Any other gun enthusiasts here?

If you werent on the list, you are now. :sign10: dont worry you have plenty of company.

I can't say I'm a gun nut but my wife and I are getting ready to take a concealed handgun class. Should be interesting. Paul :)

idigjars said:
I can't say I'm a gun nut but my wife and I are getting ready to take a concealed handgun class. Should be interesting. Paul :)

My daughter (43 yrs. old, living around Ft. Worth, TX.) just took a CHL course that consisted of a 4 hr. Power Point presentation, a picture and fingerprints. There was no written exam and NO RANGE QUALIFICATION!! She received paperwork to be submitted to the Agriculture Dept. in Florida and once the background check is done, she will receive her CHL in the mail from the state of FL.
As Texas has reciprocity with Florida, she will be able to carry legally in Texas.....a revolver or semi-auto!! The only 'catch' to the whole arrangement is if the law in TX ever rescinds the reciprocity agreement with FL., she will have to take the TX course. This requires a minimum of 10.5 hours of classroom, a written exam, passport photo, fingerprints and a range qualification using a minimum caliber of 9mm. If one qualifies with a revolver, that is all they will be allowed to legally carry. If one qualifies with a semi-auto, they are allowed to carry either.

I talked to the folks at the TX CHL office and they said it was perfectly legit. I expressed my horror at the fact that someone could get a CHL without ever having fired a weapon!! And, the scariest part was, there was a Mexican national (not a U.S. citizen) attending the class with my daughter. My daughter said she barely spoke English and was obviously not understanding most of the Power Point presentation.

Don't get me wrong, I am a staunch defender of the 2nd Ammendment, but...........dang! :icon_scratch:

Roland58 said:
idigjars said:
I can't say I'm a gun nut but my wife and I are getting ready to take a concealed handgun class. Should be interesting. Paul :)

My daughter (43 yrs. old, living around Ft. Worth, TX.) just took a CHL course that consisted of a 4 hr. Power Point presentation, a picture and fingerprints. There was no written exam and NO RANGE QUALIFICATION!! She received paperwork to be submitted to the Agriculture Dept. in Florida and once the background check is done, she will receive her CHL in the mail from the state of FL.
As Texas has reciprocity with Florida, she will be able to carry legally in Texas.....a revolver or semi-auto!! The only 'catch' to the whole arrangement is if the law in TX ever rescinds the reciprocity agreement with FL., she will have to take the TX course. This requires a minimum of 10.5 hours of classroom, a written exam, passport photo, fingerprints and a range qualification using a minimum caliber of 9mm. If one qualifies with a revolver, that is all they will be allowed to legally carry. If one qualifies with a semi-auto, they are allowed to carry either.

I talked to the folks at the TX CHL office and they said it was perfectly legit. I expressed my horror at the fact that someone could get a CHL without ever having fired a weapon!! And, the scariest part was, there was a Mexican national (not a U.S. citizen) attending the class with my daughter. My daughter said she barely spoke English and was obviously not understanding most of the Power Point presentation.

Don't get me wrong, I am a staunch defender of the 2nd Ammendment, but...........dang! :icon_scratch:

You have never taught your daughter about guns? Is there that much of a difference between revolvers and semi autos out there? Over here they still go boom.
I worry that soon you will be able to vote without ID, and then you can get a weapon without an ID,, is that what you are saying?

I am not sure you are really a 2nd amendment advocate. Sounds like you are trying to paint a picture of inept qualifications.

Dave44 said:
Roland58 said:
idigjars said:
I can't say I'm a gun nut but my wife and I are getting ready to take a concealed handgun class. Should be interesting. Paul :)

My daughter (43 yrs. old, living around Ft. Worth, TX.) just took a CHL course that consisted of a 4 hr. Power Point presentation, a picture and fingerprints. There was no written exam and NO RANGE QUALIFICATION!! She received paperwork to be submitted to the Agriculture Dept. in Florida and once the background check is done, she will receive her CHL in the mail from the state of FL.
As Texas has reciprocity with Florida, she will be able to carry legally in Texas.....a revolver or semi-auto!! The only 'catch' to the whole arrangement is if the law in TX ever rescinds the reciprocity agreement with FL., she will have to take the TX course. This requires a minimum of 10.5 hours of classroom, a written exam, passport photo, fingerprints and a range qualification using a minimum caliber of 9mm. If one qualifies with a revolver, that is all they will be allowed to legally carry. If one qualifies with a semi-auto, they are allowed to carry either.

I talked to the folks at the TX CHL office and they said it was perfectly legit. I expressed my horror at the fact that someone could get a CHL without ever having fired a weapon!! And, the scariest part was, there was a Mexican national (not a U.S. citizen) attending the class with my daughter. My daughter said she barely spoke English and was obviously not understanding most of the Power Point presentation.

