Anyone here buying or selling silver recently?

Man, the mining stocks are starting to diverge from the general market, seems that holders have gotten wiser and aren't selling off when those totally organic and legit vertical overnight spot price drops occur. Aurcana in particular has been impressive lately, in spite of their issues production being imminent has largely immunized it. Up 450% and looking forward to another 450% in short order though at it's current cap other plays are relatively cheap. Keep stacking up your physical and stocks my friends, at least some of us will thoroughly enjoy what's coming next year!

I'm new to the markets.. I have cash to spend and have been converting a bunch of my income into Silver. I've been buying mostly 90% Constitutional coinage.

Obviously I didn't pick the most opportune time to start buying into physical silver.. Looking at charts from a year ago and before, it looks like Silver fluctuated around $15/$16 an ounce for a good long while. I could have gotten more bang for my buck back then, but I didn't have the finances to do so at the time.

I'm snagging deals at melt and I'm not looking for numismatic value or other frills. I want to increase my holdings with haste at the best deals that I can find in the current conditions. If the market dips, I will only look at it as a buying opportunity. I have a good feeling about silver in the coming years.

They can keep this going for awhile but fiat has a 100 percent failure rate throughout history, so you know what's coming.
This time is never different. Hold REAL money.

They can keep this going for awhile but fiat has a 100 percent failure rate throughout history, so you know what's coming.
This time is never different. Hold REAL money.

I think TPTB will have another world war if the dollar really looks to be in trouble of failing. There is no reason why the dollar will crash but all other fiat currencies will survive. So if there are several national currency crashes that happen, which one crashes first? If the Euro were to crash the dollar would soar, and vice versa. While fiat currencies will lose "value" as they have over the decades, I don't see them actually crashing to zero, if that is even possible since they can keep printing.

There will probably be some sort of electronic gov currency created (gov style Bitcoin) and they will do away with "cash" at some point. They will use the excuse of preventing tax cheats and that they can track every "dollar" going through the system. People who hold it can still "barter" if they wish, but since it won't be legally acceptable I can see gold/silver filling that void for people who wish to avoid the e curreny.

I believe this type of environment will be a huge catalyst for silver and gold if they remove "cash" someday. Since probably 99% of the population don't hold much if any gold/silver bullion, probably won't be any confiscations again like in 1933.

One issue many stackers like myself fail to realize is that society has been conditioned to not think of gold/silver as money or valuable anymore. It would take new conditioning to re-educate the masses about PMs. So probably only stackers and very wealthy will have lots of PMs if/when this comes to pass someday.

I think TPTB will have another world war if the dollar really looks to be in trouble of failing. There is no reason why the dollar will crash but all other fiat currencies will survive. So if there are several national currency crashes that happen, which one crashes first? If the Euro were to crash the dollar would soar, and vice versa. While fiat currencies will lose "value" as they have over the decades, I don't see them actually crashing to zero, if that is even possible since they can keep printing.

There will probably be some sort of electronic gov currency created (gov style Bitcoin) and they will do away with "cash" at some point. They will use the excuse of preventing tax cheats and that they can track every "dollar" going through the system. People who hold it can still "barter" if they wish, but since it won't be legally acceptable I can see gold/silver filling that void for people who wish to avoid the e curreny.

I believe this type of environment will be a huge catalyst for silver and gold if they remove "cash" someday. Since probably 99% of the population don't hold much if any gold/silver bullion, probably won't be any confiscations again like in 1933.

One issue many stackers like myself fail to realize is that society has been conditioned to not think of gold/silver as money or valuable anymore. It would take new conditioning to re-educate the masses about PMs. So probably only stackers and very wealthy will have lots of PMs if/when this comes to pass someday.

