Any Dowsing Treasures Found By Anyone?

Dell Winders said:
Who cares about Mike Healey, doing a? dowsing demonstration, he's been honest with folks on the forums and told about his? limited ability to Dowse....

He's also the one that states I don't have the guts to say to him face-to-face, what I say to him on this forum. I merely intend to prove him wrong.

Far as a dowsing demonstration from him; I really doubt very much if that will happen. But I want to give him an opportunity to demonstrate all of the "stuff" he publishes here in the form of "help", "hints" and instruction so that the actual VALUE of what he publishes can be properly validated. Those who read his "stuff" probably think he is some sort of an accomplished dowsing authority ---so let's see if he is or not. Certainly, several of us know he's blown thousands and thousands of dollars on all kinds of dowsing crap; ---I certainly hope he's got something to show for that kind of an outlay of cash. Wouldn't you hope so too? Let's see now... I believe you probably took him for several hundred dollars --didn't you?

BTW, what is your point in coming to the aid of Mike Healey? Is it that you don't like it when one of your "shills" gets called to defend their remarks? Why don't you stay over on your own dead "closed" forums, and not dirty this forum up with your free advertising.

Black, J.

nice cartoon face you have.

Have been following your post for some time.

Notice that you have a total of 428 post and a total of 0 topics started.

Enough said.


everyone has seen the cartoon where bugs bunny starts shaking all over, then points to the ground, digs a hole and this how all cartoons critters do it ?....... personally i have found it more profitable to actually use dowsing rods, along with a sense that everyone has, but a few refuse to acknowledge, to help in locating my pictures, no proof, no tests except my own.....and i bet my holes are not nearly as big and deep as they would be if i just went out and pointed my finger and said that by the laws of chance, there it is............anybody care to discuss dowsing ,tips, techniques, and reactions or is this thread just about arguing with a nobody, to no end ? i'm certain there are people here that can see past the constant crap long enough to try to learn , or give advice to the novices on this thread..............gldhntr

gldhntr said:
...just as the spanish did a couple three hundred years ago, using the same method...they didn't fill up all those galleons by sitting around bitching, they did it by dowsing and never hear of alot of spanish test holes being found, only spanish mines. these were first located via dowsing, and compasses.......before anyone listens too hard to anyone saying it will not, does not work, or saying it is the work of the devil, i would suggest reading up on spanish history, trying it out for yourselves, and check out several chapters in the bible..............gldhntr


Are there any historical references on Spanish exploration which mention the use of dowsing? I've tried to find documentation of this, but have been unable to do so.

- Carl

Black, J.

nice cartoon face you have.

Have been following your post for some time.

Notice that you have a total of 428 post and a total of 0 topics started.

Enough said.


That's interesting. I know I've started several topics... wonder where the zero came from? I know lots of postings get deleted from time to time, so maybe that's what happened to them.

Carl, a place to start is the manuscript by g. agricola titled '' De re Metallica " from the year even has a very nice woodcut picture in it showing two dowsers dowsing for gold ore.......another one is a manuscript by v. biringuccio in 1540,,,although i have not seen this one myself, i understand it has the info you are looking for also....i will go over my notes and post a few more of the ones i have seen.................have a good day,,,,,,,gldhntr

I take exception to Mr. jblacks flagerization of Mr. aarthrj3811s post and feel this should be looked at as a serious breach of ethics and should be reported to the people running this forum.

goldvein, it seems as if the above post is directed toward me, i may be wrong, and if i am i apoligize....but if it is in response to a post above of mine, let me be clear on something...while i may not agree with carl, and he may not agree with me, on different subjects such as dowsing,,,, i have found carl to be very informed concerning many types of equipment as he has tested nearly all of them........on several occasions, before spending my money on something i was not sure of, i contacted carl to see if he had tested it and get his input if he had....he tests all the equipment, not just the unmentionable may be a surprise to some on here to know, that even though we might not see eye to eye when it comes to dowsing, each and every time i have contacted him regarding equipment he has given me solid, truthful, unbiased descriptions of the equipment in question, as far as its capabilities, or uncapabilities that he has discerned through thorough testing.....not one of these times was i trying to purchase equipment from him or his friends........hell, me and my wife don't see eye to eye on every little thing, but i don't condemm her for it, and the feeling is mutual i'm if carls name was black, which it is not,, i most likely would not have made the post, for VERY obvious reasons......................gldhntr

i think if somebody could understand this discussion - they could master the art of dowsing
or the essence of dowsing - :P when i show my kids the technique of hitting or shooting a basketball i tell them dont think just do it - dont think - when the fist just hits or the basketball just gets shot automatically when passed to you r on your way - is that what u mean ??? u tell me ???

