Dave44 said:
Roland58 said:
idigjars said:
I can't say I'm a gun nut but my wife and I are getting ready to take a concealed handgun class. Should be interesting. Paul
My daughter (43 yrs. old, living around Ft. Worth, TX.) just took a CHL course that consisted of a 4 hr. Power Point presentation, a picture and fingerprints. There was no written exam and NO RANGE QUALIFICATION!! She received paperwork to be submitted to the Agriculture Dept. in Florida and once the background check is done, she will receive her CHL in the mail from the state of FL.
As Texas has reciprocity with Florida, she will be able to carry legally in Texas.....a revolver or semi-auto!! The only 'catch' to the whole arrangement is if the law in TX ever rescinds the reciprocity agreement with FL., she will have to take the TX course. This requires a minimum of 10.5 hours of classroom, a written exam, passport photo, fingerprints and a range qualification using a minimum caliber of 9mm. If one qualifies with a revolver, that is all they will be allowed to legally carry. If one qualifies with a semi-auto, they are allowed to carry either.
I talked to the folks at the TX CHL office and they said it was perfectly legit. I expressed my horror at the fact that someone could get a CHL without ever having fired a weapon!! And, the scariest part was, there was a Mexican national (not a U.S. citizen) attending the class with my daughter. My daughter said she barely spoke English and was obviously not understanding most of the Power Point presentation.
Don't get me wrong, I am a staunch defender of the 2nd Amendment, but...........dang!
You have never taught your daughter about guns? Is there that much of a difference between revolvers and semi autos out there? Over here they still go boom.
I worry that soon you will be able to vote without ID, and then you can get a weapon without an ID,, is that what you are saying?
I am not sure you are really a 2nd amendment advocate. Sounds like you are trying to paint a picture of inept qualifications.
You really need to reread my post. After doing so, if you still stand by your reply, you need to read my post another time and keep doing this until you understand what I said. Nowhere in my post did I say that my daughter had never fired a gun and nowhere in my post did I say that I had never taught her the proper use of a firearm with, especially, an emphasis on firearm safety! YES, I have taught her about firearms, firearm safety and how to care for a weapon. In fact, unless you are a professional shooter, I would believe that she could not only outshoot you, but, take down, clean, properly lube and reassemble most any handgun or rifle you could hand her. This would include everything from a Colt Bisely flat-top target model single action revolver, to a 1915 German Luger, to a modern day 1911, to an FN Herstal SCAR 17S. I would say that qualifies her for having been "taught."
As far as revolvers and semi-autos both going "boom over here", I would have to ask where "over here" is? There is a LOT of difference between a revolver and a semi-auto, regardless of where you live. In fact, probably the only commonality would be the "boom" part! If you think going "boom" makes them the same, then you have a LOT to learn about firearms, i.e. grenades go "boom", also, however, I would not want to ignite one in my hand.....big difference......and one, at which, you would only get one try.
Additionally, I never mentioned anything about voting, or, acquiring a firearm without an "ID"........I do believe that would be your entry, so, I will allow you the freedom of expounding on the "ID" requirements.
You can be assured that I AM a 2nd amendment advocate and a staunch one, at that, exemplified by a very large safe that only has room for, maybe, another NAA revolver.
Now, to the only part of your post that may be partially correct......even though I was not trying to "paint" any pictures, I was trying to point out some very different requirements and qualifications for a CHL from different states, specifically, TX and FL. Everyone has the right to keep and bear arms, but, I consider it a moral, ethical and personal liability of those people to do so proficiently, safely and responsibly. So, yes, that would rule out those with "inept qualifications", to include those with an inability to maintain a lucid thought process. I have my CHL. With that having been said, what category do you fall under?