gldhntr said:
in response to the many messages i have recieved concerning new york ghost towns and leads,, here is the main source of my info'''''''' i would reply to each but i am getting so many and i don't have the time to reply to all,,? ? ? ?here is the source;;;;;;;;;;;? ?thomas terry's united states treasure atlas # 7.......................thanks........gldhntr
TO ALL -- "gldhntr" is gettin pounded with questions about NY leads...
I can throw afew leads "not from that Atlas,nor book",but rather looking threw very very old documents for the most obscure information....
First off- Try researching "since its wintertime soon- oh joy",but start looking into the REV WAR Documents of your LOCAL HISTORICAL Society....,look for information "this is a start!!!!" that pertains to certin raids or TORY/LOYALIST/BRITISH!!! -roads-trade routes-small skirmish sites-,start with FAMILY RECORDS!!!!!!!!...It takes ALOT OF RESEARCH TO FIND A UNKOWN CLUE OR "WHERE TO START", - stay away from the French and Indian war/trade era storys since to many were to obscure in thier direction and also dueto the mass changing of spots in Upstate and Down State....
For those who research abit and take the time to do so will not get any real clues on where to go,BUT IF YOU DO RESEARCH THEN THE INFO/RESEARCH STARTS TO COME TOGHTER...
Not only have i uncoverd 2 caches of hidden loot "not gone and dug yet!!!!!" i am the first to find the info--took almost a year to find small bts of info,but could be worth it!",and also I am pretty much/98% away from finding somthing in Cobleskill.....,but also checked the "KLOCK" story and research pays off............
PM me,if anyone has a certin question/help -just ask- and I will tell ya where to start lookin.....winter is a B#$CH and since i have notta to do, i might aswell help out.....
PS - also its very good to know Decrypt/crypto/symbolism!!!!!!,so if you dont know anything pick up abook about the subject's I just written.......thats a good portion of finding somthing good!