Don't get me wrong, I am a staunch defender of the 2nd Amendment, but...........dang! :icon_scratch:

You have never taught your daughter about guns? Is there that much of a difference between revolvers and semi autos out there? Over here they still go boom.
I worry that soon you will be able to vote without ID, and then you can get a weapon without an ID,, is that what you are saying?

I am not sure you are really a 2nd amendment advocate. Sounds like you are trying to paint a picture of inept qualifications.

You really need to reread my post. After doing so, if you still stand by your reply, you need to read my post another time and keep doing this until you understand what I said. Nowhere in my post did I say that my daughter had never fired a gun and nowhere in my post did I say that I had never taught her the proper use of a firearm with, especially, an emphasis on firearm safety! YES, I have taught her about firearms, firearm safety and how to care for a weapon. In fact, unless you are a professional shooter, I would believe that she could not only outshoot you, but, take down, clean, properly lube and reassemble most any handgun or rifle you could hand her. This would include everything from a Colt Bisely flat-top target model single action revolver, to a 1915 German Luger, to a modern day 1911, to an FN Herstal SCAR 17S. I would say that qualifies her for having been "taught."

As far as revolvers and semi-autos both going "boom over here", I would have to ask where "over here" is? There is a LOT of difference between a revolver and a semi-auto, regardless of where you live. In fact, probably the only commonality would be the "boom" part! If you think going "boom" makes them the same, then you have a LOT to learn about firearms, i.e. grenades go "boom", also, however, I would not want to ignite one in my hand.....big difference......and one, at which, you would only get one try.

Additionally, I never mentioned anything about voting, or, acquiring a firearm without an "ID"........I do believe that would be your entry, so, I will allow you the freedom of expounding on the "ID" requirements.

You can be assured that I AM a 2nd amendment advocate and a staunch one, at that, exemplified by a very large safe that only has room for, maybe, another NAA revolver.

Now, to the only part of your post that may be partially correct......even though I was not trying to "paint" any pictures, I was trying to point out some very different requirements and qualifications for a CHL from different states, specifically, TX and FL. Everyone has the right to keep and bear arms, but, I consider it a moral, ethical and personal liability of those people to do so proficiently, safely and responsibly. So, yes, that would rule out those with "inept qualifications", to include those with an inability to maintain a lucid thought process. I have my CHL. With that having been said, what category do you fall under?

Sorry, I get a little defensive when it sounds like someone is trying to make more regulations and hoops to jump through. And then give more and more info to the government.

And you are right, I did not understand your post.. but after reading it, and rereading it again I cannot find where you taught her, only that she could get the license without a proficiency qualification.

I have a ccl myself. I also think the qualifications are too it is a given right. But I do believe that in this era many people do not understand the power and reach of a projectile. Before everyone jumped on the evil gun wagon most people in America knew this. If there is one regulation I would agree to, it would be not to allow known problems to have a weapon, like Seung-Hui Cho. (Virginia Tech)

You are splitting hairs on the revolver/semiauto issue. The big issue is safety, most of the same safety procedures apply to both. For yourself and others.

I do not doubt that you know about weapons. But being knowledgeable about weapons doesn't make you the go to guy that legislators should go to for the requirements they would impose. If you are a supporter of the second amendment, teach and preach safety, the ramifications of the shot and where it could go from there. And then knowing the potentially life changing event that you and others are about to go through. Everything else is a sidenote.

Finally, what was your point with the foreign national? Did she have ID or not? Why would she qualify? I do not understand what her relevance was. An Immigrant, getting citizenship?

My wife is always saying My points are too subtle. It seems as if she is right, but it is because I like brevity.

So my point is this, specifically. The justice system in America is reactionary. It seemed as if you were advocating proactive laws and regulations.

The reactionary system seems awkward, because it puts the responsibility on the individual to do the right thing and or educate yourself in whatever you choose to participate in. This is the only way that all rights and freedoms can be assured to you without trampling on anothers'.

This concept is quickly being eroded by government seeking more control over you and yours and it even seems logical unless you understand the loss of freedom, mobility and personal control of your life that the nanny state brings with it. So in full disclosure, I am against proactive laws taking away My ability to choose the path I decide is best for me. And the CCpermit I carry allows for my protection and defense if a situation degrades far enough.

By the way, I appreciate your service, and I understand that I can seem combative when I make my points so poorly. No offense meant.

