anyone ever had a tresspass on church property or school property after dark?

Nothing new about professor Tom carrier away.

Honest Sam, Yes, sometimes Tom might get a little carried away, and so has sprailroad and so have others as well BUT, not in a mean or insulting way, should be no place in the forum for that, it's more that we "agree to dis-agree", perhaps a tiny jab here and there, but it's like adding a little pepper to the stew to give a bit more "flavor". There is nothing at all wrong with detecting at night if that is something you sometimes like to do, it's only that the non detecting public will not see a guy looking for pennies, instead they might see something wrong or out of place and report it, perhaps being a good neighbor or citizen? It just using common sense in the when and where's of detecting. Understand that I myself at times can become so frustrated with some of the rules, regulation's and misunderstandings in regards to detecting that I.....that I......well........I'll just leave it at that. NOW,.......BACK to "OUTCOME1's" court date for a class 3? misdemeanor for detecting on church property after "dark"? Let's just hope that the court in Hanover, VA can put forth a little bit of common sense and not make something out of nothing, "Outcome1" was not out up to "no good", only a simple mistake in a new hobby. No harm, no foul, no damage, no charge, just a warning perhaps. Honest Sam, don't you think that "your" reply # 55 was just "alittle" carried away? A simple afterthought, I think the officer could have given a "warning" instead of a write up, seeing that "Outcome" had a detector, and nothing else, OK, it is what it is, but would not the "church" need to press charges in order for their even to BE a court date? If they were made aware of the facts, that a fella was only metal detecting, (OK, wrong place, wrong time) what about the "All forgiving" part that they all claim to believe in? I'm just saying........

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It's odd to me that they would specify "nighttime"; I don't know why the court found it necessary to make a specific statute for this. It would seem that basic trespassing laws would cover all. I live just south of Richmond so your post interests me. Thanks.

Sorry to hear the OP got busted, but he knew he was trespassing - at night, which is viewed with even more suspicion by John Q. Public and the cops. My advice is pay the fine, but don't give up digging. Detecting has morphed over the years, and what was once viewed as just an eccentric hobby is now an illegal pursuit on public property in many jurisdictions. Fuel public perception with a rash of You Tube videos showing rare coins, diamond rings, and gold jewelry as common fare for detectorists, which means they believe you won't mind paying a fine with all the treasure you've been raking in on the sly. The FMDC can only recommend that you ask before detecting, they can't come out publicly and say "use common sense when trespassing". When you break the law be prepared to pay the consequences.

In Connecticut, people cannot be in public parks and on beaches at nights. Good hunting and good luck. That the law.

If I get stopped by the police or some crybaby I always say I'm looking for "my gold ring" I lost a few days ago. That way you have a reason to be there because its your property. lol It works

In Connecticut, people cannot be in public parks and on beaches at nights. Good hunting and good luck. That the law.

Uhhh, that would only be for parks with an express "parks closed at sunset" type rule. Not for "every park and beach in Connecticut". And even THEN, I'll bet you dollars to donuts that ... gasp ... you might still see someone walking their dog after dark. Or a romantic couple out for a stroll, etc....

If I get stopped by the police or some crybaby I always say I'm looking for "my gold ring" I lost a few days ago. That way you have a reason to be there because its your property. lol It works

Hey coiltekjohn: A buddy of mine answered a lost & found CL ad once, for a reward for "ring lost at the beach". As he coordinated with the gal to go look for it, she told him the name of the beach (a section of federal beach) that it was lost at. My friend recognized the name of this beach, and had heard rumors that it was supposedly off-limits to md'ing.

He fretted himself silly, wondering how he was going to go look for the ring. But on the other hand, he DID have a legitimate and noble purpose. Oh me oh my, now what does he do ? He considered going through the bureaucratic channels, to try to procure someone's princely permission. But odds are, he would just have been met with blank stares, or bureaucratic stonewalls. So in the end: He decided to just print out the ad, and go look for the ring.

And in doing so, he made purposeful wide search paths around the area (after all, maybe the ring "flung" ? maybe the ring wasn't exactly where she suspected ?). And took his sweet time in looking for it. In the end, no one paid him a moment's notice. He was totally ignored (how the heck are you going to hurt a beach anyhow?). So we all got a good laugh out of that, saying that we ought to run lost ring ads on CL, then turn around and go look for the rings. Doh !