i'm not sure lefty as i could never dribble and run at the same time, much less play basketball....pretty good at a game of horse though.....must be because i took the time to think about it.......and i will agree....if we could just understand the conversation here we would put einstein to shame.....gldhntr

Hey Godhntr.... I agree about Carl. I use his web site to get information and have exchanged e-mail with him. Now back to the subject. This is a few weeks old.

Had an interesting weekend. Was glassing a hill side looking for a tunnel entrance. As I was working my way around the mountain I saw a flat area below me that had some metal and wood in it. Later in the day I work my way down to it. It appeared to be an old logging site with a burned cabin or shed. When I checked the area with my rods I found a silver signal that the weight chex told me was bigger than a silver dollar. I found 19 silver dollars laying beside a burnt floor timber inch's below the surface. There was 6 of them dated 1917 - 1925. The rest of them were dated 1880 - 1887. Looked like 30's or 40's construction as the metal was corrugated steel....Art


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beautiful work art.....on the subject of dowsing, i was looking for a particular very researched ?large target that had been moved from its original burial many years before....i had a friend dowse a map for me, and he gave a couple target locations....i went to the area, and where i sometimes forget to specify that i am looking for processed metal instead of ore, i kept getting all these weird signals in the area.....well it drove me insane till i finally contacted my friend back.....he gave me the same area.....i tried again but kept getting the weird signals again.....we decided to contact another fellow who info/map dowses and had him dowse the map.....he gave the same area, a little bit of difference in targets, but location was the exact same coordinates..he also added that there was a mine present at this location, and the targets were inside..the mine was supposed to be about 3/4 mile long, and he gave me the coordinates of each end....i dowsed about 1/2 of it, and found out the weird signals were because i was walking between a tunnel and a very large heavy ore body......anyway i didn't dowse the complete mine right away as i was only interested in the target area.......i researched everything possible trying to verify the mines existance before digging a 30 ft record of it anywhere.....i decided to try asking old timers about the history of the of these fellows told me about playing outside of the covered entrance to the old gold mine when he was a kid..i asked him to show it to me, and on the way told him i would try showing him instead...we got to the area, which i knew from looking at map dowsers info, but dowsers coordinates put it off in the woods......i walked right down till the rods gave their customary reaction to a tunnel. i was about 125 yards from the end ..i ?followed this to the end in the woods there.....i told him, theres your mine.....he looked at me with big old eyes and said, yep, right theres the spot, he even showed me the old footpath to the entrance, which now is under many feet of dirt.....he also said that it cut straight across where i found it, and was near a mile long......the old man said he had seen his grandpa dowse water, but he never heard of anyone dowsing a tunnel......any one can say what they please, but i will never go for the idiot motor bull........i have seen this happen too many and ye shall find..........gldhntr

