Any smokers in the house???

Dec 19th at 4:30am I'll have quit for 4 years. I used Chantix and had no problems with it. No urge to smoke either and I was at 2 pks a day + depending on what I was doing. Smoked for about 45 years!
If I still smoked I would get them off the internet. A LOT cheaper that way. There are plenty of sites out there so shop around. Good luck quitting. (I did gain weight though)

packerbacker said:
If I still smoked I would get them off the internet. A LOT cheaper that way. There are plenty of sites out there so shop around. Good luck quitting. (I did gain weight though)

That doesn't work in NY, or NJ, because they chase you down for he taxes on them. I know several people that got a hefty tax bill in the mail. If I am not mistaken there is still one site that sells off brands and there is a way to purchase them without the state knowing about it. It's way too much work for me, but I would save a deal deal of money.

I quit a month ago on Chantix after 20+ yrs at 1-2 packs/day.

If you are paying for it on your own - it is EXPENSIVE, but I've already paid for the first four months with what I saved in not buying cartons.

The mood crashes were terrible, but I somewhat enjoy the crazy funky dreams! Family was out of town for 3 weeks, so they didn't have to bear the brunt of my mood swings. If you are prone to getting depressed, Chantix is not for you. I'm generally a happy-go-lucky type, so I think the crashes were less severe for me.

Now, I'm walking 5 miles/day, helping my kid train for cross country, and am actually considering doing a triathalon next Spring...go figure.

Do I miss it - hell yes....the most informative business meetings are always in the smoking area!

Did you know that the price of a pack of cigarettes is almost 95% taxes. I saw somewhere that it costs about 85 cents, yes, CENTS, to manufacture a pack of cigs. The rest...ALL TAXES!!!

If any other company tried this with any other product, they would be accused of price gouging. For sure!!!

BTW, did anyone know that cigarettes kill more people every year than cocaine, alcohol AND heroin COMBINED!!!.

Even more motivation for me to stop :headbang:

I'm an ex-smoker, about 2 years now. When I smoke it was always Palmal 100's menthol, when I quit it was cold turkey.

My Wife still smokes, it doesn't bother Me except I worry about her health. She tried that Chantix stuff and it was horrible, the sleep walking, bad dreams, and she was very grouchy. I don't recommend it to anyone.

Good luck to anyone who is trying to quit, when I did I just quit lighting them. I would have one behind my ear and when I felt like a puff I would have one. They would last me days before the filter got soggy or the thing got broke. After about 6 weeks I didn't even carry one with me anymore.

About a pack a day and a nickle bag a week :tongue3:

Cowboy killers @ $4.50 a pack, about a pack a day.
Glad to see the thread wasn't taken over by the 'anti's'

Started at 13.
Over the years, I've smoked from 2 cigarette to three packs a day.

Being broke I seldom smoke a pack a day now.

$5.55 here in New Mexico.

My lungs are JACKED UP!

Not just from Smoking , I've worked with fiberglass and other bad things over the years.

Back before OSHA was around.

I hand-roll Bugler.

So, due to laziness, I'd only roll one every few hours. Less smoking. And it's cheaper too. About five bucks a pouch. Plus, lot less chemicals than in the standard pre-rolled brands.

Not entirely true; that was my thought, but only ended up being able to proficiently hand-roll! :laughing7:

Tailors are way too expensive. I remember $0.35 a pack in the 60's.
Guess I smoke the equivalent of 1/2 to a pack a day.
I also enjoy a cigar now and then.
Since I live alone, no one is upset by the smoke. I don't usually smoke in public. Only at home, my truck or on the hike trail or campsite.


PS. About hand-rolling: They NEVER give you enough papers...then you have to buy a pack of papers. HOW MUCH!!!??? Hmmm, can only be because the dope smokers will pay that price for papers...sheesh!

Hey AU,

Funny as heck. I too roll the Bugler from time to time. Top is alright too, but, seems to dry out quicker. The pouch with the Bugler is great to prevent this.

And yes, they never do give you enough papers :tongue3: But, I make do with the ones provided, so, never had to go and buy extra's. What's worse though, is when they get wet. Gotta wait until they dry out :thumbsup:

Like I said, hand rolling works like a charm for me. Smoke WAY less. But, when I buy the pack's, that's when I go overboard. ESPECIALLY if I'm on the computer. Smoking and typing go hand in hand.

I have a brother that still smokes and he uses a hand-operated little machine to roll his own. Even puts filters on them with it. Still a pain in the butt (no pun intended) but quicker than hand rolling. He'll roll 3 or 4 packs at one sitting so he can take some with him.