The only mistake made was that you didn't know about the nighttime law and that is an honest mistake that could be made by anyone, it's just unfortunate that you actually got caught at it. People can talk about some generic code of ethics or always getting permission, verbally or a signed contract, until your ears bleed but the fact is sometimes we just get called out. I have never once asked permission in over 30 years of metal detecting to do what I call public property, a church, cemetery, school, library, post office grounds, park, public beach, ball field, etc. and have never been confronted by anyone beyond an occasional dirty look. I think I have a good grasp on the metal detecting laws in my area but I'm sure there is one buried in the books somewhere that I don't know about and I'll deal with that if the time comes. It's good to get permission if it's easy to get but we all know it's not, common sense goes along ways towards not drawing too much attention to yourself. I don't typically detect in the middle of the night in public places in town even though I could here if I wanted to, I just know that it looks suspicious so I don't. Obviously private property and "federal lands" are different than public. You either get permission or you knowingly trespass/break the law. I try to get permission whenever possible but that doesn't always happen and I have been caught. Sometimes it's better to ask forgiveness than permission and sometimes you need to weigh the risk v.s. the reward.

Uhhh, that would only be for parks with an express "parks closed at sunset" type rule. Not for "every park and beach in Connecticut". And even THEN, I'll bet you dollars to donuts that ... gasp ... you might still see someone walking their dog after dark. Or a romantic couple out for a stroll, etc....
Wrong again, professor Tom, no walking on beaches and in parks after dark or off to jail you will go.

Wrong again, professor Tom, no walking on beaches and in parks after dark or off to jail you will go.

And I'm sure you have examples of this happening too, right?

...., no walking on beaches and in parks after dark or off to jail you will go.

Prof. Samuel, you are so funny :) Ok, I'll bite: Got an example of someone who "went to jail for walking on a Connecticut beach at night?" Got a link ? We'd love to see it. :hello:

I agree with Uncle Sam, no one should be allowed outside their property from sunset to sunrise, and only to go to work. Close all beaches! Pay all taxes, Close all parks and make parking lots!

Poor Sam, he has wanted to do some night hunting at the beach, for years and years, but someone told him it was not allowed! How much gold and silver he has missed. Now he has Googled, and found out there is no rule about using the beach at night, but how he is trying to convince everyone else not to hunt at night.
Good luck Sammy, but remember to pay your taxes. I just found out, that finds from night hunting, that there are no Taxes! only day finds!

Poor Sam, ....

Ahhh c'mon, Sam's a good fellow forum contributor. If it wasn't for guys like him, we'd all be lawless miscreants. Doing things like (gasp) stepping off the sidewalk, and not trotting down to the IRS to pay taxes on each dime we find. So give poor Sam a little break. Eh ? :thumbsup:

The problems are none of your members live in the great state of Connecticut. I had been on beaches at nights with other people and the police show up and advice us if we do not leave, off to jail we will go. So, we always leave including myself so I can be here reading your all great interesting comments. Good hunting and good luck.

I suspect that's what happens everywhere else where there might be a curfew. You get a scram, not a ride to jail. Your dire predictions just don't hold up to scrutiny. Now if you argue or refuse to comply, sure, you're asking for a nights' stay at the iron bar motel.

.... where there might be a curfew. You get a scram, not a ride to jail. .....

No... No... Say it isn't so. I heard that they cut your hands off. Then you get a bunk in jail next to "bubba". Then they confiscate your vehicle. Then you get fined. blah blah blah

There was actually a post one time, of someone claiming that to even be driving through a national park (like yellowstone), with a detector in the trunk of your car, could "get you arrested, and they confiscate your detector, and you get fined", blah blah blah.

And people actually believe these supposedly imminent fears :icon_scratch:

ok doing anything after dark on someones property has to be construed as "SUSPICIOUS" would'nt you say ? you just got caught thats all fess up. now go out and try not to get caught doing it again. as long as nobody gets hurt !

.... doing anything after dark on someones property has to be construed as "SUSPICIOUS" would'nt you say ? ....

Yes. So long as joe blow SEES you "doing anything after dark...". Then yes. But if Joe Blow doesn't see you "doing anything", then: No.

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