Anyone here buying or selling silver recently?

Yeah I won't be buying right now. I have a little stash of silver from what I have dug plus what I have bought. Not enough to get rich by any means, but I won't buy until it comes down some. If it never comes down and keeps going up, I guess I will just miss out. It's a guessing game.

Like most things in life no certainty. I just figured with all the countries taking on a crazy amount of debt and printing money like there's no tomorrow it's worth a shot to put some silver in reserve.


We all know you're a gold bug but....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

A few things to keep in mind though the gold to silver ratio is extremely high compared to the historical range.

Silver has way more industrial uses than gold.

It's also considered the poor man's gold because it's more reasonable costwise.

In a shtf scenario trying to cash in 1 ounce of gold versus 1 ounce of silver to buy some basics such as bread which one would be more liquid? Food for thought!

I’ll be making bread cheap and keeping metals.


We all know you're a gold bug but....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

A few things to keep in mind though the gold to silver ratio is extremely high compared to the historical range.

Silver has way more industrial uses than gold.

It's also considered the poor man's gold because it's more reasonable costwise.

In a shtf scenario trying to cash in 1 ounce of gold versus 1 ounce of silver to buy some basics such as bread which one would be more liquid? Food for thought!

In the "old days" ( 1880s)a pinch of gold bought you a cocktail .A file, a few seconds later, and a 1 will buy what ever you need.:) Something to think about :)
And you don't need to be a "rich man" to dig gold :)
And yes, Gold makes the world go round :) 009.webp

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I've probably got about 20 or so gold rings as well as a few other items I've detected over the years. So my plan B is covered both for silver and gold.

We also have a decent amount of non perishable food stockpiled and lots of seeds for the garden. We've got most bases covered for a shtf scenario that could very well be coming our way.


I've probably got about 20 or so gold rings as well as a few other items I've detected over the years. So my plan B is covered both for silver and gold.

We also have a decent amount of non perishable food stockpiled and lots of seeds for the garden. We've got most bases covered for a shtf scenario that could very well be coming our way.

Th turned me on to a survival/freeze dried food website...4Patriots has a 4 week survival food kit for $197. It includes 184 meals in a plastic tote, for easy storage...check it out!


Just a ballpark guess but between 2 freezers and a few pantries we should be good for about 6 months of food in a worse case scenario.

Throw in our upcoming gardening season and we can stretch it out further. I also forage and we make jams, jellies, preserves and fermented foods as well as beer and wine from kits.

At least 2 years cushion of basic expenses put aside.

If the shtf we should be better equipped than most folks.


Just a ballpark guess but between 2 freezers and a few pantries we should be good for about 6 months of food in a worse case scenario.

Throw in our upcoming gardening season and we can stretch it out further. I also forage and we make jams, jellies, preserves and fermented foods as well as beer and wine from kits.

At least 2 years cushion of basic expenses put aside.

If the shtf we should be better equipped than most folks.
Two freezers here also, one holding half a fresh steer. We’re ok too if the grid stays up. I garden but my wife and kids won’t eat greens or fruits, which I suppose isn’t that unusual. I tell ‘em they’ve never been truly hungry before. I have taught them the value of PM’s, and both my kids at a young age were roll hunters.

Yeah I'm with you guys. Been preparing for this for the last 10 years and have many preps and years of wages saved.
We decided to leave the city and we live off grid with national forest for my backyard. Plenty of food around here and abundance.
Has been more than sustainable and awesome learning experience.

It's surprising how little you can get by on when you do most things from scratch for yourself. Just takes a bit of extra effort but well worth it in my opinion.

Watching the news on here, and hearing it downstairs with Mom's TV. It ain't cool out there now. I pray it's not leading to the destruction of law & order. And then we are going to be responsible for our own existence in the times coming forward. It's just about past time to prep.

Watching the news on here, and hearing it downstairs with Mom's TV. It ain't cool out there now. I pray it's not leading to the destruction of law & order. And then we are going to be responsible for our own existence in the times coming forward. It's just about past time to prep.

Would be nice to hear foot traffic at 2/10 of a mile here on the road. And the most likely paths in the woods, and along the fence...
(No , I won't be cashing in any silver for an alarm.)

I am going to continue holding in place. That stuff is meant for really hard times - though I do fear we may get there pretty soon.

You could sell a Libertad and buy that alarm haha. That's pretty sad!
It doesnt seem like a bad idea really if it something that would work and animals wouldnt set it off all the time.

Went to a couple local dealers over the weekend and was surprised how little inventory they had. One store had nothing available and was only taking orders for generic rounds, etc. The wait time if you wanted that was 12 to 16 weeks for the metals to arrive. The other had some 10 oz bars for $4.50 over melt! No way am I paying that.

I gave up on the stores and contacted one of my smaller time coin dealer acquaintances (only buys/sells wholesale with other dealers) and he offered me Mexico un peso coins for 50 cents over melt per coin (.720 purity). Really pretty coins that are mostly AU and are from the 1930s and 1940s. I haven't been doing my dollar cost averaging lately so I took them all. In the good old days I wouldn't have paid over melt but in these times I guess it was worth it.

Here is what they look like.

Went to a couple local dealers over the weekend and was surprised how little inventory they had. One store had nothing available and was only taking orders for generic rounds, etc. The wait time if you wanted that was 12 to 16 weeks for the metals to arrive. The other had some 10 oz bars for $4.50 over melt! No way am I paying that.

$4.50/toz over spot premium is practically a 50-75% discount in today's market. APMEX is getting $8 to $14

Last I bought was some 2018 RCM Snow Owls for $4/toz over spot. I think nobody wanted them because they are 1-1/2toz. Instead of one.

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