GopherDaGold said:
Cowboy killers @ $4.50 a pack, about a pack a day.
Glad to see the thread wasn't taken over by the 'anti's'

Same here, good ole reds......but closer to a pack and a half for me. Tried Chantix, but my girl about left me for it. No desire for playtime with her, BAD mood swings, the worst dreams ever. A wonder drug for some, but not for me.

I quit on christmas night 2009 when I ran out and no place was open to buy more. Six months later I was up to size 34 pants from the 32 I was for 30 years. Got called back to work in mid June and now 8 weeks later I'm down 15 pounds and back in 32's. Hey Digger come work with me before summer's over and you won't gain weight if you quit smoking. Of coarse SOME people find me hard to work with. ::)

Im 21 now but for 3 years I smoked about 2 packs a week half djarum blacks and half american spirits until about last year when i bought my first set of vapor electronic cigarettes. Now I NEVER have an analog (regular cigarette :-p) and only "vape" when I REALLY need it. maybe twice a week. usually after a real long day at work heading home at night. Any whom there are 4 different nicotine levels high, med, low and zero, and I have to admit that even after smoking blacks even the high nicotine e-cigs would make me cough as it hits you pretty strong. but now i switch off between the low or zero nicotine cartridge and enjoy my oral fixation without endangering those around me :-) plus it's a ridiculous head turner when you are sitting in the middle of a crowded restaurant puffing a little smoke above you haha. in any case best purchase I've made in a loong time and incredibly cheaper than 6-8 dollars a pack.

cesarnono13 said:
Im 21 now but for 3 years I smoked about 2 packs a week half djarum blacks and half american spirits until about last year when i bought my first set of vapor electronic cigarettes. Now I NEVER have an analog (regular cigarette :-p) and only "vape" when I REALLY need it. maybe twice a week. usually after a real long day at work heading home at night. Any whom there are 4 different nicotine levels high, med, low and zero, and I have to admit that even after smoking blacks even the high nicotine e-cigs would make me cough as it hits you pretty strong. but now i switch off between the low or zero nicotine cartridge and enjoy my oral fixation without endangering those around me :-) plus it's a ridiculous head turner when you are sitting in the middle of a crowded restaurant puffing a little smoke above you haha. in any case best purchase I've made in a loong time and incredibly cheaper than 6-8 dollars a pack.
I say this in fun as a joke . Man that would do that would suck a nipple through a nightgown :tongue3:

Ours are still relatively inexpensive ($3.20-$4.50 a pack), but we've cut back on cigs and are back using the e-cigs. Hubby tried Chantrix; no way. His personality changed after 4-5 days and I couldn't stand it. E-cigs we have, with the vanilla nicotine juice, are welcome breaks. He quit for several weeks after a surgery this spring, but went back to cigs; is now back on the e-cigs. Neat things out there to help folks, but I'd stay away from the drugs like Chantix. Side effects are not worth it. Good luck everybody!

I shall commandeer the thread. You nasty smokers. OMG, second hand smoke and all that. I'm just joking. My family believe that God gave us tobacco to use. Could be true. Nobody in my family has ever had "Tobacco Use" listed as cause of death on the death certificate. They also chewed tobacco. And dipped snuff. The women usually dipped, and the men smoked. And yeah, I have knocked Grandma's spit can off the ironing board. Only once, though.

I am really respectful of Native Americans.

Here is an excerpt of a posting here:,251717.msg2448766.html#new

I went camping for ONLY the second time so far this year.
No bears(Lucky for them) but did a lot of hiking and found 4-5 new, potential prime camping spots.
Oh, did I mention that I go traipsing off over the top of a mountain without a compass? Guess I know these Mountains.(Famous Last Words).
But seriously,
I came upon an area that had about 5-6 different areas/sites where stones were piled up at the base of trees within a 50 yard area total. There were no other stones within 100 yards....(pics to follow)

I stopped, sat on a fallen log, drank from my more than half empty canteen, slowly hand-rolled a cigarette, and had a hike-break.

At this point, I was only about 1/3 of the way through my journey of the day.....

Half way through my smoke, I felt that being in the Cherokee mountains, at the foot hills of the Appalachain trail, and the history of the area combined with the "Trail of Tears," I then went to each pile of stones and gave to each a gift my tobacco .

I don't know a lot about this stuff yet, but, I will NOT disturb any of this finding. To me, this is sacred.

What are your opinions?

What say y'all?

Best Wishes,

RGINN said:
They also chewed tobacco. And dipped snuff. The women usually dipped, and the men smoked. And yeah, I have knocked Grandma's spit can off the ironing board.

Lovely image ... :tongue1:

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