this may help.....List of Dowsing Sites The British Society of Dowsers (BSD) for definitive information about all aspects of dowsing and dowsers, the Society, membership, meetings and events, the Society's Journal 'Dowsing Today', dowsing groups and much, much more. Paleontology Today! Buy fossils online-Comprehensive Paleontology Information 1000s links to the best paleontological websites. All dinosaurs fossil fossils information. International Society of Dowsing Research - Resource for Intuitive Technology - International Digital Dowsers. Wyvern Dowsing Society affiliated to The British Society of Dowsers. Meetings, Field Trips, Membership. * Welkom op deze internetpagina. De pagina's gaan over leylijnen & leycentra, aardstralen en andere energie?n, het historisch aspect van bijzondere en eventueel heilige plaatsen en de groepen in Nederland en Vlaanderen die zich hiermee bezig houden. Holistic Intuition Society - Intuition Technology - Dowsing is 'IT' ! Welcome to, your entry point to organizations and individuals who are involved with Dowsing in Canada. How Dowsing works, learn of its many uses, contact Dowsing groups in your area, access the services of Professional Dowsers. Learning Dowsing skills and using a Pendulum to detect landmines. (The old jibe about this activity is that by the time your have located the landmine, you are standing on it. Webmaster.) Jordstr?lningscentrum. Stor aktuell slagrutehemsida F?R HELA LANDET! Info om aktuella slagruteaktiviteter i hela Sverige: m?ten, kurser, f?redrag, f?rs?ljning, hembes?k f?r kontroll av jordstr?lning och el. L?nkar. Postorder: Tillbeh?r, avst?rare, vattenvirvlare, str?lskyddsv?ska f?r mobiltelefon mm. Dowsing pendulums and divining rods, dowsing books, orgone energy devices, Moqui Marbles, dowsing tips, classes, discussion group, updates. Useful Information on Dreams, Dream Recall, Dream Journaling, Translations, Big Dreams About Earth Changes, Prophecy, and Links to Other Dream Sites. Geomantica - What is dowsing and geomancy? Dowsing and Geomancy explained. Dowsing. American Society of Dowsers Home Page. The ASD is an open forum embracing those who wish to experience expanded consciousness through the ancient art of dowsing. Earth Energies, Ley Lines and Ill -Health - Geopathic Stress, Black Streams, Dowsing, Electromagnetic Fields, Electrosensitives, M.E. and M.S. Digital Dowsing Page - Methods and Tips. Canadian Society of Dowsers - Helping people develop their natural, innate intuitive abilities in practical ways. Find out about Dowsing (Divining / Divination), Radiesthesia, Geopathic Stress, Geomancy, how to Become a Dowser, Using a Pendulum, L-Rods, participate in activities, attend events, meet other like-minded people. Mid-Atlantic Geomancy. Divination of the Earth, Spiritual Ecology. Parallel medicines or sciences forgotten? French Radiathesia site. Life Understanding Foundation. Dowsing and Pyramids.

have fun,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,gldhntr

another tidbit of dowsing history info for the serious mind,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Dowsing: Ancient History
Written by Lloyd Youngblood
ASD Trustee

The Ancient art of dowsing has been practiced throughout millennia, although the names used to identify it may have changed in different cultures and eras, the techniques have not.

In this vein, in 1949, a party of French explorers (while searching for evidence of lost civilizations in the Atlas Mts. of North Africa) stumbled upon a massive system of caverns known as the Tassili Caves, wherein many of the walls were covered with marvelous pre-historic paintings. Among the many fascinating wall murals, not only did they locate an art gallery devoted exclusively to the depictions of spacecraft and ET's, they also found a remarkable huge wall painting of a dowser, holding a forked branch in his hand searching for water, surrounded by a group of admiring tribesmen. These wall murals were carbon dated and found to be a least 8000 years old.

During several research journeys to Egypt and the Middle East, I have photographed etchings on 4000 year old temple walls of pharaohs holding devices in their hands resembling dowsing tools. Cairo Museum is holding ceramic pendulums which have been removed from thousand-year old tombs.

In China, there is an etching of Chinese Emperor Yu who ruled China 2500 years ago, and in his hands he holds a rather bulky turn-pronged device that resembles a dowsing device.

Many passages in the Bible allude to dowsing, relating in considerable detail how both Moses and his son, Aaron, used a dowsing device referred to as "the Rod" to locate and bring forth water. In the Old Testament, the Prophet Eziekiel reports that King Nubucadnezzar of Babylon, uncertain as to which city he should attack. Jerusalem the capital of Judah or or Rebath of the Ammonites (today's modern-day Amman, Jordan) directed his dowsers or deviners to select the best target and they chose Jerusalem, leading to its seizure and the long "Babylonian captivity of the Jews".

The Jews learned the ancient art from their captors and in the Old Testament Prophet Hozea wrote: "They now consult their pieces of wood then the wand makes pronouncements from them!"

The historical records of Greece refer to dowsing and the art was widely practiced on the Island of Crete, as early as 400 BC. Researchers have uncovered evidence that the Pytheon Oracle of Delphi used a pendulum to answer the questions posed by her clients, kings, queens, nobility and military commanders who traveled great distances to confer with her.

In this regard, E.S. Cumbie in his fine book entitled, "The Psychometric Pendulum and the Pendulum Board" has this to say about dowsing and the ancient priesthood. "In ancient times, the priesthood felt that the layman did not have the belief, knowledge or training to contact the cosmic mind for enlightenment. So the poor people were forced to rely upon the priests to gain the guidance they sought from a higher source and the priests used dowsing devices to make this contact."

