Any smokers in the house???

Hi, y'all...
I'm Digz - been lurking for a while 8) and learning from all you vets...Thank You very much :notworthy:

I've smoked since I was 8 yrs old (yes, eight!) and had a 'habit' by 9. I remember smuggling smokes on overseas flights from age 9 on up (back in the days when you could smoke on airplanes & dinosaurs roamed the earth) I'd go to the back of the plane by the toilets to sneak a smoke while my mom & dad assumed I was in the potty...Sick, huh. Ah well, it is what it is.

Now 46, still smokin'. I usually smoke Pall Mall shorts, but use a reusable filter to capture the tar while still giving me my nicotine fix.
It's called Sanda SD-127, you can order them online & they reeeeally help to clear the old lungs by eliminating most of the tar. My hubby brought them home from China & when I saw what they capture, I was sold.

I'm a pack, pack and a half a day smoker & was starting to have the classic morning smoker's cough ~ within a few days of using the Sanda filter, the morning & night-time coughing has virtually disappeared.

Its worth a shot if you're concerned about lung health, or just fed up with coughing.

Hey, btw - nice to know I'm not the only socially unacceptable member here.... ;D


GibH said:
Have you tried Chantix?

Yep, have a scrip sitting on my desk. The first couple of weeks were uneventful, the next month was therapeutic as
it helped knock me out at night but the following few weeks is when it got real interesting.

The dreams started out mild at first, being a huge fan of "B" horror flix the entertainment value was right around a "10". The
progression from entertainment to cold sweat nightmares was rather quick. The type where your wife wakes you because
your screaming but just cannot remember no matter how hard you try, oh it's still lingering, teasing but will not allow you much
more than a few gulps of air, a bit of drool inching its way towards your pillow and a twitching eye-lid.

Had to stop taking it when both eye-lids twitched opposite each other. :wink:

Blacksheep said:
GibH said:
Have you tried Chantix?

Yep, have a scrip sitting on my desk. The first couple of weeks were uneventful, the next month was therapeutic as
it helped knock me out at night but the following few weeks is when it got real interesting.

The dreams started out mild at first, being a huge fan of "B" horror flix the entertainment value was right around a "10". The
progression from entertainment to cold sweat nightmares was rather quick. The type where your wife wakes you because
your screaming but just cannot remember no matter how hard you try, oh it's still lingering, teasing but will not allow you much
more than a few gulps of air, a bit of drool inching its way towards your pillow and a twitching eye-lid.

Had to stop taking it when both eye-lids twitched opposite each other. :wink:
:sign10: I must've heard this a million and one times about Chantix. Guess there's some truth to it. I've been told stories by people claiming they thought they were going insane, felt like they were having heart attacks, etc. Sounds fun, sign me up :laughing7:

Seriously though, for all of you out there that HAVEN'T tried the patch, trust me, IT WORKS!!! Just put that thing on and the urge completely disappears. At least for me. Gotta watch your weight however. I'm a junky eater anyhows, so, after quitting it just intensified. I was putting ANYTHING in my mouth. If it was edible, I was eating it :laughing9:

Methinks I'm gonna be buying the patch again real soon. Between the money spent on these things and the health hazards, I'm just about done :icon_sunny:

AU24K said:
I am really respectful of Native Americans.

Here is an excerpt of a posting here:,251717.msg2448766.html#new

I went camping for ONLY the second time so far this year.
No bears(Lucky for them) but did a lot of hiking and found 4-5 new, potential prime camping spots.
Oh, did I mention that I go traipsing off over the top of a mountain without a compass? Guess I know these Mountains.(Famous Last Words).
But seriously,
I came upon an area that had about 5-6 different areas/sites where stones were piled up at the base of trees within a 50 yard area total. There were no other stones within 100 yards....(pics to follow)

I stopped, sat on a fallen log, drank from my more than half empty canteen, slowly hand-rolled a cigarette, and had a hike-break.

At this point, I was only about 1/3 of the way through my journey of the day.....

Half way through my smoke, I felt that being in the Cherokee mountains, at the foot hills of the Appalachain trail, and the history of the area combined with the "Trail of Tears," I then went to each pile of stones and gave to each a gift my tobacco .

I don't know a lot about this stuff yet, but, I will NOT disturb any of this finding. To me, this is sacred.

