Silver Member
- Jan 19, 2017
- 2,709
- 4,258
- Detector(s) used
- Garrett A3B United States Gold Hunter, GTA 1000, AT Pro, Discovery Treasure Baron "Gold Trax", Minelab X-Terra 70, Safari, & EQ 800, & Nokta Marko Legend. EQ 900.
- Primary Interest:
- All Treasure Hunting
Nothing new about professor Tom carrier away.
Honest Sam, Yes, sometimes Tom might get a little carried away, and so has sprailroad and so have others as well BUT, not in a mean or insulting way, should be no place in the forum for that, it's more that we "agree to dis-agree", perhaps a tiny jab here and there, but it's like adding a little pepper to the stew to give a bit more "flavor". There is nothing at all wrong with detecting at night if that is something you sometimes like to do, it's only that the non detecting public will not see a guy looking for pennies, instead they might see something wrong or out of place and report it, perhaps being a good neighbor or citizen? It just using common sense in the when and where's of detecting. Understand that I myself at times can become so frustrated with some of the rules, regulation's and misunderstandings in regards to detecting that I.....that I......well........I'll just leave it at that. NOW,.......BACK to "OUTCOME1's" court date for a class 3? misdemeanor for detecting on church property after "dark"? Let's just hope that the court in Hanover, VA can put forth a little bit of common sense and not make something out of nothing, "Outcome1" was not out up to "no good", only a simple mistake in a new hobby. No harm, no foul, no damage, no charge, just a warning perhaps. Honest Sam, don't you think that "your" reply # 55 was just "alittle" carried away? A simple afterthought, I think the officer could have given a "warning" instead of a write up, seeing that "Outcome" had a detector, and nothing else, OK, it is what it is, but would not the "church" need to press charges in order for their even to BE a court date? If they were made aware of the facts, that a fella was only metal detecting, (OK, wrong place, wrong time) what about the "All forgiving" part that they all claim to believe in? I'm just saying........
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