Now, in my opinion, the state of affairs in America shows that a preponderance of Americans are poorly educated, have less self reliance, have a serious lack of logical deduction skills, and an ever decreasing faith in a benevolent creator. Those have been being eroded for 100 years, so that we can finally agree to the point that the government knows what is best for you. ( put the form of government that best fits here-__________)

I will not be part of that movement though. Not me. But it will be hard to reeducate generations of people in this country.

You are absolutely right about me not saying anything about having taught my daughter about firearm safety or even familiarization. I did not mention her training because that was not the gist of my post.....which was the ability of untrained, inept, mentally unstable, terroristic, homicidal, St. Vitus inflicted, demented, uncivilized, criminally insane, convicted felons with violent tendencies or NON-citizens to get a CHL with little more than a 4 hour Power Point presentation.

Even though I am a staunch defender of the 2nd Amendment, the right of a citizen to keep and bear arms should come with some qualifications. (note I did NOT say goverment qualifications!) This would fall into the category of one's ability to grasp the profound.

I totally agree with you on the need to limit goverment intrusion into the freedoms of our country's people, which includes weaponry. However, the "people" should have enough sense not to freely put weapons in the hands of anyone that lacks the demonstrative ability to use them properly and with a minimal amount of good judgement. On this, we are saying the same thing
(think: Seung-Hui Cho).

Yeah, I was doing a little "hair splitting" regarding your statement about a difference between revolvers and semi-autos. My point was from an operational standpoint and the shooter's abilities, knowledge, familiarity and respect for what that weapon is capable of you put it, a "life changing" event. Even you would have to admit that someone who had grown up with and only fired an SAA, would not be the person you would want to go on patrol with if they were suddenly sent out with a 1911. I would have to stress the operational differences, as well as, and even more so, the safety differences.

Thank you for your appreciation of my service, but, I don't recall mentioning my time in the military......or, were you referring to something else?

Just so you know, there was no offense taken and I did not suspect you had intended any. In fact, I agree with you on all of your talking points. You are most correct about our justice system in America and the erosion of freedoms and I, too, am against any sort of proactive laws that would take away my abilities to choose my own course.

Lastly, in answer to your question, my only point on the alien taking the course, was that she was not a citizen of the U.S. I do believe the 2nd Amendment mentions the "right" to be for "citizens." (I could be wrong, it wouldn't be the first time)

Thank you for an interesting discourse. I'm sure if we were neighbors, we would be great friends (and enjoy some fun on the range!).

Your post # 26 gave me the info.

You are right, I would rather be on patrol with someone who knows their weapon,, left as self defense though the operator could well lose life or liberty by ignorant usage of the tool.

Wish we were neighbors, the debate of our rights and responsibilities is a great exercise. We go about it differently,, and still get to the freedom. I always err on the lesser of the restrictions. But I do not go the full Libertarian route, there should be guidelines.

And I am dead set against a foreign national getting a permit without full and total background, psychological and verifiable ancestral checks, they are not US citizens, and have not yet contributed to our country. (I point to Major Nidal Hasan, despite his military, he had no love for the country, A sleeper I would say)

I'm glad we concur on the aliens getting CHL's. I only differ on your 'sleeper' connotation for that male offspring of a female dog Hasan. I know we have one of the best judicial systems in the world, but, it needs some improvement when someone like him does not have his punishment phase carried out on the same day as his outrageous crime. It's not like there weren't enough witnesses to place him at the scene of the crime! If he does go to prison for any length of time, I do hope it is in Leavenworth amongst the population. Back to the 'sleeper' thing....there were a multitude of signs that pointed to his true allegiance. The real problem stemmed from people not doing anything out of fear of not being politically correct. (I really, intensely hate that term.....will have to stop here before I get deleted or banned from the forum! :angry5:)

p.s. I had forgotten about post #26.....I'm old and have slept a number of times since then.

Thread's last post was over 3 years ago..

Some of my babies.


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What's the usual protocol here? Start a new thread or resurrect the old?

I'm no authority but a new thread sounds better.
Often an old one revived, unless real specific regarding something, gets crickets or reminders it's dated.
Dang dustywallen! Art meets function. Drool...

My normal conceal carry...
Springfield XDs .45 with hollowpoints

My other conceal carry, I sometimes carry with the XDs
Ruger LC9 with Lasermax and hollow points

My XDs big brother for backup.....
Springfield XD.45 with hollow points

My normal conceal carry...
Springfield XDs .45 with hollowpoints

My other conceal carry, I sometimes carry with the XDs
Ruger LC9 with Lasermax and hollow points

My XDs big brother for backup.....
Springfield XD.45 with hollow points

That was my XDS, polished barrel and the feed ramp. Sold it for a nice profit. Very good shooting gun, however I've never really been into polymer guns. Still a nice platform.


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The Springfield XDs .45 looks small, I wonder how it would work with (my) large hands?

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