What are your opinions?

What say y'all?

Best Wishes,

sounds like your doing everything correctly the spirits will be happy with your gift of tabacco an your show of respect .

MT Pockets said:
Love the new design..

My buddy brought them back for me from his trip to Mexico..

I didn't noticed anyone dropping next to me.

ya an the nice thing about Mexico smokes besides being cheaper is that they dont hae all that firesafe crap in em

njnydigger said:
Blacksheep said:
GibH said:
Have you tried Chantix?

Yep, have a scrip sitting on my desk. The first couple of weeks were uneventful, the next month was therapeutic as
it helped knock me out at night but the following few weeks is when it got real interesting.

The dreams started out mild at first, being a huge fan of "B" horror flix the entertainment value was right around a "10". The
progression from entertainment to cold sweat nightmares was rather quick. The type where your wife wakes you because
your screaming but just cannot remember no matter how hard you try, oh it's still lingering, teasing but will not allow you much
more than a few gulps of air, a bit of drool inching its way towards your pillow and a twitching eye-lid.

Had to stop taking it when both eye-lids twitched opposite each other. :wink:
:sign10: I must've heard this a million and one times about Chantix. Guess there's some truth to it. I've been told stories by people claiming they thought they were going insane, felt like they were having heart attacks, etc. Sounds fun, sign me up :laughing7:

Seriously though, for all of you out there that HAVEN'T tried the patch, trust me, IT WORKS!!! Just put that thing on and the urge completely disappears. At least for me. Gotta watch your weight however. I'm a junky eater anyhows, so, after quitting it just intensified. I was putting ANYTHING in my mouth. If it was edible, I was eating it :laughing9:

Methinks I'm gonna be buying the patch again real soon. Between the money spent on these things and the health hazards, I'm just about done :icon_sunny:

seen something about possable lawsuits
just a few weeks ago on TV.
Lawyers looking For people who
were harmed by Chantex.

Are they still selling it ?

Nightmares sound Cool.

The Best Horror Movie you can Watch,
is one your Starring in & Don't know it's Fake.

However Living alone I Wouldn't
want Suicidal Tendencies,
Unless it's the '80's Band :tongue3:

I smoked for 48 years. A pack and a half a day for about 40 of them. I had a mild heart attack at age 52. Had an angioplasty but continued to smoke but just cut back to about a pack a day. Smoked ultra lights and my wife smoked also. Had 2 stents put in in 1998 but continued to smoke. Began having breathing problems in 2005 and thought I had lung cancer. Went to the doc and have emphesema and pulmonary hypertension. Quit smoking almost two years ago. Chantix finally worked for me after trying everything else on the market. Those two diseases are both fatal but slow killers. I will probably last another 5 to ten years, maybe longer since I quit smoking, but it will eventually get me. I waited too long. I am an educated man of higher than average intelligence and I knew better. My father and all my uncles died of heart disease and they all smoked. I am genetically inherent to heart disease but I kept smoking and I knew better. I am an educated, intelligent fool. Now that I have grandkids and can't get out and play with them and can't do anything that requires heavy physical activity or lifting I wish I could kick my own butt. I am not like many reformed smokers. I don't tell people to quit and make a nuisance of myself. I ask them to quit and tell them why one time and if they aren't any smarter than I was I feel sorry for them. Monty

Monty said:
I smoked for 48 years. A pack and a half a day for about 40 of them. I had a mild heart attack at age 52. Had an angioipoasty but continued to smoke but just cut back to about a pack a day. Smoked ultra lights and my wife smoked also. Had 2 stents put in in 1998 but continued to smoke. Began having breathing problems in 2005 and thought I had lung cancer. Went to the doc and have emphesema and pulmonary hypertension. Quit smoking almost two years ago. Chantix finally worked for me after trying everything else on the market. Those two diseases are both fatal but slow killers. I will probably last another 5 to ten years, maybe longer since I quit smoking, but it will eventually get me. I waited too long. I am an educated man of higher than average intelligence and I knew better. My father and all my uncles died of heart disease and they all smoked. I am genetically inherent to heart disease but I kept smoking and I knew better. I am an educated, intelligent fool. Now that I have grandkids and can't get out and play with them and can't do anything that requires heavy physical activity or lifting I wish I could kick my own butt. I am not like many reformed smokers. I don't tell people to quit and make a nuisance of myself. I ask them to quit and tell them why one time and if they aren't any smarter than I was I feel sorry for them. Monty

Easiest thing I ever quit was drinking (went from weekend alcoholic to one or two beers a month), the smoking however is dogging me. I am fully aware of the risks, read more material than I care to think about (4000 trace chemicals in each smoke*..whodathunkit).

