Any metal detectors in the Charlotte(ish) area???? - can you help? I will pay!


Jun 3, 2013
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Hello -

I purchased my husband a metal detector (something he has ALWAYS talked about) for Christmas... and he still hasn't gone out to use it yet. He is a little overwhelmed with where to start and where he can go without getting permission, etc.

I was hoping that someone here would be interested in taking him metal detecting for his Father's day gift one Saturday or Sunday afternoon this month. All I would need you to do is scout out a location that can legally be detected on that doesn't need permission - or if permission is needed, get it first? I will pay $25 for you to detect with him for 3 hours. I know he is DYING to get out there and getting someone to go with him is a good way to encourage him to go...

OR alternatively, can anyone tell me some places that he can metal detect without having to gain permission? If nobody wants to detect with him, I will try to organize something for him myself!

Thank you all for your time!

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If you don't get a reply - you might consider browsing Sub-Forums: North Carolina for information (i.e., clubs, hunts, finds, legends, maps, etc.) directly related to your state and posting a request.

Welcome to Tnet! Usually, parks, schools, and beaches are fair game but it would be wise to check the laws governing that particular piece of ground. They should be posted somewhere.....maybe online.....but surely at city/county/town hall. I would not go and ask a bureaucrat for permission or you will probably get a "NO" regardless of what the law is. They like to say no, it's easier than yes where their job is concerned. Joining a local detector club is a good way to get your feet wet. They will have lots of local knowledge and you can maybe find a hunting partner. If you have a yard where you live, start with that. You can at least learn how to make a clean recovery before you hit the public places where they might be fussy about ground damage. A great place to learn about your machine is at the beach. Easy recoveries at a variety of depths will get you familiar with all kinds of targets and the sounds they make.

To bad you aren't closer to north eastern NC. I'd be more than happy for him to tag along with me and show him some things to get him hunting on his own. Best wouldn't have to pay me a dime. I enjoy helping people get started in this hobby. I've got a ton of places to go up here too. Good luck.

Hello -

I purchased my husband a metal detector (something he has ALWAYS talked about) for Christmas... and he still hasn't gone out to use it yet. He is a little overwhelmed with where to start and where he can go without getting permission, etc.

I was hoping that someone here would be interested in taking him metal detecting for his Father's day gift one Saturday or Sunday afternoon this month. All I would need you to do is scout out a location that can legally be detected on that doesn't need permission - or if permission is needed, get it first? I will pay $25 for you to detect with him for 3 hours. I know he is DYING to get out there and getting someone to go with him is a good way to encourage him to go...

OR alternatively, can anyone tell me some places that he can metal detect without having to gain permission? If nobody wants to detect with him, I will try to organize something for him myself!

Thank you all for your time!

Hello, We are Gold Rush Guys here in Charlotte. We carry gold prospecting equipment as well as most major metal detectors. Welcome to TNet.

There's a great metal detecting group that meets the 4th Tuesday of every month in Matthews, NC. Metal Detecting Association of the Carolinas.

For more information of the group, you can go here: :: MDAC- Visitor Information

There are a few more clubs in close in South Carolina.

I don't get out as much as I used to due to running the business. (And speaking to groups around the area on metal detecting and gold prospecting. Last week I gave a talk at the Char/Meck Library about metal detecting and searching for treasure. Their Summer reading program has a theme of "Beneath the Surface".)

The best way to find places to detect is to talk to everyone you know.
Parents, Grand Parents, Parents of your friends. Friends & Co-workers. Your Teachers, Doctors, Minister/Church. Neighbors (Even the ones you don't know or like. Great ice breaker!) Farmers, between harvesting their crops and planting season (wear boots!)

“My hobby is metal detecting. Do you know anyone who would allow me to search their property? I promise to fill in all holes, take out any trash I find and leave the property as good or better than I found it”

They say “Yes, I do.” Then I hand them a business card and ask them to call me. Better yet, could you give me their number and I’ll gladly call them. I promise not to bug them.

Be careful. Thanks to American Savage TV show everyone thinks this is what we do!

I could go on and on about where to hunt. Feel free to call me anytime. I have a whole presentation on where to find places to gold prospect or metal detect.

Good Hunting, Brian

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welcome to the site ur husband if he gets curious will find alot of info on the detector u had gotten him and here looking at the finds section or even talking to other members may just jumpstart him to the path of treasure good luck

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