For example, in Ezra 3:63 of the Old Testament, it is written: "The governor told the people not to partake of the most holy food until the priest contacted Urin & Thummin". In Samuel 28:6 it says, "When Saul inquired of the Lord, the Lord did not answer either in dreams by the prophets or by Urim & Thymmin". Cumbie is convinced that the words Urim & Thumin referred to dowsing devices which could have supplied crucial information and sometimes refused to do so because the priestly dowser held the wrong attitudes or phrased their questions in an incorrect manner.

The blind Greek poet Homer refers to dowsing as Rhabdomancy, which means Devining Rod in Greek. That same word is still used today in the Italian language to denote dowsing. In his monumental work "The Oddesy" Homer also called the dowsing rod the Caduceus, which was passed from Apollo (or Hermes) to Asclepious, the ancient Greek God of healing. This mystical, legendary staff with its entwined serpents has become the universal symbol of healing, used by medical societies around the planet.

Back in the 1400's, dowsing as we think of it today, was called "Virgula Devine" in Latin which meant dowsing with the rod shape. In Germany, during this period of time, dowsing devices were used extensively by miners seeking mineral ore, who referred to the forked stick as "Deuter" - an umbrella word in German - meaning "to show", "to indicate", "to point out", "to auger", "to strike".

According to Christopher Bird, author of the classic book, "The Divining Hand", no one is absolutely certain of the origin of the verb to dowse". But it seemingly made its first official appearance in 1650 in an essay written by the famous English Philosopher John Locke whose noble writings inspired the framers of our own Declaration of Independence and The Constitution of the United States. In his essay, Locke wrote that by the use of the dowsing rod, one could devise or discover water and precious minerals (such as gold & silver and mineral ore) Locke has appropriated his phrase from the long dead English west country language of Cornwall - where in Cornish Dewsys meant "Goddess", and "Rhod" meant tree branch, and from which he "coined" the phrase - Dowsing Rod.

In the 1700's and 1800's in England, Germany and France various books on mining and engineering referred extensively to dowsing, including the "1747 Mining Dictionary" and again in Bordlase's 1758 "Natural History of Cornwall", and also "The 1831 Quarterly Mining Review". Because the ancient art was widely used by miners in Germany for hundreds of years to locate water and ore deposits, today in that country libraries and museums of natural history, science, mining and engineering, private collections of art and sculptures have displays of woodcarvings, paintings and drawings, porcelain creations, coins, etc ... featuring dowsers holding forked sticks.

Interestingly, London, England's 1912 edition of "Mining Magazine" published the first translation of a Latin Opus into English. It was called "On Metals" in praise of dowsing which had been first published 356 years earlier. The translators were a professional American mining engineer and his wife. The engineer later gained fame and won notoriety as the 31st President of the U.S. -- Herbert Clark Hoover. As Chris Bird notes, "God knows, had President Hoover been an expert dowser himself, he might have predicted, and therefore, prevented the great stock market crash of 1929."

Collectively, in some of the world's finest libraries (e.g. The Library of Congress, The Widener Library of Harvard, The Sterling Library of Yale) you can find approximately 3,500 specialized books on the ancient art and the list grows steadily all the time.

First the question -- what is dowsing? Well, for those of your who are unfamiliar with the term, let me say that you won't find anything of value in current dictionaries or encyclopedias. Those comments, prepared by orthodox scholars, are incomplete and inaccurate, giving only a few descriptions, generally summarizing all with the cryptic comment, that dowsing is simply "folklore".

But as Christopher Bird points out in his "The Divining Hand", ... "throughout history, men and women characterized as diviners, dowsers, soothsayers, seers, mystics, mediums, clairvoyants, shaman, witch doctors, wizards & etc., have developed and practiced arts regarded as divine or demonic (depending on the viewpoint) and are able to answer questions that logical reason could not provide. in essence, these people through self training, diligent practice and a profound knowledge of how the universe really functioned, simply "knew things" via the faculty of what has been called the "hidden senses" or E.S.P.

Engineer Raymond C. Willey's (one of the founders of ASD back in 1961) 1970 book "Modern Dowsing" gives on the the best definitions I have encountered. Willey says: "Dowsing is the exercise of a human faculty, which allows one to obtain information in a manner beyond the scope and power of the standard human physical senses of sight, sound, touch, etc."

