are school yards private property

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DetectRights. Here in CA "No Trespassing" is not subjective. If there is a posted sign and someone asks you to leave and you don't, by law, you can be placed under private persons arrest. I've had to make that arrest multiple times in the last 20 years. Never for metal detecting though. Will it go to court? Probably not. I don't see a DA wasting his time and tax payers money on a metal detecting no trespassing arrest. But, is spending a few hours in jail and everything else that comes with it really worth it?

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DetectRights can't reply, he is already banned under several names.

January 20, 2017 A New Beginning!

Lol. Thx for the heads up. Makes sense cause I could not find his reply to my original post from a few weeks ago. Wonder if that was the reason for banning....

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He is banned under multiple names for refusing to follow rules.

January 20, 2017 A New Beginning!

ah, I was wondering if that was him !

DetectRights can't reply, he is already banned under several names.

January 20, 2017 A New Beginning!

Thanks TH! I thought something smelled fishy and familiar about that guy!

I think I know who this is :)

Sure, maybe persons "shouldn't worry about no trespassing signs at schools" . If we can rationalize that they're nothing more than obligatory to keep perverts out, and lawsuits over banana peels. But that's far different than trying to persuade people that they still don't actually mean "no trespassing". See the distinction ?

Here's an example: if the speed limit is 55, then ALL OF US can probably rationalize that you'd be hard-pressed to get a ticket for going 56. But that is NOT to say that the speed limit isn't still 55. (or spitting on sidewalks laws, etc....). But that's far different from saying that the "speed limit isn't 55" etc.....

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And upon "confronting you" guess what said authority would "cite" as their proper warning ? The sign. Hence it meant what it said.

Yes I agree that you (or the jogger or the person walking their dog or the person shooting hoops) will be HARD PRESSED to get anything more than a scram. But again, this is different than saying you're not trespassing till told that you are. The sign-alone constitutes "being told". I agree that school yards are hunted (and people jog and fly kites there etc...). And sure, all of us are low-down-rotten "trespassers". Just admit it ! :)

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In some states, criminal trespass is being on the property when the property is clearly posted with no trespassing signs that can be reasonably seen. So yes, there are places where the sign alone constitutes being told.

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There are several subsections of CA penal code 602 under which you could be arrested. Maryland Criminal Law Code Ann. § 6-402(a)(1)) states you are trespassing merely if there is a sign posted. I'm not gonna google every state for you. I don't see a MD getting arrested, but it CAN happen. Will it go to court? Probably not. But again, why go through the hassle of spending a few hours in jail?

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What are you talking about? You said that a no trespassing sign does not mean you are automatically trespassing. I posted the Maryland law that says it is....

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What is it about the Maryland law I posted that you don't understand. IMG_2851.webp

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Government entities must post property restrictions at entrances and boundaries of all government held land. Restrictions of use from No Trespass to No Swimming must be posted by law so says the Supreme Court on 7 separate case brought before them. If no such posting you cannot be held liable they can only ask you to leave. There is also a 'phantom law' case law which holds liable government employees citing non existent laws denies use, goods or services to the public.

(a) A person may not enter or trespass on property that is posted conspicuously against trespass by:
(1) signs placed where they reasonably may be seen

The exact words....please tell me how that does not say you can't trespass against posted signs...

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Sounds good.

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" The sign-alone constitutes "being told". " No it doesn't Tom. The sign only concerns trespassing and a person would not be trespassing unless they were told by authority to leave. You are not automatically trespassing just because you went past a no trespassing sign.

It is possible to "trespass" on "public" land. Example: If you gain access to the "public" library, through the window, after it is closed for the night, you have "trespassed". Another example = the governor's office when he's having private session meetings. So , yes, a "sign" (or closed doors or fences, etc...) do indeed constitute "being told".

That's not to say I wouldn't hit public school yards despite signs btw. But for different reasons than you are trying to advance here.

Well I for one am going to leave it at that. I spend the better part of my day listening to people tell me they know the law better than me. Not gonna do it on my off time. I'm ok with people like detect rights trying to find loopholes or just straight out break the law. It's job security for me....

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Well I for one am going to leave it at that. I spend the better part of my day listening to people tell me they know the law better than me. Not gonna do it on my off time. I'm ok with people like detect rights trying to find loopholes or just straight out break the law. It's job security for me....

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Digrights also known as kemper has been banned from every detecting forum out there as well as several non detecting forums for refusing to follow forum rules. It's always "the mods fault too".

Thank you for your service bmacd.....

January 20, 2017 A New Beginning!

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