I had a primary doctor years ago who smoked, never once did he tell me to quit.... even after he got lung cancer. Education has little to do with this nasty addiction. Wish the Chantix would have worked for me and glad it worked for you. Sad is the reason I started smoking in the first place, to impress a girl in high school (she smoked). Six kids, three grand daughters and another on the way, cold-turkey sounds better every day.


homefires said:
That's because they only use Grade A #1 mule --deleted--. LOL. You can't tast it?

tell ya thats sad then because I'd rather taste the Grade A mule crap from Mexico then the fires safe stuff from here

What's really ridiculous is that once the gov't doubled the taxes on them, a lot of people started to roll their own. The gov't wasn't going to have that either. They slapped a $25 a pound tax on unrolled (with the exception of pipe) tobacco.

I grow my own . Here is a picture of some of last years crop . Didn't need to grow any this year , I still have over a pound left .


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Hey Monte. Sorry to hear about your health problems. You sound like a tough son of a gun however, so, just keep up the good fight and stay off them butts.

I come from a family of smokers. Immediate family and extended. Virtually everyone lit up at some point. My parents smoked in the house when we were growing up. At that time, all of this second hand smoke stuff still wasn't taken too seriously. So, as kids, my brother and I would be walking around through what seemed like plumes of smoke. We also have heart disease, emphysema, etc. in our family history as well. So, it should be a no-brainer for me to quit. However, you guys know the way it is. When you're upset, you smoke to relax. When you eat, you smoke to finish off the meal. When you're happy, you smoke to celebrate. When you're bored, yep, you smoke. I can't even go potty anymore without having a cigarette (helps with constipation). And of course, if you're drinking or having coffee, yes again, gotta light up. Point is, it's a never-ending cycle. A vicious one.

I happen to be anti-drugs with the exception of marijuana. But, who is the government to lock up all of these drug dealers - who are just out to make a buck - when selling tobacco is still legal?!?! Tobacco kills more people in the world each year than ALL of the harder drugs COMBINED!!! Fact. Yet, they'll have no problem locking up a small time drug dealer for centuries. Big brother should try shutting down all of the tobacco and alcohol company's before anything else. And if they aren't gonna do that, leave the rest of the drug folks alone. It really is a double-edged sword. The pot calling the kettle black in my book.

Let's do our best my fellow detectorists to quitting this disgusting habit we love so much. We'll all be much better off :thumbsup:

I don't care how anti smoking schemes are advdrtised, there is no easy way to quit. I've never done drugs, not even MJ, and the reason is I know I have an addictive personality, and also it is illegal.. I use to drink alcohol but due to my other medications I had to quit and that was easy. I don't crave an alcoholic beverage and never have. I still crave cigarettes and if I smell cigarette smoke from a distance it bothers me. It bothers me in that it makes me want a cigarette. But if I am in a crowded place like a casino, it chokes me! Go figure. Quitting is the hardest thing I have had to do yet. Monty

I feel so bad that so many of you are in bad health and may die sooner than if you had never smoked. I hope I'm not really saying that for selfish reasons as I would like to see an increase in our life expectancy and quality of life.

IMO we should be free to choose our own drugs without govt meddling. 98% of all drug deaths are from legal drugs.

Has anyone tried any herbs or anything natural to try to quit tobacco? Willie Nelson, 77 and still working, used to smoke 3-4 packs a day (and was a very extreme drinker, now moderate).
You probably all know how he quit.

I'm trying to study all herbs, vitamins, minerals. Ashwagandha has helped some people quit some things.

Since 1970, maybe 100 million have died worldwide from tobacco (plus dozens of millions from
alcohol and pills. If there were safer relaxants that were both legal and well known & easily available, I wonder how that might have changed the numbers?

I do not approve of bullying smokers, I don't favor making it illegal, I do favor discouraging tobacco use with honest info, not $1,000 a carton prices. I hope this post doesn't offend anyone. Best wishes, George (MN)

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