Well, I can't let this thread pass by....
My hubby and I love metal detecting. I am also into genealogy....I live, breathe, sleep, you name it..everything I do relates to genealogy! It's hard not to stop at a cemetery and not record it for future generations and for those looking for their ancestors....however....
I have always had an interest in Archaeology. I find it fascinating! I love watching Dr. Hawes (spelling not sure)...the guy from Eygpt. And Ron and I have had our experiences with "archies" here at home.
My hubby had a dig done on his property back in '98. A long story short, my hubby was called after some things were found uncovered by a recent storm (then) and Dr. David Phelps (who recently passed away '09), was the "archie" who conducted the digs on my hubby's property. We met with him several times, got pics with him and the artifacts found, one being a 10K gold signet ring (which Dr. Phelps had traced to an Abraham Kendall, which this ring pre-dates the LOST COLONY!) CORRECTION: Dr. Phelps did NOT trace the lineage...he sent a photo and a cast of the ring to England....the folks there traced it.
These artifacts belong to my husband, not Dr. Phelps. They are curated at Eastern Carolina Univ (ECU). The Arch lab was named after Dr. Phelps, which upon his retiring, is now run by Dr. Ewens. (Think I got his spelling correct)...anyways....
Hubby and I decided to take a drive a couple years back to ECU after contacting Dr. Ewens if he would be available so we could see ALL the artifacts found. We arrive, talk a bit...he shows us around the lab and the latest projects going on...I was having the time of my life!!!
Well, Fred Willard, who initially contacted my hubby about doing a dig and now runs the LOST COLONY something or other on the Outer Banks....anyways...he helps us locate the artifacts and we start opening boxes...NOTHING...I mean NOTHING....some shells, bones, etc...pieces of some pottery..but the main items (i.e., gun flint, ring, bird bone necklace, coins, etc)...nothing was there.
Nor had Dr. Phelps turned in his report about the digs.....there was a list of the items found...hubby has a copy of that and that list named EVERYTHING!!! Whew...
Anyways, we found out that Dr. Phelps had these artifacts....the gun flint is at some Army base being cleaned (since '98)...I think it's clean by now! Some of the other items are in various places as well. The Ring was in Dr. Phelps home in FLORIDA, where he retired to.
Well, several calls, several emails and to no avail, no ring or other items returned. Finally, a meeting was put together at ECU with the Dean, the Arch Lab Director (Dr. Ewens), Fred Willard (who was a participant at the digs), a few other folks and Dr. Phelps showed up. Promise was made to return the ring and other artifacts back to ECU. Well, it still took a couple more years, a couple of newspaper articles and some 'threat' of a lawsuit, but finally, the ring and a few other items are NOW back at ECU.
We plan to make a trip down soon to check the 'boxes' again to make sure they are there and we are still trying to locate where the gun flint was sent to and other items.
Hubby wants these in a museum, perferrably on the Outer Banks, where they were found. Of course, on loan, they will remain in the family and passed down to the care of our son's. However, he does not want them sitting in a box.
This property hubby owns, they believe was the center of the Croatan Indians and has been in my hubby's family about 150 or so years....it's only a small portion of what his 6th gr grandfather once owned, who also owned land on NC Hwy 12 (the old Salvo campground, which they will NOT let us detect

)...his 6th gr grandparents are buried there on the Sound Side.....even though now, his 6th gr grandmothers headstone is now broken and the piece is no where to be found. Thank goodness I have it on video from '95...cause in 2004, it was gone! This is one reason I like recording cemeteries!
So, even though we liked Dr. Phelps, it was more of selfiness on his part with the artifacts. Story has it, he was having a mold made of the ring and was going to sell them, ... and when hubby found out....oh boy....I can't put on here what he said!!! Dr. Phelps needed hubby's permission.....which he didn't and because of the what he was trying to do, hubby said NO!!!
And now, we are members of Boy Scouts of America (hubby an Asst Scoutmaster and I'm a Comm Member, former Webelo Den Leader) and we have permission to detect our councils camp. They too, have an "archie" who had been conducting digs on the newest part of the camp, which is over 900 acres of land. The asst to the "archie", he and I had words when he tried to stop us from detecting. He said they had ALL RIGHTS to the land. I said, "All 900 plus acres?" and he said yes...well, that and other things he said did not settle with me and I went right to the council. They did NOT have ALL RIGHTS to this land, only to the area they are doing the dig on!!! The Council owns the land and it's their decision.
We cannot keep what we find and the Ranger has all of the artifacs (including trash, well, from the first hunt anyways!) in the BSA Museum at the camp. They have been sitting there since the first hunt in '07. ... but as long as BSA allows us and we continue to obey and follow the Rules and Regs of BSA Council, we will continue to research, find, retrieve and turn in the finds. I document everything, take photos of everything (even the trash) and we, our group, are writing a book. It may take several years...as there is so much to research and find! We have maintained a good reputation and will continue to do so!
I wrap each item in tissue and place them in plastic containers, tape it up and turn over to the Ranger....
I personnally do not care if I can keep anything....however, I love the thrill of finding history and researching it....
We even offered to metal detect the dig area...NOT DIG....detect and we would place flags on possible areas on the dig area they may want to concentrate on...and NO...they don't want any part of us over there!!!
At the camps recent 50th anniversary, since the Council purchased the land, the dig area was one place we were allowed to go in and look at. I was really surprised to see what I did....that area has NOT been dug in several years. Something about, they can only do it for so long, then they have to wait a certain period to go back in....

? Can anyone explain that to me? If you are doing a dig...you continue doing it.... I was told it was some law. But what the area is, is the foundation of the basement of a home, they believe built in the 1600's (or was it 1700's?)...no, 1600's....anyways, this area was found by accident when they were clearing trees after Isabel and someone fell in the hole. (no, they were not hurt).
But to think...the hands this land has been through over the years and no one ever noticed it before!!! This camp was bought in the late 50's....
So, I think it would be great to have metal detectorists help and assist in digs....if anything, we pinpoint a location and they can dig....but I also expect to see that detectorist to receive credit as well and it not fall onto the "archie"!
We will continue (or I will) continue to ask to detect and place flags on areas of interest in the dig area...I may go to Council for this one....the assist to the 'archie' was not in favor of it! Like we are going to damage something...geezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
My dau also found a piece of Ming China at Jamestown. She wanted to know if she could keep it and I told her we were at a dig area and it may be important, and that keeping it was wrong. So, we went into the tent area (this was in '95)..and showed this lady what my dau found and she called over Dr. Kelso. He took us to this little building where they stored all the artifacts (that building is now being restored since the new museum was built). He showed us a picture of a Ming China tea set and it had the same design on it as the one my dau found!!! He was so excited, as he said they were trying to find a connection to the Orient. Well, we went to the museum opening and nothing about Ming China (or the piece she found) was there! She was 10 at the time and I feel she should have been given some credit. As an adult, yeah, it would bug me...but I would get over it...but for a child..that is a big deal...but we have pics and video of it...so atleast we know my dau found a link between Jamestown and the Orient!!!

I said my peace...I think it's great that detectorist work with 'archies'....not all 'archies' are bad guys...not even Dr. Phelps!!!
Happy Hunting,