Well by the time that all happens I guess my kids will be the wealthy one. Lol Keep Stacking
P.S. I have started stacking a wee bit of gold right now but I guess at the wrong time as no one is selling right now. Lol

Well by the time that all happens I guess my kids will be the wealthy one. Lol Keep Stacking
P.S. I have started stacking a wee bit of gold right now but I guess at the wrong time as no one is selling right now. Lol

I think we will see upside movement in the not too distant future such as hitting 30 again, maybe 50 too. But to see gargantuan gains "Bitcoin" style I feel we are going to need something really drastic taking place on the dollar front.

There are many big level traders making $$$ riding the small bull waves up then shorting the metals back to their base levels. Right now the dollar chart looks like total crap, but gold/silver are down as well? This type of tandem movement of dollar/PMs is somewhat rare and normally doesn't last for long. Either the dollar will break out and PMs fall faster, or the dollar will drop even lower and metals will start to rise again.

Check out the weekly dollar chart. Depending on how the dollar closes this week, we may be at a weekly low we haven't seen in a long time. So I don't see how the dollar is going to rally here short term. Once we get further stimulus PMs will rise again but how much who knows?

Here is the silver daily chart (looks like it wants to drop further):

Here is the dollar weekly chart (making new lows not a good sign for dollar bulls):

With the skyrocket of gold and silver happening just after the $1200 payment to everyone, they probably dont want to try that again and it's most likely why they havent.
Grocery prices also rose almost immediately which of course isnt counted anywhere "official".
They are between a rock and a stick of dynamite.

Silver daily chart is at an interesting point right now. We appear to have yesterday closed at the top of a trend line. If you look at the attached chart and make a trend line from the closing price high around Aug 10th, then touch the closing price high points near Sept 1st, Nov 8th, and Dec 7th, you see the trend line which is falling.

If we break through that trend line convincingly I think short term we are going higher. If we can't break through then back down we go.

The US dollar chart looks terrible but may be forming a left side of "head" for an inverse head and shoulders? If so, expect to see the dollar rally a bit in the not too distant future to form the other side of the "head", which if happens probably will mean further dropping silver prices?

I sold some semi numis stuff for a decent amount and want to put it into cheaper bullion but don't know if I should wait or buy now? I have too many memories of buying at a time like now then in 6 months we drop 25-50% in price. I can't bring myself to buy generic bars or junk silver at $25+ per ounce.

silver daily chart

US dollar daily chart

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Who knows what will happen when the dollar finally dies but we will find out haha.
It's all on life support now and death is close but the end remains a mystery since this has never happened before.
Currencies have failed theough history of course but never tied together at this degree and as the reserve currency.
It's an awesome time to be alive and witness history being made!

The silver weekly chart broke through the trend line with this week's close FWIW. In the past silver has done this type of thing only to drop in the near future, but for now the chart looks good.

I bought a monster box of ASE's for around $13,800 a couple weeks ago, same box from same dealer is nearly $15,000 now.
Of course that doesn't necessarily mean that I could cash out and make a quick $1,000, but I hope the upwards trend continues.

I bought a monster box of ASE's for around $13,800 a couple weeks ago, same box from same dealer is nearly $15,000 now.
Of course that doesn't necessarily mean that I could cash out and make a quick $1,000, but I hope the upwards trend continues.
Why do something much more cumbersome than simply playing the paper silver game if one wants to make a quick buck?

Physical silver is for long term holding, ETFs are for flipping.

Thinking of melting it down and turn it into a 'Shifter Knob' :):occasion14:001.webp

Why do something much more cumbersome than simply playing the paper silver game if one wants to make a quick buck?

I'm not looking to make a quick buck, which is precisely why I have it in hand and not on paper.

I traded is some gold for some silver Maples last week. The gold was not hallmarked and the dealer wanted a $4 premium per coin. Unfortunately the dude acid tested my gold at 20k. Bullcrap, I know the refiner and it was . 995 at least. I think t the dude had sme bad acid.

I still think ill come out ahead long term. The Federal Reseve is stealing your FRN savings again with all the stimulus acts. Dollar wise I think I will come out ahead. Value relative to goods will probably be static- unless we get into a big war. Gold is used in industrial applications, but a heck of a lot more silver is used in manufacturing.

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