Any smokers in the house???


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Jun 4, 2009
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I do about a pack a day myself. Really want to kick the habit...again. And for good this time. Really starting to feel it. And the prices :help: $8.75 a pack here in NJ. When I lived in Manhattan, it was $10.50. Now up to eleven and change :tongue3:

I stopped before using the patch. For me, it worked like a charm. Problem was, I put on a lot of weight. Having always been a skinny guy, didn't like the way it made me feel and look. Just traded one problem for another and eventually went back on the butts.

Here's a little trick though. I sometimes buy the tobacco in the pouches. You have to hand-roll the cigarettes yourself. So, due to laziness, I'd only roll one every few hours. Less smoking. And it's cheaper too. About five bucks a pouch. Plus, lot less chemicals than in the standard pre-rolled brands.

Just curious, how many of my fellow tnet'ers smoke? What brand and how many a day??

As I said, I'm about a pack or a bit over per day and my poison of choice is Parliament Ultra Lights.

I'm a really strong person.....I can handle anything except temptation... thing that ever happened to me was when I was an early teenager I got hold of a pack of Kool Menthals. Chained smoked the whole pack. Got deathly sick for about a week.....I could see someone lite up and I would start heeving. Never wanted to smoke again......tried marijuana a couple times and the last time I lost my voice for three days so that ended is my vice. I love it!.I'm a slender person but can eat a ton........Hope you can kick the habit. It will take a toll on us when we start to age.....good luck my friend.

One of my guys asked me to pick up a pack for him the other day. $8.54! Funny thing is I'd pay that for a cigar but never for a pack of cigarettes.

Carpet glue must be expensive. :-\

Yep, I got the habit, about a pack a day, sometimes less, sometimes more, depends on what I'm doing. Marlb. Lights. So far I don't feel it to much. Guess I'm lucky in that respect.

I smoke about a pack pack n a half a day , Pall Mall. Filters in the box bout $6-7 a pack .....I'm 41 started when I was 10 smokin stolen lucky strikes ......I normaly am a 2 pack guy but starting slowiing down .....last week I spent the week in the hospitol found I have severe lung disease an now I have to stop......I cant use the patch I found I'm allergic to the adhesive on it , cant do the gum not only does it gag me but sticks to me denture ....I have found a new one tho its called Pure Smoke , know a couple of people who are using it an have nothing but good to say about , figure it's gotta be easier an better than cold turkey . Good luck to those trying to stop :icon_thumleft:

Tank :thumbsup:

Have you tried Chantix?

Marbs and Camels are around $45/carton here in N Idaho...go over state line to Washington and they are twice that. Averaged 2 packs a day for 27 years. Tried some of the cheapo ecigs and they were a huge pain in the ass. April 14th bought the Smart Smoke and have not bought a single pack of smokes since. I wasn't really even looking to quit seriously. This setup has been an excellent substitute. Everyone around me couldn't be happier.

If you are like me and enjoy "smoking" but don't want the cancer sticks, I highly recommend it.

and no, I have no affiliation with them.

from my experience,the best way is not to start in the first place.I wish someone told me that when I was 14. >:(

I've smoked for 50 years . COPD and a trip bypass 3 years back . At that time I had a $350 a month Marlboro habit . First day home from the hospital I fired up another one . The habit is hard to quit .
Went to a pipe . That costs about $28 dollars a month . Been trying to wean myself down .
No antismoking drugs have worked .
Stay away from Chantix ! Had I stayed on it the third week I might have murdered someone !
Been mentally prepareing myself to quit . Got a can of Copenhagen yesterday and plan to begin quitting for good this week .
It is not an easy thing for any longtime smoker .

I smoked for 15 years and quite. My whole shop stopped at the same time except one person.He lasted about 4 hours. It was hard but I think cold turkey is the way to go at least for me. One thing that helped also was about a year before I got real sick and coughed up tar all night. The next morning my whole mouth was pitch black including my teeth. I had to brush my teeth and gums for about an hour to get rid of all the tar. Even after that it took me another year to quight but that showed me how my lungs looked.

hindsight is allways 20/20 but if someone spelled it out like what I know now then maybe I would not have started.

these antismoke ads focus on the health.they should mention the addiction.there is no surgeon general saying it is as addictive as heroin on the side of the pack.

I quit for a full year,I will quit for good soon and will miss it.

I think the group "Chicago" said it best, "Cigarettes, You're a Hard Habit to Break." :laughing7:

I started smoking at about 10, quit 3 times. The 1st time nearly 1/2 year, 2nd time 6 years and this year for 6 months. At the height of my smoking I was at nearly 3 packs a day, then down to 2, and finally I am down to 1, maybe 1 1/2 packs a day. Currently smoking Marlboro menthol, but will smoke any menthol that is on sale.

Yea, it's an expensive habit, but feels and tastes so good. One of the best ways to quit is to fully change all of your habits at once and sip a ton of water. You have to remember that the urge will stay with you for about 5 minutes, once it passes you are safe for about an hour until the next urge kicks in.

It's also easy to fall off the wagon once you do quit. solx nys, you're writing seems a bit stressed, want a cigarette? :tongue3:

1 1/2 to 2 packs a day of Echo 100's. Cost about $3.95 a pack at the Indian Store's here in OK. Smoked Camels non-filters for 40 years before that. I quit about every 15 minutes!

Only $3.95 a pack?? That is a great deal, like njnydigger said, the cigarettes in NJ are very costly and this cost increases a few times a year. Pretty soon I'll have to take a 2nd mortgage out to support my habit. :laughing7:

They are made here in OK and by getting them at the Indian Tobacco Stores there is no tax on them. When I moved here 9 years ago they were $9.50 a carton, a far cry from what they are today. LOL

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