Author Chris Bird says that "to dowse" is to search for anything. This is generally down with the aid of a hand held instrument, such as a forked stick, a pendulum bob on a string, L-shaped metal rods or a wooden or metal wand.

The next question is simply: How does dowsing work? Countless theories abound, even today, yet, I am not absolutely certain that any one, or even a combination of such theories, discloses the whole story.

I am persuaded that Moses and the ancient priesthood clearly understood the mechanism by which it worked, however, they never released such critical data to the masses. Therefore, recognizing that to have done so, would have meant a loss of power and prestige for them. The premier consideration is simply this - dowsing works - and with proper understanding, training, time, patience, study and regular practice (especially in the beginning stages) it will work for the most important person in the world - you!

When inventor Thomas A. Edison, was once asked, "What is electricity?" He replied: "I don't know either - but its there - so lets use it".

you guys r brilliant - ;)
thanks for all the insight ...........
happy dowsing - LBP........

Hey gldhntr...Tell me about those micro gold deposits. Here in Northern California they are everywhere. I have learned to eliminate about half of them and the others I dig and process them. By the end of the year they add up to quite a few dollars.

I try to stick to placer gold deposits because they are easy to recover. I did trace the path of a gold float from a creek, up the mountain to the sourceI. I am pretty set in my ways of dowsing but enjoy reading how it works for others. But as the way live works every thing is subject to change...Art

OOP'sss that was for the other thread

Hey gldhntr...I went to a known tunnel to learn how to dowse a volcanic tube or tunnels. I new the direction the tube ran so I knew any reaction I recieved from the rods would be real unless the signal was running the wrong way. I was able to follow the tube, put the gps readings on a map, and go to a spot higher up the mountian and pick it up again. I still want to check some other tunnels before I start look for unknown tunnels.

The tunnel entrance I was looking for the day I found the silver dollars comes from an old Indian Legend. The Mountain side is steep with heavy tree cover. Next time I go up I am going to use an AimShot (temperture sensor) to locate it.....Art

art, i posted answer to the micro gold question on the other post, p.s. one is very, very strong.....on the tunnels. i have had several tell me you can't do it, some said you can't if it is closed, ...well i am here to tell you that you can, no matter the circumstances.......when you approach the tunnel or void from the side, the rods will point away from each can approach tunnel at any spot along the side , { either side } and the rods will respond the same.....if you are working your way down the side, when you get to the end, the rod on the very end will point back straight ahead, while the following rod will continue to point down the length of the tunnel...,.once you have located a tunnel, check it from both sides...if you get the same reaction,, ie , rods pointing away from each other then you can get in between these two sides you have located and walk the length of the tunnel to the end also......the rods will stay at a hard cross until the end, then they will cross completely as if you are directly over a target.....while traversing the tunnel with dowsing rods at the hard cross, if the rods seem to start opening this means that you are coming off the side of the top of the tunnel,,,,simply veer one way or the other and rods will close back up as you are over can practice this over drainage pipes, ......figuring depth is the same as art has posted for targets.................... gldhntr

gldhntr said:
Carl, a place to start is the? ?manuscript by g. agricola titled? ?'' De re Metallica "? from the year even has a very nice woodcut picture in it showing two dowsers dowsing for gold ore.......another one is a manuscript by v. biringuccio in 1540,,,although i have not seen this one myself, i understand it has the info you are looking for also....i will go over my notes and post a few more of the ones i have seen.................have a good day,,,,,,,gldhntr

Sorry, been out-of-town this week....

I have a copy of De re Metallica, no mention of the Spanish explorers dowsing for gold in the Americas. The woodcut is a fictitious depiction of German miners, made specifically for the book, and not an illustration of a real-life scene. Agricola's opinion of the use of the divining rod was quite unfavorable and, as far as I can tell, only spanned 3 or 4 pages of the entire book.

What I'm looking for, and have been for some time now, is some solid historical references to the use of dowsing by the Spanish in locating mines in the New World. The history books I've read, unanimously direct their success in obtaining gold and silver to, essentially, outright theft. I suppose it's possible that Spanish explorers, at some point, actually discovered a gold or silver mine on their own, without having killed a bunch of natives to do so, but I'd be hard pressed to name an example.

Still a-lookin'....

- Carl

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