

I'd still like to stake my own claims when I get to the age my kids are gone, one in AK and another in AZ!!

I know where there is gold in several AZ. streams,? ;D? weither or not it is claimed I don't know!
If it were a bonaza, I would imagine that they would be worked? FT!
Now! As Far as No. Ca. goes!
There are several really HOT Areas!
You're not going to beable drive to up to them!? :o
? ::)? 4x4 or not!
There's why they are still back in there!
How many people today are willing to go into some real back country!
I haven't yet had anyone to inquire about going in there!
? :o? THIS IS REAL BACK COUNTRY!? ?::) (Very, Very Remote)
The person I heard this from, he and his partner,? :o? ?took out over $90,000 !? ? :o
Both of them are now? :'(? ?in the Land of the Big Prospect!? ?:'(

Was a GPAA memeber for a better part of an year when we (wife and I) decided to join the LDMA. Best investment I ever made. Only one issue to complain about; sent an email about a claim in Colorado that was once a Girl Scout camp and is now a riding stable, and to up-date the directions, finds and gps coordinates. Received no reply from them (GPAA). Called, and was told that they (GPAA) never received my email, that the property was deeded to someone and they would contact that individaul and get back to me. Still no word from the GPAA on the status claim. Planning on calling soon before summer to find out what new information they have on this claim or if they remember to contact the individual.
Went to the AZ this winter and visited the Stanton facility, great place but crowded with sun-birds as stated ealier. Everyone helpful, even found some gold too. Can't wait until I can go back and spend more time MDing for gold.

Cpt Bill,

Still got legs to hike with and probably can carry a 50lb backpack for a while still. Kids and I are in Taekwondo to keep my sorry 46 yr old bod in shape.. My wife seems to be coming around on me needing a trip :D Have been looking at the AK BLM and AZ BLM sites and perusing their databases.. I haven't been able to decipher some of it yet. I'd like to visit a few places in the next few summers and stake a claim so I have places to go in the summer and winter once I become one of the "migrating flock!!" I thought a bit about sending in a DP on that California claim, but I don't want to do it site unseen. Figure if I do my research I should be able to find a decent claim and only have to pay the BLM fees.

Back Country doesn't bother me too much.

I am gonna test the GPAA Wyoming claims when I head out that way in May since I paid my dues. We have a family reunion in Colorado in August (not to far from Central City) I will probably bug out of the reunion for a day away from it all on the Clear Creek or or one of the Colorado GPAA claims.

49er, People are either hot or cold for GPAA, I think like any organization it is 90% membership and 10% leadership.. Sounds to me (from CPT Bill's comments) that the temecula offices are prospectors turned into office people, and it's not really their forte..

I concur I would like to hit the drybeds in AZ with my metal detector, I am just not sure I'd like the fight the snow bird crowds.. Just my luck I'd find myself out in the tooleys enjoying the hike and finding color and have a bus of AARP come driving down the stream bed!! :0

What are you looking for in a "Claim" ?
I mean, do you want to have a lode claim, placer claim ...?
In an area, Near by roads, etc. ?
Normally, If it, the area, can be seen from a road, someone has usually been there!
Do you have Placer/lode mining equipment?
You know, there are other treasures out there!
For Instance, when I was in the "Bradshaw Mnts", Az. looking for a Gold Bearing stream..!
When!? :o
I found a great looking deposit of Jade green rock (jade?)? ?::)? with large dark green flakes in it!
I showed some of it to a Decrative Building Stone Outfit In Phoenix!
I! NOW! Have an offer ::) for every pound of it!?
BUT! Who The Flock ?? ?>:(? wants to own a stone quarry? Anyway!? ?::)
Although it is in a really nice area.
Up in the Pines, good climate, year 'round!
A place to set up a "Millsite" (Mill site=5ac.) in adddition to your regular claim!


I'd like a placer claim about 100 miles from nowhere with a bunch of nuggets within an inch of the surface begging to jump in my pockets!! :D

Agreed who is gonna buy rock? It the yellow stuff I want.

You didn't read the part about my already having a buyer for "The Rock"?
It's in my last e-mail!
As to your Claim.... ;D
I have a lost nugget/gold mine in Northern Ca. that fits that description !? ::)
I am just now talking to a couple of Prospectors in CA. who are interested in it!
This is NO! Picnic !? ?>:(
It's NOT! the 100 wanted? ?8)
But!? ;D
It's Way!? >:(? Back In!
I'd say, it's a "Killer Remote"!? ?:o

Dang Bill,

I can see I need to plan another field trip w/o momma and kids already in Northern CA and look ya up!! Just want to stay clear of the city folk and crowds. This flatlander is used to the simple life of the "outback" Nebraska... Wyoming is close for me.. 10 more years and my youngest will be out of school and I will be READY!! for the 100 miles from no where AK!!

I'd better get to work..


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